Autoři sledovali vliv implantace PC IOL u kongenitálních katarakt na růst oka (6krát oboustranná a 6krát jednostranná katarakta). Vývoj růstu očí porovnávali se 6 zdravými bulby pacientů dané sestavy. Implantace nitrooční čočky byla prováděna ve věku 1 až 5,5 roku, v průměru 3 let života. Doba sledování růstu oka se pohybovala v rozmezí 4 až 7 let, v průměru 6 let. U operovaných i neoperovaných očí byl zjištěn stejný průměrný nárůst oka za rok o 0,2 mm. Všechny operované oči byly mírně hypermetropizovány podle fyziologických hodnot růstu zdravých očí. Absolutní odchylka od emetropie byla v průměru 1,8 D. Autoři potvrdili vhodnost implantace nitrooční čočky u malých dětí pro pozitivní vliv jak na růst oka, tak na výslednou zrakovou ostrost, která byla od 0,05 do 1,0, v průměru 0,4.
The authors followed the influence ofPCIOL(posteriorchamber intraocular lens) implantation in congenital cataract to the growth of the eyeball (six bilateral cataracts and 6 monolateral cataracts). The development of the eye growth was compared to the 6 healthy eyes of patients of this group. The intraocular lens implantation was performed at the age of 1 to 5.5 year, in average at the age of 3 years. The follow up period was 4 to 7 years, mean 6 years. In operated, as well as in non-operated eyes, an equal average growth of the eyeball 0.2mmper year was detected. All operated eyes were slightly hypermetropized according to the physiological values of growth of healthy eyes. The absolute mean deviation from emmetropia was 1.8 diopters. The author established the suitability of intraocular lens implantation in small children because of positive influence to the growth as well as to the final visual acuity, which ranged from 0.05 to 1.0, mean 0.4.
Cílem studie bylo retrospektivně zhodnotit vybrané parametry ovlivňující pooperační vizus do blízka v souboru pseudofakických očí pacientů s nekorigovaným visem do dálky (UDVA) a na základě získaných výsledků stanovit ty, které nejvíce ovlivnily dobrou nekorigovanou zrakovou ostrost do blízka (UNVA) po implantaci monofokální IOL. Celkem bylo sledováno 122 pseudofakických očí 65 pacientů, přičemž u 57 z nich byly operovány obě oči. Hodnocena četnost zrakové ostrosti pro trojici skupin operovaných očí kategorizovaných dle stěžejního parametru – axiální délky oka (krátká, průměrná, dlouhá). U každé skupiny byly stanoveny průměrné parametry (věk, axiální délka, keratometrie i hloubka přední komory) a relativní četnost pooperační zrakové ostrosti do blízka bez korekce na konvenčně využívaných čtecích tabulkách. Vyšetření vizu do blízka bylo pro každé oko zvlášť prováděno v jeho horizontální poloze pomocí tabulky Zeiss. Studie nepotvrdila jednoznačnou závislost pooperačního vizu do blízka na věku pacienta, hloubce přední komory a ani implantovaném modelu IOL. Potvrzen byl předpoklad optimálního vizu do blízka pro oči s axiální délkou kratší než 23,5 mm, přičemž byla mezi oběma parametry nalezena slabá negativní korelace. Naopak zjištěna střední pozitivní korelace mezi nekorigovanou ostrostí do blízka a centrální optickou mohutností rohovky u očí s axiální délkou 22,5–23,5 mm. Studie potvrdila, že vyšší hodnoty centrální optické mohutnosti rohovky a horní hranice axiální délky oka do 23,5 mm jsou předpokladem optimální pooperační nekorigované zrakové ostrosti do blízka po implantaci monofokální IOL.
Aim of the study was to evaluate retrospectively selected parameters, which influence the postoperative near visual acuity in a group of pseudophakic eyes of patients with Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity (UDVA) and according to acquired results establish those, which mostly influenced good Uncorrected Near Visual Acuity (UNVA) after the implantation of monofocal IntraOcular Lens (IOL). Altogether, 122 pseudophakic eyes of 65patients were followed up, out of them in 57 patients both eyes were operated on. The frequency of visual acuity for three groups of operated eyes categorized according to the crucial parameter – eye’s axial length (short, average, long) was evaluated. In each of groups, the average parameters (age, axial length, keratometry, and depth of the anterior chamber) were established, as well as relative frequency of postoperative uncorrected near visual acuity on conventionally used reading tables. The near visual acuity assessment for each eye separately was preformed in its horizontal position using the Zeiss table. The study did not confirm positive correlation of postoperative near visual acuity on the age of the patient, depth of the anterior chamber, nor the implanted IOL type. It was confirmed the presumption of optimal near visual acuity for eyes with axial length shorter than 23.5 mm, and in the process, between both parameters slightly negative correlation was found. On the other hand, middle positive correlation between uncorrected near visual acuity and central corneal power (in dioptres) in eyes with the axial length 22.5 – 23.5 mm was found. The study confirmed, that higher values of the central corneal power (in dioptres) and the high borderline value of the axial length up to 23.5 mm are the condition for optimal postoperative uncorrected near visual acuity after the implantation of monofocal intraocular lens.
- Keywords
- nekorigovaný pooperační vizus do blízka, UNVA, monofokální IOL, pseudo-akomodace,
- MeSH
- Axial Length, Eye MeSH
- Cataract Extraction * MeSH
- Lens Implantation, Intraocular * statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Data Interpretation, Statistical MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Anterior Chamber MeSH
- Cornea physiology MeSH
- Corneal Topography MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Age Factors MeSH
- Visual Acuity * physiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Publication type
- Evaluation Study MeSH
Úvod. Dostatočná hĺbka prednej očnej komory pri rekonštrukčných operáciách predného segmentu sa dá udržiavať viskoeleastickým materiálom alebo náhradným roztokom. Pri dlhotrvajúcich rekonštrukčných operáciách predného segmentu po penetrujúcich poraneniach oka používame náhradný roztok, ktorý privádzame kanylou cez plochú časť vráskovca. Materiál a metóda. V období od januára 1994 do februára 1995 sme na I. očnej klinike FN a LF UK v Bratislave u piatich pacientov vo veku 17 - 28 rokov implantovali zadnokomorovú vnútroočnú šošovku po penetrujúcom poranení rohovky s traumatickou kataraktou. Tieto operácie sa vykonali v odstupe 6 -11 rokov po úraze a po lineárnej extrakcii šošovky. Pred operáciou boli na všetkých očiach prítomné jazvy rohovky, predné a zadné synechie dúhovky, prolaps sklovca a fibrotizo vane zbytky šosovkových hmôt. Na jednom oku bol zvýšený vnútroočný tlak. Zraková ostrosť pred operáciou bola 0,05 -1,0. Na skléru, 3 mm od limbu, sa najprv našila kanyla pre prívod náhradného roztoku. Na oku s glaukómom sa urobila trabekulektómia a na dvoch očiach s rozsiahlejšími defektami zadného puzdra šošovky sa odpreparovala sklerálna lamela pre neskoršiu transsklerálnu fixáciu Šošovky. Po otvorení prednej očnej komory sa najprv odstránil prolabovaný sklovec medzi rohovkou a infúznou kanylou. Prerušili sa synechie dúhovky, odsali zbytky kôrových hmôt, odstránili sa skalcifikované a sfibrotizované časti šošovky z optickej osi a do sulkusu sa implantovala zadnokomorová vnútroočná šošovka. Na dvoch očiach sa jedna haptika fixovala transsklerálne. Doba sledovania je 4- 18 mesiacov. Výsledky. Operácie trvali od 45 - 90 minút. Peroperačne sa nevyskytli komplikácie. Na jednom oku na štvrtý deň po operácii vzniklo zakrvácanie do prednej očnej komory a sklovca, ktoré sa spontánne zrezorbovalo v priebehu týždňa. Počas doby pozorovania sa nezistili žiadne komplikácie. Zraková ostrosť po operácii sa zlepšila na 0,1 -1,0. Závery. Permanentná infúzia cez pars plana zabezpečuje pri rozsiahlejších rekonštrukčných operáciách predného segmentu oka konštantnú hĺbku prednej očnej komory a stabilný vnútroočný tlak. Hlboká predná očná komora umožňuje uskutočniť dlhotrvajúcu operáciu v tomto priestore s minimálnym rizikom poškodenia endotelu rohovky.
Background. A deep anterior chamber can be perioperative maintained by irrigation solution or by viscoelastic material. By longlasting reconstructive procedures after penetrating injuries we use an infusion through a pars plana cannula. Methods. Between January 1994 and February 1995 five patients (aged 17 - 28 years) underwent secondary lOL implantation after penetrating eye injury with traumatic cataract. The reconstructive procedure was performed 6 - 1l years after the injury and linear cataract extraction. In all eyes corneal scars, iris anterior and posterior synechias, vitreous prolaps, and fibrotic posterior capsule remnants were present. The preoperative visual acuity ranged from 0.05 -1.0. A pars plana infusion cannula was positioned 3 mm posterior to the limbus. In one eye with glaucoma trabeculectomy and in two eyes with a greater defect of the posterior capsule, a lamellar scleral flap for transscleral suturing of one IOL haptic were performed. Then the prolapsed vitreous between cornea and infusion cannula was removed using the vitreous cutter. Iris synechiae were blunt or sharp dissected, the cortical masses were aspirated, the fibrotic or calcificated lens remnants were ectomised and an lOL was implanted into the ciliary sulcus. Two haptics were transsclerally fixated. The follow-up period ranged from 4-18 months. Results. The surgery duration ranged between 45 - 90 minutes. No perioperative complications were recorded. On the fourth postoperative day bleeding into the anterior chamber and vitreous in one patient with transsclerally fixated haptic was observed. The blood reabsorbed spontaneously within a week. No complications from the infusion cannula could be observed. The postoperative visual acuity is 0.1 -1.0. Conclusions. The permanent pars plana infusion maintains a stabile anterior chamber depths and intraocular pressure. The deep anterior chamber allows long-lasting surgical manoevers with less risk of corneal endothelium damage.
AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in IOL position (axial shift, tilt and decentration) in the capsular bag after Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy and to create a user-friendly software that is optimized for the output of available imaging technology, then verify the relationship between the biometric parameters of the eye and the extent of changes in the IOL position. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included 35 artephakic eyes that underwent laser capsulotomy. Before and at least one hour after capsulotomy, all patients underwent the following assessments: optical biometry (Lenstar LS900), OCT with anterior segment module (Optovue Avanti) and IOL photography in infrared mode using reference unit (Verion). The original software solution was designed for the graphical evaluation of the differences between centering, axial displacement and tilt of IOL. Changes in IOL position were evaluated as simple differences before and after the laser procedure and as differences in absolute values (abs). RESULTS: The following results show the average differences in IOL position: ACD=0.02±0.23 mm (abs=0.11±0.20 mm), IOL decentration in x-axis = -0.001±0.091 mm (abs=0.065±0.063 mm), IOL decentration in y-axis =0.012±0.119 mm (abs=0.048±0.53 mm), tilt in horizontal plane TILT-H=0.11±0.83° (abs=0.51±0.66°) and tilt in vertical plane TILT-V = -0.14±0.49° (abs=0.26±0.44°). All changes were insignificant (P>>0.05). In total, 74.29% of IOLs showed a hypermetropic shift. A moderate positive correlation was found between the absolute differences in horizontal tilt and keratometry (r=0.45). Relationship with other changes and parameters were weak. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the use of the original software solution developed by the authors showed that changes in IOL centering, axial displacement and tilt occur after Nd:YAG capsulotomy, but average differences were insignificant. In almost 3/4 cases, there was a hypermetropic axial displacement of the IOL.
- MeSH
- Phacoemulsification * MeSH
- Lens Implantation, Intraocular methods MeSH
- Laser Therapy * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lenses, Intraocular * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Ciele: Sledovat zmeny chirurgicky indukovaného astigmatizmu rohovky a stability umelej vnútroocnej šošovky (IOL) v case po operácii katarakty. Porovnat zamenitelnost meraní medzi automatickým keratorefraktometrom (AKRM) a biometrom. Materiál a metodika: Prospektívna observacná štúdia, v ktorej sme sledovali dané parametre na 25 ociach (25 pacientov) v prvom dni, prvom týždni, prvom a v tretom mesiaci po nekomplikovanej operácii katarakty. Ako nepriamy ukazovatel zmeny stability IOL sme použili astigmatizmus indukovaný IOL (rozdiel medzi refraktometriou a keratometriou). Na analýzu zhody medzi prístrojmi sme použili Blant-Altmanovú metódu. Výsledky: V horeuvedených casových bodoch klesal chirurgicky indukovaný astigmatizmus nasledovne: 0,65 D; 0,62 D; 0,60 D a 0,41 D (v prvom dni, týždni, mesiaci a tretom mesiaci). Astigmatizmus indukovaný zmenou polohy umelej vnútroocnej šošovky sa menil nasledovne: 0,88 D; 0,59 D; 0,44 D a 0,49 D. Zmeny v oboch parametroch boli štatisticky signikantné (p<0,05). Merania hodnoty astigmatizmu aj uhla astigmatizmu nevykazovali štatisticky signikantný rozdiel medzi prístrojmi (p>0,05). Záver: Chirurgicky indukovaný astigmatizmus aj astigmatizmu indukovaný IOL signikantne klesal v case (p < 0,05). Pokles chirurgicky indukovaného astigmatizmu rohovky bol najvýraznejší medzi prvým a tretím mesiacom po operácii. U astigmatizmu indukovaného IOL bol najväcší pokles do prvého mesiaca po operácii. Rozdiely v meraní medzi biometrom a AKRM boli štatisticky nesignikantné, avšak klinická zamenitelnost medzi danými metódami je otázna, obzvlášt u merania uhlu astigmatizmu.
Aims: To analyze changes in surgically induced corneal astigmatism and articial intraocular lens (IOL) stability over time following cataract surgery. To compare the interchangeability of measurements between an automatic keratorefractometer (AKRM) and a biometer. Material and methods: In this prospective observational study, the above-mentioned parameters were collected from 25 eyes (25 subjects) on the first day, first week, first and third month after uncomplicated cataract surgery. We used IOL-induced astigmatism (difference between refractometry and keratometry) as an indirect indicator of IOL stability change. We used the Blant-Altman method to analyze consistency between devices. Results: At the above time points, surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) decreased as follows: 0.65 D; 0.62 D; 0.60 D and 0.41 D (in the first day, week, month and third month respectively). Astigmatism induced by changes of the position of the IOL varied as follows: 0.88 D; 0.59 D; 0.44 D and 0.49 D. Changes in both parameters were statistically significant (p<0.05). Neither the measurements of the astigmatism value nor the astigmatism angle showed a statistically significant difference between the devices (p>0.05). Conclusion: Both surgically induced astigmatism and astigmatism induced by IOL decreased over time, in which both changes were statistically significant. The decrease in SIA was most pronounced between the first and third month after surgery. For IOL-induced astigmatism, the greatest decrease was within the first month after surgery. The differences in measurement between the biometer and AKRM were statistically insignificant, but the clinical interchangeability between the given methods is questionable, especially with regard to measurement of the astigmatism angle.
- MeSH
- Astigmatism * diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Cataract Extraction methods adverse effects MeSH
- Lens Implantation, Intraocular methods adverse effects MeSH
- Cataract MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lenses, Intraocular MeSH
- Artificial Lens Implant Migration MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Refractometry methods MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Observational Study MeSH
Autoři referují o výsledcích sekundární implantace předněkomorové nitrooční čočky (PKIOL) Artisan® Aphakia. Tyto speciálně konstruované iris claw čočky fixované na duhovku pro korekci afakie jsme na Oční klinice v Hradci Králové implantovali v 51 případech (51 očí, 48 pacientů) v období od srpna 2002 do května 2005. Nejčastější indikací bylo ve 33 % předchozí trauma s poškozením čočky a následnou pooperační afakií. Druhou nejčastější příčinou použití PKIOL byla ve 29 % nepřítomnost čočky po operacích zadního segmentu pro amoci sítnice. V 18 % vznikla afakie jako následek komplikované intrakapsulární nebo extrakapsulární extrakce čočky. Dalšími indikacemi v souboru (20 %) s implantovanou PKIOL jsou pacienti se subluxovanou vlastní čočkou u Marfanova syndromu, po operaci zadního segmentu pro hemoftalmus s primární extrakcí katarakty bez implantace IOL, po luxaci umělé nitrooční čočky nebo čočkových hmot jako primární komplikaci po operaci katarakty. Průměrný věk pacientů v době operace byl 59 let (v rozmezí od 8 do 86 let). Největší zastoupení měli muži v 70,6 %. V souboru bylo jedno dítě. Před operací byla průměrná sférická refrakce +9,8 D ± 2,2 D ( rozmezí od 3 do 15 D), průměrná nekorigovaná zraková ostrost byla 0,05 ± 0,09, nejlépe korigovaná zraková ostrost byla 0,42 ± 0,29. Peroperačně nebyla zaznamenána žádná komplikace. Sledovanými parametry byla zraková ostrost, refrakce, poloha čočky, výskyt komplikací. Průměrná sledovací doba souboru byla 13,0 měsíců (rozmezí od 2 do 30). Po operaci klesla průměrná sférická refrakce na -0,5 ± 1,62 D. Nekorigovaná zraková ostrost byla 0,27 ± 0,23 a nejlépe korigovaná zraková ostrost 0,43 ± 0,28. Z komplikací jsme zaznamenali ve třech případech sekundární glaukom, ve dvou případech krvácení do přední komory, v pěti případech iritidu a u jednoho oka subluxací čočky.
The authors refer about the results of the secondary implantation of the anterior chamber intraocular lens (AC IOL) Artisan® Aphakia. Those specially constructed iris claw lenses for aphakia correction, fixated on the iris, were implanted at the Department of Ophthalmology in Hradec Králové (Königgrätz, Czech Republic) during the period August 2002 – May 2005 in 51 cases (51 eyes, 48 patients). The most common indication (33 % of cases) was the previous trauma with lens damage and consequent postoperative aphakia. The second most common cause (in 29 %) of AC IOL use was the absence of the lens after the posterior segment surgery due to the retinal detachment. In 18 % of cases the aphakia was as a result of the complicated intracapsular or extracapsular cataract extraction. The other indications (20 %) for the AC IOL implantation are patients with subluxated their own (natural) lens in Marfan’s syndrome; after posterior segment surgery due to the intravitreal hemorrhage with primary cataract extraction without the IOL implantation; and after the luxation of the artificial intraocular lens or the lens remnants as a primary complication after the cataract surgery. The average patients’ age at the time of surgery was 59 years (range, 8–86 years). Men participated in 70.6 % of cases. In the group of patients, there was one child as well. Before the surgery, the average spherical refractive error was +9.8 ± 2.2 diopters (D) (range, 3 – 15 D), the average uncorrected visual acuity was 0.05 ± 0.09; the best-corrected visual acuity was 0.42 ± 0.29. No complication during the surgeries was noticed. The followed parameters were visual acuity, refraction, AC IOL position, and occurrence of complications. The average followup period was 13.0 months (range, 2–30 months). After the surgery, the average spherical refraction decreased to -0.5 ± 1.62 D. The uncorrected visual acuity was 0.27 ± 0.23 and the best-corrected visual acuity was 0.43 ± 0.28. As complications, we noticed the secondary glaucoma in three cases, in two cases bleeding into the anterior chamber, in 5 cases iritis, and in one case the subluxation of the artificial lens.
Aim of the study was to evaluate retrospectively selected parameters, which influence the postoperative near visual acuity in a group of pseudophakic eyes of patients with Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity (UDVA) and according to acquired results establish those, which mostly influenced good Uncorrected Near Visual Acuity (UNVA) after the implantation of monofocal IntraOcular Lens (IOL). Altogether, 122 pseudophakic eyes of 65patients were followed up, out of them in 57 patients both eyes were operated on. The frequency of visual acuity for three groups of operated eyes categorized according to the crucial parameter – eye’s axial length (short, average, long) was evaluated. In each of groups, the average parameters (age, axial length, keratometry, and depth of the anterior chamber) were established, as well as relative frequency of postoperative uncorrected near visual acuity on conventionally used reading tables. The near visual acuity assessment for each eye separately was preformed in its horizontal position using the Zeiss table. The study did not confirm positive correlation of postoperative near visual acuity on the age of the patient, depth of the anterior chamber, nor the implanted IOL type. It was confirmed the presumption of optimal near visual acuity for eyes with axial length shorter than 23.5 mm, and in the process, between both parameters slightly negative correlation was found. On the other hand, middle positive correlation between uncorrected near visual acuity and central corneal power (in dioptres) in eyes with the axial length 22.5 – 23.5 mm was found. The study confirmed, that higher values of the central corneal power (in dioptres) and the high borderline value of the axial length up to 23.5 mm are the condition for optimal postoperative uncorrected near visual acuity after the implantation of monofocal intraocular lens.
- Keywords
- nekorigovaný pooperační vizus do blízka, UNVA, monofokální IOL, pseudo-akomodace,
- MeSH
- Axial Length, Eye MeSH
- Cataract Extraction * MeSH
- Lens Implantation, Intraocular * statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Data Interpretation, Statistical MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Anterior Chamber MeSH
- Cornea physiology MeSH
- Corneal Topography MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Age Factors MeSH
- Visual Acuity * physiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Publication type
- Evaluation Study MeSH
Cíl práce: Cílem bylo určit zrakové funkce po implantaci monofokálních nitroočních čoček (IOL) firmy Alcon (SA60AT, MA50BM a SN60WF a SN6AT). V přehledu jsou předloženy čtyři práce. První se zabývá vlivem délky oka, optické mohutnosti rohovky a hloubky přední komory oka na výslednou nekorigovanou zrakovou ostrost na blízko (UNVA) po implantaci IOL. Druhá porovnává vliv polohy oka (horizontální a vertikální) na výslednou UNVA. Třetí se zabývá vlivem sférických čoček (SA a MA) a čoček žlutých asférických (SN) na UNVA. Poslední zjišťuje vliv šíře pupily na UNVA. Výsledky: První práce prokázala závislost délky oka (největší u očí pod 22,5 mm, r=0,36) na UNVA. Celkem 77,4 % očí s axiální délkou pod 22,5 mm mělo UNVA lepší než 0,5 a 70,49 % všech hodnocených očí mělo UNVA lepší než 0,5. Nekorigovaná zraková ostrost do dálky (UDVA) byla v celém souboru lepší než 1,0 u 97,54 % očí. Ve druhé práci jsme zjistili střední korelaci u očí kratších 22,5 mm s UNVA v horizontální poloze (r=0,39) a ve vertikální poloze (r=0,49). UNVA se u těchto očí zlepšila z horizontální polohy 0,53 na 0,58 při vertikální poloze oka. U všech očí souboru pak z 0,51 na 0,56. Třetí práce prokázala vliv sféricity a chromatičnosti na UNVA. Lepší než 0,5 ve skupině očí kratších 22,5 mm byla u SA IOL v 67 %, u SN v 60 %. U očí střední délky UNVA lepší než 0,5 byla u SA IOL v 86,5 %, MA v 81 % a SN v 75 %. U očí delších 23,5 mm byla UNVA lepší než 0,5 u IOL SA u 100 % očí, MA 60 % a SN u 33 % očí. Ve čtvrté práci nebyl prokázán vliv velikosti pupily na UNVA. Závěr: Práce prokázala výborné výsledky UNVA i UDVA po implantaci monofokálních čoček.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the visual functions after implantation of Acrysof monofocal intraocular lenses Alcon (SA60AT. MA50BM a SN60WF a SN6AT). Materials and methods: Four works are presented in the overview. The first work deals with the effect of eye length. corneal optic power and anterior chamber depth on the uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) after IOL implantation. The second work compares the effect of eye position (horizontal and vertical) on the final UNVA. The third work deals with the influence of the spherical lenses (SA and MA) and yellow aspherical lenses (SN) on UNVA. The later work examines the effect of pupil width on UNVA. Results: The first work showed the dependence of eye axial length (the largest in eyes bellow 22.5 mm. r=0.36) on UNVA. 77.4 % of eyes with axial length below 22.5 mm had UNVA better than 0.5 and 70.49 % of all evaluated eyes had UNVA better than 0.5. Uncorrected far visual acuity (UDVA) better than 1.0 was in 97.54 % eyes in the whole group. In the second work we found a mean correlation in eyes shorter than 22.5 mm with UNVA in horizontal position (r=0.39) and in the vertical position (r=0.49). UNVA improved in these eyes in horizontal position from 0.53 to 0.58 in vertical position of the eye. In all eyes from the group UNVA changed from 0.51 to 0.56. The third work demonstrated the effect of sphericity and chromaticity on UNVA. Better than 0.5 in the group of eyes shorter than 22.5 mm in SA IOL in 67 % and in SN IOL in 60 %. In eyes with mean axial length was UNVA better than 0.5 in SA IOL in 86.5 %. in MA IOL in 81 % and in SN IOL in 75 %. In eyes longer than 23.5 mm was UNVA better than 0.5 in SA IOL in 100 % of eyes, in MA IOL in 60 % and in SN IOL in 33 % of eyes. In the fourth work the effect of pupil size was not demonstrated. Conclusion: The works showed excellent results of UNVA and UDVA after implantation of Acrysof monofocal lenses.
- Keywords
- délka oka, hloubka přední komory, poloha oka,
- MeSH
- Clinical Studies as Topic MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lenses, Intraocular * MeSH
- Pupil MeSH
- Corneal Topography methods MeSH
- Visual Acuity * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop software for the universal objective evaluation of factors influencing intraocular correction of astigmatism, such as decentration, tilt, axial position and angular orientation the toric intraocular lens (IOL). Patients and Methods: Software was developed using the MS Visual Studio environment. The analysis was presented using images of 67 eyes with an implanted IOLs of the SN6ATx model series. Decentration and angular position of the lens were obtained from images of the anterior segment of the eye, using a Visucam unit. Tilt was measured on tomographic images from OCT Avanti (in meridian of highest tilt and perpendicular meridian) and preoperative biometry parameters of eye (axial length, anterior chamber depth - ACD, ocular lens thickness - LT, limbus diameter and mean keratometry value) including postoperative anterior chamber depth (pACD) were measured using Lenstar LS900. Results: Applying the software methodology to the evaluation of individual toric IOL parameters, the following results were obtained: mean decentration 0.25 ± 0.17 mm which was observed in 61.19% of eyes, mean misalignment to the planned axis equal to 3.8 ± 3.6 degrees, mean highest inclination equal to 3.7 ± 1.2 degrees and mean difference of pACD and ACD was equal to 1.46 ± 0.31 mm. There was only a weak nonsignificant correlation between preoperative ACD versus decentration and tilt of IOL or a weak significant correlation between preoperative LT and both decentration and misalignment of IOL. Conclusion: The use of the presented methodology for determining the positional parameters of the toric IOL provided comparable results with the results of recent studies. Software design can be considered as a suitable alternative to previously published techniques, with the significant advantage of the possibility of using universal input images, their graphical editing and especially the possibility of comprehensive analysis of all parameters.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the intraocular lens (IOL) position by analyzing the postoperative axis of internal astigmatism as well as the higher-order aberration (HOA) profile after cataract surgery following the implantation of a diffractive multifocal toric IOL METHODS: Prospective study including 51 eyes with corneal astigmatism of 1.25D or higher of 29 patients with ages ranging between 20 and 61 years old. All cases underwent uneventful cataract surgery with implantation of the AT LISA 909 M toric IOL (Zeiss). Visual, refractive and corneal topograpy changes were evaluated during a 12-month follow-up. In addition, the axis of internal astigmatism as well as ocular, corneal, and internal HOA (5-mm pupil) were evaluated postoperatively by means of an integrated aberrometer (OPD Scan II, Nidek). RESULTS: A significant improvement in uncorrected distance and near visual acuities (p < 0.01) was found, which was consistent with a significant correction of manifest astigmatism (p < 0.01). No significant changes were observed in corneal astigmatism (p = 0.32). With regard to IOL alignment, the difference between the axes of postoperative internal and preoperative corneal astigmatisms was close to perpendicularity (12 months, 87.16° ± 7.14), without significant changes during the first 6 months (p ≥ 0.46). Small but significant changes were detected afterwards (p = 0.01). Additionally, this angular difference correlated with the postoperative magnitude of manifest cylinder (r = 0.31, p = 0.03). Minimal contribution of intraocular optics to the global magnitude of HOA was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The diffractive multifocal toric IOL evaluated is able to provide a predictable astigmatic correction with apparent excellent levels of optical quality during the first year after implantation.
- MeSH
- Aberrometry MeSH
- Astigmatism diagnosis surgery MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Phacoemulsification * MeSH
- Lens Implantation, Intraocular * MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Lenses, Intraocular * MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Prosthesis Design MeSH
- Pseudophakia physiopathology MeSH
- Refraction, Ocular physiology MeSH
- Corneal Topography MeSH
- Corneal Wavefront Aberration diagnosis surgery MeSH
- Visual Acuity physiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH