INTRODUCTION: Compared with traditional static ice storage, controlled hypothermic storage (CHS) at 4-10°C may attenuate cold-induced lung injury between procurement and implantation. In this study, we describe the first European lung transplant (LTx) experience with a portable CHS device. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted of all consecutively performed LTx following CHS (11 November 2022 and 31 January 2024) at two European high-volume centers. The LUNGguard device was used for CHS. The preservation details, total ischemic time, and early postoperative outcomes are described. The data are presented as median (range: minimum-maximum) values. RESULTS: A total of 36 patients underwent LTx (i.e., 33 bilateral, 2 single LTx, and 1 lobar). The median age was 61 (15-68) years; 58% of the patients were male; 28% of the transplantations had high-urgency status; and 22% were indicated as donation after circulatory death. In 47% of the patients, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was used for perioperative support. The indications for using the CHS device were overnight bridging (n = 26), remote procurement (n = 4), rescue allocation (n = 2), logistics (n = 2), feasibility (n = 1), and extended-criteria donor (n = 1). The CHS temperature was 6.5°C (3.7°C-9.3°C). The preservation times were 11 h 18 (2 h 42-17 h 9) and 13 h 40 (4 h 5-19 h 36) for the first and second implanted lungs, respectively, whereas the total ischemic times were 13 h 38 (4 h 51-19 h 44) and 15 h 41 (5 h 54-22 h 48), respectively. The primary graft dysfunction grade 3 (PGD3) incidence rates were 33.3% within 72 h and 2.8% at 72 h. Intensive care unit stay was 8 (4-62) days, and the hospital stay was 28 (13-87) days. At the last follow-up [139 (7-446) days], three patients were still hospitalized. One patient died on postoperative day 7 due to ECMO failure. In-hospital Clavien-Dindo complications of 3b were observed in six (17%) patients, and 4a in seven (19%). CONCLUSION: CHS seems safe and feasible despite the high-risk recipient and donor profiles, as well as extended preservation times. PGD3 at 72 h was observed in 2.8% of the patients. This technology could postpone LTx to daytime working hours. Larger cohorts and longer-term outcomes are required to confirm these observations.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Úvod: Zavedení screeningového programu plicního karcinomu v České republice a jeho diagnóza v časnějších stadiích zvyšuje potřebu provádění anatomických plicních segmentektomií. Cílem této studie je popsání časných výsledků prvních roboticky asistovaných torakoskopických segmentektomií v Česku. Metody: Naše centrum provedlo 151 robotických anatomických plicních resekcí od zahájení programu v srpnu 2020 a dosáhlo statutu centra pro proktoring a case observation. Program robotických segmentektomií jsme zahájili po dokončení 70 robotických lobektomií. Retrospektivně jsme analyzovali výsledky našich prvních 20 pacientů indikovaných k robotické segmentektomii. Výsledky: Průměrný věk pacientů byl 60 let, 11 žen a 7 mužů. Hlavní indikací byla primární plicní malignita (n=13), plicní metastáza (n=2) a abenigní léze (n=3). Provedli jsme 11 prostých segmentektomií, 6 komplexních (S2, S3, S1a+2, S10 vpravo) a jednu S6 segmentektomii vpravo s bronchoplastikou. Průměrný počet odebraných uzlin u NSCLC byl 20, průměrná krevní ztráta 25 ml (od 10 do 100 ml) a průměrný operační čas 200 minut. Všechny resekční okraje byly bez nádoru. Nebyla třeba žádná konverze k torakotomii, ve dvou případech jsme konvertovali k robotické lobektomii pro lokalizaci ložiska v blízkosti intersegmentální hranice a tyto pacienty vyloučili ze studie. Komplikace se vyskytly u 1 pacienta, a to paréza nervus laryngeus recurrens. Hrudní drenáž trvala průměrně 1,9 dne a doba hospitalizace 3,9 dne. Závěr: Zahájení programu robotických segmentektomií po dokončení robotické učicí křivky nabízí dle naší zkušenosti nadějné výsledky. Robotická technologie a předoperační plánování usnadňuje tento technicky náročný výkon zejména při nutnosti bronchoplastiky.
Introduction: The initiation of lung cancer screening in Czechia and diagnosis in earlier stages has been reflected by an increasing demand for anatomical lung segmentectomy. The purpose of this study was to describe early results of the first robotic-assisted thoracoscopic segmentectomies performed in the country. Methods: Our institution has performed 151 robotic anatomical lung resections since the initiation of the screening program in August 2020, which enabled us to attain the status of a proctoring and case observation centre. The robotic segmentectomy program was initiated after completing 70 robotic lobectomies. We performed a retrospective analysis of the results of our first 20 patients indicated for robotic segmentectomy. Results: Median age of the patients was 60, with 11 females and 7 males. The most common indications included primary lung malignancy (n=13), pulmonary metastasis (n=2) and benign lesions (n=3). We performed 11 simple segmentectomies, 6 complex (S2, S3, S1a+2, S10 on the right) and one right S6 segmentectomy with bronchoplasty. The mean number of harvested lymph nodes for NSCLC was 20, the mean blood loss was 25 mL (from 10 mL to 100 mL), and the mean operative time was 200 minutes. All resection margins were tumour-free. There was no conversion to thoracotomy. Two patients were excluded as they required conversion to robotic lobectomy given that their lesions were localized close to the intersegmental plane. One complication (recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis) occurred in 1 patient. Mean chest tube duration was 1.9 days and length of stay 3.9 days. Conclusion: Our experience suggests that implementation of the robotic segmentectomy program after completion of the robotic learning curve provides promising outcomes. Robotic technology and preoperative planning facilitate this technically demanding procedure especially when bronchoplasty is required.
In lung transplantation, antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) diagnosed using the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation criteria is uncommon compared with other organs, and previous studies failed to find molecular AMR (ABMR) in lung biopsies. However, understanding of ABMR has changed with the recognition that ABMR in kidney transplants is often donor-specific antibody (DSA)-negative and associated with natural killer (NK) cell transcripts. We therefore searched for a similar molecular ABMR-like state in transbronchial biopsies using gene expression microarray results from the INTERLUNG study (#NCT02812290). After optimizing rejection-selective transcript sets in a training set (N = 488), the resulting algorithms separated an NK cell-enriched molecular rejection-like state (NKRL) from T cell-mediated rejection (TCMR)/Mixed in a test set (N = 488). Applying this approach to all 896 transbronchial biopsies distinguished 3 groups: no rejection, TCMR/Mixed, and NKRL. Like TCMR/Mixed, NKRL had increased expression of all-rejection transcripts, but NKRL had increased expression of NK cell transcripts, whereas TCMR/Mixed had increased effector T cell and activated macrophage transcripts. NKRL was usually DSA-negative and not recognized as AMR clinically. TCMR/Mixed was associated with chronic lung allograft dysfunction, reduced one-second forced expiratory volume at the time of biopsy, and short-term graft failure, but NKRL was not. Thus, some lung transplants manifest a molecular state similar to DSA-negative ABMR in kidney and heart transplants, but its clinical significance must be established.
Úvod: Robotická technika se díky vynikající vizualizaci a výborné ovladatelnosti nástrojů stává preferovanou technikou plicních resekcí, ačkoliv počet využívaných portů bývá vyšší než u videotorakoskopických resekcí. Toto kazuistické sdělení popisuje naši první zkušenost s redukcí počtu pracovních incizí na dvě, první operace tohoto druhu v České republice. Kazuistika: 72leté pacientce vyšetřované pro hemoptýzu byl bronchoskopicky diagnostikován karcinoid dolního lobárního bronchu levé plíce. Pacientce jsme provedli biportální plně robotickou dolní lobektomii. Délka operace byla 235 minut, delší než průměr multiportálních výkonů 190±52 minut a vyšší krevní ztráta 100 ml oproti 43±54ml. Pacientka byla propuštěna bez komplikací třetí pooperační den. Histologická analýza potvrdila typický karcinoid s negativními resekčními okraji a sedmi negativními lymfatickými uzlinami. Probíhá dispenzarizace pacientky na plicní klinice, nyní osm měsíců bez recidivy. Závěr: Robotický biportální přístup nabízí redukci traumatizace hrudní stěny za zachování onkologické radikality. Technika je proveditelná s jistými limitacemi rozsahu pohybů vyžadujícími specifický trénink.
Introduction: Thanks to perfect visualization and high maneuverability of instruments, the robotic technique is a preferable type of lung resection, even though the number of required incisions is usually higher compared to the video-assisted approach. This case report presents our initial experience with the reduced-port approach in performing robotic biportal lobectomy. Case report: The 72-years-old female, examined for hemoptysis, was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor of the left lower lobe bronchus based on bronchoscopy. The patient underwent a biportal fully robotic left lower lobectomy. The time of operation was 235 minutes, longer compared to the average time of multiportal procedures, i.e. 190±52 minutes, and the blood loss of 100 mL was higher compared to 43±54 mL. The patient was discharged without complications on the third postoperative day. Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a typical carcinoid with tumor free margins and seven tumor free lymph nodes. The patient continues to be followed at the Department of Pneumology, showing no signs of disease recurrence for eight months. Conclusion: The robotic biportal approach offers a reduction in chest wall traumatization while maintaining oncological radicality. Although this approach is safe and feasible, limitations in instrument movements necessitate specific training.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- miniinvazivní chirurgické výkony MeSH
- nádory plic * chirurgie diagnóza MeSH
- pneumektomie * MeSH
- roboticky asistované výkony MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
BACKGROUND: We report our experience in starting RATS (robotic-assisted thoracic surgery) lobectomy program during COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Data from 20 consecutive cases undergoing RATS lobectomy between August 2020 and April 2021 were prospectively accumulated into our database. RESULTS: The mean operational time was 235±69 minutes (median 210, range 175 to 370). Conversion-to-open rate was 5 %. One patient was converted to an open procedure during surgery due to surgical bleeding. One patient (5 %), with sever chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), had prolonged air leak with chest drainage 11 days and conservative treatment. Morbidity rate was 10 % (2 patients). Estimated costs of RATS lobectomy in our department were $9,590 (range $8,250–$12,730). 30-days mortality was 0%. CONCLUSIONS: Safe robotic surgery is based not only on improved robotic equipment, but also on good technical skills and medical knowledge. It requires training of the entire operating room team. The learning curve is steep, involving port placement, use of the correct robotic arms, availability of the proper instrumentation, and proper patient positioning (Tab. 2, Ref. 28).
- MeSH
- hrudní chirurgie video-asistovaná ekonomika statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pneumektomie * ekonomika metody škodlivé účinky statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- roboticky asistované výkony * ekonomika metody škodlivé účinky statistika a číselné údaje výchova MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- pozorovací studie MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Za 23 let trvání národního programu transplantace plic v České republice se uskutečnilo již přes 500 plicních transplantací, 4 retransplantace a jedna lobární retransplantace. Předmětem tohoto článku je kazuistika pacientky s cystickou fibrózou, která podstoupila první bilaterální transplantaci plic v lednu 2020. Z důvodu rozvoje chronické rejekce transplantovaného orgánu vyžadoval stav pacientky ECMO podporu a retransplantaci. Retransplantace proběhla v dubnu 2021 a vůbec poprvé tak byla v České republice provedena plicní retransplantace s „ECMO bridge to (re) transplantation“ podporou preoperačně z důvodu chronické dysfunkce plicního štěpu. Pacientka byla po 39 dnech od retransplantace ve stabilizovaném stavu dimitována. Při kontrole po 90 dnech od operace byla pacientka v celkově dobrém stavu a s uspokojivou funkcí plicního štěpu.
During the last 23 years of the National Lung Transplant Program in the Czech Republic, more than 500 lung transplantations, 4 retransplantations and one lobar retransplantation have been performed. We present the case report of a female patient with cystic fibrosis who underwent her first bilateral lung transplantation in January 2020. Due to a chronic lung allograft dysfunction, the patient required ECMO support and retransplantation. For the first time in the Czech Republic, a lung retransplantation with “ECMO bridge to (re)transplantation” preoperative support was performed in April 2021. The patient was discharged 39 days after retransplantation in a stable condition. At the day 90 follow-up visit, the patient was in a generally good condition with satisfying spirometric functions.
- Klíčová slova
- ECMO bridge,
- MeSH
- cystická fibróza chirurgie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mimotělní membránová oxygenace * metody MeSH
- reoperace MeSH
- transplantace plic * metody MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH