- Keywords
- studie AFFIRM-AHF,
- MeSH
- Iron Deficiencies * diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Pacemaker, Artificial statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Clinical Trials as Topic MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Heart Failure * complications metabolism MeSH
- Transferrin pharmacokinetics MeSH
- Inflammation physiopathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Kardiomyopatie jsou definovány jako onemocnění srdečního svalu, která vedou k poruše jeho struktury a funkce a nejsou způsobena jinou příčinou (ischemickou chorobou srdeční, hypertenzí, chlopenní či vrozenou srdeční vadou). Podle fenotypového vyjádření je rozdělujeme na dilatační, hypertrofické, restriktivní, arytmogenní a zvláštní skupinu představují tzv. neklasifikované kardiomyopatie, mezi něž je řazena nonkompaktní kardiomyopatie a takotsubo kardiomyopatie. Pod stejným fenotypovým vyjádřením se mohou skrývat etiologicky odlišné formy onemocnění a současně se fenotypové vyjádření může u řady kardiomyopatií v průběhu vývoje onemocnění měnit. U každého typu kardiomyopatie dále rozlišujeme formu familiární (geneticky podmíněnou) a získanou. Klinicky se onemocnění manifestuje především symptomy srdečního selhání, ať s redukovanou, mírně sníženou či zachovanou ejekční frakcí, příznaky plynoucími z řady arytmií, přítomny mohou být projevy extrakardiální, v některých případech však nemusí být po relativně dlouhou dobu symptomy vyjádřeny. Pokud není onemocnění včas rozpoznáno a léčeno, může vést k významné morbiditě a mortalitě, a to zejména u mladých osob, jež kardiomyopatie často postihují. Díky rozvoji řady diagnostických a terapeutických metod došlo v posledních letech k významnému posunu v diagnostice i léčbě řady kardiomyopatií, a tím i zlepšení prognózy nemocných.
Cardiomyopathies are defined as myocardial disorders in which the heart muscle is structurally and functionaly abnormal in the absence of a disease sufficient to cause this abnormality such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular or congenital heart disease. According to the phenotype expresion cardiomyopathies are divided into dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive, arrhytmogenic and unclassified cardiomyopathies (noncompaction and tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy). The same phenotypic expression may include etiologically different forms of the disease, and at the same time phenotypic expression may change in many cardiomyopathies in the course of illness. For each type of cardiomyopathy, we further distinguish the familial (genetic) form and the acquired form. The clinical manifestation of the disease includes symptoms of heart failure, with reduced, mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction, symptoms resulting from a number of arrhythmias and extracardiac symptoms, but in some cases symptoms may not be presented for a relatively long time. The disease can lead to significant morbidity and mortality if not detected and treated early, especially in young people who are frequently affected. Significant developments in diagnostic and treatment methods have led to an improvement in the prognosis of patients with cardiomyopathies in recent years.
- MeSH
- Amyloidosis diagnostic imaging therapy MeSH
- Cardiomyopathy, Dilated diagnostic imaging genetics therapy MeSH
- Genetic Testing MeSH
- Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic diagnostic imaging genetics therapy MeSH
- Cardiomyopathies * diagnosis MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Publication type
- Meeting Abstract MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a risk factor of decompression sickness (DCS). However, data on risk stratification of divers with a PFO are sparse. This study sought to evaluate the risk of neurological DCS (DCSneuro), based on the presence and grade of a right-to-left shunt (RLS). METHODS: A total of 640 divers were screened for a RLS using TCD between 1/2006 and 4/2017. RLS was graded as low, medium, or high grade with two subgroups - after a Valsalva maneuver or at rest. Divers were questioned about their DCS history. Survival analysis techniques were used to assess risk factors for unprovoked DCS. RESULTS: A RLS was found in 258 divers (40.3 %). 44 (17.1 %) divers with a RLS experienced DCSneuro compared to 5 (1.3 %) divers without a RLS (p <0.001). The proportion of DCSneuro increased from 4.6 % in the low-grade RLS subgroup to 57.1 % in the subgroup with high-grade RLS at rest. The hazard ratio for DCSneuro and RLS was11.806 (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Divers with a RLS had a higher risk of DCSneuro and the risk increased with RLS grade. We suggest that TCD is an appropriate method for RLS screening and risk stratification in divers (Tab. 4, Fig. 2, Ref. 29).
- MeSH
- Decompression Sickness * epidemiology etiology classification physiopathology MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Foramen Ovale, Patent complications MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Mass Screening methods MeSH
- Diving * adverse effects MeSH
- Risk Factors MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Persistent Fetal Circulation Syndrome diagnosis epidemiology complications MeSH
- Ultrasonography, Doppler, Transcranial MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Clinical Study MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
INTRODUCTION: The indications for specific treatment in the cases of inflammatory cardiomyopathy are based on limited data from several small clinical trials. AIM: A comparison of the effect of two dose regimens of combined immunosuppressive therapy by adding them to conventional heart failure therapy and comparing them with conventional heart failure therapy alone in patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathy. METHODS AND STUDY POPULATION: We enrolled 20 patients; mean age 46.10±7.33 years, duration of symptoms <6 months, LVEF ≤40 %, NYHA class II–IV, with biopsy‐proven myocarditis. Patients were randomly separated into groups treated with immunosuppressive therapy in addition to conventional heart failure therapy or to a group treated with conventional heart failure therapy alone. Clinical and echocardiographic parameters were evaluated. RESULTS: The baseline values of LVEF in the group of immunosuppressive therapy (LVEF 22.3±4.7 %) were similar to those in the group treated with conventional heart failure therapy (LVEF 21.7±4.7 %; p=0.757). After twelve months there was no statistically significant difference in LVEF between the two studied groups (LVEF 33.7±9.5 % for the immunosuppressive therapy group and 41.3±13.0 % for the conventional therapy group; p=0.175). CONCLUSION: In our study population, we proved no positive effect of combined immunosuppressive therapy on the left ventricular function over 12 months. The main limitation of the study is the small number of enrolled patients (Tab. 4, Fig. 1, Ref. 35).
- MeSH
- Azathioprine administration & dosage MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Immunosuppression Therapy * methods adverse effects MeSH
- Cardiomyopathies * drug therapy therapy MeSH
- Drug Therapy, Combination MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Myocarditis drug therapy therapy MeSH
- Prednisone administration & dosage MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Stroke Volume drug effects MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Randomized Controlled Trial MeSH
- Comparative Study MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Background and Objectives: Iron deficiency (ID) is a common comorbidity in patients with heart failure. It is associated with reduced physical performance, frequent hospitalisations for heart failure decompensation, and high cardiovascular and overall mortality. The aim was to determine the prevalence of ID in patients with advanced heart failure on the waiting list for heart transplantation. Methods and Materials: We included 52 patients placed on the waiting list for heart transplantation in 2021 at our centre. The cohort included seven patients with LVAD (left ventricle assist device) as a bridge to transplantation implanted before the time of results collection. In addition to standard tests, the parameters of iron metabolism were monitored. ID was defined as a ferritin value <100 μg/L, or 100-299 μg/L if transferrin saturation (T-sat) is <20%. Results: ID was present in 79% of all subjects, but only in 35% of these patients anaemia was expressed. In the group without LVAD, ID was present in 82%, a median (lower-upper quartile) of ferritin level was 95.4 (62.2-152.1) μg/mL and mean T-sat was 0.18 ± 0.09. In LVAD group, ID was present in 57%, ferritin level was 268 (106-368) μg/mL and mean T-sat was 0.14 ± 0.04. Haemoglobin concentration was the same in patients with or without ID (133 ± 16) vs. (133 ± 23). ID was not associated with anaemia defined with regard to patient's gender. In 40.5% of cases, iron deficiency was accompanied by chronic renal insufficiency, compared to 12.5% of the patients without ID. In the patients with LVAD, ID was present in four out of seven patients, but the group was too small for reliable statistical testing due to low statistical power. Conclusions: ID was present in the majority of patients with advanced heart failure and was not always accompanied by anaemia and renal insufficiency. Research on optimal markers for the diagnosis of iron deficiency, especially for specific groups of patients with heart failure, is still ongoing.
- MeSH
- Anemia, Iron-Deficiency * complications epidemiology MeSH
- Anemia * complications MeSH
- Iron Deficiencies * MeSH
- Ferritins MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Heart Failure * complications epidemiology diagnosis MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Úvod: Endovenózní laserová ablace (EVLA) je uznávaná alternativa chirurgické léčby varixů, ale optimální laserový generátor a jeho nastavení jsou předmětem diskuse. Účelem sdělení bylo korelovat klinické výsledky s teoretickou výhodou užití laserového diodového generátoru vlnové délky 1940 nm, který generuje záření s vysokou absorpcí tepla v tenké vrstvě koagulované tkáně. Metody: V období od 1/2010 do 12/2021 byla provedena EVLA celkem u 3529 konsekutivních pacientů s křečovými žilami a sonograficky prokázanou insuficiencí povrchových žil dolních končetin. Postupně jsme užívali tři typy laserových generátorů s vlnovou délkou 1064, 1470, resp. 1940 nm. Všichni pacienti byli prospektivně zařazeni do registru, absolvovali časnou pooperační kontrolu s objektivizací neprůchodnosti žilního segmentu a další kontroly v případě komplikací. Výsledky: Úspěšnost žilního uzávěru se u všech tří laserů nelišila (p=0,054) a přesáhla 98 %. Katetrizační metoda umožnila provést více ablací během jednoho výkonu s trendem 1,08, 1,31 a 1,62. V roce 2021 byl u laseru Tethys 1940 nm počet výkonů na pacienta 1,79. U tohoto laseru bylo, z důvodu vyššího absorpčního koeficientu záření pro vodu, možno snížit celkovou aplikovanou energii na polovinu (8 W, 50−80 J/cm). Pacienti po EVLA tímto laserem měli příznivější pooperační průběh, přestože bylo provedeno více ablací najednou. U 95,6 % pacientů byla provedena jen časná pooperační kontrola (p<0,001). Závěr: Studie prokázala, že všechny užité laserové generátory měly stejnou efektivitu, co se týče uzávěru žilního segmentu. Při užití diodového laseru vlnové délky 1940 nm bylo možno snížit výkon laseru na polovinu. Pacienti měli lepší pooperační průběh, přestože bylo provedeno více výkonů během jedné operace.
Introduction: Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is a recognized alternative to surgical treatment of varicose veins, although an optimal laser generator and its settings still remain a matter of debate. The aim of our study was to correlate clinical results with the theoretical advantage of the 1940nm diode laser characterized by high absorption of heat in a thin layer of coagulated tissue. Methods: From 1/2010 to 12/2021 EVLA was performed in a total of 3529 consecutive patients with varicose veins and ultrasonographically documented superficial venous reflux of lower extremities. Three types of laser were used successively with the wavelengths of 1064 nm, 1470 nm and 1940 nm, respectively. All patients were prospectively enrolled in our registry. An early postoperative follow−up visit was scheduled including an assessment of venous closure; additional visits were performed only in case of complications. Results: The success of venous closure did not differ (p=0.054) between the three laser types and was over 98%. The catheter−based method made it possible to perform multiple ablations in one procedure − the trend was 1.08, 1.31 and 1.62. In 2021 the number of ablations per patient with the laser DL Tethys 1940 nm was 1.79. With this laser it was possible to reduce the total energy applied to one half (8 W, 50−80 J/cm). The postoperative course of patients treated using the 1940nm laser was smoother – no other but the early follow−up visit was needed in 95.6% cases (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that all three types of the near−infrared lasers had an equal closure efficacy. With the 1940nm DL it was possible to decrease the energy to one half. Despite multiple ablations performed in one procedure the postoperative course of the patients was smoother.
AIMS: Fabry disease (FD) is a rare X-linked genetic disorder caused by α-galactosidase A (AGALA) deficiency. Whereas 'classic' variant has multisystemic manifestation, the more recently described 'later-onset' variant is characterized by predominant cardiac involvement that often mimics hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). METHODS AND RESULTS: Consecutive unrelated patients with HCM were screened for FD in 16 (out of 17) cardiac centres in the Czech Republic covering specialized cardiology care from June 2017 to December 2018. AGALA activity and globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3 ) levels were measured in all subjects using the dry blood spot method. FD was suspected in male patients with AGALA activity <1.2 μmol/h/L and in females with either low AGALA activity or lyso-Gb3 > 3.5 ng/mL. Positive screening results were confirmed by genetic testing. We evaluated 589 patients (390 males, 66%) with HCM (mean maximal myocardial thickness 19.1 ± 4.3 mm). The average age was 58.4 ± 14.7 years. In total, 17 patients (11 males, 6 females) had a positive screening result, and subsequently, six of them (four males and two females) had a genetically confirmed pathogenic GLA mutation (total prevalence of 1.02%). Five of these patients were carrying the p.N215S mutation known to cause a typical later-onset cardiac FD. CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed the prevalence of FD repeatedly reported in previous screening programmes (approximately 1% irrespective of gender) in a non-selected HCM population in Central Europe. Our findings advocate a routine screening for FD in all adult patients with HCM phenotype including both genders. The dry blood spot method used led to identification of clearly pathogenic variants.
- MeSH
- alpha-Galactosidase genetics MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Fabry Disease * diagnosis epidemiology genetics MeSH
- Genetic Testing MeSH
- Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic * diagnosis epidemiology genetics MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Aged MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
OBJECTIVES: This paper sought to evaluate the occurrence of decompression sickness (DCS) after the application of a patent foramen ovale (PFO) screening and risk stratification strategy. BACKGROUND: PFO is associated with an increased risk of DCS. Recently, transcatheter closure was reported to reduce DCS occurrence in divers with a high-grade shunt. However, to date, there are no data regarding the effectiveness of any PFO screening and risk stratification strategy for divers. METHODS: A total of 829 consecutive divers (age 35.4 ± 10.0 years, 81.5% men) were screened for PFO by means of transcranial color-coded sonography in the DIVE-PFO (Decompression Illness Prevention in Divers with a Patent Foramen Ovale) registry. Divers with a high-grade PFO were offered either catheter-based PFO closure (the closure group) or advised conservative diving (high grades). Divers with a low-grade shunt were advised conservative diving (low grades), whereas those with no PFO continued unrestricted diving (controls). A telephone follow-up was performed. To study the effect of the screening and risk stratification strategy, DCS occurrence before enrollment and during the follow-up was compared. RESULTS: Follow-up was available for 748 (90%) divers. Seven hundred and 2 divers continued diving and were included in the analysis (mean follow-up 6.5 ± 3.5 years). The DCS incidence decreased significantly in all groups, except the controls. During follow-up, there were no DCS events in the closure group; DCS incidence was similar to the controls in the low-grade group (HR: 3.965; 95% CI: 0.558-28.18; P = 0.169) but remained higher in the high-grade group (HR: 26.170; 95% CI: 5.797-118.160; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The screening and risk stratification strategy using transcranial color-coded sonography was associated with a decrease in DCS occurrence in divers with PFO. Catheter-based PFO closure was associated with a DCS occurrence similar to the controls; the conservative strategy had a similar effect in the low-grade group, but in the high-grade group the DCS incidence remained higher than in all other groups.
- MeSH
- Decompression Sickness * diagnostic imaging epidemiology etiology MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Foramen Ovale, Patent * complications diagnostic imaging epidemiology MeSH
- Risk Assessment MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Predictive Value of Tests MeSH
- Registries MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Úvod: Endovenózní laserová ablace (EVLA) je běžně užívaná alternativa chirurgické léčby varixů. Účelem sdělení je potvrdit trvalost uzávěru a prokázat, že lze všechny pacienty i s žilním segmentem nad 10 mm operovat ambulantně a provést více EVLA najednou. Metody: V období od 1/2017 do 12/2019 byla provedena EVLA celkem u 1551 neselektovaných pacientů s křečovými žilami a sonograficky prokázanou insuficiencí povrchových žil dolních končetin. K zjištění střednědobých výsledků jsme vybrali pacienty operované v období 1/2017 až 6/2017 (316 pacientů). K ověření výsledku operace jsme vybrali rizikovou skupinu pacientů s žilním segmentem průměru >10 mm (40 pacientů). Tyto pacienty považuje dosud řada odborníků za kandidáty klasické chirurgické metody. Kontrolní skupinou s žilním segmentem <10 mm bylo zbylých 276 pacientů operovaných ve stejném období. Výsledky: Katetrizační metoda umožnila provést více ablací během jednoho výkonu. V roce 2019 byl počet výkonů na pacienta 1,44. V rizikové skupině mělo jednu pooperační kontrolu (hladký průběh, bez větší lokální reakce) 87,5 % pacientů. V kontrolní skupině mělo 100 % pacientů hladký pooperační průběh a jen jednu kontrolu včetně ultrasonografického vyšetření (p<0,001). Výskyt sledovaných pooperačních komplikací byl v obou skupinách srovnatelný. Sonograficky byl zkoumán uzávěr v rizikové skupině. Žíly byly dobře koagulovány, se známkou dezintegrace peroperačně, ale při poslední kontrole (střední doba sledování 33±6 měsíců) nebyla již žíla patrná. Závěr: Studie prokázala příznivé střednědobé výsledky ambulantně prováděné EVLA vena saphena. Potvrdila se proveditelnost více výkonů najednou v neselektovaném souboru pacientů s užitím lokální anestezie. Bylo prokázáno, že destrukce žíly laserem je trvalá. Podmínkou reprodukovatelnosti je dokonalá znalost UZ diagnostiky a časná kontrola pacientů.
Introduction: Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) is a common alternative to surgical treatment of varicose veins. The aim of our study was to demonstrate that laser occlusion is durable, that we can treat all patients in a one day setting, even with veins >10mm in diameter, and that multiple EVLAs can be done at the same time. Methods: In the period from 1/2017 to 12/2019 EVLA was performed in a total of 1551 consecutive patients with varicose veins and ultrasonographically documented venous reflux. The mid-term results were evaluated in a group of patients operated from 1/2017 to 6/2017 (316 pts.). We compared a risk group that consisted of patients with veins >10mm in diameter (40 pts.) with a control group (the remaining 276 pts.). Patients with veins >10mm are traditionally considered as candidates for conventional surgery. Results: The catheter-based method enabled us to perform more ablations in one procedure. In 2019 we performed 1.44 EVLA procedures per patient. There was only one postoperative follow-up visit, indicating an uncomplicated postoperative course, in 87.5% of patients of the risk group. In the control group 100% of patients had only one follow-up visit including ultrasound examination, showing an uncomplicated postoperative course (p<0.001). There was no difference in the incidence of complications. Ultrasonographic follow-up was performed in the risk group. Veins larger in diameter revealed complete disintegration early, but at the end of the follow-up period (mean 33±6 months) they disappeared completely. Conclusion: The study showed good mid-term results of EVLA of the saphenous vein in the outpatient setting and the feasibility of performing multiple ablations in a non-selected group of patients using local anaesthesia. Laser destruction of the vein was shown to be permanent. Perfect familiarity with the diagnostic procedure using ultrasonography and early patient follow-up are required to achieve reproducibility.
- MeSH
- Laser Therapy * methods MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Venous Insufficiency * surgery MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH