- MeSH
- kardiologie * dějiny MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- významné osobnosti MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- biografie MeSH
- O autorovi
- Němec, Petr, 1954- Autorita
- MeSH
- analgezie metody MeSH
- antibiotická profylaxe metody MeSH
- časné pohybování metody MeSH
- hydratace organismu MeSH
- hypotermie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- katetrizace močového měchýře metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nauzea farmakoterapie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- perioperační péče * metody MeSH
- protézy a implantáty normy MeSH
- protézy kloubů * normy trendy MeSH
- rehabilitace metody trendy MeSH
- tromboembolie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- vzdělávání pacientů jako téma metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Vydání druhé, v této podobě první 207 stran ; 20 cm
Background: Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) and kyphoplasty (PKP) are established methods in the treatment of vertebral compression fractures (VCFs). In our manuscript, the target was to evaluate the efficacy of PVPs/PKPs and to determine the implications of potential periprocedural complications. Methods: 280 patients, specifically 194 women (69.3%) and 86 men (30.7%), were enrolled. We used the AO spine fractures classification and the Yeom classification to determine the subtype of cement leakage. Only single-level VCFs of the thoracic or lumbar spine were included. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was assessed preoperatively and regularly after the surgery. Vertebral compression ratio (VBCR) was used to determine postoperative vertebral body collapse. Results: We recorded 54 cases (19.3%) of cement leakage. There was a significant decrease in mean VAS scores (6.82-0.76 in PVPs, 7.15-0.81 in PKPs). The decrease in VBCR was greater in the VP group (4.39%; 84.21-79.82) compared to the KP group (1.95%; 74.36-72.41). Conclusions: No significant difference in the risk of cement leakage when comparing KPs and VPs was found. VPs and KPs provide rapid and significant pain relief in patients with VCFs. Clinically relevant complications of VPs and KPs are rare. Kyphoplasties prevent further vertebral body collapse more effectively compared to vertebroplasties.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Acute traumatic intervertebral disc herniation of the thoracic spine is a rather rare injury with only a few reported cases to date. In this manuscript, we present a case of a 58-year-old male patient who sustained a car accident-related high-energy trauma, resulting in a disc herniation of the thoracic spine. Furthermore, we also discuss the possible implications of late diagnosis of such condition. The patient was initially referred from the Emergency Department as a case of head contusion with a left upper limb paresis. Due to only minimal bony trauma visible on the initial spine CT scan, the neurological deficit was attributed to the cranial trauma. The diagnosis of a traumatic disc herniation was therefore established only after the rapid onset of paraparesis, which gradually progressed into paraplegia, and a following spine MRI scan. Despite the subsequent urgent spinal decompression, the neurological functions of the lower limbs were not restored. This manuscript addresses the indications for performing MRI scans in polytrauma patients with a CT-verified spine trauma. Although it may be complicated to perform routine MRI scans in all such patients in daily practice, it can certainly help diagnose such injuries earlier and thus prevent potential permanent neurological damage to the patients. Key word: spine injury, traumatic disc herniation, thoracic spine, spine surgery.
- MeSH
- chirurgická dekomprese MeSH
- dolní končetina MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- polytrauma * MeSH
- urgentní služby nemocnice MeSH
- výhřez meziobratlové ploténky * diagnostické zobrazování chirurgie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- anglický abstrakt MeSH
- časopisecké články MeSH
- kazuistiky MeSH
Zlomeniny proximálneho humeru sú pre ich komplexnosť a menej častý výskyt v relatívnom úzadí traumatológie skeletu. Pozornosť traumatológov je prirodzene viac upriamená na poranenia skeletu dolných končatín. Narastajúci trend v incidencií zlomenín proximálneho humeru však postupne vedie k zvýšenej snahe o pochopenie ich správneho ošetrenie. História liečby zlomenín proximálneho humeru je zaujímavým prehľadom takmer všetkých možností fixácie. Od staroveku bola liečba týchto zlomenín výhradne konzervatívna a spočívala v zatvorenej repozícii a fixácii obväzom. Ani pokroky v chirurgii v druhej polovici 19. storočia neprispeli k výraznejšiemu rozvoju operačnej terapie. Až príchod AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen) školy v druhej polovici 20. storočia, ktoré viedlo k zdokonaleniu princípov osteosyntézy, ako aj pokroky vo vývoji osteosyntetických materiálov, viedol začiatkom 21. storočia k výraznému zlepšeniu možností fixácie zlomenín proximálneho humeru. Aktuálne sme svedkami skutočnosti, že rýchlosť vývoja nových materiálov a možností fixácie výrazne predbieha možnosti sledovania ich efektivity pomocou klinických štúdií.
Proximal humeral fractures find to be less attractive to treat due to their complexity and relatively lower incidence comparing to fractures of lower limb. Increasing incidence of proximal humeral fracture in last decades forced us to seek better solutions on how to treat them. The history of their treatment is an interesting overview of all fixation possibilities. Since ancient times, their treatment has been exclusively conservative, consisting of closed reduction and fixation with a bandage or sling. Even advancements in surgery in second half of the 19th century did not contribute to the greater development of surgical therapy for this type of injuries. Introducing AO school which lead to big advancements in surgical methods of osteosynthesis in second half of the 20th century as well as progress in development in materials lead to great improvements of surgical methods and approaches in treatment of proximal humeral fractures. The development of fixating options continues permanently but we are currently encountering the fact that speed of finding new treatment options precedes it‘s adequate clinical monitoring.
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor typically affecting the long bones of the lower limbs in young male patients. The lesion can be asymptomatic but, in most cases, patients present with characteristic nocturnal pain that is very responsive to the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Although osteoid osteomas can regress spontaneously over time, surgical therapy is often indicated in cases of long-lasting resistant pain. Apart from a traditional open resection, the modalities of minimally invasive surgery, such as radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation, have gradually become the option of choice in most cases. The first part of this manuscript is a minireview of the contemporary literature on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and current trends in the treatment of osteoid osteoma. The second part is a case report of our own experience with a conventional C-arm-guided radiofrequency ablation of an osteoid osteoma located in the femoral neck in an adolescent patient. The aim was to prove that, even when more sophisticated guiding devices (CT, O-arm, etc.) are not available, the safe and reliable ablation of the lesion using a C-arm is still possible even in hard-to-reach areas. The case was a success, with no perioperative or postoperative complications.
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH