BACKGROUND: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is associated with a very poor prognosis, with near-identical incidence and mortality. According to the World Health Organization Globocan Database, the estimated number of new cases worldwide will rise by 70% between 2020 and 2040. There are no effective screening methods available so far, even for high-risk individuals. The prognosis of PDAC, even at its early stages, is still mostly unsatisfactory. Impaired glucose metabolism is present in about 3/4 of PDAC cases. METHODS: Available literature on pancreatic cancer and diabetes mellitus was reviewed using a PubMed database. Data from a national oncology registry (on PDAC) and information from a registry of healthcare providers (on diabetes mellitus and a number of abdominal ultrasound investigations) were obtained. RESULTS: New-onset diabetes mellitus in subjects older than 60 years should be an incentive for a prompt and detailed investigation to exclude PDAC. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus associated with chronic non-malignant diseases of the exocrine pancreas, and PDAC-associated type 3c diabetes mellitus are the most frequent types. Proper differentiation of particular types of new-onset diabetes mellitus is a starting point for a population-based program. An algorithm for subsequent steps of the workup was proposed. CONCLUSIONS: The structured, well-differentiated, and elaborately designed approach to the elderly with a new onset of diabetes mellitus could improve the current situation in diagnostics and subsequent poor outcomes of therapy of PDAC.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
BACKGROUND: There is no single gold standard for investigation of gastrointestinal motility function. Wireless motility monitoring involves a novel concept which provides a complex information on gastrointestinal function (gastrointestinal transit time, intra-luminal pH, pressure and temperature). Gastrointestinal motility functions of experimental pigs are very similar to those of humans. That is why porcine studies have already provided suitable experimental models for several preclinical projects. AIMS: The aim of our study was to adopt methods of non-invasive wireless monitoring of gastrointestinal functions in experimental pigs. METHODS: Five experimental adult female pigs were enrolled into the study. Wireless motility capsules were delivered into the porcine stomach endoscopically. Gastrointestinal transit and intra-luminal conditions were recorded for five days. RESULTS: Records of animals provided good (3 pigs) or very good quality files (2 pigs). 31150 variables were evaluated. Mean time of the presence of capsules in the stomach was 926 ± 295 min, transfer of a capsule from the stomach into the duodenum lasted 5-34 min. Mean small intestinal transit time was 251 ± 43 min. Food intake was associated with an increase of gastric luminal temperature and a decrease of intra-gastric pressure. The highest intra-luminal pH was present in the ileum. The highest temperature and the lowest intra-luminal pressure were found in the colon. All data displayed a substantial inter-individual variability. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study has proven that a long-term function monitoring of the gastrointestinal tract by means of wireless motility capsules in experimental pigs is feasible. However, both ketamine-based induction of general anaesthesia as well as long-lasting general anaesthesia (> 6 hours) should be avoided to prevent retention of a capsule in the porcine stomach.
BACKGROUND: Rivastigmine is a pseudo-irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor used for therapy of Alzheimer's disease and non-Alzheimer dementia syndromes. In humans, rivastigmine can cause significant gastrointestinal side effects that can limit its clinical use. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of rivastigmine on gastric motor function by means of electrogastrography (EGG) in experimental pigs. METHODS: Six experimental adult female pigs (Sus scrofa f. domestica, hybrids of Czech White and Landrace breeds; 3-month-old; mean weight 30.7 ± 1.2 kg) were enrolled into the study twice and created two experimental groups. In group A, a single intragastric dose of 6 mg rivastigmine hydrogen tartate was administered in the morning to fasting pigs before EGG recording. In group B, rivastigmine was administered to overnight fasting animals in a dietary bolus in the morning for 7 days (6 mg per day). On day 8, an intragastric dose of 12 mg rivastigmine was given in the morning to fasting pigs before EGG. EGG recording was accomplished by means of an EGG standalone system. Recordings from both groups were evaluated in dominant frequency and EGG power (areas of amplitudes). RESULTS: In total, 1,980 one-minute EGG intervals were evaluated. In group A, basal EGG power (median 1290.5; interquartile range 736.5-2330 μV2) was significantly higher in comparison with the power of intervals T6 (882; 577-1375; p = 0.001) and T10 (992.5; 385-2859; p = 0.032). In group B, the dominant frequency increased significantly from basal values (1.97 ± 1.57 cycles per minute) to intervals T9 (3.26 ± 2.16; p < 0.001) and T10 (2.14 ± 1.16; p = 0.012), respectively. In group B, basal EGG power (median 1030.5; interquartile range 549-5093) was significantly higher in comparison with the power of intervals T7 (692.5; 434-1476; p = 0.002) and T8 (799; 435-1463 μV2; p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Both single as well as repeated intragastric administration of rivastigmine hydrogen tartrate caused a significant decrease of EGG power (areas of amplitudes) in experimental pigs. EGG power may serve as an indirect indicator of gastric motor competence. These findings might provide a possible explanation of rivastigmine-associated dyspepsia in humans.
- MeSH
- Alzheimerova nemoc * MeSH
- cholinesterasové inhibitory farmakologie MeSH
- elektromyografie MeSH
- fenylkarbamáty farmakologie MeSH
- gastrointestinální trakt MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- rivastigmin farmakologie MeSH
- žaludek * MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli have been clearly identified as the causative agents of extraintestinal and diarrheal infections; however, the etiopathogenic role of E. coli in other conditions, including colorectal cancer, remains unclear. METHODS: This study aimed to characterize mucosal E. coli isolates (n = 246) from 61 neoplasia patients and 20 healthy controls for the presence of 35 genetic determinants encoding known virulence factors. RESULTS: Virulence determinants encoding invasin (ibeA), siderophore receptor (iroN), S-fimbriae (sfa), and genotoxin (usp) were more prevalent among E. coli isolated from patients with neoplasia compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In addition, the prevalence of these virulence determinants was increased in more advanced neoplasia stages (padj < 0.0125). Compared to patients with advanced colorectal adenoma and carcinoma, the ibeA gene was rarely found in the control group and among patients with non-advanced adenoma (p < 0.05), indicating its potential as the advanced-neoplasia biomarker. Patients with neoplasia frequently had E. coli strains with at least one of the abovementioned virulence factors, whereby specific combinations of these virulence factors were found. DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that E. coli strains isolated from patients with colorectal neoplasia possess several virulence factors, which could contribute to the development of neoplastic processes in the large intestine.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Malabsorpce žlučových kyselin (BAM – bile acid malabsorption) je výsledkem dysregulace enterohepatálního oběhu žlučových kyselin a jejich syntézy v játrech. Prevalence BAM je odhadována na 1 % všeobecné dospělé populace, patří mezi nejvíce opomíjené diagnózy. U osob splňujících diagnostická kritéria dráždivého tračníku se primární BAM vyskytuje u třetiny nemocných. U Crohnovy choroby s terminální ileitidou nebo po resekci terminálního ilea je BAM přítomna u 50–100 % pacientů. U onkologických pacientů s anamnézou radioterapie v oblasti pánve postihuje až polovinu nemocných. Zlatým standardem diagnostiky je SeHCAT test (75Selenium HomoCholic Acid Taurine test), nyní nově dostupný také v České republice. Hlavním dietním opatřením je omezení tuků v potravě. Základem farmakoterapie je podání sekvestrantů žlučových kyselin (v České republice je dostupný cholestyramin).
Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) is caused by dysregulation of enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and their synthesis in the liver. Estimated prevalence is about 1% of adult population. BAM has been substantially underdiagnosed. This condition can be present in one third of patients with diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome and in 50–100% of Crohn‘s disease with ileitis or previously resected terminal ileum. Up to one half of oncology patients with pelvic radiotherapy suffer from BAM. SeHCAT test (75Selenium HomoCholic Acid Taurine test) is the gold diagnostic standard and the test has just become available in the Czech Republic. Low-fat diet is the most important dietary modification. Bile acids sequestrants (cholestyramine in the Czech Republic) are the crucial part of pharmacotherapy.
- Klíčová slova
- SeHCAT test,
- MeSH
- cholestyraminová pryskyřice MeSH
- diferenciální diagnóza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- malabsorpční syndromy * diagnóza klasifikace terapie MeSH
- nádory * komplikace MeSH
- prevalence MeSH
- žlučové kyseliny a soli fyziologie metabolismus MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Úvod: Téměř všechny preklinické studie u experimentálních prasat je třeba provádět v celkové anestezii. Ketamin je běžně používán jako úvod do anestezie. Avšak dosud nezodpovězenou otázkou je, zda ketamin, antagonista NMDA-receptorů, ovlivňuje motorické funkce žaludku. Cílem této práce bylo vyšetřit žaludeční myoelektrickou aktivitu prasete metodou elektrogastrografie (EGG). Metody: Do studie bylo zařazeno 17 samic Sus scrofa f. domestica (průměrná hmotnost 36,2 ± 3,8 kg). Pro úvod do anestezie byla použita různá léčiva: skupina A (n = 5): medetomidin 0,1 mg/kg i. m.; butorfanol 0,3 mg/kg i. m.; midazolam 0,3 mg/kg i. m.; skupina B (n = 6): azaperon 2,2 mg/kg i. m.; skupina C (n = 6): ketamin 20 mg/kg i. m.; azaperon 2,2 mg/kg i. m. Celková anestezie ve všech skupinách pokračovala podáváním 1% propofolu (opakované 1ml bolusy, celkem 10–12 ml i.v.). Záznam EGG začal za 15 min. po úvodu do anestezie a trval 30 min. Výsledky byly vyhodnoceny jako dominantní frekvence pomalých žaludečních vln (DF) a plochy pod křivkou (EGG power). Výsledky: Celkem bylo vyhodnoceno 510 jednominutových EGG intervalů (každý dvakrát: DF a power). DF byly (průměr ± směrodatná odchylka): 1,4 ± 0,4 (skupina A), 1,3 ± 0,3 (skupina B) a 0,2 ± 0,1 cykly/min. (skupina C). Rozdíly mezi skupinou C a skupinami A a B byly statisticky významné (p < 0,001). Mediány ploch pod křivkou (IQR) byly: 0,13 (0,02–0,44; skupina A); 0,13 (0,03–0,54; skupina B) a 0,30 V2 (0,07–1,44; skupina C). Rozdíl mezi skupinami A a C byl na hranici statistické významnosti (p = 0,066; chyba 2. typu beta 0,295). Závěry: Ketamin, a to i v jedné intramuskulární dávce, ovlivňuje myoelektrické funkce žaludku prasete. Proto by neměl být používán v preklinických studiích gastrointestinální motility experimentálních prasat.
Introduction: Preclinical studies in experimental pigs are carried out mostly under general anaesthesia. Ketamine is commonly used for induction of anaesthesia. However, there are concerns that ketamine, an NMDA-receptor antagonist, may influence gastric motor function. The aim of this study was to investigate porcine gastric myoelectric activity by means of electrogastrography (EGG). Methods: Seventeen female animals (mean weight 36.2±3.8 kg) were enrolled. Drugs used for induction of anaesthesia were: Group A (n=5): medetomidine 0.1 mg/kg i. m.; butorphanol 0.3 mg/kg i. m.; midazolam 0.3 mg/kg i. m.; Group B (n=6): azaperon 2.2 mg/kg i. m.; Group C (n=6): ketamine 20 mg/kg i. m.; azaperon 2.2 mg/kg i. m., followed in all groups by i.v. 1% propofol (repeated one-mL boluses, 10–12 mL in total). EGG recording started 15 min. after the induction administration and lasted 30 min. Results were evaluated as the dominant frequency of gastric slow waves (DF) and EGG power (areas of amplitudes). Results: In total, 510 one-minute EGG intervals were assessed. DFs were (mean ± standard deviation): 1.4±0.4 (Group A), 1.3±0.3 (Group B) and 0.2±0.1 cycles per min. (Group C). The differences between group C and groups A and B were statistically significant (p<0.001). Median power (IQR) was 0.13 (0.02–0.44; Group A), 0.13 (0.03–0.54; Group B) and 0.30 V2 (0.07–1.44; Group C). The difference between groups A and C was of borderline significance (p=0.066; type 2 error beta 0.295). Conclusions: Ketamine, administered even in a single intramuscular dose, affected myoelectric function of the porcine stomach. Therefore, it should be avoided in gastrointestinal motility studies in experimental pigs.
- MeSH
- gastrointestinální nemoci diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- gastroskopie * metody normy MeSH
- kvalita zdravotní péče MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- terminologie jako téma MeSH
- zlepšení kvality MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The mortality rates of gastric carcinoma remain high, despite the progress in research and development in disease mechanisms and treatment. Therefore, recognition of gastric precancerous lesions and early neoplasia is crucial. Two subtypes of sporadic gastric cancer have been recognized: cardia subtype and non-cardia (distal) subtype, the latter being more frequent and largely associated with infection of Helicobacter pylori, a class I carcinogen. Helicobacter pylori initiates the widely accepted Correa cascade, describing a stepwise progression through precursor lesions from chronic inflammation to gastric atrophy, gastric intestinal metaplasia and neoplasia. Our knowledge on He-licobacter pylori is still limited, and multiple questions in the context of its contribution to the pathogenesis of gastric neoplasia are yet to be answered. Awareness and recognition of gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia on high-definition white-light endoscopy, image-enhanced endoscopy and magnification endoscopy, in combination with histology from the biopsies taken accurately according to the protocol, are crucial to guiding the management. Standard indications for endoscopic resections (endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection) of gastric dysplasia and intestinal type of gastric carcinoma have been recommended by multiple societies. Endoscopic evaluation and surveillance should be offered to individuals with an inherited predisposition to gastric carcinoma.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Úvod a cíle: Laminarin je nízkomolekulární (504 Da) větvený glukózový polysacharid [ (1®3) -b-D-glukan], který je schopen modulovat humorální a buněčnou imunitní odpověď, a to nespecifickou i specifickou. Laminarin se vyznačuje anti-tumorózní aktivitou, neboť indukuje apoptózu a ovlivňuje intestinální mikrobiota. Cílem studie bylo vyšetřit anti-laminarinové protilátky u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem. Metody: Do prospektivní studie bylo zahrnuto 46 jedinců, z toho 14 kontrol (5 mužů, 9 žen, věk 29–80, průměr 55 ± 13) a 32 pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (14 mužů, 18 žen, věk 46–86, průměr 66 ± 11). Dva pacienti z CRC skupiny byli vyřazeni pro zjištěnou odlehlou hodnotu. Z 30 pacientů s CRC mělo 12 pravostranný kolorektální karcinom (12/30, 40 %). Většina pacientů s CRC měla stadium III (13/30, 43 %) nebo IV (13/30, 43 %). Pacienti měli převážně středně diferencovaný (15/30, 50 %) nebo nízce diferencovaný (11/30, 37 %) karcinom. Vzorky byly odebírány z periferní žilní krve a sérové IgG protilátky proti laminarinu byly stanoveny metodou ELISA v jednotkách U/ml. Výsledky: Sérové protilátky proti laminarinu byly signifikantně vyšší u kontrol ve srovnání s pacienty s CRC (16,23 ± 6,60; 11,41 ± 5,53; p = 0,015) a u kontrol ve srovnání s pacienty s levostranným CRC (11,38 ± 5,39; p = 0,046). Významný rozdíl byl pozorován mezi kontrolami a CRC III. stadiem (11,01 ± 3,36; p = 0,017); mezi kontrolami a CRC IV. stadiem (10,98 ± 6,06; p = 0,049). Anti-laminarinové protilátky byly signifikantně nižší u středně diferencovaného CRC ve srovnání s kontrolami (10,78 ± 5,22; p = 0,020), avšak nikoli u nízce diferencovaného CRC (12,10 ± 6,28; p = 0,755). Nebyl prokázán rozdíl mezi kontrolami a ženami s CRC (11,94 ± 6,39; p = 0,092). Byl potvrzen signifikantní rozdíl mezi kontrolami a muži s CRC (10,72 ± 4,32; p = 0,017). Závěr: Sérové protilátky proti laminarinu byly signifikantně nižší u pacientů s CRC a u podskupin osob s kolorektálním karcinomem.
Introduction and objectives: Laminarin is a low molecular weight (504 Da) glucose branched polysaccharide which modulates humoral and cellular immune response, both non-specific and specific. Laminarin possesses anti-tumorous activity as it induces apoptosis and modulates the colonic microbiota. The aim of our current study was to evaluate anti-laminarin antibodies in colorectal carcinoma. Methods: A total of 46 individuals were enrolled in the prospective study including 14 controls (5 men, 9 women, age 29–80, mean 55 ± 13) and 32 patients with colorectal carcinoma, CRC (14 men, 18 women, age 46–86, mean 66 ± 11). Two outliers were identified in the CRC group. Out of 30 CRC patients, 12 individuals had right-sided CRC (12/30; 40%). Majority of the CRC patients had stage III (13/30; 43%) or IV (13/30; 43%) cancer. Most of the CRC patients had moderately (15/30; 50%) or poorly (11/30; 37%) differentiated CRC. Samples were obtained from the peripheral venous blood and investigation of the serum IgG anti-laminarin antibodies was performed by means of ELISA and measured in U/mL. Results: Serum anti-laminarin antibodies were significantly higher in controls compared to the CRC group (16.23 ± 6.60; 11.41 ± 5.53; p = 0.015) and in controls compared to left-sided carcinoma (11.38 ± 5.39; p = 0.046). A statistically significant difference was observed between controls and CRC stage III (11.01 ± 3.36; p = 0.017) and between controls and CRC stage IV (10.98 ± 6.06; p = 0.049). Anti-laminarin antibodies were significantly lower in moderately differentiated CRC compared to controls (10.78 ± 5.22; p = 0.020), but not in poorly differentiated CRC (12.10 ± 6.28; p = 0.755). No difference was identified between controls and females with CRC (11.94 ± 6.39; p = 0.092). There was a significant difference between controls and males with CRC (10.72 ± 4.32; p = 0.017). Conclusion: Serum anti-laminarin antibodies were significantly lower in the CRC group and CRC subgroups compared to controls.
- Klíčová slova
- anti-laminarinové protilátky,
- MeSH
- celulasy analýza MeSH
- kolorektální nádory * patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádorové biomarkery MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH