Reconstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts is a staple procedure of HPB surgery. The current standard for most cases is a nonanatomical bilioenteric reconstruction, a satisfactory option for the majority of patients. However, it cannot be used for a small number of selective cases (short bowel syndrome, severe abdominal adhesions), where an anatomical reconstruction with or without an interponate can be used. This review summarizes current knowledge about tissue and material usage for experimental and clinical anatomical bile duct reconstruction in the last 100 years. A Pubmed database was searched for published articles about anatomical extrahepatic bile duct reconstruction in experimental and clinical settings ranging from 1920 to 2022. To date, the truly optimal interponate material has not yet been found. However, evidence reveals important properties of such material, most importantly its biodegradability and neovascularization in the recipient's body. The role of internal bile duct stenting for anatomical reconstruction seems important for the outcome. Anatomical reconstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts is an uncommon but usable technique in unique cases when a nonanatomical reconstruction cannot be done. The optimal properties of interponate material for anatomical bile duct reconstruction have been more clarified, although further research is required.
- MeSH
- chirurgie žlučových cest metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- zákroky plastické chirurgie * metody MeSH
- žlučové cesty extrahepatické * chirurgie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
The aim of the current research was to develop a simple and rapid mass spectrometry-based assay for the determination of 15 steroid hormones in human plasma in a single run, which would be suitable for a routine practice setting. For this purpose, we designed a procedure based on the 2D-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with a minimalistic sample pre-treatment. In our arrangement, the preparation of one sample takes only 10 min and can accommodate 40 samples per hour when tested in series. The following analytical run is 18 min long for all steroid hormones. In addition, we developed an independent analytical run for estradiol, significantly increasing the assay accuracy while taking an additional 10 min to perform an analytical run of a sample. The optimized method was applied to a set of human plasma samples, including chylous. Our results indicate the linearity of the method for all steroid hormones with squared regression coefficients R2 ≥ 0.995, within-run and between-run precision (RSD < 6.4%), and an accuracy of 92.9% to 106.2%. The absolute recovery for each analyzed steroid hormone ranged between 101.6% and 116.5%. The method detection limit for 15 steroid hormones ranged between 0.008 nmol/L (2.88 pg/mL) for aldosterone and 0.873 nmol/L (0.252 ng/mL) for DHEA. For all the analytes, the lowest calibration point relative standard deviation was less than 10.8%, indicating a good precision of the assay within the lowest concentration of interest. In conclusion, in this method article, we describe a simple, sensitive, and cost-effective 2D-LC/MS/MS method suitable for the routine analysis of a complex of steroid hormones allowing high analytical specificity and sensitivity despite minimal sample processing and short throughput times.
Anastomotic leakage is a dreadful complication in colorectal surgery. It has a negative impact on postoperative mortality, long term life quality and oncological results. Nanofibrous polycaprolactone materials have shown pro-healing properties in various applications before. Our team developed several versions of these for healing support of colorectal anastomoses with promising results in previous years. In this study, we developed highly porous biocompatible polycaprolactone nanofibrous patches. We constructed a defective anastomosis on the large intestine of 16 pigs, covered the anastomoses with the patch in 8 animals (Experimental group) and left the rest uncovered (Control group). After 21 days of observation we evaluated postoperative changes, signs of leakage and other complications. The samples were assessed histologically according to standardized protocols. The material was easy to work with. All animals survived with no major complication. There were no differences in intestinal wall integrity between the groups and there were no signs of anastomotic leakage in any animal. The levels of collagen were significantly higher in the Experimental group, which we consider to be an indirect sign of higher mechanical strength. The material shall be further perfected in the future and possibly combined with active molecules to specifically influence the healing process.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantu Agentury pro zdravotnický výzkum MZ ČR
Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in the female population and presents a serious health problem. Approximately 5–10% of all breast cancer cases are of hereditary origin characterized by early and repetitive onset. The identification of causal alterations or factors increasing the risk is crucial for early diagnosis and prevention of hereditary form of breast cancer. With usage of new DNA sequence technologies enabling more genes to be assessed and greater gene coverage, increasingly the identified variants are in regulatory non-coding regions of breast cancer susceptibility genes. The clinical significance of the majority of these alterations is unknown. This presents uncertainity in genetic counselling of carriers of these variants, which poses a significant clinical problem. This project will address the problem by establishing the relationship between the bioinformatically predicted consequences of these variants, their functional effect in vitro, and their contribution to breast cancer susceptibility.
Karcinom prsu patří mezi nejčastější maligní onemocnění u žen a představuje závažný zdravotní problém. U přibližně 5-10% případů nádoru prsu lze prokázat dědičnou formu onemocnění, která je charakteristická brzkým vznikem a zvýšeným rizikem rekurence. Pro prevenci a časnou diagnostiku dědičné formy karcinomu prsu má zásadní význam identifikace příčinných alterací zodpovědných, nebo zvyšujících riziko jeho vzniku. S rozšířením nových sekvenačních technik, které umožňují rychlou analýzu rozsáhlých částí lidského genomu, jsou kromě zárodečných prokazatelně patogenních mutací často identifikovány sekvenční varianty v regulačních nekódujících oblastech predispozičních genů. Klinický význam naprosté většiny těchto alterací je neznámý, přičemž jejich detekce představuje závažný klinický problém z hlediska interpretace genetického vyšetření. Cílem předkládaného projektu je posouzení klinického významu sekvenčních variant detekovaných při genetickém vyšetření vysoce rizikových jedinců, v regulačních oblastech genů predisponujících ke vzniku karcinomu prsu.
- MeSH
- genetická predispozice k nemoci MeSH
- genetické testování MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory prsu diagnóza genetika MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- sekvenování celého genomu MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- onkologie
- genetika, lékařská genetika
- NLK Publikační typ
- závěrečné zprávy o řešení grantu AZV MZ ČR
Autori v prehľadnej práci prezentujú poznatky o vývine črevného mikrobiómu od narodenia so zreteľom popri jeho genetickej danosti na dva základné články - spôsob pôrodu a výživy novorodenca. Poukazuje sa na blízky vzťah vývinu mikrobiómu k črevnému imunitnému systému. V práci je upozornené na význam eumikrobiózy čreva a jej preventívnu funkciu na priebeh metabolických pochodov a prevalenciu nekontagióznych chorôb. Zdôrazňuje sa obzvlášť závažné riziko vzniku dysmikrobiózy, ktorá je v súčasnosti považovaná za jeden z hlavných článkov v etiopatogenéze mnohých tzv. civilizačných chorôb. Opodstatnene sa týmto podporuje význam modulovania črevnej mikrobioty, hlavne probiotikami podľa klasických prác Mečnikova kyslomliečnymi výrobkami s obsahom ušľachtilých mliečnych baktérií. Najnovšie ide aj o uplatnenie "fekálnej mikrobiálnej terapie", dosiaľ hlavne u nešpecifických črevných zápalov a s perspektívou jej uplatnenia u viacerých chorôb metabolických, kardiovaskulárnych, neurodegeneratívnych, autoimunitných, dokonca aj u niektorých duševných porúch.
Presented is a review of knowledge about the development of the microbiome from birth with regard to its genetic predisposition to 2 basic factors - the way of birth and nutrition of the newborn. The close relationship of microbial development to the intestinal immune system is shown. Attention is drawn to the importance of eumicrobiosis and its preventive function in the course of metabolic processes and the prevalence of non-contagiouse diseases. A particularly serious risk of dysmicrobiosis, which is currently considered to be one of the major elements in the etiopathogenesis of many so-called civilization linked diseases, is underlined. The importance of modulation is therefore justified, mainly by probiotics according to the classical works of Mechnikov's lactic acid milk products containing lactic - acid milk bacteria. Recently, it is also the application of "faecal microbial therapy", so far mainly in non-specific intestinal inflammations and with the prospect of its application in several metabolic, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, autoimmune diseases, even in some mental disoders.
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-beta (HNF1B) is a transcription factor crucial for the development of several tissues, and a promising biomarker of certain solid tumours. Thus far, two HNF1B alternative splicing variants (ASVs) have been described, however, the complete spectrum, prevalence and role of HNF1B ASVs in tumorigenesis are unclear. Considering the equivocal data about HNF1B ASVs and expression presented in literature, our aim was to characterize the spectrum of HNF1B mRNA splicing variants across different tissues. Here, we characterize HNF1B ASVs with high sensitivity in carcinomas of the uterine corpus, large intestine, kidney, pancreas, and prostate, with selected paired healthy tissues, using the previously described multiplex PCR and NGS approach. We identified 45 ASVs, of which 43 were novel. The spectrum and relative quantity of expressed ASVs mRNA differed among the analysed tissue types. Two known (3p, Δ7_8) and two novel (Δ7, Δ8) ASVs with unknown biological functions were detected in all the analysed tissues in a higher proportion. Our study reveals the wide spectrum of HNF1B ASVs in selected tissues. Characterization of the HNF1B ASVs is an important prerequisite for further expression studies to delineate the HNF1B splicing pattern, potential ASVs functional impact, and eventual refinement of HNF1B's biomarker role.
- MeSH
- alternativní sestřih genetika MeSH
- biologické markery metabolismus MeSH
- hepatocytární jaderný faktor 1-beta genetika metabolismus MeSH
- ledviny metabolismus patologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- messenger RNA genetika metabolismus MeSH
- multiplexová polymerázová řetězová reakce MeSH
- pankreas metabolismus patologie MeSH
- sestřih RNA genetika MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Východiska: Dědičné mutace v genu CHEK2 kódujícím CHK2 proteinkinázu způsobují středně zvýšené riziko vzniku karcinomu prsu (breast cancer – BC) a dalších nádorových onemocnění. Vysoká populační variabilita CHEK2 mutací a výskyt vzácných missense variant nejasného významu (variants of unknown clinical significance – VUS) komplikuje odhad rizika vzniku nádorových onemocnění u nosičů germinálních variant. Soubor pacientů a metody: Mutační analýzu CHEK2, vč. analýzy velkých přestaveb, jsme provedli u 1 526 vysoce rizikových pacientek s BC a 3 360 kontrol z ČR. Nalezené VUS jsme klasifikovali pomocí funkční analýzy v modelovém systému lidské buněčné linie RPE1-CHEK2- -KO, ve které byly obě endogenní alely inaktivovány metodou CRISPR/ Cas9. Výsledky: Četnost 10 různých trunkačních mutací CHEK2 byla významně vyšší u pacientek s BC (2,62 %) než u kontrol (0,11 %; p = 4,1 × 10−12), 23 různých missense variant jsme nalezli u 4,5 % pacientek a 4,0 % kontrol. Nejčastější alteraci představovala p.I157T se srovnatelnou četností u pacientek a kontrol (3,08 vs. 3,10 %). Funkční analýza identifikovala u 9 VUS zásadní poruchu kinázové aktivity, zatímco u dalších 9 zachovanou kinázovou aktivitu. Zbývající VUS a p.I157T byly částečně funkční. Riziko BC zvyšovaly trunkační mutace (OR 8,19; 95% CI 4,11–17,75) a nefunkční missense mutace (OR 4,06; 95% CI 1,37–13,39). Částečně funkční (vč. p.I157T) a plně funkční missense varianty riziko neovlivňovaly. Pacientky s trunkačními a funkčně-defektními missense variantami CHEK2 vyvinuly BC (převážně ER-pozitivní s vyšším gradingem) v průměrném věku 44,4 a 50,7 roku a signifikantně častěji vyvinuly sekundární tumory než nosičky mutací v BRCA1/ BRCA2/ PALB2/ p53 a nenosičky. Závěr: Dědičné mutace v genu CHEK2 představují významnou komponentu dědičného BC v ČR. Riziko vzniku onemocnění u nosičů patogenních mutací CHEK2 se zvyšuje s počtem příbuzných s BC a dalšími nádory v rodině. U asymptomatických nosičů je indikována dispenzarizace (jednou ročně ultrazvuk, mamografie nebo magnetická rezonance) od 40 let věku a chirurgická prevence v závislosti na rodinné anamnéze. Prevence vzniku dalších nádorů je ke zvážení dle výskytu nádorových onemocnění v rodině.
Background: Hereditary mutations in the CHEK2 gene (which encodes CHK2 kinase) contribute to a moderately increased risk of breast cancer (BC) and other cancers. Large variations in the frequency of CHEK2 mutations and the occurrence of variants of unknown clinical significance (VUS) complicate estimation of cancer risk in carriers of germline CHEK2 mutations. Patients and methods: We performed mutation analysis of 1,526 high-risk Czech BC patients and 3,360 Czech controls. Functional analysis was performed for identified VUS using a model system based on a human RPE1-CHEK2-KO cell line harboring biallelic inactivation of endogenous CHEK2. Results: The frequency of ten truncating CHEK2 variants differed markedly between BC patients (2.26%) and controls (0.11%; p = 4.1 x 10 minus12). We also found 23 different missense variants in 4.5% patients and in 4.0% of controls. The most common was p.I157T, which was found in patients and controls with the same frequency. Functional analysis identified nine functionally deleterious VUS, another nine functionally neutral VUS, and four intermediate VUS (including p.I157T). We found that carriers of truncating CHEK2 mutations had a high BC risk (OR 8.19; 95% CI 4.11 - 17.75), and that carriers of functionally deleterious missense variants had a moderate risk (OR 4.06; 95% CI, 1.37 - 13.39). Carriers of these mutations developed BC at 44.4 and 50.7 years, respectively. Functionally neutral and functionally intermediate missense variants did not increase the BC risk. BC in CHEK2 mutation carriers was frequently ER-positive and of higher grade. Notably, carriers of CHEK2 mutations developed second cancers more frequently than BRCA1/BRCA2/PALB2/p53 or mutation non-carriers. Conclusion: Hereditary CHEK2 mutations contribute to the development of hereditary BC. The associated cancer risk in mutation carriers increases with the number of affected individuals in a family. Annual follow-up with breast ultrasound, mammography, or magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for asymptomatic mutation carriers from the age of 40. Surgical prevention and specific follow-up of other tumors should be considered based on family cancer history.
- MeSH
- DNA analýza genetika MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- luciferasy analýza genetika MeSH
- luminiscenční měření * metody MeSH
- MFC-7 buňky MeSH
- plazmidy analýza genetika MeSH
- protein BRCA1 genetika MeSH
- reportérové geny MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- transfekce * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- dopisy MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi via animals and the importance for the interacting partners' life history as well as for ecosystems is an understudied topic. In this review, we describe the available evidence and the most important knowledge gaps and finally suggest ways to gain the missing information. So far, 33 articles have been published proving a successful transfer of mycorrhizal propagules by animals. The vast majority of research on invertebrates was focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, whereas papers on vertebrates (mainly rodents and artiodactyls) equally addressed ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and AM fungi. Effective dispersal has been mostly shown by the successful inoculation of bait plants and less commonly by spore staining or germination tests. Based on the available data and general knowledge on animal lifestyles, collembolans and oribatid mites may be important in transporting ECM fungal propagules by ectozoochory, whereas earthworms, isopods, and millipedes could mainly transfer AM fungal spores in their gut systems. ECM fungal distribution may be affected by mycophagous dipterans and their hymenopteran parasitoids, while slugs, snails, and beetles could transport both mycorrhizal groups. Vertebrates feeding on fruit bodies were shown to disperse mainly ECM fungi, while AM fungi are transported mostly accidentally by herbivores. The important knowledge gaps include insufficient information on dispersal of fungal propagules other than spores, the role of invertebrates in the dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi, the way in which propagules pass through food webs, and the spatial distances reached by different dispersal mechanisms both horizontally and vertically.
- MeSH
- bezobratlí fyziologie MeSH
- houby fyziologie MeSH
- mykorhiza fyziologie MeSH
- potravní řetězec * MeSH
- půdní mikrobiologie MeSH
- symbióza MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Germline mutations in checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2), a multiple cancer-predisposing gene, increase breast cancer (BC) risk; however, risk estimates differ substantially in published studies. We analyzed germline CHEK2 variants in 1,928 high-risk Czech breast/ovarian cancer (BC/OC) patients and 3,360 population-matched controls (PMCs). For a functional classification of VUS, we developed a complementation assay in human nontransformed RPE1-CHEK2-knockout cells quantifying CHK2-specific phosphorylation of endogenous protein KAP1. We identified 10 truncations in 46 (2.39%) patients and in 11 (0.33%) PMC (p = 1.1 × 10-14 ). Two types of large intragenic rearrangements (LGR) were found in 20/46 mutation carriers. Truncations significantly increased unilateral BC risk (OR = 7.94; 95%CI 3.90-17.47; p = 1.1 × 10-14 ) and were more frequent in patients with bilateral BC (4/149; 2.68%; p = 0.003), double primary BC/OC (3/79; 3.80%; p = 0.004), male BC (3/48; 6.25%; p = 8.6 × 10-4 ), but not with OC (3/354; 0.85%; p = 0.14). Additionally, we found 26 missense VUS in 88 (4.56%) patients and 131 (3.90%) PMC (p = 0.22). Using our functional assay, 11 variants identified in 15 (0.78%) patients and 6 (0.18%) PMC were scored deleterious (p = 0.002). Frequencies of functionally intermediate and neutral variants did not differ between patients and PMC. Functionally deleterious CHEK2 missense variants significantly increased BC risk (OR = 3.90; 95%CI 1.24-13.35; p = 0.009) and marginally OC risk (OR = 4.77; 95%CI 0.77-22.47; p = 0.047); however, carriers low frequency will require evaluation in larger studies. Our study highlights importance of LGR detection for CHEK2 analysis, careful consideration of ethnicity in both cases and controls for risk estimates, and demonstrates promising potential of newly developed human nontransformed cell line assay for functional CHEK2 VUS classification.
- MeSH
- buněčné linie MeSH
- checkpoint kinasa 2 genetika MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- genetická predispozice k nemoci MeSH
- genový knockout MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- missense mutace MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- nádory prsu u mužů genetika MeSH
- nádory prsu genetika MeSH
- nádory vaječníků genetika MeSH
- sekvenční delece MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- studie případů a kontrol MeSH
- zárodečné mutace * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH