low carbohydrate diet Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
V odborné literatuře přibývají informace o pozitivních výsledcích nízkosacharidové stravy v léčbě diabetu, prediabetu, metabolického syndromu a obezity ve formě randomizovaných studií, jejich metaanalýz i případových studiích. Mnohé z nich svědčí pro bezpečnost nízkosacharidové stravy, možnost výrazného zlepšení kompenzace obou hlavních typů diabetu i celkového zdravotního stavu diabetika. Při úspěšné léčbě tato strava vede k redukci zvýšené hmotnosti, redukci farmakologické léčby a v některých případech diabetu 2. typu také k navození remise. Přesto je nízkosacharidová strava v české diabetologii zatím popelkou, opředenou obavami zejména z hlediska své bezpečnosti. Článek je souhrnem dosavadních poznatků o nízkosacharidové stravě, jejích výhod, rizik i kontraindikací a rád by otevřel diskusi o jejím využití jako jedné z možností dietní léčby diabetiků.
There has been an increasing amount of information about the positive results of low-carbohydrate diet in the treatment of diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity in the form of randomized trials, their meta-analysis and case studies. Many of these indicate that low carbohydrate diets are safe, could significantly improve the compensation of both types of diabetes and the overall health of the diabetic patients. In successful therapy, this diet leads to weight loss, lower medication doses or prescribing, and in some cases of type 2 diabetes also to remission. However, the low carbohydrate diet is not recognized in Czech diabetology, and concerns remain particularly about its safety. This article is a summary of the current knowledge about low-carbohydrate diet, its benefits, risks and contraindications, and aims to initiate discussion about its use as one of the options for dietary treatment of diabetics.
- MeSH
- diabetes mellitus * dietoterapie MeSH
- diabetická dieta metody MeSH
- dieta s omezením sacharidů * metody MeSH
- ketogenní dieta * metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- metabolický syndrom MeSH
- obezita dietoterapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Excluding oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) from the diet is increasingly being used to treat children with gastrointestinal complaints. There is insufficient evidence to routinely recommend the use of the low-FODMAP diet to treat functional gastrointestinal disorders, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, inflammatory bowel diseases or small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth in children.
Vyloučení oligo-, monosacharidů a polyolů (FODMAP) z diety je v současné době stále více doporučováno dětem s gastrointestinálními obtížemi. Je však nedostatek důkazů pro užití při funkčních obtížích, neceliakální glutenové senzitivitě, nespecifických střevních zánětech nebo bakteriálním přerůstání u dětí.
- Klíčová slova
- MeSH
- dieta s omezením sacharidů * MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- syndrom dráždivého tračníku dietoterapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
Low-carbohydrate diets are often a controversial issue. They are not only currently a popular diet method, but also significantly beneficial for health. The influence on the reduction of the total body weight can be very significant, as can the amount of body fat or visceral fat – which is the main risk factor for developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The research in this area is limited. Respondents often fail to finalize it and the studies often include few respondents and are short-term. This article summarizes the published data that focus on the influence of low-carbohydrate diets on visceral fat in the human organism. The goal was to determine which physiological parameters were influenced by this type of diet and how low-carbohydrate diet influences the selected parameters. The results of individual studies are often optimistic, but there are some references to a negative influence of low-carbohydrate diets. Regardless, mostly statistically significant changes in body weight drops have been observed (BMI drops as well), as well as total body fat drop, visceral fat drop, waist circumference drop, and the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. However, it is necessary to continue these studies and especially assess the long-term effect.
- MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- hodnocení rizik MeSH
- kardiovaskulární systém patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- redukční dieta škodlivé účinky využití MeSH
- sacharidy nedostatek MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
Pohled na sacharidy ve stravě nejen u pacientů s diabetem doznal v posledních letech mnoha změn. Ještě před necelými deseti lety byli pacienti s diabetem od stravy se sníženým obsahem sacharidů odrazováni, podle aktuálních doporučení je podíl sacharidů pro tyto pacienty volen individuálně, bez pevně stanoveného ideálního zastoupení. Zatímco u nediabetické populace může být nízkosacharidová strava módním trendem, u pacientů s diabetem obou typů má strava se sníženým podílem sacharidů (pod 45 % celkového energetického příjmu) již prokázané mnohé pozitivní účinky. U pacientů s diabetem 2. typu mohou přinést benefity dokonce i jiné stravovací vzorce, jako je středomořská, vegetariánská či veganská dieta. Ve stravě pacientů s diabetem 1. typu dostávají sacharidy a jejich počítání nový význam také z důvodu rozmachu flexibilního dávkování inzulinu i moderních technologií. Tento článek je koncipovaný jako přehledový a nemá za cíl preferovat či favorizovat některou z uvedených diet.
The opinion on carbohydrates in diet not only in patients with diabetes changed a lot recently. Not even ten years ago, patients with diabetes were discouraged from low carbohydrate diet, but according to actual recommendations, the carbohydrate amount for these patients is chosen individually, without determination of ideal proportion. While it could be only the modern trend in non-diabetic people, low carbohydrate diet (< 45 % of total energy) has already the evidence of benefits in patients with both types of diabetes. Even other eating patterns such as Mediterranean-style, vegetarian or vegan can bring benefits in type 2. diabetic patients. In type 1. diabetic patients, carbohydrates and it’s counting become more important due to expansion of flexible insulin dosing and technologies. This work is designed as a review article and doesn’t favour any of listed diets.
Cieľom práce bolo prispieť k objasneniu vplyvu predsúťažného znižovania telesnej hmotnosti na parametre výbušnej sily výkonnostných a rekreačných silových športovcov. Sledovania sa zúčastnilo 16 športovcov. Experimentálna skupina (ES): n = 8; vek: 25,1 ± 2,8 rokov; hmotnosť: 83 ± 8,1 kg. Kontrolná skupina (KS): n = 8; vek: 24,1 ± 2,1 rokov; hmotnosť: 84,73 ± 9,18 kg. Experimentálnym a kontrolným činiteľom bolo nárazové zníženie telesnej hmotnosti prostredníctvom dehydratácie. Dehydratáciu spôsobilo obmedzenie tekutín a horúci kúpeľ. ES mala oproti KS zvýšený príjem sacharidov po dobu 4 dní pred dehydratáciou. KS vykonávala len samotnú dehydratáciu. Zaznamenávali sme hodnoty telesnej hmotnosti, špecifickej hustoty moču, výbušnej sily (maximálny priemerný výkon). Probandi znížili svoju telesnú hmotnosť v priemere o 3,8 % v ES a 3,7 % v KS, pričom sa špecifická hustota moču v oboch skupinách signifikantne zvýšila. Aj napriek významnej dehydratácii došlo v ES k udržaniu maximálneho priemerného výkonu (p = n.s.) vo všetkých testoch. V KS došlo naopak k zníženiu maximálneho priemerného výkonu (p < 0,05) vo všetkých testoch. Záverom môžeme konštatovať, že dehydratácia do 3,8 % nemusí byť spojená s poklesom výbušnej sily. Ak dehydratácii predchádza zvýšený prísun sacharidov (7 g/kg/deň), môže to výbušnú silu udržať.
The goal of the paper was contribute to clarifying the impact of pre-competition weight reduction on explosive strength parameters of performance and recreational power athletes. Monitoring was attended by 16 athletes. Experimental group (EG): n = 8; age: 25.1 ± 2.8 years; weight: 83 ± 8.1 kg. The control group (KG): n = 8; age: 24.1 ± 2.1 years; weight: 84.73 ± 9.18 kg. Experimental and control factor was an impact reduction in body weight through dehydration. Dehydration was caused by fluid restriction and hot bath. EG had increased carbohydrate intake for 4 days compared to KG before dehydration. KG made only alone dehydration. We recorded the values of body weight, urine specific gravity, explosive strength (maximum average power). Probands reduced their body weight by an average of 3.8% in ES and 3.7% in KG, with specific gravity of urine in both groups significantly increased. In the EG, despite significant dehydration there was maintaining a maximum average power (p = NS) in all tests. On the contrary, in the KG, there was a reduction of the maximum average power level (p <0.05) in all tests. In conclusion we can say that dehydration to 3.8% may not be associated with a decrease in explosive strength. If dehydration precedes increased supply of carbohydrates (7 g/kg/day), it can maintain the explosive power.
- Klíčová slova
- svalový výkon, výbušná síla,
- MeSH
- dehydratace * MeSH
- dieta s omezením sacharidů * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- statistika jako téma * MeSH
- svalová síla * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The proportion of children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) who have experience with low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) is unknown. Our goal was to map the frequency of LCD among children with T1D and to describe their clinical and laboratory data. METHODS: Caregivers of 1040 children with T1D from three centers were addressed with a structured questionnaire regarding the children's carbohydrate intake and experience with LCD (daily energy intake from carbohydrates below 26% of age-recommended values). The subjects currently on LCD were compared to a group of non-LCD respondents matched to age, T1D duration, sex, type and center of treatment. RESULTS: A total of 624/1040 (60%) of the subjects completed the survey. A total of 242/624 (39%) subjects reported experience with voluntary carbohydrate restriction with 36/624 (5.8%) subjects currently following the LCD. The LCD group had similar HbA1c (45 vs. 49.5, p = 0.11), lower average glycemia (7.0 vs. 7.9, p = 0.02), higher time in range (74 vs. 67%, p = 0.02), lower time in hyperglycemia >10 mmol/L (17 vs. 20%, p = 0.04), tendency to more time in hypoglycemia <3.9 mmol/L(8 vs. 5%, p = 0.05) and lower systolic blood pressure percentile (43 vs. 74, p = 0.03). The groups did not differ in their lipid profile nor in current body height, weight or BMI. The LCD was mostly initiated by the parents or the subjects themselves and only 39% of the families consulted their decision with the diabetologist. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Low carbohydrate diet is not scarce in children with T1D and is associated with modestly better disease control. At the same time, caution should be applied as it showed a tendency toward more frequent hypoglycemia.
- MeSH
- diabetes mellitus 1. typu dietoterapie metabolismus MeSH
- dieta s omezením sacharidů * škodlivé účinky statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- glykovaný hemoglobin analýza MeSH
- index tělesné hmotnosti MeSH
- krevní glukóza analýza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lipidy krev MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- tělesná hmotnost MeSH
- tělesná výška MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of altering from habitual mixed Western-based (HD) to a very low-carbohydrate high-fat (VLCHF) diet over a 4-week timecourse on performance and physiological responses during high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Eighteen moderately trained males (age 23.8 ± 2.1 years) consuming their HD (48 ± 13% carbohydrate, 17 ± 3% protein, 35 ± 9% fat) were assigned to 2 groups. One group was asked to remain on their HD, while the other was asked to switch to a non-standardized VLCHF diet (8 ± 3% carbohydrate, 29 ± 15% protein, 63 ± 13% fat) for 4 weeks. Participants performed graded exercise tests (GXT) before and after the experiment, and an HIIT session (5x3min, work/rest 2:1, passive recovery, total time 34min) before, and after 2 and 4 weeks. Heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake (V̇O2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), maximal fat oxidation rates (Fatmax) and blood lactate were measured. Total time to exhaustion (TTE) and maximal V̇O2 (V̇O2max) in the GXT increased in both groups, but between-group changes were trivial (ES ± 90% CI: -0.1 ± 0.3) and small (0.57 ± 0.5), respectively. Between-group difference in Fatmax change (VLCHF: 0.8 ± 0.3 to 1.1 ± 0.2 g/min; HD: 0.7 ± 0.2 to 0.8 ± 0.2 g/min) was large (1.2±0.9), revealing greater increases in the VLCHF versus HD group. Between-group comparisons of mean changes in V̇O2 and HR during the HIIT sessions were trivial to small, whereas mean RER decreased more in the VLCHF group (-1.5 ± 0.1). Lactate changes between groups were unclear. Adoption of a VLCHF diet over 4 weeks increased Fatmax and did not adversely affect TTE during the GXT or cardiorespiratory responses to HIIT compared with the HD.
- MeSH
- dieta s omezením sacharidů * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- fyzická vytrvalost MeSH
- fyziologie sportovní výživy * MeSH
- kyselina mléčná krev MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- metabolismus lipidů MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- sportovní výkon fyziologie MeSH
- spotřeba kyslíku MeSH
- srdeční frekvence MeSH
- vysoce intenzivní intervalový trénink * MeSH
- zátěžový test MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
CONTEXT: Carbohydrate-restricted diets are widely used as an effective treatment tool for many chronic diseases. The impact of these diets on physical health is well known, but their impact on psychological health is less well described in the scientific literature. This is an important aspect to focus on, especially if the diets are to be sustainable in the long term. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to systematically review the scientific literature describing the effect of carbohydrate-restricted diets and ketogenic diets on psychological outcomes, as observed in randomized controlled trials. Additionally, the potential synergistic effect of carbohydrate-restricted diets and exercise or social factors on these outcomes was researched. DATA SOURCES: Five databases (Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and MEDLINE Complete) were searched without restriction of publication date. DATA EXTRACTION: The first data extraction was made in October 2020 and the second in May 2022. Abstract screening was performed by 3 independent reviewers. The quality of studies was assessed using the Jadad scale. DATA ANALYSIS: Sixteen randomized controlled studies were included in the analysis. Five studies focused on clinical populations, 9 on obese/overweight populations, and 2 on healthy populations; all studies examined adult people. Four psychological outcomes were identified (quality of life, mental health, mood, and fatigue), and they were examined in connection with a very low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. CONCLUSION: Daily low-carbohydrate intake may not negatively affect psychological well-being, and low-carbohydrate diets and ketogenic diets are no worse than other diets in this respect. An intervention of 12 weeks or longer can bring benefits in psychological well-being. The synergistic effect of diet and exercise or social factors was not reviewed due to lack of evidence.