OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the extent of integration of non-communicable disease (NCD) assessment and management in HIV clinics across Europe. METHODS: A structured electronic questionnaire with 41 multiple-choice and rating-scale questions assessing NCD assessment and management was sent to 88 HIV clinics across the WHO European Region during March-May 2023. One response per clinic was collected. RESULTS: In all, 51 clinics from 34 countries with >100 000 people with HIV under regular follow-up responded. Thirty-seven clinics (72.6%) reported shared NCD care responsibility with the general practitioner. Systematic assessment for NCDs and integration of NCD management were common overall [median agreement 80%, interquartile range (IQR): 55-95%; and 70%, IQR: 50-88%, respectively] but were lowest in central eastern and eastern Europe. Chronic kidney disease (median agreement 96%, IQR: 85-100%) and metabolic disorders (90%, IQR: 75-100%) were regularly assessed, while mental health (72%, IQR: 63-85%) and pulmonary diseases (52%, IQR: 40-75%) were less systematically assessed. Some essential diagnostic tests such as glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) for diabetes (n = 38/51, 74.5%), proteinuria for kidney disease (n = 30/51, 58.8%) and spirometry for lung disease (n = 11/51, 21.6%) were only employed by a proportion of clinics. The most frequent barriers for integrating NCD care were the lack of healthcare workers (n = 17/51, 33.3%) and lack of time during outpatient visits (n = 12/51, 23.5%). CONCLUSION: Most HIV clinics in Europe systematically assess and manage NCDs. People with HIV appear to be screened more frequently than the general population at the same age. There are, however, larger gaps among eastern European clinics in general and for clinics in all regions related to mental health, pulmonary diseases and the employment of some essential diagnostic tests.
- MeSH
- chronická renální insuficience terapie diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- HIV infekce * diagnóza terapie komplikace epidemiologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neinfekční nemoci * terapie epidemiologie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Světová zdravotnická organizace MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Obesity is a major lifestyle risk factor that contributes greatly to the burden of disease, including cancer. Overweight and obesity have shown association with several types of cancer. As Czechia is one of the most overweight countries in Europe, and has high cancer mortality, this study aims to investigate the country's long-term burden of obesity-related cancer. METHODS: Using the Czech National Cancer Register and the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), standardized incidence and mortality rates were calculated for 12 types of cancer related to obesity for the years 1985-2018. Population attributable fractions (PAF) were calculated. Finally, the standardized attributable rates were calculated from the standardized incidence and mortality rates and the PAFs. RESULTS: Approximately 11.0% of selected cancer cases in the male population and 12.3% in the female population were attributable to overweight and obesity in 2018. Since the beginning of the millennium, obesity attributable cancer mortality has dropped, while incidence has remained constant. The incidence throughout the whole period was almost twice as high (18.7 cases per 100,000 population in 2018) in women than in men (10.9 cases per 100,000 population in 2018). CONCLUSION: Obesity-related cancer mortality in Czechia has declined in the last two decades, but the incidence has remained constant. Given the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in western countries, this issue needs to be prioritized in future healthcare and policy making.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory * epidemiologie MeSH
- nadváha epidemiologie MeSH
- neinfekční nemoci * MeSH
- obezita epidemiologie MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
- MeSH
- kardiologie * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neinfekční nemoci * epidemiologie MeSH
- nemoci cév * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Spondyloartritidy (SpA) jsou nejčastějšími systémovými zánětlivými onemocněními, která jsou asociována s akutní přední uveitidou (AAU). Existuje mnoho prací, které se zabývaly prevalencí AAU u pacientů se SpA, nicméně informace o tom, jaká je prevalence SpA a jejich jednotlivých příznaků u pacientů s AAU, jsou limitované. Naše práce si dala za cíl sjednotit publikovaná data na toto téma. Podle recentních studií se prevalence axiální SpA (axSpA) u pacientů s AAU pohybuje zhruba kolem 40 %, přičemž prevalence periferních forem SpA je nižší. Nejčastějším nálezem je přítomnost sakroiliitidy, která se však vyskytuje i u zcela asymptomatických pacientů s AAU. Častým příznakem je také přítomnost entezitidy a případně i periferní artritidy. Pacienti s AAU a asociovanou SpA mají zároveň vyšší hodnoty zánětlivých parametrů, častější přítomnost bolesti zad a horší hybnost páteře než pacienti bez asociované SpA. Rozdíl v oční symptomatologii nebyl shledán. AAU jako první klinický příznak SpA představuje možnost časnějšího záchytu této potenciálně invalidizující nemoci. Diskutovány budou referenční strategie pro oftalmology. Vzhledem k úzkému propojení těchto dvou chorob je nutná úzká spolupráce mezi oftalmology a revmatology.
Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is the most common systemic inflammatory disease associated with acute anterior uveitis (AAU). There are many works that have addressed the prevalence of AAU in patients with SpA; however, information on the prevalence of SpA and its individual symptoms in patients with AAU is limited. Our work aimed to unify published data on this topic. According to recent studies, the prevalence of axial SpA (axSpA) in patients with AAU is around 40%, while the prevalence of peripheral forms of SpA is lower. The most common finding is the presence of sacroiliitis, which, however, also occurs in completely asymptomatic patients with AAU. Enthesitis and possibly peripheral arthritis are also common symptoms. At the same time, patients with AAU and associated SpA have higher levels of systemic inflammatory parameters, more frequent back pain, and worse mobility of the spine than patients without associated SpA. No difference in ocular symptomatology was found. AAU as the first clinical symptom of SpA represents the possibility of earlier detection of this potentially disabling disease. Referral strategies for ophthalmologists will be discussed. Due to the close connection between these two diseases, tight cooperation between ophthalmologists and rheumatologists is necessary.
- MeSH
- autoimunitní nemoci MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neinfekční nemoci MeSH
- přední uveitida * etiologie patofyziologie MeSH
- spondylartritida * diagnóza komplikace MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
We aimed to investigate the relationship between the indicators of cognitive functions (CF) and modifiable risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) in a cross-sectional analysis in the urban Russian population sample aged 55-84 years. The study investigated a random sample of 3 153 people (men and women 55-84 years old) from a general population cohort of Novosibirsk residents; a sample was examined within the international project HAPIEE. The study protocol included standardized neuropsychological tests (quantitative assessment of memory, semantic verbal fluency, attention and processing speed) and standardized assessment of risk factors, history and treatment of cardiovascular disease and NCD. In cross-sectional analysis we observed a positive relationship of CF indices with level of education and an inverse relationship with metabolic risk factors and smoking in both sexes. The level of total cholesterol and moderate alcohol consumption had positive relationship with CF indices in women. These associations were independent from age and other factors.
vi, 69 stran : ilustrace
Systems thinking is a comparatively novel but rapidly developing area of knowledge that can offer a number of approaches to address complex public health problems such as the prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The use of systems approaches can potentially contribute to the development of effective evidence-informed policies, encourage stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process and improve the coherence of policy implementation. This guidance provides a comprehensive overview of the systems approach-es that can be applied to the different stages of the policy cycle: (i) problem identification and policy analysis; (ii) policy development; (iii) policy implementation; and (iv) policy monitoring, enforcement and evaluation. Several systems approaches used throughout the policy process are illustrated with a list of comprehensive case studies that demonstrate practical applications in NCD prevention policy. The guidance also includes a practical decision aid based on the benefits and limitations of each approach. By weighing resource considerations and potential benefits, this decision aid is designed to support the selection of an appropriate approach when considering incorporating systems thinking into the policy cycle.
- Konspekt
- Veřejné zdraví a hygiena
- NLK Obory
- veřejné zdravotnictví
- NLK Publikační typ
- publikace WHO
v, 43 stran : ilustrace
The purpose of cancer screening tests is to detect pre-cancer or early-stage cancer in asymptomatic individuals so that timely diagnosis and early treatment can be offered, where this treatment can lead to better outcomes for some people. The aim of a cancer screening programme is either to reduce mortality and morbidity in a population by early detection and early treatment of a cancer (for example, breast screening) or to reduce the incidence of a cancer by identifying and treating its precursors (such as cervical and colorectal screening). This short guide is designed to be a quick reference that contains the important ideas about cancer screening. Readers should refer to other publications for comprehensive discussion and detailed guidance on cancer screening programmes.
- Konspekt
- Veřejné zdraví a hygiena
- NLK Obory
- veřejné zdravotnictví
- onkologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- publikace WHO
Lidí stravujících se čistě rostlinně nebo těch, kteří omezují spotřebu masa, přibývá jak ve světě, tak i v České republice. Vzhledem k rostoucí popularitě veganství se dá očekávat, že počet takto se stravujících pacientů poroste i nadále, a to i v ordinacích praktických lékařů. Tento článek má za cíl shrnout základní nutriční specifika rostlinné stravy a jmenovat některé živiny, na které je potřeba se u veganských pacientů více zaměřit. Uvádíme základní laboratorní testy, o kterých může praktický lékař uvažovat v případě pochybností o správném nutričním stavu veganského pacienta. V článku jsou okrajově zmíněna některá neinfekční onemocnění hromadného výskytu (NCDs – non-communicable diseases), u kterých může být rostlinná strava prospěšná jak v prevenci, tak v léčbě.
The number of vegetarians, vegans or those who limit their meat consumption is increasing in the world and in the Czech Republic as well. Due to the growing popularity of veganism, one may expect that the number of patients on plant-based diet will continue to grow, even in general practitioners' surgeries. This article aims to summarize the basic nutritional specifics of a plant-based diet and to name some key nutrients which need more focus in case of vegan patients. We present some laboratory tests which the general practitioner may consider in case of doubt about the proper nutritional status of the vegan patient. The article mentions some non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in which a plant-based diet can be beneficial in both prevention and treatment.
vii, 30 stran : ilustrace
This technical report contains guidance on the promotion of safe and healthy food in traditional markets within the WHO European Region, targeting all stakeholders from policy-makers to market workers. This document outlines the main guiding principles of a safe and healthy traditional food market and proposes a stepwise approach to the implementation of safe and healthy traditional food market initiatives.
- Konspekt
- Veřejné zdraví a hygiena
- NLK Obory
- nutriční terapie, dietoterapie a výživa
- veřejné zdravotnictví
- NLK Publikační typ
- publikace WHO