Intervalové časování je jedním z druhů časové percepce, který operuje s časovými intervaly v rozsahu desetin až desítek sekund a je pod silnou kognitivní kontrolou. Řada studií poukazuje na vzájemnou provázanost mezi pozorností, pracovní pamětí a intervalovým časováním. Časová percepce je v dětském věku méně přesná než u dospělých a skrze postupné zrání specifických mozkových struktur dochází k jejímu postupnému zpřesňování. Děti, kterým bylo diagnostikováno ADHD, vykazují výraznější variabilitu v časových úlohách, než je tomu u dětí z intaktní populace. Toto narušení časové percepce je pro ADHD příznačné a v průběhu dospívání se kompenzuje skrze maturaci specifických mozkových struktur, která vede ke snížení rozdílů mezi zdravou populací a lidmi, kterým bylo diagnostikováno ADHD. I přesto je však u dospělé populace s ADHD narušené časování nadále přítomno. Je tedy otázkou, zda narušení časové percepce představuje jádrový symptom, který by mohl sloužit jako jeden z indikátorů při diagnostice ADHD.
Interval timing is considered to be a specific type of time perception, which operates in durations ranging from tenths of a second to approximately a few tens of seconds and is under strong cognitive control. Recent studies show a mutual connection between interval timing and particular cognitive functions such as attention and working memory. Time perception tends to be less precise in child age than later in adulthood. It becomes more precise throughout the child’s development thanks to the gradual maturation of specific brain structures, which also correspond with attentional and memory functions. Children which were diagnosed with ADHD show significantly more variability during timing tasks when compared to children without ADHD. Alteration in time perception is one of the typical symptoms of ADHD and it is partially compensated through maturation of specific brain structures during the development. This leads to less pronounced differences between these two groups in adolescence but deficits in timing still persist in adults with ADHD. Therefore it is important to ask if deficits in timing represent a possible core symptom, which could be used as one of the indicators of ADHD during diagnostics.
- Keywords
- intervalové časování,
- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Mental Processes MeSH
- Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity * diagnosis physiopathology psychology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Brain growth & development MeSH
- Memory MeSH
- Attention MeSH
- Time Perception MeSH
- Child Development MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Publication type
- Meeting Abstract MeSH
Schizophrenia is severe neuropsychiatric disease, which is commonly accompanied not only by positive or negative symptoms, but also by cognitive impairment. To study neuronal mechanisms underlying cognitive distortions and mechanisms underlying schizophrenia, animal pharmacological models of cognitive symptoms are commonly used. Between various cognitive impairments in schizophrenia patients, disturbed time perception has often been reported. Here, we examined temporal and spatial cognition in a modified Carousel maze task in the animal model of schizophrenia induced by non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonists MK-801. Male Long-Evans rats (n = 18) first learned to avoid the aversive sector on a rotating arena in both dark and light intervals. We verified that during dark, rats used temporal cues, while during light they relied predominantly on spatial cues. We demonstrated that the timing strategy depends on the stable rotation speed of the arena and on the repositioning clues such as aversive stimuli. During testing (both in light and dark intervals), half of the rats received MK-801 and the control half received saline solution. We observed dose-dependent disruptions of both temporal and spatial cognition. Namely, both doses of MK-801 (0.1 and 0.12 mg/kg) significantly impaired timing strategy in the dark and increased locomotor activity. MK-801 dose 0.1 mg/kg, but not 0.12, also impaired spatial avoidance strategy in light. We found that the timing strategy is more sensitive to NMDA antagonist MK-801 than the spatial strategy. To conclude, a modified version of the Carousel maze is a useful and sensitive tool for detecting timing impairments in the MK-801 induced rodent model of schizophrenia.
- MeSH
- Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists administration & dosage pharmacology MeSH
- Maze Learning drug effects MeSH
- Behavior, Animal drug effects MeSH
- Dizocilpine Maleate administration & dosage pharmacology MeSH
- Cognitive Dysfunction chemically induced physiopathology MeSH
- Rats MeSH
- Disease Models, Animal MeSH
- Rats, Long-Evans MeSH
- Schizophrenia chemically induced MeSH
- Avoidance Learning drug effects MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rats MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Hlavním cílem sdělení je představit odborné veřejnosti tréninkový program VRcity, který umožňuje komplexní trénink kognitivních schopností v prostředí virtuálního města. Tento program byl testován u skupiny zdravých seniorů. Na základě vybraných výsledků sdělení demonstruje validitu jednotlivých paradigmat a hlavní principy uplatňované u tréninkového systému (využití herních scénářů) i jednotlivých her (efekt nastavitelných parametrů pro úpravu náročnosti na výkon testovaných osob). Úkoly simulují běžné činnosti s cílem zvýšit ekologickou validitu tréninku. Navržený systém navíc umožňuje využití komplexní formy kognitivního tréninku kombinující opakování úkolů se zvyšující se náročností s nácvikem strategií potenciálně přenositelných do běžného života trénované osoby. Tréninkový program je navržen nejen pro populaci seniorů pro vytvoření kognitivní „rezervy“, ale umožňuje i uplatnění u klinických skupin s důrazem na neurodegenerativní onemocnění a psychiatrické populace s přítomným kognitivním deficitem.
The main aim of this paper is to present to professional community a training application VRcity, which enables comprehensive training of cognitive abilities in the virtual city environment. The program was tested in the population of healthy seniors. Based on selected results, we demonstrate the validity of individual paradigms, main principles applied in the training system in general (use of game scenarios) or in individual serious games (the effect of adjustable parameters on the performance of the tested person in terms of increasing difficulty level). The tasks are designed as simulations of daily activities in order to increase the ecological validity of the training. In addition, the proposed system allows the use of cognitive training combining repetition of tasks with increasing difficulty and the practice of strategies potentially transferable to everyday activities. The training program is designed not only for the elderly population to form a cognitive „reserve“, it can be utilized also in clinical groups with an emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders with cognitive symptoms.
- Keywords
- VRcity,
- MeSH
- Mental Disorders rehabilitation MeSH
- Program Evaluation statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Cognitive Training * methods statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Neurodegenerative Diseases rehabilitation MeSH
- Reproducibility of Results MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Simulation Training * methods statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Validation Studies as Topic MeSH
- Virtual Reality MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Emoce mají zásadní vliv na různé kognitivní procesy u lidí, včetně pozornosti, vnímání, učení a paměti. Dlouhodobé vzpomínky jsou ovlivněny nejen emocemi prožitými při jejich učení, ale také emočním stavem při jejich vybavování. Termín „emoční paměť“ je často spojován s epizodickou pamětí a s mentálním cestováním v čase, emoce však ovlivňují každý aspekt paměti (např. jak deklarativní paměť, tak nedeklarativní paměť). V této přehledové studii autoři diskutují metodologické výhody a omezení napříč současnými metodami výzkumu emoční paměti. Tradiční neuropsychologické metody využívají podněty vzbuzující emoce; takové podněty se však často redukují na jednoduchý seznam slov nebo obrázků. Ve srovnání s těmito metodami je virtuální realita (VR) relativně novým nástrojem s rostoucím významem v neurovědním výzkumu a klinické praxi. VR umožňuje studovat lidské chování, kognitivní funkce a mozkovou aktivitu v ekologicky validních situacích i v laboratorních podmínkách. Ve studii jsou shrnuty budoucí cíle a potenciální využití virtuální reality při testování emoční paměti.
Emotion has an essential effect on various cognitive processes in humans including attention, perception, learning, and memory. Long-term memories are affected not only by the emotion experienced during learning but also by the emotional state during retrieval. The term “emotional memory” is often associated with episodic memory and mental time-travel; however, emotion influences every aspect of memory (e.g., both declarative memory and non-declarative memory). Here the authors discuss the methodological advantages and limitations across the current methods in emotional memory research. Traditional neuropsychological methods use emotionally arousing stimuli; however, such stimuli are often reduced to a simple list of words or pictures. In comparison to these methods, virtual reality (VR) is a relatively new tool, but with growing importance in neuroscience research and clinical practice. VR allows to study human behavior, cognitive functions, and brain activity in ecologically valid situations even under laboratory conditions. Future directions and potential use of virtual reality in emotional memory testing are discussed.
Emoce mají zásadní vliv na různé kognitivní procesy u lidí, včetně pozornosti, vnímání, učení a paměti. Dlouhodobé vzpomínky jsou ovlivněny nejen emocemi prožitými při jejich učení, ale také emočním stavem při jejich vybavování. Termín „emoční paměť“ je často spojován s epizodickou pamětí a s mentálním cestováním v čase, emoce však ovlivňují každý aspekt paměti (např. jak deklarativní paměť, tak nedeklarativní paměť). V této přehledové studii autoři diskutují metodologické výhody a omezení napříč současnými metodami výzkumu emoční paměti. radiční neuropsychologické metody využívají podněty vzbuzující emoce; takové podněty se však často redukují na jednoduchý seznam slov nebo obrázků. Ve srovnání s těmito metodami je virtuální realita (VR) relativně novým nástrojem s rostoucím významem v neurovědním výzkumu a klinické praxi. VR umožňuje studovat lidské chování, kognitivní funkce a mozkovou aktivitu v ekologicky validních situacích i v laboratorních podmínkách. Ve studii jsou shrnuty budoucí cíle a potenciální využití virtuální reality při testování emoční paměti
Emotion has an essential effect on various cognitive processes in humans including attention, perception, learning, and memory. Long-term memories are affected not only by the emotion experienced during learning but also by the emotional state during retrieval. The term “emotional memory” is often associated with episodic memory and mental time-travel; however, emotion influences every aspect of memory (e.g., both declarative memory and non-declarative memory). Here the authors discuss the methodological advantages and limitations across the current methods in emotional memory research. Traditional neuropsychological methods use emotionally arousing stimuli; however, such stimuli are often reduced to a simple list of words or pictures. In comparison to these methods, virtual reality (VR) is a relatively new tool, but with growing importance in neuroscience research and clinical practice. VR allows to study human behavior, cognitive functions, and brain activity in ecologically valid situations even under laboratory conditions. Future directions and potential use of virtual reality in emotional memory testing are discussed.
BACKGROUND: A growing interest in non-pharmacological approaches aimed at cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive enhancement pointed towards the application of new technologies. The complex virtual reality (VR) presented using immersive devices has been considered a promising approach. OBJECTIVE: The article provides a systematic review of studies aimed at the efficacy of VR-based rehabilitation. First, we shortly summarize literature relevant to the role of immersion in memory assessment and rehabilitation. METHODS: We searched Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and PubMed with the search terms "memory rehabilitation", "virtual reality", "memory deficit". Only original studies investigating the efficacy of complex three-dimensional VR in rehabilitation and reporting specific memory output measures were included. RESULTS: We identified 412 citations, of which 21 met our inclusion criteria. We calculated appropriate effect sizes for 10 studies including control groups and providing descriptive data. The effect sizes range from large to small, or no effect of memory rehabilitation was present, depending on the control condition applied. Summarized studies with missing control groups point out to potential positive effects of VR but do not allow any generalization. CONCLUSIONS: Even though there are some theoretical advantages of immersive VE over non-immersive technology, there is not enough evidence yet to draw any conclusions.
- MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Memory MeSH
- Stroke Rehabilitation methods trends MeSH
- Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy instrumentation methods MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Systematic Review MeSH
Several studies suggest that EEG parameters, reflecting top-down processes in the brain, may predict cognitive performance, e.g. short-term memory (STM) capacity. According to Lisman and Idiart's model, STM capacity is predicted by theta and gamma EEG waves and their ratio. This model suggests that the more periods of gamma band waves fit into one period of theta band waves, the more information can be stored. We replicated the study by Kaminski et al. (2011), which recorded spontaneous EEG activity and measured verbal STM capacity with a modified digit span task from the Wechsler battery. Our study included more subjects and two EEG recording sessions. We discuss the possible limits of EEG correlates of STM capacity as EEG parameters were not stable across the two measurements and no correlation was found between the theta/gamma ratio and performance in the digit span task.
- MeSH
- Models, Biological MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Gamma Rhythm physiology MeSH
- Memory, Short-Term physiology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Psychomotor Performance physiology MeSH
- Theta Rhythm physiology MeSH
- Wechsler Scales MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural MeSH
- Publication type
- Published Erratum MeSH
Human-Animal interaction (HAI) refers to any contact between humans and animals. Despite the lack of standardized measures of evaluation, one possible tool is the Human Animal Interaction Scale (HAIS). This study aimed to evaluate it in Czech language and to verify its use in clinical settings. One group of participants included 85 non-clinical volunteers; the second included 22 clinical participants, who were hospitalized in a long-term inpatient department All participants filled out the HAIS, the Companion Animal Bonding Scale (CABS) and the Companion Animal Semantic Differential (CASD). The Czech HAIS achieved similarly good psychometric properties as the original scale. The Cronbach's alpha showed strong internal consistency (α = 0.920) in the sample of volunteers, but low internal consistency (α = 0.656) in the group of clinical participants. In non-clinical volunteers, all scales and subscales correlated mutually at the p < 0.01 level. In the group of clinical participants, the CABS did not show significant correlations with other scales and subscales, nor was there a correlation of total HAIS score with the perceived rapport with animals. The findings of this study suggest that the Czech HAIS may be an effective tool for evaluating HAI with non-clinical contingents, however careful modification is suggested before clinical use. One reason for this is the difficulty in conducting some activities assessed by the scale in a clinical practice or hospital setting.
- MeSH
- Human-Animal Interaction * MeSH
- Language * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Surveys and Questionnaires MeSH
- Psychometrics MeSH
- Reproducibility of Results MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH