BACKGROUND: This 20-year retrospective study aimed to evaluate the treatment methods used in patients with impacted maxillary permanent canines and to determine the occurrence of ankylotic and resorptive processes and their association with potential risk factors. METHODS: The cohort consisted of 351 consecutive Caucasian patients (120 males and 231 females, mean age 18.4 and 19.9 years, respectively) with 420 impacted maxillary permanent canines. CT and CBCT findings were subsequently confirmed during surgery. Statistical analyses were performed by the generalized linear models, Pearson x2 and Fisher exact tests using the statistical programs R and Statistica v. 14. RESULTS: A total of 273 (65.0%) impacted canines were aligned in the dental arch by orthodontic traction after surgical exposure, this treatment was predominant in patients under 20 years of age. Surgical extraction was performed in 115 (27.2%) impacted canines and was more common in older patients. Ankylotic changes were recorded in 61 (14.5%) impacted canines. The probability of ankylosis increased with age, particularly after the patient's 20th year of life (p < 0.001). Patients were 1.2% likely to develop ankylosis at age 15 years, 4.3% at age 20 years, 14.1% at age 25 years, and 96.8% at age 45 years. Invasive cervical root resorption (ICRR) was found in 8 (1.9%) canines. In 4 canines (1.0%), root ankylosis in addition to ICRR was observed. In contrast to ankylosis, whose frequency of occurrence increased with age, the occurrence of ICRR resulting from PDL damage during surgery was more typical in younger patients. Canines in a high position above the root apices of the adjacent teeth, with a horizontal inclination of the longitudinal axis, with the crown located deep in the center of the alveolar bone and with labiopalatal position, should be considered critically impacted canines with a high risk to failure of orthodontic traction. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the treatment of impacted canines depends mainly on the age of the patient, and the position and inclination of the longitudinal axis of the impacted tooth. To select an adequate treatment method, we recommend CBCT examination, which allows a precise analysis of the position of impacted canines.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- extrakce zubů MeSH
- kohortové studie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- maxila * chirurgie MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- ortodontická extruze metody MeSH
- počítačová rentgenová tomografie MeSH
- počítačová tomografie s kuželovým svazkem * MeSH
- resorpce zubního kořene diagnostické zobrazování etiologie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- špičák * diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- věkové faktory MeSH
- zaklíněný zub * chirurgie diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- zubní ankylóza * diagnostické zobrazování MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: Orthodontic treatment is associated with numerous adverse side effects, such as enamel discoloration, demineralization or even caries. The presence of microleakage between the enamel and the adhesive and between the adhesive and the base of the orthodontic bracket allows penetration of the bacteria, molecules, and liquids into the enamel and can lead to unpleasant "white spot lesions" or secondary caries beneath and around the brackets. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate microleakage in five adhesive systems commonly used in orthodontic practice for bonding brackets. METHODS: One hundred extracted premolars were divided into five groups of twenty teeth. Stainless steel Legend medium metal brackets were bonded to teeth using five adhesive systems: resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement GC Fuji Ortho LC (GCF) and composite materials Light Bond (LB), Transbond XT (TB), TrulockTM Light Activated Adhesive (TL), and GC Ortho Connect (GCO). The specimens were subjected to thermal cycling, stained with 2% methylene blue, sectioned with low-speed diamond saw Isomet and evaluated under a digital microscope. Microleakage was detected at the enamel-adhesive and adhesive-bracket interfaces from occlusal and gingival margins. Statistical analysis was performed using generalized linear mixed models with beta error distribution. RESULTS: Microleakage was observed in all materials, with GCF showing the highest amount of microleakage. Composite materials GCO, TB, and LB exhibited the lowest amount of microleakage with no statistical difference between them, while TL showed a statistically significantly higher amount of microleakage (p < 0.001). The enamel-adhesive interface had more microleakage in all composite materials (GCO, LB, TB, and TL) than the adhesive bracket-interface (p < 0.001). The highest amount of microleakage occurred in the gingival region in all materials. CONCLUSION: Composite materials showed better adhesive properties than a resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement. The presence of microleakage at the enamel-adhesive interface facilitates the penetration of various substances into enamel surfaces, causing enamel demineralization and the development of dental caries.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ortodontické zámky * MeSH
- skloionomerní cementy MeSH
- výzkumný projekt MeSH
- zubní kaz * MeSH
- zubní sklovina MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Aim: The aim was to determine the factors affecting the duration of therapy with fixed orthodontic appliance. Material and method: From the documentation, study casts and radiographs of 221 patients the initial condition and factors that can be affected by a dentist and a patient were selected, measured and determined. Results: The following factors correlate strongly positively with the duration of therapy: number of dentists taking part in the active stage of therapy, interval between the adjustment of appliance in the upper and in the lower arch, complexity of treatment expressed with TCI score, number of missed appointments per month, and percentage of negative compliance entries. The following factors correlate weakly positively: initial anomaly expressed with DI score, extraction therapy, poor hygiene, number of rebonded brackets more than 12 months after the therapy beginning, time of bonding of second permanent molars, early debond, therapy outcome expressed with OGS score. Age and number of appointments performed correlate weakly negatively. No correlation was found for the following factors: sex, number of emergency visits, percentage of time in NiTi wires, number of rebonded brackets during the first 12 months, type of orthodontic brackets material used, initial Angle class.
- MeSH
- adherence pacienta MeSH
- časové faktory MeSH
- fixní ortodontický aparát * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- malokluze terapie MeSH
- ortodontické aparáty MeSH
- trvání terapie MeSH
- věkové faktory MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- klinická studie MeSH
Aims: The study objective was to assess occlusion in patients after orthodontic therapy with fixed appliance and in untreated individuals. Material and method: The sample included 81 students of dentistry at Masaryk University Brno aged 22-30 (mean age 24.3 ±1.67). The first group included 42 individuals without orthodontic treatment, and the second group 39 people after orthodontic therapy. Both groups filled in forms and a questionnaire on symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), CPI index, and digital analysis of static and dynamic occlusion performed with T-Scan. Results: No differences were found in overall condition of periodontium, mobility of mouth opening, chewing muscles pain. TMD symptoms were more frequent in the group after orthodontic therapy – clicking on the right. In case of static occlusion forces were distributed more in posterior segment of dentition in patients after orthodontic therapy. In case of dynamic occlusion there was found no difference in the guidance in lateropulsion (group, anterior or canine guidance). However, in patients after orthodontic therapy a longer time of disclusion (i.e. the interval between the beginning of lateropulsal movement and the achievement of one of the mentioned types of guidance) was observed. Conclusion: Orthodontic therapy may influence some parameters of static and dynamic occlusion. To determine the changes we can use digital occlusal analysis T-ScanTM, or apply one of techniques of articulation grinding.
Like all developmental processes, odontogenesis is highly complex and dynamically regulated, with hundreds of genes co-expressed in reciprocal networks. Tooth agenesis (missing one or more/all teeth) is a common human craniofacial anomaly and may be caused by genetic variations and/or environmental factors. Variants in PAX9, MSX1, AXIN2, EDA, EDAR, and WNT10A genes are associated with tooth agenesis. Currently, variants in ATF1, DUSP10, CASC8, IRF6, KDF1, GREM2, LTBP3, and components and regulators of WNT signaling WNT10B, LRP6, DKK, and KREMEN1 are at the forefront of interest. Due to the interconnectedness of the signaling pathways of carcinogenesis and odontogenesis, tooth agenesis could be a suitable marker for early detection of cancer predisposition. Variants in genes associated with tooth agenesis could serve as prognostic or therapeutic targets in cancer. This review aims to summarize existing knowledge of development and clinical genetics of teeth. Concurrently, the review proposes possible approaches for future research in this area, with particular attention to roles in monitoring, early diagnosis and therapy of tumors associated with defective tooth development.
- MeSH
- anodoncie epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- časná detekce nádoru MeSH
- dědičné nádorové syndromy epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- genetická predispozice k nemoci MeSH
- genetické asociační studie MeSH
- karcinogeneze MeSH
- karcinom epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- kolorektální nádory epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádorové biomarkery MeSH
- nádory vaječníků epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- nádory žaludku epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- nádory epidemiologie genetika MeSH
- odontogeneze MeSH
- signální dráha Wnt genetika MeSH
- signální transdukce genetika MeSH
- transkripční faktor MSX1 genetika MeSH
- transkripční faktor PAX9 genetika MeSH
- změna barvy zubů MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Úvod: Syndrom obstrukční spánkové apnoe (OSA) je závažné, život ohrožující onemocnění, které se projevuje nadměrnou denní spavostí a může vést k poškození kognitivních funkcí, k rozvoji hypertenze, kardiovaskulárních chorob a diabetu. Jde o onemocnění multifaktoriální etiologie, u něhož dochází k opakovaným epizodám částečné nebo úplné obstrukce horních dýchacích cest v průběhu spánku, během kterých klesá saturace hemoglobinu kyslíkem až na 70 %. Vlastní sdělení: Prevalence syndromu obstrukční spánkové apnoe je u dospělých pacientů v rozvinutých zemích vysoká. V ortodontické praxi se často objevují pacienti trpící OSA, jejichž kraniofaciální a dentální znaky, biotyp obličejového skeletu a specifické patologie krční páteře jsou dávány do souvislosti s omezenou průchodností horních a dolních dýchacích cest. Z kraniofaciálních a dentálních anomálií jde především o skeletální druhou třídu, která může být kombinovaná s II. Angleovou třídou a zvětšeným incizálním schůdkem, růstovou posteriorotaci dolní čelisti, redukovanou délku těla mandibuly, zvětšený úhel čelistní báze v kombinaci s frontálně otevřeným skusem, retrognácii mandibuly, bimaxilární retruzi, vysoké a úzké patro projevující se laterálně zkříženým skusem. Dalšími znaky jsou prodloužené měkké patro, jeho ztluštění, objemnější jazyk a nižší pozice jazylky. K syndromu obstrukční spánkové apnoe patří také hypertrofie nosní, jazykové a patrových mandlí. K diagnostice výše zmíněných anomálií a anatomických poměrů, které přispívají k rozvoji OSA, se užívají základní zobrazovací metody: ortopantomografický a kefalometrický snímek, počítačová tomografie a magnetická rezonance. Cílem sdělení je přehledné zpracování problematiky anomálií kraniofaciálních struktur, které mohou ovlivňovat vznik OSA, a srovnání osmi evropských studií prokazujících vztah mezi OSA a těmito anomáliemi. Závěr: Pro správnou diagnostiku a léčbu syndromu obstrukční spánkové apnoe je klíčová mezioborová spolupráce otorinolaryngologa, ortodontisty, neurologa a internisty. Vzhledem k vysoké frekvenci kraniofaciálních abnormalit, které často zůstávají skryté, by mělo být ortodontické vyšetření standardně provedeno u každého pacienta s diagnózou OSA.
Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is considered to be a serious condition associated with daytime sleepiness which leads to cognitive impairment, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. OSA is a sleep disorder with multifactorial etiology characterised by recurrent episodes of partial or complete obstruction of upper airways during sleep, leading to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation level to 70%. Presentation: The prevalence of OSA is high in adult patients in developed countries. Orthodontists often look after patients with OSA, whose craniofacial and dental anomalies, biotype of the facial skeleton and specific pathologies of the cervical spine are associated with obstruction of upper and lower airways. Craniofacial and dental anomalies usually involve skeletal class II., which is commonly combined with Angle class II. and increased overjet, mandibular posteriorotation, shorter mandibular length, increased mandibular plane angle in combination with anterior open bite, mandibular retrognathia, bimaxillary retrusion, narrow and high hard palate presenting as lateral crossbite. Other important signs include thicker and elongated soft palate, enlarged tongue and inferior position of the hyoid bone. Hypertrophy of the adenoid, palatine and lingual tonsils is also an important anatomic factor in etiology of OSA. Imaging methods are frequently used to diagnose these anomalies: orthopantomograms, lateral cephalograms, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The aim of the article is to review craniofacial structures which contribute to developing OSA and to compare eight European studies proving the relationship between OSA and these anomalies. Conclusion: Interdisciplinary cooperation among an orthodontist, otorhinolaryngologist, neurologist and internist is very important for appropriate treatment of OSA. The orthodontic examination should be performed in every patient with diagnosis OSA due to high frequency of the craniofacial abnormalities that are usually missed.
- MeSH
- kraniofaciální abnormality MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obstrukční spánková apnoe * etiologie patologie MeSH
- ortodoncie metody MeSH
- polysomnografie MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH