BACKGROUND: Reminiscence therapy (RT) is a widely used approach to promote well-being among older adults and is an effective intervention method for older adults with diverse health conditions, including community-dwelling older adults. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to determine the impact of group RT on assessments of depression, anxiety and self-esteem in older adults living in the community. METHODS: We implemented sessions of group simple RT. The sample consisted of 24 older adults living in the community who attended a 12-week RT course. The duration of each reminiscence session was 60 min. The average age of the sample was 74.7 years. We used the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the Older adults' Quality of Life-Brief version and the Sense of Coherence scale to assess mental health outcomes before and after intervention. RESULTS: After intervention, we observed statistically significant improvements in assessments of depression (p < 0.001), anxiety (p = 0.011), self-esteem (p = 0.007) and the comprehensibility dimension of the sense of coherence scale (p = 0.039). Depression showed the largest effect size (Cohen's d = 0.870; 95% CI: 0.392 to 1.335), indicating a large effect, followed by self-esteem (Cohen's d = 0.612; 95% CI: -1.044 to -0.170) and anxiety (Cohen's d = 0.543; 95% CI: 0.108 to 0.967), both of which demonstrated a moderate effect. CONCLUSIONS: We found group RT to be effective for several outcomes among older adults. Reminiscence is a good non-invasive treatment for the promotion of mental health in community-dwelling older adults. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: As research has now established RT to be an essential component of activities for older adults in senior care facilities, we should also offer it to those living in the community as an effective activity for the promotion of healthy aging among older adults.
- MeSH
- deprese * terapie psychologie MeSH
- geriatrické hodnocení MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- samostatný způsob života * MeSH
- sebepojetí * MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie metody MeSH
- úzkost * terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Schema therapy is an integrative approach to treat patients with personality disorders and other complex psychological problems. Group schema therapy has been developed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of schema therapy by providing a supportive and stimulating environment for change. This article introduces the River of Life Method, a novel technique for facilitating group schema therapy, based on the metaphor of a river of life. The method helps patients to identify and modify their maladaptive schemas and modes in a nurturing process in the group. The article describes the theoretical background, the practical steps, and the clinical applications of the method. It also presents the patients' experience with the method, based on their feedback and self-reports. The results showed that the method was well received by both patients and therapists, and that it had positive effects on schema modes, psychological distress, and coping with adversities and hope for the future.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poruchy osobnosti psychologie MeSH
- řeky MeSH
- schematerapie * MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Článek popisuje zkušenosti s krátkodobou ambulantní skupinovou kognitivně behaviorální terapií (KBT) určenou pro pacienty s poruchami ze spektra úzkostných poruch a s mírnými depresivními poruchami. Skupina probíhá v rámci Psychosomatické kliniky, Patočkova 3 v Praze 6. Text vychází z článku z r. 2016 (1) a reflektuje vývoj a změny ve struktuře a průběhu skupiny po uplynutí pěti let dalšího kontinuálního provádění. Popisovány jsou i vybrané interakce mezi terapeuty a pacienty během skupinového dění.
The article describes the practice of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in Psychosomatická klinika, Patockova 3 in Prague 6. Short-term outpatient CBT group is intended for patients with disorders from spectrum of anxiety disorders and moderate depression. The article follows the article published in 2016 (1) and reflects progress and changes in structure and process of group CBT after five years continual carring out. Selected interactions among therapists and patients during group sessions are described as well.
- MeSH
- deprese psychologie terapie MeSH
- depresivní poruchy psychologie terapie MeSH
- duševně nemocní psychologie MeSH
- kognitivně behaviorální terapie * metody MeSH
- korespondence jako téma MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- psychoterapeutické procesy MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie metody MeSH
- úzkost psychologie terapie MeSH
- úzkostné poruchy * psychologie terapie MeSH
- výběr pacientů MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Understanding psychological mechanisms of change is essential to advance treatments for patients suffering from medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS). This study aimed to test the role of selected change mechanisms (incl. interoceptive awareness, emotional regulation skills, symptom acceptance, relational needs satisfaction, clarification of meaning, working alliance, and group cohesion) in the modification of patients' somatic symptom intensity and well-being. N = 290 patients suffering from MUPS participated in a multi-component group-based treatment at seven clinical sites. Data were collected weekly. Multi-level modeling was used to test cross-lagged relationships between the hypothesized mechanisms and outcomes in terms of Granger causality (with lags of 1, 2, and 3 weeks). None of the mechanisms predicted a time-lagged change in outcomes in the expected direction. In fact, there was a consistent pattern of negative time-lagged relationships (i.e., an increase in a mechanism predicted worsening of the outcome). Findings consistent with the hypothesized role of the mechanisms were found only in concurrent relationships between mechanisms and outcomes. This study did not support time-lagged relationships under the condition of weekly measurement and many methodological factors remain to be considered (e.g., a finer time resolution).
Zatížení v lékařské profesi může mít mnoho podob a často vede ke značnému stresu. Není-li lékař schopen vypořádat se s tímto zatížením, může to v důsledku fyzického a emočního vypětí vést k syndromu vyhoření. Jedním z faktorů, který má významný vliv na průběh a úspěch léčby, je vztah lékaře a pacienta. Vztahem lékař-pacient se zabýval Michael Balint, který je považován za průkopníka na poli psychosomatiky. Zavedením balintovských skupin ve formě výcvikových seminářů otevřel lékařům prostor, kde mohli sdílet těžkosti v péči o svého pacienta. Článek přináší stručný přehled Balintova života a seznamuje čtenáře se strukturou balintovských skupin, jejich cílem a využitím v rámci sebezkušenosti a supervize v pomáhajících profesích.
Dealing with an extensive workload of doctors can be manifested in different ways and often causes significant stress for the professionals. If the doctor is not able to cope with the extensive workload, he/she can experience burnout syndrome. This can be caused by physical and emotional exertion. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is one of the significant factors that influences the process and the outcome of any medical treatment. Michael Balint, who is considered the pioneer of the field of psychosomatics, had studied the relationship between the doctor and his/her patient. Michael Balint introduced the Balint groups for doctors in the form of training seminars. He opened a space for the medical professionals to share the difficulties they were facing while caring for the patient. This article presents a brief overview of Balint's life and introduces the structure of the Balint groups, their aims and their use within self-experience and supervision for helping professions.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of group reminiscence therapy (RT) as a nursing intervention on self-esteem and emotional well-being of older adults. Design: A quasi-experimental study. Methods: The study sample was composed of 50 older adults from the Geriatric social club in Zagazig City, randomly assigned into two groups. The reminiscence group received ten one-hour weekly sessions and the control group received only the routine club program. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were made using a self-esteem scale and emotional well-being dimensions (mental health continuum, emotion regulation, and satisfaction with life scale). Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, an Independent-samples t-test, and a paired t-test were used for data analysis. Results: The study findings showed that the group reminiscence therapy led to statistically significant improvements in reminiscence group self-esteem and all emotional well-being dimensions compared with the control group (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Group RT is effective in increasing self-esteem and improving emotional well-being in older adults. The study provides evidence to support the idea that reminiscence therapy is an effective and safe nursing intervention for improving older adults' psychological well-being.
Vydání čtvrté, v Portále třetí 734 stran : tabulky ; 24 cm
Příručka, která se zaměřuje na metody skupinové psychoterapie. Určeno odborné veřejnosti.
- MeSH
- psychoterapeutické procesy MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie metody MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- Konspekt
- Fyzioterapie. Psychoterapie. Alternativní lékařství
- NLK Obory
- psychoterapie
- MeSH
- duševní poruchy terapie MeSH
- gestalt terapie metody MeSH
- hypnóza metody MeSH
- kognitivně behaviorální terapie metody MeSH
- krizová intervence metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- psychodynamická psychoterapie metody MeSH
- psychoterapie * metody MeSH
- rodinná terapie metody MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie metody MeSH
- terapie zaměřená na člověka metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
The is contribution deals with diff erences and similarities in perceiving drama-therapy in patients with neurotic disorder in the context of psychiatric treatment. The first goal ascertains if there are diff erences in assessment of dramatherapy according to the membership of dynamic or cognitive-behavioural group. The second goal ascertains diff erences during the fi rst therapeutic session. Th e research assemblage was created by 57 patients from dynamic and cognitive-behavioural (KBT) groups from two mental hospitals in the Czech Republic. Data were gained by two-factor semantic diff erential and they were statistically assessed by a t-test (and further amended by qualitative group interviews). Conclusions have shown that the membership of patients of dynamic or KBT group has not an impact on their assessment of dramatherapeutic process.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- faktorová analýza statistická MeSH
- kognitivně behaviorální terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurotické poruchy * klasifikace terapie MeSH
- percepce MeSH
- psychodrama * dějiny klasifikace metody MeSH
- rozhovory jako téma MeSH
- sémantický diferenciál MeSH
- skupinová psychoterapie dějiny klasifikace metody MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- ústavy pro duševně nemocné MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH