Hibernomy jsou nádory měkkých tkání vycházející z pozůstatků hnědého tuku. Jedná se o vzácné útvary, které mohou mít různou klinickou prezentaci od náhodných asymptomatických útvarů až po bolesti způsobené útlakem nervů. Předkládáme případ 52letého muže, u kterého se na ultrazvuku a magnetické rezonanci zobrazoval atypický lipomatózní útvar. Útvar byl vyříznut a odeslán na patologii s výsledkem, že se jedná o hibernom. Při léčbě takovýchto nádorů bychom měli být bdělí, protože se může jednat o maskovaný liposarkom nízkého stupně. Nejlepším postupem k dosažení definitivní diagnózy je chirurgická biopsie nebo excize.
Hibernomas are soft tissue tumors derived from remnants of brown fat. They are rare masses that can have variable presentations ranging from incidental asymptomatic masses to pain due to nerve compression. We present the case of a 52-year-old male presenting with an atypical lipomatous mass on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The mass was excised and sent for pathology with the result being a hibernoma. We should be vigilant in the treatment of such tumor presentations as they may be a low grade liposarcoma in disguise. Surgical biopsy or excision is the best treatment for achieving a definite diagnosis.
- MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lipoma * surgery diagnostic imaging MeSH
- Liposarcoma surgery diagnostic imaging MeSH
- Soft Tissue Neoplasms * surgery diagnostic imaging MeSH
- Shoulder pathology MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
BACKGROUND: The potential to utilize the lower subscapular nerve for brachial plexus surgery has been suggested in many anatomical studies. However, we know of no studies in the literature describing the use of the lower subscapular nerve for axillary nerve reconstruction to date. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of this nerve transfer in patients with upper brachial plexus palsy. METHODS: Of 1340 nerve reconstructions in 568 patients with brachial plexus injury performed by the senior author (P.H.), a subset of 18 patients underwent axillary nerve reconstruction using the lower subscapular nerve and constitutes the patient group for this study. The median age was 48 years, and the median time between trauma and surgery was 6 months. A concomitant radial nerve injury was found in 8 patients. RESULTS: Thirteen patients completed a minimum follow-up period of 24 months. Successful deltoid recovery was defined as (1) muscle strength MRC grade ≥ 3, (2) electromyographic signs of reinnervation, and (3) increase in deltoid muscle mass. Axillary nerve reconstruction was successful in 9 of 13 patients, which represents a success rate of 69.2%. No significant postoperative weakness of shoulder internal rotation or adduction was observed after transecting the lower subscapular nerve. CONCLUSIONS: The lower subscapular nerve can be used as a safe and effective neurotization tool for upper brachial plexus injury, having a success rate of 69.2% for axillary nerve repair. Our technique presents a suitable alternative for patients with concomitant radial nerve injury.
- MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Scapula surgery MeSH
- Nerve Transfer adverse effects methods MeSH
- Brachial Plexus Neuropathies surgery MeSH
- Paralysis surgery MeSH
- Brachial Plexus injuries surgery MeSH
- Postoperative Complications epidemiology MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
- Shoulder pathology surgery MeSH
- Nerve Regeneration MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- MeSH
- Shoulder Pain * diagnosis etiology therapy MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Joint Diseases diagnosis etiology therapy MeSH
- Prognosis MeSH
- Shoulder anatomy & histology diagnostic imaging pathology MeSH
- Range of Motion, Articular MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
- Keywords
- screeningové vyšetření pohybového aparátu GALS,
- MeSH
- Lower Extremity pathology MeSH
- Edema etiology pathology MeSH
- Physical Examination * methods MeSH
- Joints pathology MeSH
- Knee Joint pathology MeSH
- Hip Joint pathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Joint Instability diagnosis MeSH
- Palpation methods MeSH
- Spine pathology MeSH
- Shoulder pathology MeSH
- Rheumatic Diseases * diagnosis MeSH
- Range of Motion, Articular MeSH
- Hand pathology MeSH
- Muscle Strength MeSH
- Wrist pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
Úvod: Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit přínos subpektorální tenodézy při řešení patologických stavů ramena kombinovaných s postižením úponu nebo šlachy dlouhé hlavy bicepsu. Materiál a metody: Autoři zhodnotili retrospektivně soubor 80 náhodně vybraných pacientů, u kterých byla v letech 2009–2013 provedena artroskopie ramena. Ošetření bylo provedeno podle zjištěné patologie: débridement nebo refixace labra, débridement chrupavek nebo mikrofraktury, débridement rotátorové manžety, burzektomie a event. i kostní subakromiální dekomprese, ošetření subkorakoidálního impingementu, resekce AC kloubu apod. Pacienti se suturou manžety byli z tohoto hodnocení vyloučeni. Soubor tvoří 2 skupiny po 40 pacientech. Skupina A je z období před zavedením subpektorální tenodézy. V případě zjištění závažné patologie bicepsu byl proveden débridement, tenotomie nebo proximální tenodéza. Skupinu B tvoří pacienti od května 2012, kdy autoři začali provádět subpektorální tenodézu. U těchto pacientů autoři v případě patologie bicepsu prováděli tenotomii nebo subpektorální tenodézu. Výsledky zhodnotili pomocí skóre SPADI (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index) před operací a po operaci. Zjišťovali také subjektivní spokojenost s výsledkem léčby a to, zda by pacient znovu podstoupil operaci. Dále podrobněji analyzují podskupinu pacientů se subpektorální tenodézou. Výsledky: Průměrná hodnota SPADI u skupiny A byla 46,4 před operací a 74,2 po operaci. U skupiny B byl průměr před operací 48,1 a po operaci 93. Průměrné zlepšení bylo statisticky významně vyšší u skupiny pacientů, kde byla v případě nálezu na bicepsu prováděna subpektorální tenodéza (p = 0,003). Diskuze: Šlacha dlouhé hlavy bicepsu od určitého stupně svého poškození již nemá reparační schopnosti, a pokud ji během operace neošetříme, může způsobovat perzistující potíže v rameni i po jinak korektně provedené operaci. Tenotomie nebo subpektorální tenodéza zlepšuje v tomto případě výsledky operační léčby ramena. Subpektorální tenodéza je rychlá a efektivní alternativa ošetření léze šlachy bicepsu, zatížená minimem komplikací.
Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefits of subpectoral biceps tenodesis when dealing with shoulder pathology combined with damaged long head of the biceps tendon. Material and methods: 80 patients who underwent shoulder arthroscopy between 2009 and 2013 were reviewed. The type of procedure differed due to concomitant pathology: labral debridement or repair, debridement of chondral lesions or microfractures, debridement of the rotator cuff, bursectomy or acromioplasty, decompression of subcoracoid impingement, AC joint resection, etc. Patients with rotator cuff repair were excluded from this evaluation. The first group of 40 patients is from the period before the authors started with subpectoral biceps tenodesis. Patients were treated with debridement, tenotomy or proximal biceps tenodesis in case of serious pathology of the biceps. The second group of 40 patients underwent arthroscopy after May 2012, when the authors started to perform subpectoral biceps tenodesis. In these patients, the authors performed debridement, tenotomy or subpectoral biceps tenodesis in cases of biceps pathology. All the patients were evaluated using the SPADI score (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index) preoperatively and postoperatively. Patient satisfaction with the treatment was evaluated. Additionally, subgroup analysis of tenodesed patients was performed. Results: Preoperative average SPADI among the first group was 46,4, whereas postoperative was 74,2. Preoperative average SPADI among the second group was 48,1, whereas postoperative was 93. SPADI improvement was statistically significantly greater (p = 0.003) in the second group, where subpectoral tenodesis was performed in the case of identifying a lesion in the long head of biceps tendon. Discussion: Inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon does not always heal after correct surgery and, if left unaddressed, may cause persistent problems in the shoulder. Tenotomy or subpectoral tenodesis in this case improves outcomes of surgical treatment of the shoulder. Subpectoral biceps tenodesis is a fast and effective procedure with excellent outcomes and low complication rate.
- Keywords
- subakromiální impingement,
- MeSH
- Arthroscopy methods MeSH
- Shoulder Pain * surgery MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Muscle, Skeletal surgery pathology MeSH
- Bone Screws MeSH
- Suture Anchors MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Pain Measurement MeSH
- Statistics, Nonparametric MeSH
- Arm surgery pathology MeSH
- Pain, Postoperative MeSH
- Shoulder * surgery pathology MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Tendons surgery MeSH
- Patient Satisfaction statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Tenodesis * methods MeSH
- Tenotomy MeSH
- Patient Selection MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Female MeSH
- MeSH
- Pharmacopoeias, Homeopathic as Topic MeSH
- Knee physiology pathology MeSH
- Muscle, Skeletal * physiology pathology MeSH
- Ankle pathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Elbow physiology pathology MeSH
- Occupational Diseases diagnosis economics etiology classification MeSH
- Periostitis MeSH
- Shoulder physiology pathology MeSH
- Wrist physiology pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Background. Nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle are of the complex pathology of the elbow joint, occurring relatively often and resulting in disability of children. The treatment of nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus remains controversial. Purpose of this report was improvement of the results of surgical treatment of the nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus with use of differential approach to the surgical strategy. Material and methods. We were observing 28 children (17 boys and 11 girls) with nonunion and longstanding nonunion of lateral condyle of humerus, with various degrees of severity. There were used MRI and Xray investigations for differential study of the patients divided into 3 groups in relation to stability and nonstability of the nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus. Results. All 28 patients lateral humeral condyle nonunions with cubitus valgus achieved union within sixty five days after operative procedure using Ilisarovs technique. The mean postoperative humerusulna angle was 6,0 degrees of cubitus valgus. All of reverse Tosteothomies healed uneventfully, and there was no loss of correction postoperatively. The mean duration of followup was 7 years. The overall results were excellent in 15(53,5%) patients, good in 11(39,3%) patients, and fair in 2(7,2%) patients. All 28 patients lateral humeral condyle nonunions with cubitus valgus achieved union within sixty five days after operative procedure using Ilisarovs technique. The mean postoperative humerusulna angle was 6,0 degrees of cubitus valgus. All of reverse Tosteothomies healed uneventfully, and there was no loss of correction postoperatively. The mean duration of followup was 7 years. The overall results were excellent in 15(53,5%) patients, good in 11(39,3%) patients, and fair in 2(7,2%) patients. Conclusion. We believe it is reasonable to use our treatment method when dealing with nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle with cubitus valgus. These differential techniques helps to shape the distal part of humerus, thus, restoring the function of the elbow joint.
- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Humeral Fractures surgery MeSH
- Ilizarov Technique * utilization MeSH
- Joint Deformities, Acquired surgery MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Elbow Joint * abnormalities anatomy & histology surgery pathology MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
- Shoulder * abnormalities anatomy & histology surgery pathology MeSH
- Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
Léčba rázovou vlnou - extracorporeal shockwave therapy /ESWT/ - je relativně novou metodou fyzikální léčby, která má svou nezastupitelnou úlohu v léčbě celé řady nemocí pohybového ústrojí. V přehledovém článku autoři shrnují fyzikální a biologické principy ESWT, její krátkou historii, výsledky klinických studií, indikace, kontraindikace a doporučená terapeutická schémata pro konkrétní onemocnění.
- MeSH
- Achilles Tendon physiopathology pathology radiation effects MeSH
- Analgesia methods instrumentation utilization MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Animal Experimentation MeSH
- Fasciitis, Plantar rehabilitation therapy MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Calcification, Physiologic physiology radiation effects MeSH
- Physical Therapy Modalities standards instrumentation utilization MeSH
- Laser Therapy methods nursing utilization MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Elbow physiopathology pathology radiation effects MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Musculoskeletal Diseases rehabilitation therapy MeSH
- Orthopedic Nursing methods instrumentation trends MeSH
- Orthopedics history methods trends MeSH
- Osteonecrosis MeSH
- Heel Spur therapy MeSH
- Shoulder pathology radiography radiation effects MeSH
- High-Energy Shock Waves adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Rehabilitation methods MeSH
- Tendinopathy therapy MeSH
- Tissues radiation effects injuries MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Practice Guideline MeSH
Artroskopie je dynamický obor ortopedie, který se progresivně rozvíjí od konce 60. let. Nové poznatky v mnohém změnily náš pohled na příčinu některých kloubních potíží. Zároveň jsme získali možnost cíleně a efektivně řešit tyto patologické stavy. Naše možnosti intraartikulární operativy dále zlepšují inovace na poli operačních technik, operačních nástrojů a přístrojů, nové typy implantátů, produkty tkáňového inženýrství. Článek se snaží přehledně podle kloubů (koleno, rameno, hlezno, kyčel, loket, zápěstí a ostatní klouby) podat souhrn současných možností, indikací, operačních postupů, technologických inovací, ale i kontroverzních témat. Autoři kladou důraz na odlišení postupů, které jsou prověřeny kvalitními studiemi s dlouhodobými výsledky, od novinek, které ještě nemohou být považovány za standardní metody. U těchto novinek ještě musíme počkat na dlouhodobé výsledky, než je bez výhrad převezmeme do svého repertoáru.
Arthroscopy is a dynamic field of orthopaedics, which has been developing progressively since the end of the 1960s. New knowledge has much changed our viewpoint on cause of some joint problems and at the same time we have acquired possibility of an effective and goal-directed solution of these pathological states. The possibilities of intra-articular operations have been further improved by innovations in operation techniques, operation instruments and devices, new types of implants, and the products of tissue engineering. The article aims to clearly list the recent possibilities, indications, operation procedures, technological innovations but also controversial topics described per joints (knee, shoulder, ankle joint, hip joint, elbow, wrist and other joints). The authors emphasize the differentiation of the procedures tested by quality studies with long-term results from new procedures that cannot be considered standard methods yet. With these novelties we have to wait for the long-term results before accepting them unreservedly.
- MeSH
- Arthroscopy methods trends utilization MeSH
- Knee Joint surgery physiopathology pathology MeSH
- Ankle surgery physiopathology pathology MeSH
- Hip surgery physiopathology pathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Elbow Joint surgery pathology MeSH
- Orthopedic Procedures economics methods trends MeSH
- Knee Injuries surgery therapy MeSH
- Hip Injuries surgery therapy MeSH
- Elbow Injuries MeSH
- Shoulder Injuries MeSH
- Wrist Injuries surgery physiopathology pathology therapy MeSH
- Prostheses and Implants trends utilization MeSH
- Knee Prosthesis trends utilization MeSH
- Shoulder surgery pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Příspěvek je dílčím výsledkem naší studie zaměřené na zjištění závislosti výkonnostního veslování na postavení páteře. Zkoumali jsme, zda dochází ke změnám výšek ramen (akromionů) u aktivních veslařů a to v závislosti na stylu veslování. Dále jsme zjišťovali, zda tyto případné změny závisí na intenzitě tréninkového zatížení. Vliv sportovně pohybových požadavků ve výkonnostním veslování na výšku akromionů jsme prozkoumali pomocí objektivní neinvazivní metody měření na přístroji DTP II.
This paper is partial result of our study examining relations between active rowing and changes in spinal position. We examined if there are any changes in the position of shoulders (acromions) among active rowers depending on the rowing style. And we also studied the dependency of these eventual changes on the intensity of the training. We examined the influence of intensive training in active rowing on the position of acromions by the help of the appliance DTP II, which represent objective noninvasive measuring method.
- MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent physiology MeSH
- Posture physiology MeSH
- Shoulder physiology pathology MeSH
- Sports statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Exercise Movement Techniques statistics & numerical data adverse effects MeSH
- Physical Education and Training methods statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Spinal Curvatures pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent physiology MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Comparative Study MeSH