elektronický časopis
- Conspectus
- Veterinární lékařství
- NML Fields
- veterinární lékařství
- NML Publication type
- elektronické časopisy
Ear disease is a common disorder seen in exotic companion mammals, especially in ferrets, rabbits, and rats. This article describes patient preparation, equipment, and video otoscopy technique in exotic companion mammals. This noninvasive technique facilitates accurate diagnosis of diseases affecting the external ear canal or middle ear. Moreover, therapeutic otoscopic evaluation of the external ear facilitates foreign body removal, external ear canal flushing, intralesional drug administration, myringotomy, and middle ear cavity flushing.
- MeSH
- Video Recording methods MeSH
- Pets * MeSH
- Animals, Exotic * MeSH
- Ear Diseases diagnosis therapy veterinary MeSH
- Otoscopy methods veterinary MeSH
- Mammals anatomy & histology MeSH
- Ear anatomy & histology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
svazky : ilustrace
- MeSH
- Animal Diseases MeSH
- Veterinary Medicine * MeSH
- Publication type
- Periodical MeSH
- Conspectus
- Veterinární lékařství
- NML Fields
- veterinární lékařství
Reaction of vertebrate serum complement with different Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species is used as a basis in determining reservoir hosts among domesticated and wild animals. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii, and Borrelia afzelii were tested for their sensitivity to sera of exotic vertebrate species housed in five zoos located in the Czech Republic. We confirmed that different Borrelia species have different sensitivity to host serum. We found that tolerance to Borrelia infection possessed by hosts might differ among individuals of the same genera or species and is not affected by host age or sex. Of all zoo animals included in our study, carnivores demonstrated the highest apparent reservoir competency for Lyme borreliosis spirochetes. We showed that selected exotic ungulate species are tolerant to Borrelia infection. For the first time we showed the high tolerance of Siamese crocodile to Borrelia as compared to the other studied reptile species. While exotic vertebrates present a limited risk to the European human population as reservoirs for the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, cases of incidental spillover infection could lead to successful replication of the pathogens in a new host, changing the status of selected exotic species and their role in pathogen emergence or maintenance. The question if being tolerant to pathogen means to be a competent reservoir host still needs an answer, simply because the majority of exotic animals might never be exposed to spirochetes in their natural environment.
- MeSH
- Borrelia burgdorferi physiology MeSH
- Complement System Proteins pharmacology MeSH
- Lyme Disease immunology microbiology veterinary MeSH
- Vertebrates immunology MeSH
- Disease Reservoirs MeSH
- Animals, Zoo MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Introduction to anaesthesia in exotic species -- Mammal anaesthesia -- Rabbit anaesthesia -- Rodent anaesthesia
vi, 314 s. : il. (převážně barev.) ; 25 cm
- MeSH
- Anesthesia * veterinary methods MeSH
- Animals, Domestic surgery MeSH
- Publication type
- Monograph MeSH
- Conspectus
- Veterinární lékařství
- NML Fields
- anesteziologie a intenzivní lékařství
- veterinární lékařství
342 s.
- Conspectus
- Veterinární lékařství
- NML Fields
- biochemie
- veterinární lékařství
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a disease caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), represents a serious neural infection of humans in Europe and Asia. The main reservoir hosts of TBEV are ticks, rodents and insectivores, but domestic animals may also be infected with the virus. This review summarizes what is known about TBE in domestic species (e.g., dogs, horses), in which infection may manifest with clinical signs similar to those seen in severe human cases. We also focus on TBE in ruminants where TBE infections are typically asymptomatic and do not cause health problems in the infected hosts. However, the risk to human health is the main problem of asymptomatic infection, because the presence of TBEV in the milk of infected ruminants can serve as a source of TBE infection via the alimentary route. An experimental veterinary vaccine was developed recently, and future vaccination of selected domestic animals is proposed to avoid the development of severe TBE symptoms in sensitive animals (e.g., dogs, horses) or to decrease the risk of alimentary infection in humans (e.g., goats and sheep).
- MeSH
- Animals, Exotic virology MeSH
- Animals, Domestic * virology MeSH
- Encephalitis, Tick-Borne transmission veterinary virology MeSH
- Horses virology MeSH
- Food Contamination MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Dairy Products virology MeSH
- Horse Diseases virology MeSH
- Foodborne Diseases virology MeSH
- Dog Diseases virology MeSH
- Ruminants virology MeSH
- Dogs virology MeSH
- Vaccination veterinary MeSH
- Viral Zoonoses transmission MeSH
- Encephalitis Viruses, Tick-Borne * MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Dogs virology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
Cieľ práce: Objasniť prameň pôvodcu nákazy a cestu prenosu exotického sérovaru Salmonella Urbana. Materiál a metódy: Pre zisťovanie prameňa pôvodcu nákazy a ciest prenosu bola použitá metóda epidemiologického vyšetrenia v ohnisku nákazy a laboratórne mikrobiologické metódy na dôkaz prítomnosti baktérií rodu Salmonella z biologického materiálu, epidemiologicky podozrivých potravín, vody z terária a vzorky krmiva pre zvieratá chované v domácnosti a sérotypizácia izolovaných kmeňov salmonel. Výsledky: Salmonella Urbana bola potvrdená z rektálneho výteru chorého dieťaťa a zo vzorky vody z terária pre korytnačky. Laboratórnym vyšetrením domácich vajec konzumovaných v ohnisku nákazy, rektálneho výteru ostatných členov rodiny, vzorky krmiva pre korytnačky nebola zistená prítomnosť salmonel. Záver: Bol dokázaný prameň pôvodcu nákazy pre dvojročné dieťa s ochorením na salmonelózu vyvolanú exotickým sérovarom Salmonella Urbana. Boli ním „domáci miláčikovia“ vodné korytnačky. Pri izolácii exotických sérovarov salmonel je potrebné epidemiologické a laboratórne vyšetrenie zamerať aj na kontakt so zvieratami chovanými v domácnosti – zvlášť plazmi. V danej problematike je vhodné zintenzívniť edukáciu odbornej a laickej verejnosti.
Study aim: To clarify the source of infection with the exotic serovar Salmonella Urbana and the route of transmission in a 2-year-old child. Material and methods: To identify the source of infection and the route of transmission, we used epidemiological investigation of the case of salmonellosis and microbiological methods for the detection of Salmonella from biological specimens, epidemiologically suspected food, turtle tank water and feed, and serotyping of isolated strains of Salmonella. Results: Salmonella Urbana was confirmed in a rectal swab of the infected child and in a sample of turtle tank water. Laboratory analyses of farm eggs eaten by the investigated family, of rectal swabs of the other family members and of a turtle feed sample did not reveal the presence of salmonellae. Conclusion: The confirmed source of Salmonella infection caused by the exotic serovar Salmonella Urbana in a two-year-old child were pet water turtles. In the case of the isolation of exotic serovars of Salmonella, the epidemiological and laboratory investigation needs to be aimed at the contact with pet animals, especially reptiles. It is desirable to raise the awareness of both the public and health professionals of this issue.
- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Reptiles microbiology MeSH
- Disease Transmission, Infectious veterinary MeSH
- Salmonella Infections, Animal diagnosis epidemiology MeSH
- Salmonella Infections diagnosis epidemiology MeSH
- Turtles microbiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
Zvýšený turistický ruch umožněný leteckou dopravou způsobil častější zavlékání tropických infekcí do zemí mírného zeměpisného pásma, kde tyto nákazy byly neznámé. Zdrojem onemocnění jsou nemocní lidé nebo i bezpříznakoví živočichové. Přenášeči těchto nákaz jsou nejčastěji různé druhy komárů, kteří infikují cestovatele v místě pobytu v tropech, a choroba se manifestuje až při návratu domů. Někdy se infikovaní komáři dostanou letadly i do vzdálených zemí, kde způsobí jednotlivá onemocnění nebo i místní epidemie. Nejčastěji importovanými tropickými nákazami jsou sporadické případy malárie a dengue, ale v posledních letech byly v několika zemích mírného pásma zaznamenány i epidemie chikungunye a západonilské horečky. Ojedinělé případy těchto exotických nákaz postihly také české cestovatele.
The increase in tourism that has been facilitated by air transport has led to a more frequent spread of tropical infections into countries with mild climates where such diseases were previously unknown. Patients suffering from the disease and/or asymptomatic animals are a source of the infection. Various species of mosquitoes are the most common vehicles of infection. They infect tourists in a tropical country and the disease breaks out after the tourist returns home. Sometimes mosquitoes are transported by aeroplane to distant countries where they cause an isolated infection or even small local epidemics. The most common imported infections are sporadic cases of malaria and dengue fever, however epidemics of chikungunya and West Nile fever have been registered recently in some countries at mild climate latitudes. Isolated tropical infections have also affected a few Czech tourists.
- MeSH
- Travel MeSH
- Communicable Diseases classification transmission therapy MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Primary Prevention methods MeSH
- Tropical Medicine methods MeSH
- Chikungunya virus pathogenicity MeSH
- Dengue Virus pathogenicity drug effects MeSH
- West Nile Fever diagnosis complications transmission MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH