Background: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI) is a complex, often post-traumatically developing impairment of the hip joint. It is characterized by ambiguous symptomatology, which makes early diagnosis difficult. Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of a triaxial gyroscopic sensor in routine practice as an additional indication criterion for operative versus conservative treatment procedures. Methods: Ninety-two patients were included in the experimental retrospective study and 62 completed the examination. All patients signed informed consent. A gyroscopic sensor was placed on the right side of the pelvis above the hip joint and patients walked approximately 15 steps. Data were also evaluated while the patients climbed stairs. A complete clinical examination of the dynamics and physiological movements in the joint was performed. The data measured by the gyroscopic sensor were processed using differential geometry methods and subsequently evaluated using spectral analysis and neural networks. Results: FAI diagnosis using gyroscopic measurement is fast and easy to implement. Our approach to processing the gyroscopic signals used to detect the stage of osteoarthritis and post-traumatic FAI could lead to more accurate detection and capture early in FAI development. Conclusions: The obtained data are easily evaluated, interpretable, and beneficial in the diagnosis of the early stages of FAI. The results of the study show that this approach can lead to more accurate and early detection of osteoarthritis and post-traumatic FAI.
- MeSH
- analýza chůze metody MeSH
- biomechanika * MeSH
- femoroacetabulární impingement * chirurgie diagnóza patofyziologie MeSH
- kyčelní kloub patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nositelná elektronika * MeSH
- osteoartróza diagnóza patofyziologie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- telemedicína metody MeSH
- umělá inteligence MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) představuje komplexní strategii zaměřenou na urychlení rekonvalescence, redukci komplikací a optimalizaci pooperační péče. Protokol ERAS se skládá z doporučení pro předoperační, perioperační a pooperační fázi péče o pacienty. Implementace ERAS protokolu přináší řadu benefitů, a to jak pro pacienty, tak pro zdravotnický systém. Zkracuje dobu hospitalizace, snižuje počet a závažnost pooperačních komplikací a zlepšuje kvalitu života pacientů. Tyto faktory vedou k úspoře nákladů na zdravotní péči a zefektivnění obratu pacientů na lůžkách (tzv. obložnost). Důsledné dodržování protokolu ERAS je klíčové pro dosažení optimálních výsledků. Komplexní strategie ERAS tak představuje historický zlom v perioperační péči a stává se nezbytným standardem v chirurgii jater a slinivky břišní.
ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) represents a comprehensive strategy aimed at expediting patient recovery, reducing complications, and optimizing postoperative care. The ERAS protocol encompasses recommendations for the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative phases of patient care. Implementation of the ERAS protocol yields a multitude of benefits for both patients and the healthcare system. It shortens hospital stays, diminishes the number and severity of postoperative complications, and enhances patient’s quality of life. These factors contribute to healthcare cost savings and improved bed turnover efficiency. Rigorous adherence to the ERAS protocol is paramount to achieving optimal outcomes. The comprehensive ERAS strategy thus marks a paradigm shift in perioperative care and emerges as an indispensable standard in liver and pancreatic surgery.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is presently employed across various medical disciplines, including surgical specialties. It is primarily used in the healing of chronic wounds, burn medicine, tissue regeneration support, and scar correction as well as in other surgical and orthopedic indications. Wounds, in general, possess a pro-inflammatory biochemical environment characterized by high protease activity that diminishes the effective concentration of growth factors. In contrast, PRP serves as a source of growth factors and exhibits mitogenic, angiogenic, and chemotactic properties. PRP is a biological product defined as a portion of the autologous blood's plasma fraction with a higher than physiological platelet concentration. PRP is obtained through the centrifugation of blood samples collected from patients. The insights into the biology, mechanism of action, and classification of PRP presented in this review can assist medical professionals in orienting themselves and comprehending the possibilities of the clinical application of this therapy, which remains a subject of investigation and validation. This review summarizes up-to-date information regarding the use of PRP, primarily in burn and reconstructive surgery, plastic surgery, traumatology, and general surgery.
- MeSH
- hojení ran * fyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- plazma bohatá na destičky * MeSH
- popálení chirurgie krev MeSH
- zákroky plastické chirurgie metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study, we aimed to determine whether platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a suitable preservative for dermo-epidermal grafts. An additional objective was to investigate how long grafts can be stored without biological degradation. METHODS: We compared pig skin graft preservation using PRP versus saline solution and crystalloid Custodiol®, which is used for hypothermic preservation of organs for transplantation. Grafts (10 × 10 mm) were placed on gauze impregnated with one of the tested solutions, and stored for 3, 7, 11, and 15 days at a constant temperature of 4°C. We evaluated a total of 240 pig skin samples: 120 by histopathology and 120 by fluorescence optical microscopy. RESULTS: Overall, Custodiol® solution appeared to be the best medium for preservation of dermo-epidermal grafts, with beneficial properties manifested on days 7 and 11. Although we expected PRP to be a better preservative than saline, this was not confirmed by our results, as we found no significant difference between these two media. In fact, by day 3, the histopathological results were better with standard saline solution than with PRP. On day 15, with each tested solution, some samples showed histological changes that are incompatible with graft viability. CONCLUSION: Overall, Custodiol® appears to be the best medium for dermo-epidermal graft preservation. Moreover, the present findings suggest a maximum graft storage time of 11 days in all of the tested solutions. We do not recommend using grafts stored for 15 days, due to isolated signs of graft biodegradation with all solutions.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: Blood loss during major abdominal surgery is an essential parameter in the evaluation of strategies aimed at reducing perioperative bleeding. However, blood loss quantification remains unreliable and inaccurate. The aim of this study was to compare several methods of blood loss quantification-visual estimation by surgeon and anesthesiologist, the gravimetric method, the calculation method with spectrophotometric measurement. The spectrophotometric measurement is considered as the most accurate method. METHODS: The study was designed as a prospective observational cohort single-center study. We analyzed 61 patients who underwent elective liver or pancreatic resection. The anesthesiologists' and surgeons' estimate of blood loss was based on a visual assessment. The gravimetric method was based on weighing the suction canister and surgical drapes before and after use. The basis of calculation method was anthropometric and hematological parameters, we used López-Picado's formula. The spectrophotometric method was based on the spectrophotometric determination of hemoglobin mass in the lost blood. We compared the methods using paired t-test, non-parametric Wilcoxon test and Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS: Visual estimation by surgeons and anesthesiologists, gravimetric measurement, and calculation method were significantly different from spectrophotometric measurement at the significance level α = 0.05. All methods overestimated blood loss which was measured by spectrophotometric method. The estimate by surgeons was the closest to the spectrophotometric measurement, difference 68.7 ml (95% confidence interval [CI]: -129.3--8.2). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the estimate of blood loss by surgeons and anesthesiologists, as well as gravimetric method and calculation method are all significantly inaccurate in real surgical setting. We did not confirm the commonly accepted assumption that surgeons underestimate the blood loss. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered under the title " Blood Loss Quantification During Major Abdominal Surgery" at with the registration number NCT05316649. Date of the first registration was 20/3/2022.
- MeSH
- břicho chirurgie MeSH
- chirurgové * MeSH
- krvácení při operaci MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poporodní krvácení * MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- pozorovací studie MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Adhesions are the most common cause of long-term morbidity after abdominal surgery and most often cause various forms of intestinal passage disorders ranging from partial obstruction to complete, life-threatening intestinal obstruction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effect of intraperitoneally administered lipid emulsions on the formation of adhesions in larger animal model, as the lubricating effect of phospholipids and the mechanical barrier of the lipid component are combined with the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil. METHODS: Thirty-one female domestic pigs were randomly divided into three groups. At the end of the surgical procedure, a lipid emulsion or saline solution was applied intraperitoneally. After 14 days, an independent macroscopic, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the adhesions were performed. RESULTS: Intraperitoneal administration of lipid emulsions significantly reduced the incidence of intra-abdominal adhesions. Microscopic examination demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of inflammatory elements and the amount of collagen in the adhesions, especially after administration of the fish oil-based emulsion. A simultaneous decrease in neovascularization was observed in the adhesions. Evaluation of the intestinal anastomosis did not reveal significant differences in healing between the groups. CONCLUSION: Intraperitoneal administration of lipid emulsions can reduce the development of postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions by the combined action of phospholipids as important lubricants and lipids as a mechanical barrier. Their effect is caused by a reduction in proinflammatory and profibrotic mediators. At the same time, intraperitoneal administration of lipid emulsions does not impair healing of the anastomosis in larger animal model.
- MeSH
- adheze tkání etiologie prevence a kontrola patologie MeSH
- anastomóza chirurgická metody MeSH
- emulze MeSH
- pooperační komplikace * prevence a kontrola patologie MeSH
- rybí oleje * terapeutické užití MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie veterinární MeSH
Úvod: Incidence akutní pankreatitidy za posledních dvacet let stále stoupá a kauzální léčba není k dispozici. Přestože těžké pankreatitidy tvoří jen asi pětinu všech akutních pankreatitid, jejich komplikovaný průběh a vysoká letalita nutí k optimalizaci a ke sjednocení léčebných postupů. Metody: V pětiletém období jsme operovali 27 pacientů s těžkou formou akutní pankreatitidy. Porovnávali jsme vybrané parametry jako pohlaví, věk, BMI, etiologii, přítomnost cukrovky 2. typu, BISAP skóre a jeho korelaci s úmrtími pacientů, předcházející miniinvazivní terapii a přítomnost nitrobřišní hypertenze. Výsledky: V naší skupině byl průměrný věk mužů i žen podobný. Většina pacientů měla nadváhu nebo byla obézní. U mužů byla nejčastěji etiologie alkoholická, u žen biliární. Mortalita v našem souboru čítala 26 %. Syndrom nitrobřišního kompartmentu s následnou urgentní dekompresní operací byl přítomen u čtvrtiny pacientů. Miniinvazivní přístup byl užit přibližně u poloviny pacientů a k chirurgickému řešení se přistupovalo v případě jeho neúčinnosti či selhání. Závěr: Po každé chirurgické revizi dojde během prvních dvou až tří dnů ke klinickému zhoršení stavu pacienta v reakci na operační stres. Proto je současný trend v léčbě akutní pankreatitidy postupovat co nejvíce konzervativně, případně miniinvazivně a chirurgickou léčbu rezervovat pro stavy nezvládnutelné jinak. Pokud je k chirurgické revizi přikročeno, je výhodné provést cholecystektomii, ať je etiologie pankreatitidy jakákoliv.
Introduction: The incidence of acute pancreatitis has been increasing over the past twenty years and there is still no causal treatment available. Although cases of severe acute pancreatitis account for only about a fifth of all cases of acute pancreatitis, high morbidity and lethality call for an optimization and unification of treatment procedures. Methods: We operated on 27 patients suffering from severe acute pancreatitis in the past five years. We compared selected parameters such as gender, age, body mass index, aetiology, presence of type 2 diabetes, BISAP score, previous minimally invasive treatment and presence of the intraabdominal compartment syndrome. Results: The average age of men and women was similar in our group. Most patients were overweight or obese. Alcoholic aetiology was more common in men while biliary aetiology prevailed in women. The mortality rate was 26% in our group. The intra-abdominal compartment syndrome followed by emergency decompression surgery was present in one fourth of the patients. A minimally invasive approach was used in approximately in one half of the patients, and surgical treatment was used only in cases where the minimally invasive approach failed. Conclusion: After each surgical revision, clinical deterioration of the patient´s condition occurs during the first two to three days in response to operative stress. Therefore, the current trend in the treatment of acute pancreatitis is to proceed as conservatively as possible, or using the minimally invasive approach, and surgical treatment should be reserved only for conditions that cannot be managed otherwise. If surgical treatment is used, it is advisable to perform cholecystectomy, whatever the aetiology of the pancreatitis.
Úvod: I když během posledních desetiletí společně s vývojem šetrné operační techniky, instrumentári a a perioperačního managementu došlo k významnému zlepšení pooperačních výsledků, infekční komplikace společně s rozvojem pooperačního krvácení jsou stále vedoucími příčinami pooperační morbidity a letality v HPB chirurgii. Metody: Provedli jsme retrospektivní studii za tříleté období u 256 pacientů, kteří podstoupili operaci slinivky, jater, žlučníku či žlučových cest. Sledovali jsme vliv velikosti krevních ztrát a počtu podaných transfuzních přípravků na druh a závažnost pooperačních komplikací, počet reoperací a rehospitalizací. Výsledky: Průměrná velikost krevní ztráty byla 457 ml. Transfuze jsme podali 39 pacientům (17 %). Potvrdili jsme hypotézu, že přítomnost krevní ztráty statisticky významně zvyšuje rozvoj hlubokých nitrobřišních infekcí (p=0,0188). S narůstající krevní ztrátou se zvyšuje morbidita (p =0,0168). Potvrdili jsme statisticky významný rozdíl ve velikosti krevních ztrát mezi skupinou s komplikacemi a bez nich (p=0,001). Pooperační 30denní letalita byla menší než 1 % (n=2). Reoperovaných pacientů bylo 15 (6 %), z toho 7 pro akutní krvácení a 8 pro infekční komplikace. Doba hospitalizace se statisticky významně prodloužila u pacientů, kterým byly podány transfuze – erytrocyty (p=0,023), plazma (p=0,011). Rehospitalizovali jsme 12 pacientů, během rehospitalizace zemřeli tři pacienti (90denní letalita byla 2 %, n=5). Celkem 59 % pacientů v našem souboru bylo klasifikováno jako ASA III. Závěr: Se zvyšující se krevní ztrátou statisticky významně stoupá morbidita, a to především rozvoj intraabdominálních infekcí, ale i přesto zůstává celková pooperační letalita nízká. Příčinou poloviny akutních reoperací je rozvoj časného pooperačního krvácení. Doba hospitalizace se statisticky významně prodlužuje s počtem podaných transfuzních přípravků.
Introduction: During the last decades, simultaneously with the development of surgical technique, modern equipment and perioperative management, there has been a significant improvement in postoperative outcome. Despite this, infectious complications and perioperative bleeding remain the leading causes of postoperative morbidity and mortality in HPB surgery. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study over a three-year period in 256 patients who underwent surgery of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts. We monitored perioperative blood loss, the number of administered transfusions, the type and severity of postoperative complications, the number of reoperations and the number of readmissions. Results: The average blood loss was 457 ml. We administered transfusions to 39 patients (17%). We confirmed the hypothesis that the presence of blood loss statistically significantly increases the development of deep intra-abdominal infections (p=0.0188). Morbidity increases with increasing blood loss (p=0.0168). We confirmed a statistically significant difference in the blood loss between the groups with and without complications (p=0.001). Postoperative 30-day mortality was less than 1% (n=2). There were 15 (6%) reoperated patients, seven for acute bleeding and eight for infectious complications. The length of hospital stay was statistically significantly longer in patients who received transfusions – erythrocytes (p=0.023), and plasma (p=0.011). We readmitted 12 patients, three patients died during rehospitalization (the 90-day mortality rate was 2%, n=5). A total of 59% patients in our group were classified as ASA III. Conclusion: With increasing blood loss, morbidity (development of intra-abdominal infections) increases significantly, but despite this, overall post- operative mortality remains low. Early postoperative bleeding is the cause of more than half of reoperations. The length of hospitalization increases significantly with the number of transfusions administered.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- hepatektomie MeSH
- krvácení při operaci * MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pankreatektomie MeSH
- pooperační komplikace MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
PURPOSE: The aim of this experimental study was to test the method of prevention of postoperative complications, especially infectious, in partial dehiscence following stapler anastomosis in rectal surgeries. METHODS: The method includes the application of a hyaluronic acid-based gel in combination with triclosan, which has antibacterial properties. The gel was applied to the space around the rectum with an artificial, precisely defined dehiscence so that the dehiscence was separated from the rest of pelvis and the peritoneal cavity to avoid the spread of infection. The study included 30 female pigs. The rectosigmoid colon was mobilized and transected completely. Anastomosis was constructed with circular staplers. A perforator was then used to create precisely defined artificial dehiscence. Subsequently the lesser pelvis was filled with hyaluronic gel such that the site of artificial dehiscence was covered completely. RESULTS: All animals survived for 14 days until the second-look revision with no signs of failure in the anastomosis healing, local inflammation, and sepsis or postoperative complications, such as chills, refusal of liquid or feed, abdominal distension, and bowel obstruction. CONCLUSION: Hyaluronic acid applied as a precursor solution around the rectal anastomosis fills the lesser pelvis perfectly. It prevents the leakage of intestinal contents in the lesser pelvis. Triclosan as an antibacterial substance prevents the spread of inflammation in the pelvis or even in the abdominal cavity.
- MeSH
- anastomóza chirurgická metody MeSH
- antibakteriální látky terapeutické užití MeSH
- kyselina hyaluronová MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory rekta * chirurgie MeSH
- netěsnost anastomózy MeSH
- pánev chirurgie MeSH
- pooperační komplikace prevence a kontrola MeSH
- prasata MeSH
- rektum chirurgie MeSH
- triclosan * MeSH
- zánět MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH