BACKGROUND: Reminiscence therapy (RT) is a widely used approach to promote well-being among older adults and is an effective intervention method for older adults with diverse health conditions, including community-dwelling older adults. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to determine the impact of group RT on assessments of depression, anxiety and self-esteem in older adults living in the community. METHODS: We implemented sessions of group simple RT. The sample consisted of 24 older adults living in the community who attended a 12-week RT course. The duration of each reminiscence session was 60 min. The average age of the sample was 74.7 years. We used the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the Older adults' Quality of Life-Brief version and the Sense of Coherence scale to assess mental health outcomes before and after intervention. RESULTS: After intervention, we observed statistically significant improvements in assessments of depression (p < 0.001), anxiety (p = 0.011), self-esteem (p = 0.007) and the comprehensibility dimension of the sense of coherence scale (p = 0.039). Depression showed the largest effect size (Cohen's d = 0.870; 95% CI: 0.392 to 1.335), indicating a large effect, followed by self-esteem (Cohen's d = 0.612; 95% CI: -1.044 to -0.170) and anxiety (Cohen's d = 0.543; 95% CI: 0.108 to 0.967), both of which demonstrated a moderate effect. CONCLUSIONS: We found group RT to be effective for several outcomes among older adults. Reminiscence is a good non-invasive treatment for the promotion of mental health in community-dwelling older adults. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: As research has now established RT to be an essential component of activities for older adults in senior care facilities, we should also offer it to those living in the community as an effective activity for the promotion of healthy aging among older adults.
- MeSH
- deprese * terapie psychologie MeSH
- geriatrické hodnocení MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- samostatný způsob života * MeSH
- sebepojetí * MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie metody MeSH
- úzkost * terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cíl: Cílem naší průřezové studie bylo zjistit, jaké mají senioři znalosti o demenci a postoje k demenci a zda se tyto postoje a znalosti liší dle vybraných faktorů. Soubor a metodika: Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 269 účastníků Univerzity třetího věku v Ostravě, kteří byli starší 60 let. Pro sběr dat byla použita škála znalostí o demenci (Dementia Knowledge Scale) a škála postojů k lidem s demencí a k péči o ně (The Scale of Attitudes toward People with Dementia and their Care; APDC). Statistické vyhodnocení bylo provedeno pomocí Mann-Whitneyho testu a Spearmanova korelačního koeficientu. Výsledky: Senioři průměrně znali pět z osmi příznaků demence a pět z deseti rizikových faktorů. Lepší znalosti o příznacích demence měli senioři se zkušeností s péčí o osobu s demencí (p = 0,002) a ženy (p = 0,043). Více znalostí o rizikových faktorech demence uvedli muži (p = 0,028). Největší neznalost rizikových faktorů byla v oblasti obezity, vysokého krevního tlaku, diabetu a kouření. Mezi znalostmi a postoji vůči demenci nebyla zjištěna žádná souvislost. Závěr: Zvyšování znalostí seniorů o příznacích a rizikových faktorech demence může vést k vyššímu dodržování preventivních opatření a včasnému rozpoznání nemoci. Současně je vhodné do preventivních programů zařazovat intervence formující postoje seniorů k demenci a péči o osoby s demencí.
Aim: The aim of our cross-sectional study was to find out what knowledge seniors have about dementia and attitudes towards dementia and whether these attitudes and knowledge differ according to selected factors. Materials and methods: The research set consisted of 269 participants from the University of the Third Age in Ostrava who were over 60 years of age. The Dementia Knowledge Scale and The Scale of Attitudes toward People with Dementia and their Care (APDC) were used for data collection. Statistical evaluation was performed using the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: On average, seniors knew five out of eight symptoms of dementia and five out of ten risk factors. Seniors with experience in caring for a person with dementia (P = 0.002) and women (P = 0.043) had better knowledge about the symptoms of dementia. Men reported greater knowledge about risk factors for dementia (P = 0.028). The greatest ignorance of risk factors was in the areas of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking. No association was found between knowledge and attitudes toward dementia. Conclusions: Increasing the knowledge of seniors about the symptoms and risk factors of dementia can lead to greater adherence to preventive measures and early recognition of the disease. At the same time, it is appropriate to include interventions shaping seniors‘ attitudes towards dementia and care for people with dementia in prevention programmes.
- MeSH
- časná diagnóza MeSH
- demence * diagnóza prevence a kontrola MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- průzkumy zdravotní péče metody MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- výchova a vzdělávání metody MeSH
- znalosti * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Cíl: Cílem intervenční studie bylo zjistit vliv poslechu reprodukované hudby na hodnocení strachu u pacientů před operací srdce. Metodika: Cílovou populací byli muži s plánovanou operací srdce. Byla provedena intervenční studie (květen prosinec 2022) na lůžkovém oddělení kardiocentra. Soubor pacientů byl náhodně rozdělen do dvou skupin. U intervenční skupiny byla kromě standardní péče před operací realizována intervence poslechem reprodukované hudby (30 min, jedno setkání, výběr z deseti žánrů). U kontrolní skupiny byla realizována standardní péče před operací (edukace o výkonu, medikace) s klidem na lůžku či v křesle. Pacienti hodnotili předoperační strach třemi dotazníky: Surgical Fear Questionnaire, SFQ; Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale, APAIS, a Visual Analogue Scale for Anxiety, VAS-A. Data byla zpracována Mannovým–Whitneyho a Wilcoxonovým testem, statistickým programem TIBCO STATISTICA 13 na hladině významnosti 5 %. Výsledky: Z šedesáti respondentů bylo před plánovanou operací bypassů 43 mužů. Všichni respondenti se pohybovali podle výsledků skóre dotazníků ve střední míře strachu v obou měřeních. Mezi intervenční a kontrolní skupinou nebyl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl v obou měřeních. V rámci intervenční skupiny byly zjištěny statisticky významné rozdíly v úrovni strachu před hudební intervencí a po ní u dvou dotazníků (změna hodnoty u SFQ: 50,9 ± 20,14 na 48,03 ± 19,57, p = 0,004; změna hodnoty u VAS-A: 72,13 ± 27,44 na 71,60 ± 27,57, p = 0,002). Pacienti udávali vyšší úroveň strachu před intervencí než po intervenci. Závěr: Poslech reprodukované hudby může snížit vnímaný předoperační strach u pacientů s plánovanou operací srdce v celkové anestezii. Na základě výsledků lze předpokládat, že pacienti, kteří pociťují strach před operací srdce, mohou z intervence poslechu reprodukované hudby profitovat.
Aim: The aim of the intervention study was to determine the effect of listening to recorded music on the assessment of fear in patients before heart surgery. Methods: The target population were men with planned heart surgery. An intervention study was conducted in (May-December) 2022 in the inpatient department of the cardiocenter. The set of patients was randomly divided into two groups. In the intervention group, in addition to the standard care before the operation, the intervention of listening to recorded music was implemented (30 min, 1 meeting, selection from 10 genres). The control group received standard care before surgery (education about the procedure, medication) with rest in bed or in a chair. Patients assessed preoperative fear with three questionnaires: Surgical Fear Questionnaire, SFQ; Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale, APAIS, and Visual Analogue Scale for Anxiety, VAS-A. Data were processed by the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test with the statistical program TIBCO STATISTICA 13 at a significance level of 5%. Results: Of the sixty respondents, 43 were men before the planned bypass operation. All respondents ranged according to the results of the questionnaire scores in the medium level of fear in both measurements. No statistical difference was found between the intervention and control groups in both measurements. Within the intervention group, statistically significant differences were found in the level of fear before and after the music intervention in two questionnaires (change in SFQ value: 50.9±20.14 to 48.03±19.57, p = 0.004; change in VAS value-A: 72.13±27.44 to 71.60±27.57, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Listening to recorded music can reduce perceived preoperative fear in patients undergoing planned heart surgery under general anesthesia. Based on the results, it can be assumed that patients who experience fear before heart surgery may benefit from the intervention of listening to recorded music.
- MeSH
- hudba * psychologie MeSH
- kardiochirurgické výkony MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- předoperační péče MeSH
- psychologické testy MeSH
- strach psychologie MeSH
- úzkost psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- klinické zkoušky MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
BACKGROUND: In the assessment of healthcare processes focusing on the quality of care provided, patient satisfaction is an important indicator that healthcare providers may use for future setting of healthcare and preventing adverse events. The study aimed to determine satisfaction with nursing care among hospital inpatients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised 14 023 patients staying in medical and surgical wards of 14 acute care hospitals in the Czech Republic in 2019-2020. Data were collected using the Patient Satisfaction Scale, a standardized tool containing 11 items in 3 subscales. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and correlation analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). RESULTS: Overall, patients reported high satisfaction with nursing care (M = 3.57). Patients were most satisfied with how their technical/rational needs were met (M = 3.57); the least satisfaction was identified in the domain of information needs (M = 3.53). Patients who perceived their health as good (47%) or very good (18%) showed high satisfaction scores (M = 3.77 and M = 3.73, respectively). High scores were also achieved for patients with secondary (M = 3.58) and tertiary (M = 3.59) education, those whose admission was planned (M = 3.59) and those staying in large hospitals (M = 3.60). There were no differences in satisfaction with regard to gender (p = 0.755) and the COVID-19 pandemic (p = 0.190). CONCLUSIONS: Patients' satisfaction with care provided is a highly significant parameter of healthcare quality. It is influenced by a number of aspects which, if adequately defined, may aid in improving the quality of care. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2023;74(6):461-8.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemocnice MeSH
- osobní uspokojení MeSH
- pandemie * MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- spokojenost pacientů * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
Cíl: Cílem této průřezové studie bylo vyhodnotit kvalitu života, úzkost a depresi u seniorů s kardiovaskulárním onemocněním, kteří žijí v komunitě, a zjistit jejich souvislost se subjektivním hodnocením zdravotního stavu a s tím, zda senior žije v domácnosti sám. Také byla zjišťována souvislost s pohlavím a věkem. Metodika: Kvalita života byla hodnocena pomocí nástroje Older People's Quality of Life - Brief version (OPQOL-BRIEF), pro hodnocení úzkosti byl použit Inventář geriatrické úzkosti (GAI) a pro hodnocení deprese Geriatrická škála deprese (GDS-15). Kritériem pro zařazení do výzkumného souboru byl věk nad 60 let, jedinec s kardiovaskulárním onemocněním v anamnéze žijící v soukromé domácnosti, bez diagnózy demence, se schopností vyplnit dotazník v českém jazyce. Výsledky: Výzkumný soubor byl tvořen 639 respondenty, z toho bylo 74,2 % žen. Průměrný věk ve výzkumném souboru byl 72,9 roku (min. 60, max. 94) a 56,7 % respondentů žilo s manželem či partnerem nebo s dětmi. Průměrné skóre kvality života bylo 53,7 (min. 25, max. 65), průměrné skóre úzkosti bylo 4,9 (min. 0, max. 20), a průměrné skóre deprese 3,3 (min. 0, max. 15). Ženy udávaly statisticky významně lepší kvalitu života (p = 0,0001). Lepší kvalita života byla spojena s lepším subjektivním hodnocením zdravotního stavu (r = 0,439; p < 0,01), klesajícím skóre deprese (r = -0,526; p < 0,01), klesajícím skóre úzkosti (r = -0,342; p < 0,01) a mladším věkem respondentů (r = -0,166; p < 0,01). U seniorů, kteří žili v domácnosti samostatně, bylo zjištěno statisticky významně vyšší skóre deprese (p = 0,028). Závěr: Kvalitu života seniorů ovlivňuje celá řada aspektů, jejichž znalost je důležitá pro efektivní cílení programů určených pro seniory v komunitě. Z hlediska zlepšení kvality života seniorů s kardiovaskulárním onemocněním žijících v komunitě se jako efektivní jeví programy zaměřené na zlepšení celkového zdraví a intervence vázané na zmírnění symptomů deprese a úzkosti.
Aim: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate a quality of life, anxiety, and depression of the senior citizens with cardiovascular diseases living in the community. Their links with the subjective assessment of the state of health, with whether the senior lives alone in the household, with gender and age were also investigated. Methods: Quality of life was assessed by Older People's Quality of Life - Brief version (OPQOL-BRIEF), the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) was used to assess anxiety and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) was used to assess depression. The criteria for inclusion in the sample were: age over 60 years, an individual living in a private household, with cardiovascular disease, without a diagnosis of dementia, with the ability to fill out a questionnaire. Results: The sample comprised of 639 respondents, of which 74.2% were women. The average age in the sample was 72.9 years (min. 60, max. 94), and 56.7% of respondents lived with a spouse or partner, or with children. The average quality of life score was 53.7 points (min. 25, max. 65), average anxiety score was 4.9 (min. 0, max. 20) and average depression score was 3.3 (min. 0, max. 15). Women reported a statistically significantly better quality of life (p = 0.0001). Better quality of life was associated with better subjective assessment of health status (r = 0.439; p < 0.01), decreasing depression scores (r = -0.526; p < 0.01), decreasing anxiety scores (r = –0.342; p < 0.01) and the younger age of respondents (r = –0.166; p < 0.01). A statistically significantly higher depression score (p = 0.028) was found in senior citizens who lived alone in the household. Conclusion: The quality of life of senior citizens is affected by a number of aspects, the knowledge of which is important for effective targeting of programs intended for senior citizens in the community. From the point of view of improving the quality of life of senior citizens with cardiovascular disease living in the community, programs aimed at improving overall health and interventions linked to the mitigation of symptoms of depression and anxiety appear to be effective.
- MeSH
- deprese komplikace MeSH
- kardiovaskulární nemoci * komplikace MeSH
- kvalita života * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- senioři * MeSH
- úzkost komplikace MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
BACKGROUND: Job satisfaction is a key factor for the successful transition of newly graduated nurses (NGNs) and for retaining NGNs in their workplaces. However, there is limited evidence of the relationship between satisfaction regarding the nursing education program and NGNs' job satisfaction in the first year after graduation. Therefore, this study aims to examine the association of the nursing education related factors and NGNs' job satisfaction. METHODS: A cross-sectional study design with the utilization of data collected from the same respondents one year earlier as educational factors was applied. The data were collected from NGNs (n = 557) in 10 European countries using an electronic survey between February 2019 and September 2020, and analyzed in detail for four countries (n = 417). Job satisfaction was measured with three questions: satisfaction with current job, quality of care in the workplace, and nursing profession. Nursing education related factors were satisfaction with nursing education program, level of study achievements, nursing as the 1st study choice, intention to stay in nursing, and generic nursing competence. The data were analyzed statistically using logistic regression. RESULTS: Most of the NGNs in the 10 countries were satisfied with their current job (88.3%), the quality of care (86.4%) and nursing profession (83.8%). Finnish, German, Lithuanian and Spanish NGNs' satisfaction with the nursing education program at graduation was statistically significantly associated with their job satisfaction, i.e., satisfaction with their current job, the quality of care, and the nursing profession. Moreover, NGNs who had fairly often or very often intention to stay in nursing at graduation were more satisfied with their current job, with the quality of care, and with the nursing profession compared with NGNs who had never or fairly seldom intention to stay in nursing at graduation. CONCLUSIONS: Nursing education plays a significant role in NGNs' job satisfaction one year after graduation, indicating the importance to start career planning already during nursing education. Both nursing education providers and healthcare organizations could plan in close collaboration a transition program for NGNs to ease the transition phase and thus increase the NGNs' job satisfaction and ultimately the high-quality care of the patients.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
AIM: The aim of the study was to find differences in perceived reasons for implicit rationing of nursing care across hospital types and units. DESIGN: A descriptive multicentre study. METHODS: The study in 14 Czech acute care hospitals was conducted from September 2019 to October 2020. The sample consisted of 8316 nurses working in medical and surgical units. Items for rating the reasons for implicit rationing of nursing care were selected from the MISSCARE Survey. Nurses were asked to rate each item on a scale from 0 (a not significant reason) to 10 (the most significant reason). RESULTS: The most significant reasons for implicit rationing of nursing care were 'Inadequate number of staff', 'Inadequate number of assistive personnel' and 'Unexpected patient admission and discharge'. Most reasons were rated as more significant by nurses from non-university hospitals. Nurses from medical units perceived all reasons for implicit rationing of nursing care as more significant.
BACKGROUND: Evaluation of life satisfaction of older people using standardised tools can play a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of policy measures aimed at mitigating the effects of population aging. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to verify the psychometric properties of the Czech version of a 12-item scale (the Life Satisfaction Index for the Third Age) for older people living in the community. METHODS: The research involved 1113 older people from the Moravian-Silesian Region over 60 years of age living in a home environment. For the newly created Czech version of LSITA-SF12, we tested validity (construct validity and convergent validity) and reliability (internal consistency). RESULTS: We confirmed a single-factor model for the LSITA-SF12 scale (χ2 = 71.33, p < .001, CFI = 0.995, TLI = 0.994, RMSEA = 0.065, SRMR = 0.056, GFI = 0.999) by confirmatory factor analysis and load factor analysis (values of explorations ≥0.45). The internal consistency of the scale was satisfactory (α = 0.878). Furthermore, there was a medium correlation rate (r = 0.592; p < .001) between the overall score of the LSITA-SF and quality-of-life score (OPQoL-Brief). CONCLUSIONS: We found the Czech version of the LSITA-SF12 questionnaire to have satisfactory psychometric properties. The questionnaire is suitable for use in research and clinical practice to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: PRS Protocol Registration and Results System; NCT05637177. IMPLICATION FOR PRACTICE: The LSITA_SF12 questionnaire can beadministered by a community gerontological nurse and can be used in clinicalpractice and research.
- MeSH
- kvalita života * MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- osobní uspokojení * MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the life satisfaction of older people living in a home environment and to find out what predictors influence it. METHODS: The research involved 1,121 older people 60 years and above from the Moravian-Silesian region who live in a home environment. The short form of the Life Satisfaction Index for the Thirds Age (LSITA-SF12) was used to assess life satisfaction. The Geriatric depression scale (GDS-15), the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory Scale (GAI), The Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were used to evaluate related factors. In addition, age, gender, marital status, education, social support, and subjective health assessment were evaluated. RESULTS: The overall life satisfaction score was found to be 36.34 (s = 8.66). The satisfaction of older people was classified into four grades: high satisfaction (15.2%), moderate satisfaction (60.8%), moderate dissatisfaction (23.4%), and high dissatisfaction (0.6%). The predictors of the longevity of the lives of older people were confirmed, both health factors (subjective health assessment, anxiety, and depression [Model 1: R = 0.642; R2 = 0.412; p<0.000]) and psychosocial factors (quality of life, self-esteem, sense of coherence, age, and social support [Model 2: R = 0.716; R2 = 0.513; p<0.000]). CONCLUSION: In implementing policy measures, these areas should be emphasized. The availability of educational and psychosocial activities (e.g. reminiscence therapy, music therapy, group cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive rehabilitation) within the community care of the older people and university of third age is appropriate to increase the life satisfaction of the older people. An initial depression screening is also required as part of preventive medical examinations to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of depression.
- MeSH
- deprese psychologie MeSH
- emoce * MeSH
- kvalita života * psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- osobní uspokojení MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH