leaves Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Pelican books
ix, 310 s. ; 14 cm
- Konspekt
- Psychiatrie
- NLK Obory
- psychiatrie
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- studie
Práca sa zaoberá izoláciou látok z petroléterového a chloroformového extraktu listov pajazmínuvencového (Philadelphus coronarius L., Saxifragaceae). Z petroléterového extraktu listov tejtorastliny bol izolovaný uvaol a 3b,28-dihydroxyolean-11(12),13(18)-dién. Z chloroformového extraktuboli izolované kumaríny (umbeliferón a skopolín), stigmasteryl-3b-D-glukozid a uhľovodík alkánového typu C29 H60. Látky boli identifikované na základe spektrálnych údajov, porovnaním soštandardami a literatúrnymi údajmi.
The paper deals with the isolation of constituents from light petrol and chloroform extracts of theleaves of Philadelphus coronarius L., Saxifragaceae. From the light petrol extract uvaol and3b,28-dihydroxyoleanane-11(12),13(18)-diene were isolated, while coumarins (umbelliferone, scopolin), stigmasteryl-3b-D-glucoside and the alcane type carbohydrate-C29H60 were isolated from thechloroform extract. The isolated compounds were identified by spectroscopic means and by comparison with standards and the literature data.
Práca sa zaoberá izoláciou a identifikáciou flavonoidov prítomných v listoch Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. (Rosaceae). Z metanolového extraktu boli izolované tri flavonoidové glykozidy flavonolového typu: kempferol–3–O–ramnozid, kvercetín–3–O–glukozid (izokvercitrín) a kvercetín–3–O–ramnozid (kvercitrín), ktoré boli identifikované pomocou fyzikálno-chemických metód, porovnaním so štandardmi a literatúrou. Z rastlinného druhu Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. boli izolované prvýkrát.
The paper deals with the isolation and identification of constituents of the leaves of Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. (Rosaceae). Three flavonoid glycosides of flavonol type were isolated from the methanolic extract: kaempferol–3–O–rhamnoside, quercetin–3–O–glucoside (isoquercitrin) and quercetin–3–O–rhamnoside (quercitrin). Isolates were identified by physical-chemical data, by comparison with authentic samples and literature data. The above-mentioned compounds were isolated from Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. for the first time.
Vypracován mikroskopický popis Steviae herba doplněný obrázky. Pro identifikaci drogy jsou významné mnohobuněčné krycí trichomy a kulovité žlázky vyskytující se na listech.
The paper presents a microscopic description of Steviae herba supplemented with pictures. Multi- cellular covering trichomes and spherical glands occurring in the leaves are important for identifi- cation of the drug.