Disability Rating Scale Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Úvod: Hodnocení kvality života u pacientů po prodělané ischemické CMP (iCMP) je nezbytné pro objektivní posouzení následků v běžném životě a umožňuje lépe identifikovat všechny aspekty postižení a omezení. V ČR však validovaný specifický nástroj pro hodnocení kvality života u pacientů po iCMP chybí. Cíl: Validace české verze nejčastěji používaného nástroje na světě – Stroke Impact Scale verze 3.0 (SIS 3.0), která umožní její standardizované použití v české populaci. Soubor a metodika: Do validační studie byli zařazeni konsekutivní pacienti s iCMP bez kognitivního deficitu ve věku 18–80 let. Vnitřní konzistence byla zjišťována pomocí Cronbachova koeficientu alfa. Na hodnocení konstrukční a kriteriální validity SIS byly použity škály SIS 3.0, WHOQOL-BREF, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, modifikovaná Rankinova škála, index Barthelové a škála hodnocení úzkosti a deprese při hospitalizaci (Hospital Anxiety and Beck Depression Inventory). Výsledky: Do studie bylo zařazeno celkem 150 pacientů (58,4 % mužů, průměrný věk 57,6 ± 13,7 let) průměrně 3,8 ± 0,4 měsíce po vzniku iktu, přičemž 96,7 % z nich dosáhlo dobrého klinického výsledku (mRS 0–2). Cronbachův koeficient alfa jednotlivých domén se pohyboval v rozmezí domén od 0,750 do 0,934. Signifikantní korelace byly zjištěny mezi doménami SIS 3.0, WHOQOL-BREF a ostatními testy námi použité neuropsychologické baterie. Závěr: V prezentované studii byly ověřeny psychometrické vlastnosti a potvrzena dostatečná kriteriální a konstrukční validita české verze SIS 3.0.
Introduction: Assessment of the quality of life in patients after ischemic stroke (IS) is essential to objectively assess the consequences in everyday life and to better identify all aspects of disability and limitations. However, there is no validated specific tool for quality-of-life assessment in patients after IS in the Czech Republic. Aim: To validate the Czech version of the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) 3.0 – the most used tool worldwide in stroke survivors, which will allow its standardized use in the Czech population. Patients and methods: Consecutive patients with IS without cognitive deficit aged 18–80 years were included in the validation study. Internal consistency was examined using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The following scales were used to determine the construct and criterion validity of the Czech version of SIS 3.0: WHOQOL-BREF, the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, modified Rankin Scale, Barthel Index, and Hospital Anxiety and Beck Depression Inventory. Results: A total of 150 patients (58.4% men, mean age 57.6 ± 13.7 years) were enrolled in the study at a mean follow-up of 3.8 ± 0.4 months after the onset of stroke, with 96.7% achieving good functional independence (mRS 0–2). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of particular domains ranged from 0.750 to 0.934. Significant correlations were found between SIS 3.0 domains, WHOQOL-BREF and other used tools of the neuropsychological battery. Conclusion: In the presented study, the psychometric properties were verified and adequate criteria and construct validity of the Czech version of SIS 3.0 were confirmed.
BACKGROUND: Although performance rating scales, spiral drawing, water pouring, and accelerometry are commonly used to assess tremor severity, the extent to which their results correlate with impairment in activities of daily living (ADL) remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to identify the most effective predictors of ADL in essential tremor (ET). METHODS: Forty ET patients were examined using The Essential Tremor Rating Assessment Scale (TETRAS), spiral drawing, volume of water spilled, and accelerometric tremor power. Root-mean-square error, R2, and F-test were calculated for models predicting TETRAS ADL subscore. RESULTS: TETRAS Performance Subscale explained the variability in TETRAS ADL with an R2 value of 0.686. Models incorporating spiral rating and accelerometric tremor power (R2 = 0.731) and water spillage volume (R2 = 0.756) were not statistically superior. CONCLUSIONS: TETRAS performance subscore predicted nearly 70% ADL impairment in ET patients. Incorporating the spiral rating, accelerometric tremor power, and water pouring test did not enhance ADL estimation.
- MeSH
- akcelerometrie * metody MeSH
- činnosti denního života * MeSH
- esenciální tremor * patofyziologie diagnóza MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- posuzování pracovní neschopnosti MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- stupeň závažnosti nemoci MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- srovnávací studie MeSH
The purpose of the study was to assess factor structure of Bosnian version of Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). This instrument is a rating scale used for assessment of executive functions in children and adults of diff erent ages and sample category. Executive functions are crucial for early development of cognitive and social capacities, which are very important for children with intellectual disabilities and very often serve as a basis of their future integration into society. However, benefi ts of well-developed executive functions, its relationships and eff ects to diff erent aspects of life in this population, have started to be investigated relatively recently. Therefore, beside increasing knowledge about executive functions in children with intellectual dis ability, the study aimed to test feasibility and stability of BRIEF in this population with future goal of its application in schools for development of educational plans for children of this population. The sample consisted of 104 children with intellectual disability (62 boys and 42 girls) from 7 to 18 years of age. There were 49 children with mild and 55 with moderate intellectual disability. The BRIEF – teacher version was completed by 15 special education teachers of children participating in the study. The goal was to examine factor struc ture of 8 BRIEF scales: inhibit, shift , emotional control, initiate, working memory, organization of materials, plan/organize and monitor. Teachers were not considered to be participants, but only supporters of its implementation. The study confi rmed original two factor structure of the BRIEF with 80.6 % of total variance explained. It has shown that BRIEF is feasible and reliable in application with this population and it can be used for school assessment as a basis for educational planning and development of executive functions.
- Klíčová slova
- Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function,
- MeSH
- chování dětí MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- exekutivní funkce * MeSH
- faktorová analýza statistická MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mentální retardace * psychologie MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Bosna a Hercegovina MeSH
Úvod: Zhoršení aktivit denního života (ADL) pacientů s demencí lze zjišťovat dotazníkem určeným pro vyplnění blízkou osobou. Cílem práce je představit českou verzi mezinárodně používané a doporučované Bristolské škály aktivit denního života BADLS-CZ. Soubor a metodika: Dotazník BADLS-CZ jsme vytvořili překladem anglické originální škály The Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale. Dotazník vyplňuje blízká osoba, která posuzuje kvalitu provedení 20 činností z pacientova života. Vybírá jedno ze čtyř konkrétních tvrzení, jež vyjadřují různé stupně provedení (0-3 body). Celkovou funkční kapacitu lze tedy shrnout do počtu bodů (min. 0-max. 60 bodů). Oproti původní verzi naše česká adaptace obsahuje i převedení bodů na procentuální míru soběstačnosti. Dotazník BADLS-CZ vyplnilo celkem 73 osob, z nichž 23 normálních seniorů jím zhodnotilo své ADL. Dále pečovatelé posoudili tímto dotazníkem ADL u 50 pacientů s pravděpodobnou Alzheimerovou nemocí (AN), u nichž jsme současně zjišťovali kognitivní výkonnost pomocí Mini-Mental State Examination. Výsledky: Pečovatelé 50 pacientů s AN (MMSE 17 +/- 5 bodů) zhodnotili ADL dotazníkem BADLS-CZ s následujícími výsledky (průměr +/- směrodatná odchylka): BADLS skór 17 +/- 9 bodů, medián 16 bodů, min.-max. 2-39 bodů, procentuální soběstačnost 71 +/- 14 %, medián 73 %, min.-max. 35-96 %. ADL podle BADLS-CZ významně souvisely s MMSE (Spearmanovo r = 0,5; p = 0,0002), ale nebyly ovlivněny věkem, vzděláním ani pohlavím pacientů. Vyplnění dotazníku bylo snadné a trvalo obvykle 6-12 minut. Závěr: Dotazník BADLS-CZ určený pro vyplnění blízkou osobou rozšiřuje možnosti strukturovaného hodnocení základních a instrumentálních ADL pacientů s demencí včetně AN v České republice.
Introduction: Deterioration in the activities of daily living (ADL) in patients with dementia may be evaluated by a questionnaire designed to be filled in by a person close to the patient. Our aim is to present a Czech version of the internationally used and recommended Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale, BADLS-CZ. Methods: We created a BADLS-CZ questionnaire as an English translation of the original Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale. The questionnaire is to be completed by a carer, who rates 20 activities in the patient's life. The carer selects one of four alternative statements that correspond to various levels of performance (0-3 points). Overall functional capacity can thus be summed up as a total score (min 0 - max 60 points). Compared to the original version, our Czech adaptation includes the conversion of points to a percentage rate of self-sufficiency. The BADLS-CZ questionnaire was completed by 73 persons, of whom 23 normal elderly evaluated their own capabilities and caregivers used it to assess the ADL of 50 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, cognitive performance was assessed by means of the Mini-Mental State Examination. Results: The carers of the 50 patients with AD (MMSE 17 +/-5 points) evaluated ADL with the following results (mean +/- standard deviation): BADLS-CZ score 17 +/-9 points, median 16 points, min-max 2-39 points; 71% +/-14% self-sufficiency, median 73%, min-max 35%-96%. ADL results according to BADLS-CZ were significantly associated with MMSE (Spearman r = 0.5; p = 0.0002), but not influenced by age, education or gender of the patients. Completing the questionnaire was easy and usually took 6-12 minutes. Conclusion: The BADLS-CZ questionnaire, designed to be completed by a close carer, extends the options for structured evaluation of basic and instrumental ADL in patients with dementia, including AD, in the Czech Republic, and is freely available at www.pcp.lf3.cuni.cz/adcentrum.
- MeSH
- Alzheimerova nemoc diagnóza psychologie MeSH
- činnosti denního života klasifikace psychologie MeSH
- financování organizované MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurobehaviorální symptomy MeSH
- neurokognitivní poruchy diagnóza psychologie MeSH
- ošetřovatelství - výzkum vyhodnocovací metody normy MeSH
- osoby s mentálním postižením klasifikace psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky klasifikace normy využití MeSH
- psychiatrické posuzovací škály normy MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
INTRODUCTION: We aimed to estimate the prevalence of current mental disorders in the Czech population, and to identify associated disability. METHODS: We conducted a representative cross-sectional household survey of the Czech adult, community-dwelling population. We used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0, and Self-Identification as Mentally Ill (SELFI) scale alongside sociodemographic and other covariates. We reached 75% response rate. Descriptive statistics of the sample were assessed and median (M) disability levels with interquartile range (IQR) according diagnosis were calculated on a scale ranging from 12 to 50. Linear regression models were used to identify factors associated with disability. RESULTS: In our sample of 3 306 participants, 21.9% experienced a mental disorder in 2017. Prevalence rates for mood, anxiety, alcohol use, non-alcohol substance use, and psychotic disorders corresponded to 5.5%, 7.3%, 10.8%, 2.9%, and 1.5% respectively. Alcohol dependence was identified in 6.6%, and major depression in 4.0% of the sample. Disability in the general population was significantly lower (M = 12; IQR = 12, 17) than in those with mood (M = 20; IQR = 14; 29), anxiety (M = 18; IQR = 13; 26), alcohol use (M = 14; IQR = 12; 18), non-alcohol substance use (M = 15; IQR = 12; 19), or psychotic disorders (M = 22; IQR = 16.4; 29.4). CONCLUSIONS: People with mental disorders have considerably elevated disability in comparison to mentally healthy participants. The prevalence of mental disorders in the Czech Republic is mostly in line with European prevalence rates but it is lower for anxiety disorders and two times higher for alcohol use disorders.
- MeSH
- alkoholismus * diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- demografie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- duševní poruchy * klasifikace diagnóza epidemiologie psychologie MeSH
- duševní zdraví statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- posuzování pracovní neschopnosti MeSH
- prevalence MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- psychiatrické posuzovací škály MeSH
- socioekonomické faktory MeSH
- srovnání kultur MeSH
- úzkost * diagnóza epidemiologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
- Evropa MeSH
Cílem naší práce je upozornit na přítomnost deprese u nemocných s roztroušenou sklerózou mozkomíšní (RS). Náhodně vytvořený soubor 42 pacientů s RS (11 mužů a 31 žen) s průměrným EDSS 3,2 u mužů a 2,77 u žen jsme podrobili psychiatrickému vyšetření. Stav nemocných byl hodnocen pomocí psychiatrických posuzovacích škál: Hamiltonovy škály úzkosti (HAMA), Hamiltonovy psychiatrické stupnice pro posuzování deprese (HAMD), Stupnice Montgomeryho a Aspergové pro posouzení deprese (MADRS), vyplnili psychosomatický dotazník SCL-90 a HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), kognitivní schopnosti byly hodnoceny prostřednictvím Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R), neurologický deficit škálou úrovně invalitidy u RS - Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Deprese byla prokázána u 33 % nemocných, anxieta u 29 %, přičemž obecně muži reagovali na chronické onemocnění spfíe depresivně, u žen dominovala úzkost. Nejvyšší hodnota ve škále deprese u mužů a anxiety u žen byla při našem vyšetření zaznamenána u primárně progredientní formy při hodnotě EDSS 4,5. Po 1. atace (klinicky izolovaný syndrom) je velmi intenzivně prožívána úzkost u obou pohlaví. U 5 Z 12 osob byl zaznamenán lehký kognitivní deficit. Menší procento depresivních nemocných v našem souboru ve srovnání s literaturou, kde je uváděno 40-45 %, je patrně způsobeno malým souborem a výběrem pacientů s nižším EDSS kvůli dostupnosti psychiatrického vyšetření. Přesto je toto procento dosti vysoké na to, abychom mysleli na koexistenci deprese u RS a adekvátně a včas ji léčili.
The aim of research was to draw attention to the presence of depression in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). A randomly created set of 42 patients with MS (11 males and 31 females) with the average EDSS of 3.2 in men and 2.77 in women underwent psychiatrie examinations. The patients' states were evaluated using psychiatric assessing scales: Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Hamilton Depression Seale (HAMD), Montgomery-Asperg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), a psychosomatic questionnaire SCL-90 and HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were completed, cognitive abilities were assessed by means of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R), neurological deficit with a scale of disability level in MS - Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Depression was proved in 33 % of patients, anxiety in 29 %, when generally men's responses to a chronic disease were more depressive, while anxiety prevailed in women. The highest value in the scale of depression in men and anxiety in women was recorded by our examinations in primarily progressive form at the value of 4.5 of EDSS. After the first attack (a clinically isolated syndrome), anxiety is experienced with high intensity in both sexes. A slight cognitive deficit was recorded in 5 out of 12 subjects. If compared with literature giving 40-45 % of depressive patients, the lower percentage of those in our set is probably caused by a less numerous set and selection of patients with the lower EDSS due to the availability of psychiatric investigations. Nevertheless, this percentage is quite high to think about coexistence of depression in MS and to treat it adequately and in time.
BACKGROUND: Some studies comparing primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS, SPMS) report similar ages at onset of the progressive phase and similar rates of subsequent disability accrual. Others report later onset and/or faster accrual in SPMS. Comparisons have been complicated by regional cohort effects, phenotypic differences in sex ratio and management and variable diagnostic criteria for SPMS. METHODS: We compared disability accrual in PPMS and operationally diagnosed SPMS in the international, clinic-based MSBase cohort. Inclusion required PPMS or SPMS with onset at age ≥18 years since 1995. We estimated Andersen-Gill hazard ratios for disability accrual on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), adjusted for sex, age, baseline disability, EDSS score frequency and drug therapies, with centre and patient as random effects. We also estimated ages at onset of the progressive phase (Kaplan-Meier) and at EDSS milestones (Turnbull). Analyses were replicated with physician-diagnosed SPMS. RESULTS: Included patients comprised 1872 with PPMS (47% men; 50% with activity) and 2575 with SPMS (32% men; 40% with activity). Relative to PPMS, SPMS had older age at onset of the progressive phase (median 46.7 years (95% CI 46.2-47.3) vs 43.9 (43.3-44.4); p<0.001), greater baseline disability, slower disability accrual (HR 0.86 (0.78-0.94); p<0.001) and similar age at wheelchair dependence. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate later onset of the progressive phase and slower disability accrual in SPMS versus PPMS. This may balance greater baseline disability in SPMS, yielding convergent disability trajectories across phenotypes. The different rates of disability accrual should be considered before amalgamating PPMS and SPMS in clinical trials.
AIM: This exploratory study evaluates rating scale usage by experts from the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) for paediatric MD, considering factors like diagnosis, intellectual disability, age, and transition to adult care. The aim is to propose a preliminary framework for consistent application. METHODS: A multicentre survey among 25 ERN-RND experts from 10 European countries examined rating scale usage in paediatric MD, categorizing MD into acute, non-progressive, and neurodegenerative types. Factors influencing scale choice and the transition to adult care practices were analysed. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify the earliest age of application of these scales in paediatric patients. RESULTS: The study identifies various rating scales and establishes their usage frequencies for different MDs. Experts highlighted the need for standardized scales and proposed preliminary evaluation strategies based on clinical contexts. Challenges in applying scales to young, non-cooperative patients were acknowledged. INTERPRETATION: The study recommends developing standardized rating scales for paediatric MDs to improve evaluations and data collection. It suggests potential scales for specific clinical scenarios to better evaluate disease progression. Comprehensive, patient-centred care remains crucial during the transition to adult care, despite the identified challenges. This exploratory approach aims to enhance patient outcomes and care.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- pediatrie normy metody MeSH
- pohybové poruchy * terapie diagnóza MeSH
- přechod k lékaři pro dospělé normy MeSH
- stupeň závažnosti nemoci MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH