Psychedelics Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Autor v článku ukazuje část historie používání psychedelických látek v psychiatricko - psychoterapeutickém kontextu naší země. Na několika kazuistikách demonstruje, jak mohou být tytéž látky používány různým způsobem. Na první kazuistice ilustruje nebezpečí nerespektování setu a settingu a navrhuje pomoc, která je založena na respektu k těmto důležitým proměnným. Na druhé kazuistice ukazuje přínos, který může mít psychedelické sezení pro běžnou dlouhodobou psychoterapii. Ve třetí kazuistice ze sedmdesátých let, záznamu běžného sezení s psychedelickou látkou, je ukázána účinnost rutinní práce, která jen tím, že respektuje bezpečný rámec, pomáhá i dramatické prožitky dovést k dobrému výsledku. Nová mapa, která je v sezení vytvořena, je novou možností. Když je kultivována v další terapeutické práci, přinese změny do běžného života. Dále se autor zamýšlí nad kontextuálními rámci psychedelické terapie. Na co bychom se měli ptát, čím bychom se měli zabývat, abychom lépe rozuměli rizikovým oblastem jejího využití.
In the article, the author addresses a part of the history of the use of psychedelic substances in the psychiatric-psychotherapeutic context in our country. On a few case studies, he demonstrates how the same substance can be used in different ways. The first case study illustrates the danger of disrespecting the set and setting and suggests advice based on respect to these two essential variables. The second case study is used to present the benefit which a psychedelic session can have for a general, long-term psychotherapy. The third case study is from the seventies. It is a report from a regular session with a psychedelic substance that shows the effectiveness of routine work, which, only by respecting the safe frame, helps lead even dramatic experiences to a good outcome. The new map created in a session opens new possibilities. Being cultivated during continuous therapeutic work, it brings changes to everyday life. Further development of this choice in therapeutic work will change day-to-day life. In addition, the author challenges the contextual frames of psychedelic therapy: What questions should we ask and what should we concentrate on in order to better understand the problematic areas of its use.
xiv, 97 s. ; 21 cm
(Publisher-supplied data) An Italian ethnobotanist explores the remarkable propensity of wild animals to seek out and use psychoactive substances. Throws out behaviorist theories that claim animals have no consciousness. Offers a completely new understanding of the role psychedelics play in the development of consciousness in all species. Reveals drug use to be a natural instinct. From caffeine-dependent goats to nectar addicted ants, the animal kingdom offers amazing examples of wild animals and insects seeking out and consuming the psychoactive substances in their environments. Author Giorgio Samorini explores this little-known phenomenon and suggests that, far from being confined to humans, the desire to experience altered states of consciousness is a natural drive shared by all living beings and that animals engage in these behaviors deliberately. Rejecting the Western cultural assumption that using drugs is a negative action or the result of an illness, Samorini opens our eyes to the possibility that beings who consume psychedelics--whether humans or animals--contribute to the evolution of their species by creating entirely new patterns of behavior that eventually will be adopted by other members of that species. The author's fascinating accounts of mushroom-loving reindeer, intoxicated birds, and drunken elephants ensure that readers will never view the animal world in quite the same way again.
- Konspekt
- Farmacie. Farmakologie
- NLK Obory
- toxikologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- studie
Výzkum psychedelik a jejich klinického využití se doposud vyvíjí odděleně od výzkumu placebo efektu. Mezi oběma oblastmi výzkumu existuje řada paralel a možností vzájemného obohacení. Výrazná role extrafarmakologických proměnných v psychedelické intervenci má implikace pro další výzkum i pro potenciální regulaci zdravotních služeb s využitím psychedelické intervence.
Research on psychedelics and of their clinical utilization has been evolving separately from placebo research. There are several parallels between this two research fields with possible mutual enrichment. Substantial role of extrapharmacological variables in psychedelic interventions has implications for next research and for potential regulation of such psychedelic intervention as healthcare service.
Článek shrnuje dosavadní poznatky o imunumodulačním efektu psychedelických látek a diskutuje jejich potenciál v terapii některých psychiatrických a neurologických onemocnění, v jejichž patogenezi se uplatňují imunologické vlivy. Jsou nastíněny molekulární mechanis-my účinku psychedelik, jejich interakce s imunitním systémem a neuropsychologické koreláty funkce imunity. Imunomodulační účinek, zejména zvýšená produkce protizánětlivých a snížená produkce prozánětlivých cytokinů, byl doposud prokázán u klasických psychedelik DMT, 5-MeO-DMT a LSD. Dále byl prokázán u disociativního anestetika ketaminu a empatogenu MDMA, které v určitých situacích vy-kazují podobnou fenomenologii jako psychedelika. Limitací je malé množství a převážně preklinická povaha prozatím provedených studií.
The article summarizes the main findings in the recent research of immunomodulatory effects of psychedelics and their potential in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, where immunopathological processes are involved. Their molecular mechanism of action is presented with an emphasis on their interaction with the immune system and neuropsychological correlates of the immune system are also outlined. Increased production of anti-inflamatory and suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines has been so far demonstrated in classical psychedelics such as DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and LSD. The findings are yet limited by the small amount of studies and by their predominantly preclinical nature.
- MeSH
- cytokiny chemie imunologie MeSH
- duševní poruchy farmakoterapie imunologie MeSH
- farmakoterapie metody trendy MeSH
- fenethylaminy chemie imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- imunitní systém chemie imunologie MeSH
- imunologické faktory * chemie imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- imunomodulace imunologie MeSH
- ketamin imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- LSD imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- nervový systém chemie imunologie MeSH
- receptory sigma chemie imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- serotonin chemie imunologie MeSH
- tryptaminy chemie imunologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- zánět imunologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- souhrny MeSH
Duševní onemocnění představují významný problém současné společnosti. Klinické výzkumy psychedelik přinášejí rostoucí množství evidence o jejich terapeutickém potenciálu. Zajímavá pro tuto skupinu látek je skutečnost, že stejné substance se ukazují jako účinné v léčbě různých psychických symptomů a duševních onemocnění napříč diagnostickými kategoriemi. Psychedelika se tak ukazují mít univerzálnější využití než tradiční psychofarmaka, která působí zejména na konkrétní symptomy. Jejich terapeutické podání předpokládá přítomnost zkušeného odborníka během akutní fáze účinku a širší rámec zahrnující přípravná a následná sezení. Psychedelická terapie může ovlivňovat vybrané psychologické fenomény a charakteristiky i u zdravých dobrovolníků – např. zvyšovat jejich well-being, otevřenost, kapacitu všímavosti nebo mentální flexibilitu. Tyto fenomény jsou zároveň významnými koreláty duševního zdraví. Na základě dostupné evidence se lze domnívat, že klíčovým mechanismem účinku psychedelik je jejich působení na psychologickou flexibilitu, která by mohla představovat základní sjednocující faktor pro vysvětlení terapeutického účinku psychedelik na různé duševní obtíže z psychologické perspektivy. Na základě transdiagnostické povahy tohoto mechanismu by psychedelická terapie mohla najít uplatnění nejen v léčbě nejrůznějších poruch, ale potenciálně sloužit i v rámci širší péče o duševní zdraví, popř. prevence duševních onemocnění u zdravých lidí. Psychedelická terapie poutá pozornost autorů směrem k multifaktoriální etiologii duševních onemocnění, transdiagnostickým procesům, významu psychoterapie při jejich léčbě i extrafarmakologickým proměnným. V tomto článku je reflektován význam, který by mohlo mít využití psychedelik v péči o duševní zdraví, jejich mechanismus účinku a potenciální rizika i způsoby, jakými by bylo možné jim předcházet.
Mental health problems constitute a major issue in contemporary society. Meanwhile, the evidence of the therapeutic potential of psychedelics obtained in clinical trials is continuing to grow. One of the remarkable characteristics of this class of substances is the fact that they appear to be effective in the treatment of a variety of psychological symptoms and mental illnesses across diagnostic categories. Psychedelics thus seem to have a wider range of usefulness than traditional psychopharmaceuticals, which generally tend to target specific symptoms. The administration of psychedelics includes the presence of an experienced professional until the acute effects subside. Moreover, these substances should be administered as part of a broader, more comprehensive programme, including preparatory and follow-up sessions. Psychedelic therapy can also have an effect on certain psychological phenomena and processes even in healthy volunteers, e.g. increase their well-being, openness, mindfulness capacities and mental flexibility. These phenomena are important correlates of mental health. The available evidence seems to indicate that the key psychological mechanism of the therapeutic effect of psychedelics is their impact on psychological flexibility. This could be the common underlying factor explaining the therapeutic efficacy of psychedelics in the treatment of various mental health disorders across diagnostic categories. The transdiagnostic nature of this mechanism suggests that psychedelic therapy could potentially prove useful, apart from the treatment of various pathologies, also as a tool for general mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness in healthy people. Psychedelic therapy brings the attention to the multifactorial etiology of mental disorders, the importance of the psychotherapy component in healthcare, and the role of transdiagnostic processes and non-pharmacological variables. In this review article, the potential of psychedelics in mental health care, their mechanisms of action, and possible risks as well as risk-prevention strategies is discussed.
[Subjectively perceived risks of using psychedelics]
Introduction. With growing interest in hallucinogens, majority of psychedelic research focus mostly on the therapeutic potential and benefits. The objective of this paper is to explore how users of psychedelics verbalize their experience and perceived risks of using such substances. Methods. The authors used a questionnaire with open-ended and multiple-choice items. The sample included persons with at least one phenomenological experience with psychedelics (N = 422, age M=27.78; SD=7.84; SE=0.38; 35.1% women). Qualitative data were analyzed using concepts of The Grounded Theory using the Atlas.ti suite. Results. The target group uses terms taken from the English language (“bad trip”, “set and setting”, “sitter”, or the grammatically localized version of the word „psychedelic“), with shared and well-understood semantic meaning within the community. The central domain “inappropriate set and setting” and its inadequate preparation is linked to the negative experience of “bad trip” which can lead to difficult “integration of experience” or even “psychotic disorders”. Users of psychedelics report various harm reduction strategies which are consistent with relevant literature. Conclusion. This study illustrates that Slovak users of psychedelics seem to understand and use the established terminology of international discourse related to these substances. At the same time, the authors suggest that users seem to use various relevant strategies to lower risks associated with the use of psychedelics.
OBJECTIVES: Different psychoactive substances are widely used in today's society. So far limited data are available on the use of psychedelics in the general population. The main aim of this study is to estimate the numbers of users of substances with psychedelic properties (classical psychedelics, cannabis, ecstasy, and ketamine) in the Czech Republic. METHODS: Data from two samples enrolled in representative cross-sectional questionnaire surveys in the Czech adult population in 2016 (n = 2,785) and 2018 (n = 1,665) were analysed. Prevalence rates were extrapolated to estimate numbers of current, i.e., last-year, users of psychedelics, and their socio-demographic profiles were compared with non-users and users of cannabis. RESULTS: An estimated 5-6% of the Czech adult population (350-430 thousand people) used classical psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca) in their lifetime, increasing up to 28-30% when cannabis is included (1.9-2.1 million users). Current use of classical psychedelics reached 0.7-1.9% (50-130 thousand people), and 9-11% (590-750 thousand users) when cannabis was included. Users of psychedelics were more often males, of younger age and single. CONCLUSIONS: No significant socio-demographic differences were found between users of classical psychedelics and recreational cannabis users, however, differences were significant when compared to non-users and users of other illicit drugs. Findings should further serve to inform drug policy and social and healthcare systems in respect to the use of psychedelics.
- MeSH
- Cannabis * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- halucinogeny * terapeutické užití MeSH
- ketamin * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poruchy spojené s užíváním psychoaktivních látek * epidemiologie MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- psilocybin MeSH
- zakázané drogy * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The recent renaissance of psychedelic science has reignited interest in the similarity of drug-induced experiences to those more commonly observed in psychiatric contexts such as the schizophrenia-spectrum. This report from a multidisciplinary working group of the International Consortium on Hallucinations Research (ICHR) addresses this issue, putting special emphasis on hallucinatory experiences. We review evidence collected at different scales of understanding, from pharmacology to brain-imaging, phenomenology and anthropology, highlighting similarities and differences between hallucinations under psychedelics and in the schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Finally, we attempt to integrate these findings using computational approaches and conclude with recommendations for future research.
- MeSH
- halucinace chemicky indukované diagnostické zobrazování etiologie patofyziologie MeSH
- halucinogeny škodlivé účinky MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nervová síť diagnostické zobrazování účinky léků patofyziologie MeSH
- schizofrenie komplikace diagnostické zobrazování patofyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- srovnávací studie MeSH
The article deals with the issue of decriminalization of drugs, in all relevant contexts, both in terms of criminal policy and legislation, as well as law enforcement, with focus on the Czech Republic. The article proceeds deductively from the general to the specific. First, it discusses the role of law in society and its legitimacy, with focus on legitimate criminal sanctions, which are discussed in the context of the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression and the principle of opportunity (discretionary prosecution). After these general considerations, the article turns to the issue of drugs and discusses both drug policy and legislation, arguing that the general considerations are in favor of decriminalization tendencies in this area. In the final part, the article focuses on psychedelics, emphasizing a fundamental discrepancy between their factual and legal status and then considering ways of changing the perspective. At this point, the article outlines the importance of decriminalization of psychedelics for therapeutic use, which basically consist of rescheduling of these drugs. The aim of such decriminalization is to make psychedelic-assisted therapy legally available. The article concludes that this is the direction that criminal policy and law in the Czech Republic should take.
- MeSH
- halucinogeny * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- prosazení zákonů MeSH
- veřejná politika MeSH
- zákonodárství lékové MeSH
- zločinci * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Taking microdoses (a mere fraction of normal doses) of psychedelic substances, such as truffles, recently gained popularity, as it allegedly has multiple beneficial effects including creativity and problem-solving performance, potentially through targeting serotonergic 5-HT2A receptors and promoting cognitive flexibility, crucial to creative thinking. Nevertheless, enhancing effects of microdosing remain anecdotal, and in the absence of quantitative research on microdosing psychedelics, it is impossible to draw definitive conclusions on that matter. Here, our main aim was to quantitatively explore the cognitive-enhancing potential of microdosing psychedelics in healthy adults. METHODS: During a microdosing event organized by the Dutch Psychedelic Society, we examined the effects of psychedelic truffles (which were later analyzed to quantify active psychedelic alkaloids) on two creativity-related problem-solving tasks: the Picture Concept Task assessing convergent thinking and the Alternative Uses Task assessing divergent thinking. A short version of the Ravens Progressive Matrices task assessed potential changes in fluid intelligence. We tested once before taking a microdose and once while the effects were expected to be manifested. RESULTS: We found that both convergent and divergent thinking performance was improved after a non-blinded microdose, whereas fluid intelligence was unaffected. CONCLUSION: While this study provides quantitative support for the cognitive-enhancing properties of microdosing psychedelics, future research has to confirm these preliminary findings in more rigorous placebo-controlled study designs. Based on these preliminary results, we speculate that psychedelics might affect cognitive metacontrol policies by optimizing the balance between cognitive persistence and flexibility. We hope this study will motivate future microdosing studies with more controlled designs to test this hypothesis.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- halucinogeny aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- inteligence účinky léků fyziologie MeSH
- inteligenční testy MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze I jako téma MeSH
- kreativita * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- motivace účinky léků fyziologie MeSH
- myšlení účinky léků fyziologie MeSH
- nootropní látky aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- řešení problému účinky léků fyziologie MeSH
- světelná stimulace metody MeSH
- vztah mezi dávkou a účinkem léčiva MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze I MeSH
- pragmatická klinická studie MeSH