Karotenoidy jsou důležitými faktory pro lidské zdraví. Vykazují biologickou aktivitu jako anti-oxidanty, ovlivňují regulaci buněčného růstu a modulují genovou expresi a imunitní odpověď.Významná úloha b-karotenu a jiných karotenoidů jako hlavního potravinového zdroje vitaminu A jeznáma již řadu let. Cílem této studie bylo zhodnotit obsah fyziologicky významných karotenoidů(b-karotenu, a-karotenu, luteinu a lykopenu) v séru 258 dermatologických pacientů a 29 kontrolníchosob. Výsledky získané vyhodnocením jednotlivých podskupin pacientů podle typu dermatózyukázaly, že snížená hladina karotenoidů provází psoriázu, lichen, bércové vředy, kožní nádorya většinu infekčních dermatóz, kdežto zvýšené hladiny karotenoidů byly pozorovány u nemocnýchs lymfedémem a u diabetiků.Studie prokázala pozitivní korelaci mezi množstvím celkových karotenoidů v séru a sérovýmihladinami luteinu (r = 0,825), lykopenu (r = 0,776), a-karotenu (r = 0,657) a b-karotenu (r = 0,556) a/nebomezi a-karotenem a b-karotenem v séru (r = 0,849). Ve snaze zjistit optimální způsob doplňováníkarotenoidů byla realizována řízená epidemiologická ministudie. U 18 zdravých dobrovolníků bylysrovnávány změny karotenoidů (a retinolu) v séru po 60denním příjmu přirozených a syntetickýchzdrojů karotenoidů. Výsledky ukázaly, že optimální formou k dosažení dostatečného množství všechfyziologicky významných karotenoidů ve všech tkáních je podávání směsi přirozených zdrojů.
Carotenoids are important factors in human health. They exhibit biological activities as antioxidants, affect cell growth regulation, and modulate gene expression and immune response. The essential role of β-carotene and other as the main dietary source of vitamin A has been known for many years. The aim of this study was to evaluate a content of physiologically significant carotenoids (β-carotene, a-carotene, lutein, lycopene) in a group of 258 dermatological patients and 29 control subjects. The results obtained by evaluating individual subgroups of patients divided according to type of their dermatose make it clear, that decreased level of carotenoids is accompanied with psoriasis, lichen, leg ulcers, skin tumotirs and most of infectious dermatoses, while increased levels of carotenoids were observed in patients with lymphoedema and in diabetics. In the whole study group a positive correlation between amount of serum total carotenoids and serum lutein (r = 0.825), lycopene (r = 0.776), a-carotene (r = 0.657) and β-carotene (r s 0.556) and/or synthetic supplies of carotenoids was perfomed. According to results obtained, an ideal supplement should contain a mixture of naturally-occurred carotenoids to ensure adequate blood levels of all carotenoids common in the human body.
- MeSH
- Antioxidants physiology MeSH
- beta Carotene administration & dosage physiology blood MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Epidemiologic Studies MeSH
- Research Support as Topic MeSH
- Carotenoids analogs & derivatives physiology blood blood MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Photosensitivity Disorders diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
- Comparative Study MeSH
Lykopen je dominujícím karotenoidem v rajčatech a představuje i převládající karotenoid lidské plazmy, v níž se vyskytuje ve větším množství než β-karoten a další dietní karotenoidy. Hlavním zdrojem pro člověka jsou rajská jablka a především výrobky z nich (omáčka, kečup, protlak apod.), kde se nalézá v množství 5–150 mg/100 g. Vzhledem k jeho lipofilním vlastnostem zlepšuje jeho vstřebávání a využití tepelná úprava za přítomnosti tuku. Má silné antioxidační účinky a je považován za látku působící v prevenci především karcinomu prostaty, prsu, ale i kardiovaskulárních onemocnění.
Lycopene as a predominant carotenoid in tomatoes is present mostly from all carotenoids also in human plasma, where its value is bigger than β-carotene and other diet carotenoids. The main source of lycopene for human are tomatoes and processed tomato products (souce, ketchup, paste), where it is in amount about 5-150 mg/100 g. Because of its lipophylic properties the absorption of lycopene is better after cooking and adding of some oils. Lycopene has strong antioxidant effect and it is considered as the substance which takes part in prevention of prostate cancer, breast cancer but cardiovascular diseases too.
Vitamin E and carotenoid abstracts
XVI, 123 s. ; 24 cm
- MeSH
- Antioxidants MeSH
- Carotenoids MeSH
- Vitamin E MeSH
- Publication type
- Abstracts MeSH
- Conspectus
- Biochemie. Molekulární biologie. Biofyzika
- NML Fields
- biochemie
- farmacie a farmakologie
XVI, 118 s. : il. ; 26 cm
- Conspectus
- Biochemie. Molekulární biologie. Biofyzika
- NML Fields
- biochemie
A quenching mechanism mediated by the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is one of the ways cyanobacteria protect themselves against photooxidative stress. Here, we present a femtosecond spectroscopic study comparing OCP and RCP (red carotenoid protein) samples binding different carotenoids. We confirmed significant changes in carotenoid configuration upon OCP activation reported by Leverenz et al. (Science 348:1463-1466. doi: 10.1126/science.aaa7234 , 2015) by comparing the transient spectra of OCP and RCP. The most important marker of these changes was the magnitude of the transient signal associated with the carotenoid intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) state. While OCP with canthaxanthin exhibited a weak ICT signal, it increased significantly for canthaxanthin bound to RCP. On the contrary, a strong ICT signal was recorded in OCP binding echinenone excited at the red edge of the absorption spectrum. Because the carbonyl oxygen responsible for the appearance of the ICT signal is located at the end rings of both carotenoids, the magnitude of the ICT signal can be used to estimate the torsion angles of the end rings. Application of two different excitation wavelengths to study OCP demonstrated that the OCP sample contains two spectroscopically distinct populations, none of which is corresponding to the photoactivated product of OCP.
- MeSH
- Carotenoids analysis MeSH
- Cyanobacteria chemistry MeSH
- Spectrum Analysis methods MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
The Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is a photoactive water soluble protein that is crucial for photoprotection in cyanobacteria. When activated by blue-green light, it triggers quenching of phycobilisome fluorescence and regulates energy flow from the phycobilisome to the reaction center. The OCP contains a single pigment, the carotenoid 3'-hydroxyechinenone (hECN). Binding to the OCP causes a conformational change in hECN leading to an extension of its effective conjugation length. We have determined the S(1) energy of hECN in organic solvent and compared it with the S(1) energy of hECN bound to the OCP. In methanol and n-hexane, hECN has an S(1) energy of 14,300cm(-1), slightly higher than carotenoids with shorter conjugation lengths such as zeaxanthin or β-carotene; this is consistent with the proposal that the presence of the conjugated carbonyl group in hECN increases its S(1) energy. The S(1) energy of hECN in organic solvent is independent of solvent polarity. Upon binding to the OCP, the S(1) energy of hECN is further increased to 14,700cm(-1), underscoring the importance of protein binding which twists the conjugated carbonyl group into s-trans conformation and enhances the effect of the carbonyl group. Activated OCP, however, has an S(1) energy of 14,000cm(-1), indicating that significant changes in the vicinity of the conjugated carbonyl group occur upon activation.
Despite a reasonable scientific interest in sexual selection, the general principles of health signalisation via ornamental traits remain still unresolved in many aspects. This is also true for the mechanism preserving honesty of carotenoid-based signals. Although it is widely accepted that this type of ornamentation reflects an allocation trade-off between the physiological utilisation of carotenoids (mainly in antioxidative processes) and their deposition in ornaments, some recent evidence suggests more complex interactions. Here, we further develop the models currently proposed to explain the honesty of carotenoid-based signalisation of heath status by adding the handicap principle concept regulated by testosterone. We propose that under certain circumstances carotenoids may be dangerous for the organism because they easily transform into toxic cleavage products. When reserves of other protective antioxidants are insufficient, physiological trade-offs may exist between maintenance of carotenoids for ornament expression and their removal from the body. Furthermore, we suggest that testosterone which enhances ornamentation by increasing carotenoid bioavailability may also promote oxidative stress and hence lower antioxidant reserves. The presence of high levels of carotenoids required for high-quality ornament expression may therefore represent a handicap and only individuals in prime health could afford to produce elaborate colourful ornaments. Although further testing is needed, this 'carotenoid maintenance handicap' hypothesis may offer a new insight into the physiological aspects of the relationship between carotenoid function, immunity and ornamentation.
- MeSH
- Antioxidants physiology toxicity MeSH
- Immune System physiology MeSH
- Carotenoids physiology toxicity MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Oxidative Stress physiology MeSH
- Pigmentation physiology MeSH
- Sex Characteristics MeSH
- Sexual Behavior, Animal physiology MeSH
- Signal Transduction MeSH
- Models, Theoretical MeSH
- Testosterone physiology MeSH
- Vitamin E therapeutic use MeSH
- Health Status MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
Many animals use carotenoid pigments to produce yellow, orange, and red coloration. In birds, at least 10 carotenoid compounds have been documented in red feathers; most of these are produced through metabolic modification of dietary precursor compounds. However, it is poorly understood how lineages have evolved the biochemical mechanisms for producing red coloration. We used high-performance liquid chromatography to identify the carotenoid compounds present in feathers from 15 species across two clades of blackbirds (the meadowlarks and allies, and the caciques and oropendolas; Icteridae), and mapped their presence or absence on a phylogeny. We found that the red plumage found in meadowlarks includes different carotenoid compounds than the red plumage found in caciques, indicating that these gains of red color are convergent. In contrast, we found that red coloration in two closely related lineages of caciques evolved twice by what appear to be similar biochemical mechanisms. The C4-oxygenation of dietary carotenoids was responsible for each observed transition from yellow to red plumage coloration, and has been commonly reported by other researchers. This suggests that the C4-oxygenation pathway may be a readily evolvable means to gain red coloration using carotenoids.
- MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Carotenoids genetics metabolism MeSH
- Evolution, Molecular * MeSH
- Oxidation-Reduction MeSH
- Feathers anatomy & histology MeSH
- Pigmentation genetics MeSH
- Songbirds anatomy & histology classification genetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. MeSH
Carotenoids are industrially significant pigments produced in many bacteria, fungi, and plants. Carotenoid biosynthesis in yeasts is involved in stress response mechanisms. Thus, controlled physiological and nutrition stress can be used for enhanced pigment production. Huge commercial demand for natural carotenoids has focused attention on developing of suitable biotechnological techniques including use of liquid waste substrates as carbon and/or nitrogen source. In this work several red yeast strains (Sporobolomyces roseus, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) were enrolled into a comparative screening study. To increase the yield of these pigments at improved biomass production, several types of exogenous as well as nutrition stress were tested. Each strain was cultivated at optimal growth conditions and in medium with modified carbon and nitrogen sources. Synthetic media with addition of complex substrates (e.g. yeast extract) and vitamin mixtures as well as some waste materials (whey, potato extract) were used as nutrient sources. Peroxide and salt stress were applied too. The production of carotene enriched biomass was carried out in flasks as well as in laboratory fermentor. The best production of biomass was obtained in inorganic medium with yeast extract. In optimal conditions tested strains differ only slightly in biomass production. All strains were able to use most of waste substrates. Biomass and pigment production was more different according to substrate type. In laboratory fermentor better producers of enriched biomass were both Rhodotorula strains. The highest yields were obtained in R. glutinis CCY 20-2-26 cells cultivated on whey medium (cca 45 g per liter of biomass enriched by 46 mg/L of beta-carotene) and in R. mucilaginosa CCY 20-7-31 grown on potato medium and 5% salt (cca 30 g per liter of biomass enriched by 56 mg/L of beta-carotene). Such dried carotenoid-enriched red yeast biomass could be directly used in feed industry as nutrition supplement.
- MeSH
- Pigments, Biological metabolism MeSH
- Biomass MeSH
- Carotenoids biosynthesis MeSH
- Culture Media MeSH
- Yeasts growth & development metabolism MeSH
- Waste Products MeSH
- Industrial Microbiology instrumentation methods MeSH
- Rhodotorula metabolism MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH