Napriek stúpajúcej prevalencii neurovývinových porúch u detí raného veku sú potenciálne medzipohlavné rozdiely detí v prekurzoroch neurovývinových porúch a behaviorálnych ťažkostí nejednoznačné. Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo zistiť súvislosť medzi pohlavím a prejavmi špecifického správania dvojročných detí. Výskumný súbor pozostával z 1853 dvojročných detí, ktorých rodič (alebo iný opatrovateľ) vyplnil Metódu monitorovania vývinu psychomotorických funkcií a skríningovania vývinových ťažkostí pre 11. preventívnu prehliadku v primárnej starostlivosti, S-PMV11. Zistenia poukázali na trend signifikantne častejšieho výskytu používania cumľa dievčatami v porovnaní s chlapcami. U chlapcov súviselo ich pohlavie s častejším neprimeraným sústredením a menej častou schopnosťou upokojiť rodiča oproti dievčatám. Zistenia sú diskutované ako aktuálne trendy v populácii, s dôrazom na zapojenie psychológa do procesu poskytovania vývinového a rodinného poradenstva.
Despite the increasing prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders in young children, potential intersex differences in children's precursors of neurodevelopmental disorders and behavioral difficulties are ambiguous. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between gender and the manifestations of specific behaviour in two-year-old children. The study population consisted of 1853 2-year-old children whose parent (caregiver) completed the Method for Monitoring Development of Psychomotor Function and Screening for Developmental Difficulties for the 11th Preventive Examination in Primary Care, S-PMV11. Findings showed a trend of significantly more frequent pacifier use by girls. In boys, their gender was associated with more frequent inappropriate concentration and less frequent ability to reassure the parent compared to girls. Findings are discussed as current trends, emphasising psychologist involvement in the process of providing developmental and family counseling.
- MeSH
- chování dětí * MeSH
- genderová identita MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurovývojové poruchy diagnóza MeSH
- plošný screening MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- psychomotorický výkon MeSH
- rodiče MeSH
- sexuální faktory MeSH
- škály posuzující chování MeSH
- vývoj dítěte MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
[Use of biofeedback in the treatment of ADHD in children]
Porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou (ADHD) je v súčasnosti často vyskytujúca sa neurovývinová porucha u detí. Biofeedback tréningy znižujú stres, úzkosť, navodzujú relaxáciu a pozitívne emócie, zlepšujú pozornosť, učenie a akademický výkon (McCraty, 2003). Príspevok sleduje základné psychofyziologické modality u detí s ADHD a ich zmeny v procese biofeedback tréningu. Výskumná vzorka je tvorená 26 deťmi s diagnostikovanou poruchou ADHD bez komorbidnej poruchy, vo veku od 7 do 10 rokov. Respondenti sa zúčastnili biofeedback tréningu každý týždeň 45 minút, po dobu 15 týždňov.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is currently a frequently occurring neurodevelopmental disorder in children. Biofeedback trainings reduce stress, anxiety, induce relaxation and positive emotions, improve attention, learning and academic performance (McCraty, 2003). The paper follows basic psychophysiological modalities in children with ADHD and their changes in the process of biofeedback training. The study sample consists of 26 children diagnosed with ADHD without comorbid disorder, aged 7 to 10 years. Respondents attended biofeedback training every week for 45 minutes, for 15 weeks.
- MeSH
- biofeedback (psychologie) * metody MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- hyperkinetická porucha * psychologie terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- postižené děti psychologie MeSH
- psychofyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH
Obdobie adolescencie sa vyznačuje nárastom významu interpersonálnych vzťahov, formovaním self a stupňovaním dôležitosti školského sebapoňatia ako jednej z dimenzií celkového sebapoňatia. Cieľom štúdie bolo skúmať vzťahy medzi školským sebapoňatím a kvalitou interpersonálnych vzťahov s rodičmi, kamarátmi a spolužiakmi u dospievajúcich chlapcov a dievčat. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 104 gymnazistov (48 chlapcov a 56 dievčat) vo veku 15–20 rokov (AM=17.62; SD=1.10). Použité boli dotazníky Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire (Liu & Wang, 2005) a Quality of Relationship Inventory (Pierce, Sarason, & Sarason, 1991). Výsledky ukázali, že dimenzia školské úsilie u chlapcov má pozitívny vzťah s hĺbkou vzťahu s matkou aj s otcom a školské úsilie u dievčat má pozitívny vzťah s podporou a hĺbkou vzťahu so spolužiakmi. Dospievajúci chlapci a dievčatá sa nelíšili v školskom sebapoňatí. Dievčatá dosahovali vyššie skóre v dimenziách podpora a hĺbka vzťahu s matkou a s kamarátmi.
Adolescence is a period which is characterized by an increase in the importance of interpersonal relationships and by search for a balance between relationships with parents and peers. At the same time, self is being formed and the importance of academic selfconcept as one of the dimensions of the total adolescent‘s self-concept is increasing. The aim of study was explore relations between total academic self-concept and its dimensions (academic effort and academic confidence) and quality of interpersonal relationships with significant people in adolescent‘s life (mother, father, friends and classmates) and its dimensions (support, depth and conflicts). These relations were explored separately for adolescent boys and girls. Intersexual differences in academic self-concept and quality of relationships (including their dimensions) were studied too. Research sample was made by 104 grammar school pupils (48 boys and 56 girls). All four grades of high school were represented in the sample. Respondents were aged from 15 to 20 years old (AM=17.62; SD=1.10). Two measures were used – Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire (Liu & Wang, 2005) for exploring of adolescent‘s academic self-concept and its dimensions and Quality of Relationship Inventory (Pierce, Sarason, & Sarason, 1991) for exploring of adolescent‘s view on quality of his or her relationship with mother, father, friends and classmates. Spearman correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney‘s U-test and Student‘s independent sample t-test were used for statistical analysis. These results indicated that secure attachment and closeness to both of parents (characteristic for dimension depth of relationships) are associated with higher interest in school, motivation to activity on lessons and higher effort to meet school responsibilities in adolescent boys. Academic effort has positive relationship with support and depth of relationship with classmates in adolescent girls. These findings indicate that positive clime in class is important for interest in school and efforts to meet school responsibilities of adolescent girls. Girls are probably compared with classmates and their support and acceptance affects girls‘ academic self-concept more than in case of adolescent boys. Total academic self-concept and academic confidence aren‘t associated with dimensions of quality of relationships with parents and friends for adolescent boys and girls. These findings indicate that confidence in one‘s own school abilities is associated with another variables for pupils. On the parents‘ side, it can be interest, communication, expectations or feedback about school and school responsibilities. On the peers‘ side, it can be support or evaluation of school performance and success. On the teacher‘s side, it can be expectations, feedback or support. Our findings indicate that adolescent boys and girls don‘t differ in total academic self-concept. Girls reported higher effort and interest in lessons, and they pay more attention to teachers (higher score in dimension academic effort), while boys reported higher confidence in their own school abilities (higher score in dimension academic confidence). These differences in dimensions of academic self-concept weren‘t significant. Adolescent girls reached higher level in dimensions of quality of interpersonal relationships – support and depth of relationship with mother and friends. Adolescent boys and girls perceived their relationships with classmates as less supportive and less close compared to relationships with parents or friends. These findings are in line with observations of teachers and school psychologists who point to worsening relationships in school classes.
- MeSH
- faktorová analýza statistická MeSH
- genderová identita MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy * MeSH
- interpretace statistických dat MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
- mladý dospělý psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- psychologie adolescentů MeSH
- sebepojetí * MeSH
- školy MeSH
- zpráva o sobě statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
- mladý dospělý psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
The aim of this article is to describe the protocol of a trial focusing on the psychological, anthropometric, cardiac, and psychophysiological factors contributing to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). As background, the article provides a short overview of research literature linking personal traits, maladaptive schemas, and coping styles with CVDs through reactivity of the autonomic nervous system.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine psychological, psychophysiological, and anthropometric factors connected with life events, level of depression, and quality of life in people at risk for cardiovascular disease and healthy controls. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study involving arterial hypertension patients and healthy controls. There were several measurements including physical, anthropological, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological measurements and administration of questionnaires. RESULTS: A total of 99 participants were recruited for this study, 54 healthy controls (mean age: 35.59±13.39 years) and 45 patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) (mean age: 46.33±12.39 years). The healthy controls and the patients with CVD significantly differed in the mean total score of life events, level of depression, quality of life score, temperature, blood pressure (BP), pulse transit time, heart rate, high-frequency total power, heart rate variability total power, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), body fat percentage, fat control, pulse wave velocity, and augmentation index. In healthy subjects, the total score of the life events was not correlated with any cardiovascular or anthropometric factor. A score of depression significantly correlated with the WHtR, augmentation index, body fat percentage, and fat control. The quality of life - visual scale correlated with the body temperature, BP, and percentage of body fat. In the group of the patients with CVD, the score of the life events did not correlate with any measured cardiovascular or anthropometric factor. The level of depression correlated with the augmentation index. The quality of life - visual scale significantly correlated with body temperature, WHtR, and fat control. CONCLUSION: The patients with CVD reported higher scores of life events, worse quality of life, and a greater level of depressive symptoms than healthy controls. In healthy controls, a higher mean total score of life events significantly negatively correlated with high-frequency total power, and the degree of depression correlated with being overweight. In patients with CVD, a score of depression was linked to being overweight.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cieľ. Cieľom predkladanej štúdie bolo overenie faktorovej štruktúry a reliability slovenskej verzie Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale na súbore adolescentov. Sebavýpoveďová metodika FACES IV, ktorá vychádza z revidovanej teoretickej koncepcie kruhového modelu D. Olsona (2010, 2011), meria dve dimenzie rodinného fungovania: kohéziu a adaptabilitu, na ich vyváženej (škály vyvážená kohézia a vyvážená adaptabilita) a nevyváženej úrovni (prepletená a odcudzená kohézia, rigidná a chaotická adaptabilita). Súbor a procedúra. Reliabilita bola overovaná na súbore 1185 adolescentov, s priemerným vekom 18,33 roka. Faktorová validita bola v rámci cross-validizácie overená na dvoch náhodne rozdelených podsúboroch (n1 = 842; M1 vek = 18,20; n2 = 343; M2 vek = 18,65). Štatistická analýza. Faktorová štruktúra dotazníka bola overovaná pomocou konfirmačnej faktorovej analýzy (ML), reliabilita prostredníctvom výpočtu Cronbachovho koeficientu alfa a koreláciou meraní s 4-týždňovým opakovaným odstupom. Výsledky. Výsledky nepreukázali prijateľnú zhodu pôvodného 6-faktorového modelu ani alternatívneho 5-faktorového modelu s dátami, ako najvhodnejší sa ukázal modifikovaný 6-faktorový model, v ktorom boli pridané korelované reziduály štyroch dvojíc položiek v škálach prepletená kohézia, rigidná a chaotická adaptabilita. Reliabilita FACES IV sa ukázala ako dobrá. Limity štúdie. Faktorová štruktúra a reliabilita bola overená len na neklinickom súbore adolescentov, zistenia je potrebné overiť na ďalších častiach populácie.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to verify factor structure and reliability of the Slovak version of questionnaire Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV) in a sample of adolescents. Self-report questionnaire FACES IV is grounded in revised Circumplex theory of family functioning of D. Olson (2010, 2011) and measures two dimensions of family functioning: cohesion and adaptability on balanced level and on unbalanced level – positive (enmeshed, rigid) and negative (disengaged, chaotic). Sample and settings. Reliability was evaluated within the sample of 1185 adolescents, with mean age 18.33. As a part of cross-validation, factor validity was tested in two samples, randomly dividing the whole sample (n1=842; M1 age =18.20; n2=343; M2 age =18.65). Statistical analysis. The factor structure of FACES IV was examined via confirmatory factor analysis (ML). As a part of testing reliability of the scales, Cronbach,s coefficients alpha and test-retest correlation coefficient (within an interval of 4 weeks) were computed. Results. It has been shown that 6-factor structure reported by the author and alternative 5-factor model did not fit data well. Results indicated that the modified 6-factor structure, where 4 correlated residuals in enmeshed, rigid and chaotic scale were added, represents the most plausible/ appropriate factor solution in two Slovak samples of adolescents. Study limitation. The findings of factor structure and reliability of FACES IV are limited to a nonclinical sample of adolescents.
- MeSH
- charakteristiky rodiny * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- faktorová analýza statistická MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- rodina psychologie MeSH
- výzkum MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
Cieľom predkladanej štúdie bolo zistiť, či aktuálna reprezentácia vzťahovej väzby k matke predikuje internalizujúce problémy u detí v strednom detstve, a či sú modely genderovo-špecifické. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 151 detí vo veku 9-12 rokov, ktorým sme administrovali dotazníky Škála istoty, Škála zjavnej anxiety pre deti CMAS, Škála klasickej sociálne-situačnej anxiety KSAT a Sebaposudzovacia škála depresivity pre deti CDI. S využitím lineárnej regresnej analýzy sme zistili, že bezpečná reprezentácia väzby k matke významne negatívne predikuje výskyt internalizujúcich problémov u detí v strednom detstve, s výnimkou sociálnej anxiety, a to bez ohľadu na pohlavie detí. Genderovo-špecifické vzorce predikcie sme zaznamenali len v prípade dvoch symptómov depresivity (Zlá nálada a Anhedónia). Výsledky sú v súlade s teoretickými a empirickými predpokladmi a naznačujú, že kvalita vzťahovej väzby k matke je dôležitým faktorom adaptívneho vývinu aj u detí v strednom detstve.
Problem: The current study examines the relationship between the representation of attachment relationship with mother and internalizing problems in the developmental period of middle childhood. The purpose of the study was to analyze whether the quality of attachment predicts the intensity and seriousness of internalizing problems in middle childhood; and to examine whether the models are gender-specific. Methods: Participants in this study were 151 children aged 9-12 (M = 11.21), 77 boys and 74 girls, recruited from elementary schools in Nitra region. Children completed measures assessing the quality of attachment representation of the relationship with mother (selfreport questionnaire Security Scale), the tendency to react anxiously (self-report questionnaire Childen´s Manifest Anxiety Scale – CMAS), social anxiety (self-report questionnaire Scale of Classical Social Situational Anxiety – KSAT) and depression (self-report questionnaire Children´s Depression Inventory – CDI). Results: Regression analysis indicated that secure attachment representation is a significant negative predictor of children's internalizing problems – manifest anxiety (ß = -.324, p < .001), the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.377, p < .001) and all of the subcategories of depressive symptomathology (ß = -.230, p < .01 for Negative Mood; ß = -.253, p < .01 for Interpersonal Problems; ß = -.316, p < .001 for Inefectiveness; ß = .215, p < .01 for Anhedonia; and ß = -.461, p < .001 for Negative Self Esteem), except for social anxiety (ß = -.035, p = .717). The overall variance explained by attachment security ranged 4.6 to 21.3%. Results suggest that children, who perceive their mother as available and responsive in the situation of distress, are less prone to develop anxiety and depression. Small to middle effect size of the quality of attachment relationship indicates that attachment to mother is only one of the risk factors of internalizing behavior in middle chidlhood. Regression analysis revealed some gender-specific models according to the associations between attachment to mother and internalizing problems in boys and girls. In the sample of boys, negative mood and anhedony was not predicted by attachment to mother (ß = -.176, p > 0.05 and ß = -.194, p > 0.05, respectively), but in the sample of girls, secure attachment representation was a significant negative predictor of both depressive symptoms (ß = -.296, p < .05 for Negative Mood; and ß = -.285, p < .05 for Anhedony). Other models, except for social anxiety, were statistically significant for both samples. In the sample of girls, the predictor accounted for 26.3% of variance in Negative Self Esteem (ß = -.512; p < .001), 18.9% of variance of the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.435; p < .001), 10.9% of variance in Ineffectiveness (ß = -.331; p < .05) and 10.5% of variance in manifest anxiety (ß = -.324; p < .05). The results were similar for the sample of boys. Attachment security accounted for 17.4% of variance in Negative Self Esteem (ß = -.435; p < .001), 11.3% of variance of the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.377; p < .05) and 10.5% of variance in manifest anxiety (ß = -.332; p < .05). Representation of attachment relationship with mother accounted for less then 10% of variance when predicitng Negative Mood, Anhedony and Interpersonal Problems in both samples, and in addition Inefectiveness only in boys. Additional statistical analyses revealed that regression coefficients across models did not differ. Results suggest that mother is still a primary attachment figure in middle childhood for both, boys and girls, but the quality of attachment to father can also be an important factor of particular adaptive behavior, especially in boys. Because of lack of knowledge and empirical evidence, the future research in the field of gender-specific models of adjustment in middle childhood is needed. Discussion: When interpreting the results of this investigation, it is important to be aware of several limitations. The methodics used in the study are all based on the subjective self-report. The character of the assessment can lead to the tendency to react according to the social expectations. In future studies, it would be beneficial to gather reports about the internalizing problems from children as well as from significant others, and to use multiple attachment assessment (e.g. the combination of questionnaires and projective techniques. Conclusion: We can conclude that attachment representation to mother is an important factor of adaptive development in middle childhood. Our results are in concordance with attachment theory and empirical evidence of associations between violated confidence of availability of attachment figure resulting in insecure attachment representation and maladjustment.
- MeSH
- deprese * klasifikace psychologie MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- empirický výzkum MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- muži psychologie MeSH
- osobnostní dotazník statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- osobnostní testy statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- připoutání k objektu MeSH
- úzkost * klasifikace psychologie MeSH
- vývoj dítěte MeSH
- vztahy mezi matkou a dítětem * psychologie MeSH
- ženy psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Cieľom štúdie bolo zistiť, či kvantita a kvalita priateľstva predikuje mieru citlivosti na odmietnutie u adolescentov a či sa vplyv priateľstva líši vzhľadom na pohlavie. Pilotného výskumu sa zúčastnilo 184 adolescentov (M=13.83, SD=1), 98 dievčat a 86 chlapcov. Kvantita priateľstva bola zisťovaná prostredníctvom nominácie n elimitovaného množstva blízkych kamarátov, kvalita priateľstva prostredníctvom škály FQS (Bukowski, Hoza, Boivin, 1994). Na zistenie miery citlivosti na odmietnutie bol použitý dotazník RSQ (Downey, Feldman, 1996). Výsledky ukázali, že kvalita priateľstva, ale nie kvantita priateľstva, je významným negatívnym prediktorom úrovne citlivosti na odmietnutie u adolescentných dievčat, avšak nie u chlapcov. Vzhľadom na nízke percento variancie, vysvetlené premennými priateľstva, je do budúcna potrebné simultánne s kúmanie viacerých typov rovesníckych vzťahov, najmä u dievčat.
The current study examines friendship quality and quantity as unique predictors of rejection sensitivity in adolescents. The purpose of the study was to analyze whether the unique contributions of friendship quality and quantity differ in adolescent boys and girls. Rejection sensitivity is conceptualized as the disposition to anxiously e xpect, readily perceive and intensively react to social rejection. That is why rejection sensitivity is considered to be a cognitive - affective mechanism which leads to increase of internalizing problems in children and adolescents (loneliness, social anxie ty, depression...
- Klíčová slova
- citlivost na odmítnutí,
- MeSH
- adaptace psychologická MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- nesouhlas a spor MeSH
- pilotní projekty MeSH
- přátelé * psychologie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- regresní analýza MeSH
- sexuální faktory MeSH
- sociální dovednosti MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Prezentovaná štúdia sa zaoberá overením možnosti použitia noriem MMPI-A, ktoré boli vytvorené v USA pre slovenskú adolescentnú populáciu. Autori MMPI totiž americké normy vnímajú ako medzikultúrne použiteľné. Predpoklad bol overený porovnaním dosiahnutých skóre americkej a slovenskej populácie na validizačných, klinických, obsahových i doplnkových škálach. Výsledky poukázali na významné rozdiely v skórovaní skúmaných súborov a teda na potrebu tvorby noriem pre novú cieľovú populáciu.
This article examines the cross-national application of American MMPI- A ́s norms and examines their applicability to the Slovak adolescent population. The authors of MMPI perceive American norms as intercultural applicable. This assumption was verified by comparing the scores of American and Slovak population on the validity indicators, clinical, content and supplementary scales. The results showed significant differences between scores of the Slovak adolescents and the American norms and consequently a need for developing new norms applicable to this new population.
- Klíčová slova
- MMPI-A, normy, adolescenti, slovenská populace,
- MeSH
- duševní poruchy diagnóza MeSH
- kulturní různorodost MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
- osobnostní dotazník dějiny normy MeSH
- testování osobnosti * normy MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Amerika MeSH
- Slovenská republika MeSH
Cieľom predkladanej štúdie je poskytnúť prehľad vybraných metód na indukovanie a meranie sebauvedomovania. Sebauvedomovanie je autormi konceptualizované jednak ako situačný stav – situačné sebauvedomovanie (self-awareness), ďalej ako osobnostná črta – dispozičné sebauvedomovanie (self-consciousness). V štúdii uvádzame typické metódy indukovania sebauvedomovania – podnety využívané na vyvolanie a experimentálnu manipuláciu so situačným sebauvedomovaním, a metódy na meranie dispozičného aj situačného sebauvedomovania. Metódy merania oboch typov sebauvedomovania sme rozdelili do troch skupín: sebavýpoveďové dotazníky, lingvistická analýza sebauvedomovania a tzv. nepriame metódy. V štúdii uvádzame psychometrické vlastnosti ako aj výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých metodík.
The aim of the submitted study is to offer an overview of the selected methods for inducing and measuring self-focused attention. Self-focused attention is conceptualized by the authors as (1) a situational state – self-awareness, and (2) a personality trait – self-consciousness. In our study, we present typical methods for inducing self-awareness – the stimuli used for inciting of and experimental manipulation with situational self-focused attention, and methods for measuring dispositional self-consciousness and also situational self-awareness. We have divided the methods for measurement of the both types of self-focused attention into three groups: self-report questionnaires, linguistic analysis of self focus attention and so called indirect methods. We also mention psychometric qualities and advantages and disadvantages of particular methodics.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie * metody MeSH
- sebepojetí * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH