Emotion Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
elektronický časopis
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- elektronické časopisy
Na emócie zameraná terapia (v anglickom jazyku Emotion-focused therapy so skratkou EFT) alebo Proces-experienciálna terapia (v anglickom jazyku Process-experiential therapy) je v súčasnosti najznámejším terapeutickým prístupom zaoberajúcim sa primárne emóciami. Má svoje využitie v párovej (Greenberg, Johnson, 1988) i individuálnej terapii (Greenberg et al., 1993) a je podložená výskumami. Na emócie zameraná terapia bola vytvorená Greenbergom a jeho kolegami v 80. rokoch na základe empirických štúdií procesu zmeny v psychoterapii (Rice, Greenberg, 1984; Greenberg, Johnson, 1988). Prehľadová štúdia načrtáva teoretické východiská tejto terapie, ktorá je u nás relatívne neznámou, a jej špecifiká. Podrobne sa zaoberá markermi a mikromarkermi a úlohám v rámci EFT terapie, šiestim základným empiricky potvrdeným intervenciám na spracovanie emócií v terapeutickom vzťahu, ktoré zároveň slúžia ako ciele terapie v EFT, a navodením procesu zmeny. Štúdia sa zmieňuje aj o konceptualizácii prípadu v EFT terapii. Záverom prináša prehľad doterajších výskumných zistení týkajúcich sa EFT, ktoré zhrňujú výskumy efektu terapie na rozličných vzorkách populácie a v špecifických životných situáciách. EFT sa doteraz ukázalo byť efektívnou terapiou predovšetkým pre liečbu depresie (Greenberg, Watson, 2006) a má sľubné výsledky aj v súvislosti s ďalšími diagnózami.
Emotion-focused therapy (acronym EFT) or Process experiential therapy is currently the most famous therapeutic approach dealing primarily with emotions. It is used in couple therapy (Greenberg, Johnson, 1988) as well as in individual therapy (Greenberg et al., 1993) and it is empirically supported treatment. Emotion-focused therapy was developed by Greenberg and his colleagues in the 1980s on the base of empirical research on process of change in psychotherapy (Rice, Greenberg, 1984; Greenberg, Johnson, 1988). Overview study outlines the theoretical background of this therapeutic approach, which is relatively little-known to Slovak and Czech therapists, and its distinctive features. The author explains the markers, micromarkers and tasks in EFT therapy, six fundamental empirically supported interventions for emotion processing in therapeutic relationship, that serve like goals in therapy and process of change. In conclusion, the paper provides an overview of current research findings regarding EFT that summarize research of the therapy effectiveness for different population samples and people in specific situations. EFT has been showed to be effective therapy mainly for depression treatment (Greenberg, Watson, 2006) and it has promising results concerning also other diagnosis.
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
- psychiatrie
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
Studies in emotion and social interaction ; Vol. 2
1st ed. 223 s.
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
- sociologie
OBJECTIVE: Insomnia and affective disorders are among the most common and disabling health problems of our society. Although there seems to be a clear link between poor sleep and problems in emotional regulation, it is still an area with many remaining questions. While the cognitive and behavioural consequences of poor sleep and insomnia have been studied in depth in recent decades, emotional experience empirical findings in this area still need to be replicated and confirmed. METHOD: Review article included studies published from January 1990 to March 2020 accessed via PubMed database. The keywords "Insomnia, Emotional regulation, Nightmares, Mental disorders, Sleep quality, Nightmares treatment" were used in various combinations. The total of 145 articles was found, and after their complete review, 42 papers were selected. Secondary texts from reference lists of primarily selected articles were examined and added to the primary document list. Finally, a total of 159 articles were included in the review. RESULTS: Sleep is involved in emotion regulation both in the general population and individuals with various mental disorders. Several studies found that pre-sleep emotional activation of negative and positive emotions disturbs sleep by enhancing emotional excitement. On the other hand, many studies showed that poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation adversely affects the emotional functioning in adults. The results of the studies summarized in this review show that emotional regulation can mediate the effect of insomnia on various psychiatric disorders. Insomnia can be a significant risk factor that should be targeted in various psychiatric disorders. CONCLUSION: Targeted prevention of affective disorders in patients who have insomnia, as well as identification of transformation mechanisms, could be an advantageous approach to alleviating their burden. Complex treatment, including cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia, added to the primary treatment of these disorders, is recommended.
2nd ed. x, 305 s.
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
Výskum emočnej regulácie, ktorý za prvých dvadsať rokov milénia patrí k najrozvinutejším oblastiam akademickej psychológie, je ovplyvnený predovšetkým procesným modelom emočnej regulácie Grossa (1998), a to do takej miery, že ho možno označiť za paradigmu. Procesný model inšpiroval predovšetkým veľké množstvo experimentálnych a korelačných štúdií, avšak časom sa začalo viac upozorňovať na nedostatky výskumu emočnej regulácie v kontrolovaných podmienkach. Kritické hlasy poukazovali na to, že výskum zastrešený touto paradigmou neprináša adekvátne poznanie o spontánnych a implicitných podobách emočnej regulácie, a taktiež ani o jej sociálnom kontexte. Práve táto kritika otvára priestor pre kvalitatívne štúdie. Cieľom prehľadovej štúdie je zhodnotiť doterajšie úsilie o kvalitatívne skúmanie emočnej regulácie a poukázať na ďalšie možné smerovanie výskumu.
The research of emotion regulation is one of the most advanced areas of academic psychology. It has been influenced by the process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998) so greatly that this model might be considered a research paradigm. Large number of experimental and correlational studies was inspired by it, but in the course of time, limits of the emotion regulation study under strictly controlled conditions were pointed out. Critical voices have been raising regarding the adequacy of knowledge that is brought by research under the process model paradigm, especially with concerns to implicit and spontaneous forms of emotion regulation, and social context in which it takes place. It is precisely this critic that opens up space for qualitative research. The goal of this review article is to examine present status of qualitative study of emotion regulation and to suggest a possible future directions of research.
- MeSH
- emoční regulace * MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy MeSH
- kvalitativní výzkum MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- rozhovory jako téma MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Cieľom tohto výskumu bolo otestovať efekt intervencie the Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection (EFT-SCP) na úroveň sebakritickosti a sebasúcitu na vzorke participantov s depresívnymi symptómami. EFT-SCP je online štrnásťdňová intervencia vytvorená na základe najnovších výskumov Terapie zameranej na emócie pre psychoterapeutickú prácu so sebakritikom. Dostupná vzorka participantov z internetových fór zameraných na depresiu, bola po prvom meraní náhodne rozdelená do intervenčnej a kontrolnej skupiny. Participantom sme merali mieru sebasúcitu a sebakritickosti tesne pred intervenciou, tesne po intervencii a následne po dvoch mesiacoch. Výsledky ukázali že intervencia je účinná tak na úroveň sebakritickosti ako aj sebasúcitu, no časom jej účinky slabnú. Do budúcna by bolo potrebné výskum zopakovať na väčšej vzorke participantov s depresívnymi symptómami a overiť či efekt intervencie EFT-SCP pretrvá v čase pri dlhšej intervencii.
The aim of this research study was to test the effect of Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection (EFT-SCP) on the level of self-criticism and self-compassion on a sample of participants with depressive symptoms. EFT-SCP is an online 14-day intervention based on the latest research findings of Emotion-Focused Therapy related to psychotherapeutic work with self-critic. The available sample of participants from the depression-focused internet forums was randomly divided into intervention and control groups after the first measurement. We measured the level of self-compassion and self-criticism of the participants just before the intervention, just after the intervention and after two months. The results showed that intervention is effective in both self-criticism and self-compassion, but over time its effects diminish. In the future, it would be necessary to repeat the research on a larger sample of participants with depressive symptoms and to verify whether the effect of the intervention EFT-SCP will last longer with longer intervention.
- Klíčová slova
- Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection,
- MeSH
- deprese * terapie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- emoce MeSH
- internetová intervence * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychoterapie metody MeSH
- sebezhodnocení (psychologie) MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH