Úvod a cíl: Infekce bakterií Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) zůstává významným celosvětovým problémem, vč. České republiky. Cílem této studie je poskytnout přehled současných léčebných přístupů v první linii u infekce H. pylori v České republice na základě dat z Evropského registru managementu H. pylori (Hp-EuReg) a zhodnotit nejefektivnější eradikační režimy. Metodika: Hp-EuReg je mezinárodní, multicentrický registr o léčbě H. pylori, ze kterého jsme čerpali data z České republiky od roku 2019 až do ledna 2024. Tento registr shromažďuje demografická data, diagnostické postupy, předepsané eradikační režimy a výsledný efekt terapie. Pro vyhodnocení účinnosti léčby byla provedena analýza podle původního léčebného záměru (mITT). Výsledky: Do analýzy bylo zařazeno 546 pacientů ze 14 center v České republice, u kterých byla zahájena první linie terapie H. pylori. Nízké dávky inhibitorů protonové pumpy (PPI – proton pump inhibitor) (tj. 20 mg omeprazolu dvakrát denně) byly podávány u 89 % pacientů a nejčastější délka eradikačního režimu byla 14 dní (40 %). Celková účinnost první linie léčby byla 85 %. Účinnost léčby nízkými dávkami PPI (20 mg omeprazolu dvakrát denně) a vysokými dávkami PPI (80 mg omeprazolu dvakrát denně) byla 86 %, pro standardní dávku PPI (40 mg omeprazolu dvakrát denně) 82,5 %. Účinnost léčby podle délky byla pro 7denní terapii 83 %, nižší než tomu bylo u 10- a 14denní terapie, která dosáhla úspěšnosti 86 %. Nejčastěji používaným eradikačním režimem byla trojkombinace PPI, amoxicilinu a klarithromycinu u 67 % pacientů, dosahující s účinností 87 % u 7- a 14denního režimu. Optimální účinnost (>90 % dle mITT) byla dosáhnuta u 10denní sekvenční terapie a 14denní nebismutová čtyřkombinační terapie, které obě zahrnují PPI, amoxicilin, klarithromycin a metronidazol, dosahující úspěšnosti 96 % (48/50 pacientů) a 97 % (34/35 pacientů). Zbývající terapie měly účinnost nižší než 90 %, nejnižší účinnost byla dosažena u kombinace PPI, klarihtromycin a metronidazol (66 %; 35/53 pacientů). Závěr: V České republice byla celkově účinnost empirické první linie terapie suboptimální (<90 %); avšak 10denní sekvenční terapie a 14denní čtyřkombinační terapie, obě zahrnující PPI, amoxicilin, klarithromycin a metronidazol, dosáhly úspěšnosti u více než 90 % pacientů.
Background and Aim: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection remains a significant public health concern worldwide, including in the Czech Republic. The study aims to provide an overview of the current first-line treatment approaches for H. pylori infection in the Czech Republic based on data from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg), and to evaluate the most effective treatment regimens. Methods: Hp--EuReg is an international multicentric registry on the management of H. pylori, from which we extracted data from the Czech Republic from 2019 to January 2024. This registry collects demographic information, diagnostic procedures, treatment prescriptions, and outcomes for H. pylori infection management by gastroenterologists. A modified intention-to-treat (mITT) analysis was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments. Results: A total of 546 patients from 14 centres in the Czech Republic who receive first-line treatment were analysed. Low-dose (i.e.; 20 mg omeprazole equivalent twice daily) proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were administered in 89% of patients, and the most common length of treatments was 14 days (40%). The overall mITT effectiveness of first-line treatment was 85%, obtaining 86% when prescriptions were combined either with low-dose (20 mg omeprazole equivalent twice daily), and high dose (80 mg omeprazole equivalent twice daily) PPIs, and 82.5% with standard-dose (40 mg omeprazole equivalent twice daily) PPIs. The effectiveness of 7-day prescriptions was reported to be 83%, lower than that of 10- and 14-day, both of which achieved effectiveness of 86%. The most frequently used treatment scheme was triple therapy with PPI, amoxicillin and clarithromycin, which was used in 67% of patients, reaching 87% effectiveness both with 7- and 14-day prescriptions. Optimal (>90% mITT) effectiveness was obtained with both 10-day, sequential therapy and with 14-day non-bismuth quadruple concomitant therapy including both PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole, providing 96% (48/50 patients) and 97% (34/35 patients) cure rates, respectively. The remaining therapies provided all an effectiveness lower than 90%, the lowest one obtained with PPI, clarithromycin and metronidazole (66%; 35/53 patients). Conclusions: In the Czech Republic, the first-line empirical treatment overall effectiveness was suboptimal (<90%); however, 10-day non-bismuth quadruple sequential and 14-day concomitant therapies, both composed of PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole, achieved over 90% cure rates.
- MeSH
- amoxicilin farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- Helicobacter pylori * patogenita účinky léků MeSH
- inhibitory protonové pumpy farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- klarithromycin farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- kombinovaná farmakoterapie metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Pancreatic steatosis (PS) has both metabolic consequences and local effects on the pancreas itself. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most reliable non-invasive method for diagnosing PS. We investigated the impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on the presence of PS, differences in individuals with and without PS, and the metabolic effects of bariatric procedures. METHODS: Changes in anthropometric and basic biochemistry values and MS occurrence were evaluated in 34 patients with obesity who underwent a bariatric procedure. After the procedure, patients underwent MRI with manual 3D segmentation mask creation to determine the pancreatic fat content (PFC). We compared the differences in the PFC and the presence of PS in individuals with and without MS and compared patients with and without PS. RESULTS: We found no significant difference in the PFC between the groups with and without MS or in the occurrence of PS. There were significant differences in patients with and without PS, especially in body mass index (BMI), fat mass, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), select adipocytokines, and lipid spectrum with no difference in glycemia levels. Significant metabolic effects of bariatric procedures were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Bariatric procedures can be considered effective in the treatment of obesity, MS, and some of its components. Measuring PFC using MRI did not show any difference in relation to MS, but patients who lost weight to BMI < 30 did not suffer from PS and had lower overall fat mass and VAT. Glycemia levels did not have an impact on the presence of PS.
- MeSH
- bariatrická chirurgie * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- magnetická rezonanční tomografie metody MeSH
- metabolický syndrom * diagnostické zobrazování metabolismus MeSH
- morbidní obezita * chirurgie MeSH
- nitrobřišní tuk metabolismus MeSH
- obezita metabolismus MeSH
- pankreas diagnostické zobrazování metabolismus MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- ztučnělá játra * patologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), an important cause of maldigestion and malnutrition, results from primary pancreatic disease or is secondary to impaired exocrine pancreatic function. Although chronic pancreatitis is the most common cause of EPI, several additional causes exist. These include pancreatic tumors, pancreatic resection procedures, and cystic fibrosis. Other diseases and conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and advanced patient age, have also been shown to be associated with EPI, but the exact etiology of EPI has not been clearly elucidated in these cases. The causes of EPI can be divided into loss of pancreatic parenchyma, inhibition or inactivation of pancreatic secretion, and postcibal pancreatic asynchrony. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) is indicated for the conditions described above presenting with clinically clear steatorrhea, weight loss, or symptoms related to maldigestion and malabsorption. This review summarizes the current literature concerning those etiologies of EPI less common than chronic pancreatitis, the pathophysiology of the mechanisms of EPI associated with each diagnosis, and treatment recommendations.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Virus SARS-CoV-2 je etiologickým faktorem řady chorob, které jsou WHO označeny jako onemocnění covid-19. Mezi možné oblasti, postižené infekcí covid-19, patří trávicí trakt, včetně onemocnění slinivky břišní. Mezi hlavní, resp. nejčastější symptomy covid-19 patří v 71,6 % horečka, v 68,9 % kašel a subjektivní pocit nedostatku dechu v 71,2 %. Mezi symptomy postižení trávicího traktu patří bolesti břicha, nauzea až zvracení anebo průjem. Vztah infekce a postižení slinivky břišní není v literatuře popisován jednoznačně. Častým nálezem je hyperlipazemie, event. hyperamylazemie, které jsou většinou buď zcela bez, nebo s minimálními histomorfologickými změnami, tj. změnami známými pod obrazem edematózního prosáknutí žlázy; naprosto výjimečně byla popsána nekrotická forma. Přesto při srovnání mortality osob s akutní pankreatitidou a pozitivních na covid-19 infekci, byla u této skupiny vyšší než u covid-19 negativních jedinců. Z daných výsledků je možno hovořit o vztahu covid-19 infekce a slinivky břišní ve smyslu akutního postižení žlázy. Poškození exokrinní i endokrinní funkce žlázy virem SARS-CoV-2 je multifaktoriální. Je diskutabilní, zda je postižení žlázy v přímém vztahu k přítomnosti viru, nebo zda se jedná o epifenomén. Významnou roli v indukci pankreatického poškození hrají angiotenzin konvertující enzym 2 (ACE-2) receptory, zánětlivé změny (především beta pankreatických buněk), ale také vysoká hladina IL-18 anebo virem navozená lipotoxicita či imunologická dysregulace. Pankreatopatie v éře infekce covid-19 jsou stále velmi živou tematikou a jsou intenzivně studovány.
SARS-CoV-2 is an etiological factor in several diseases that the WHO designated covid-19. Covid-19 infection may affect the digestive tract, including the pancreas. The main/most common symptoms of covid-19 include fever (71.6%), cough (68.9%) subjective feeling of shortness of breath (71.2%). The gastrointestinal symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and/or diarrhea. The relationship of covid-19 and pancreas affection is not clearly described. A common finding is hyperlipasemia, eventually hyperamylasemia. Both conditions are usually associated with either no or minimal histomorphological changes, i.e. changes referred to as edematous glandular infiltration. Rarely, a necrotic form was reported. Nevertheless, the mortality of patients with acute pancreatitis who were covid-19 positive was higher than in covid-19 negative individuals. The available data indicate there is a link between covid-19 infection and the pancreas presenting as an acute disorder of the gland. SARS-CoV-2 impairment of both exocrine and endocrine function of the pancreas is multifactorial. It is debatable whether the involvement of the gland is directly related to the presence of the virus or whether it is an epiphenomenon. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors, inflammatory changes (especially in pancreatic beta cells), together with high IL-18 levels, virus-induced lipotoxicity and immunological dysregulation play an important role in the induction of pancreatic damage. During the covid-19 pandemic, pancreatopathies represent a very lively topic and are being studied intensively.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * komplikace MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pankreas patologie MeSH
- pankreatitida * diagnóza etiologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an infectious agent influencing as much as 50% of the world's population. It is the causative agent for several diseases, most especially gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the stomach. A number of other, extragastric manifestations also are associated with H. pylori infection. These include neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, demyelinating multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. There is also evidence for a relationship between H. pylori infection and such dermatological diseases as psoriasis and rosacea as well as a connection with infection and open-angle glaucoma. Generally little is known about the relationship between H. pylori infection and diseases of the pancreas. Most evidence about H. pylori and its potential role in the development of pancreatic diseases concerns pancreatic adenocarcinoma and autoimmune forms of chronic pancreatitis. There is data (albeit not fully consistent) indicating modestly increased pancreatic cancer risk in H. pylori-positive patients. The pathogenetic mechanism of this increase is not yet fully elucidated, but several theories have been proposed. Reduction of antral D-cells in H. pylori-positive patients causes a suppression of somatostatin secretion that, in turn, stimulates increased secretin secretion. That stimulates pancreatic growth and thus increases the risk of carcinogenesis. Alternatively, H. pylori, as a part of microbiome dysbiosis and the so-called oncobiome, is proven to be associated with pancreatic adenocarcinoma development via the promotion of cellular proliferation. The role of H. pylori in the inflammation characteristic of autoimmune pancreatitis seems to be explained by a mechanism of molecular mimicry among several proteins (mostly enzymes) of H. pylori and pancreatic tissue. Patients with autoimmune pancreatitis often show positivity for antibodies against H. pylori proteins. H. pylori, as a part of microbiome dysbiosis, also is viewed as a potential trigger of autoimmune inflammation of the pancreas. It is precisely these relationships (and associated equivocal conclusions) that constitute a center of attention among pancreatologists, immunologists and pathologists. In order to obtain clear and valid results, more studies on sufficiently large cohorts of patients are needed. The topic is itself sufficiently significant to draw the interest of clinicians and inspire further systematic research. Next-generation sequencing could play an important role in investigating the microbiome as a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for pancreatic cancer.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
BACKGROUND: The Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) is one of the new advanced restrictive techniques of bariatric endoscopy. The principle of this bariatric technique is the reduction of stomach volume through endoscopic plication. The long-term efficacy and metabolic effects of this procedure are the subject of this study. METHODS: 20 patients were enrolled; four men, sixteen women. Then they were followed for 24 months in terms of glycemic control, body composition, vitamin, and nutritional status. Observed parameters included glucose, triacylglycerols, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, micro and macro nutrients, fat mass, and lean body mass. RESULTS: We observed significant weight loss and a decrease body composition resulted from procedure vs. baseline, with levels of blood glucose also showing statistically significant reductions. The most notable decline in measured values was observed in period six months after the procedure. No significant changes were observed in measurement of micronutrients. CONCLUSIONS: Good restriction results were obtained following ESG, which might be mediated via altered glucose metabolism. The ESG method has shown a positive effect on fat and muscle mass. Unlike surgical methods, there were no deficits or deficiencies, especially in terms of essential vitamin levels.
- MeSH
- gastroplastika * MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- morbidní obezita * chirurgie MeSH
- vitaminy MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH