Gastrointestinální trakt představuje častou lokalitu pro dobře diferencované neuroendokrinní tumory (NET). Jejich výskyt u pacientů s ulcerózní kolitidou (UC) není častý, je však dobře dokumentovaný. Případný kauzální vztah mezi rozvojem NET a chronickým zánětem střevní sliznice či dysplázií epitelu nicméně zůstává nejasný. Výskyt NET v ileálním pouchi u pacientů s UC byl dosud popsán jen v několika kazuistických sděleních. Prezentujeme zde případ takovéhoto nádoru vznikajícího ve sliznici pouche u pacienta s UC asociovanou s primární sklerozující cholangoitidou, který podstoupil transplantaci jater a restorativní kolektomii s následnou ileální pouch-anální anastomózou. Popis případu je doplněn o přehled dostupné literatury.
Gastrointestinal tract is the most common locality for well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NET). While their occurrence in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) is uncommon, it has been well documented. However, the causal relationship between development of NET and chronic intestinal inflammation or dysplasia remains controversial. The presence of NET in the ileal pouch in UC patients has been described only in a few reports to date. In this article, we present a case of such a tumor arising in the pouch in a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis-associated UC, who underwent a restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis and liver transplantation. The case is supported by a review of a relevant literature. Correspondence address: Ondrej Fabian Clinical and Transplant Pathology Centre Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Videnska 1958/9 Prague, 14021 Czech Republic;
Portosinusoidální vaskulární choroba (PSVD) je málo rozpoznávané onemocnění jater podmíněné postižením malých cév. Diagnóza je definována souborem klinických a/nebo histopatologických kritérií, absolutní podmínkou je vyloučení cirhózy jater biopsií. Klinicky se PSVD obvykle manifestuje komplikací portální hypertenze, ta ale nemusí byt vyjádřena u všech nemocných. V článku popisujeme případ 71letého pacienta se známou, hematologicky nevysvětlenou a dále neprošetřenou splenomegalií, který byl vyšetřen pro těžkou symptomatickou mikrocytární anemii, pravděpodobně sekundární k portální hypertenzi, byť bez deklarovaných krvácivých projevů. Za hospitalizace byla provedena ligace velkých rizikových varixů jícnu, jiný zdroj anemizace prokázán nebyl. U pacienta byla vyloučena pre- nebo posthepatální etiologie portální hypertenze, elastografie jater byla ve fyziologických hodnotách, jaterní testy byly vyjma marginální izolované elevace gama-glutamyltransferázy v normě, funkce jater byla intaktní. V jaterní biopsii byl nález kompatibilní s diagnózou PSVD. U pacienta nebylo rozpoznáno žádné z asociovaných onemocnění, rovněž neužíval rizikovou medikaci, léčba tudíž spočívala pouze v řešení komplikací portální hypertenze, ambulantně byla dokončena eradikace jícnových varixů. Při terapii perorálním preparátem železa došlo k normalizaci hemoglobinu, fyziologické hodnoty přetrvávají i měsíce po ukončení substituční léčby, jaterní funkce je nadále v normě.
Portosinusoidal vascular disease (PSVD) is a rarely recognized liver condition caused by the involvement of small hepatic vessels. The diagnosis is established based on a set of clinical and/or histopathological criteria, with the absolute requirement of excluding liver cirrhosis through biopsy. Clinically, PSVD often presents with complications related to portal hypertension, although not all patients exhibit these signs. This article discusses the case of a 71-year-old patient with known splenomegaly, which had not been fully investigated and lacked a hematological explanation. The patient was evaluated for severe symptomatic microcytic anemia, likely secondary to portal hypertension, despite the absence of overt bleeding symptoms. During hospitalization, ligation of large, high-risk esophageal varices was performed, and no other sources of anemia were identified. Pre- or post-hepatic causes of portal hypertension were ruled out. Liver elastography results were within normal ranges, and liver function tests were normal except for a marginal isolated elevation of gamma-glutamyltransferase. Liver function remained intact. Liver biopsy findings were consistent with a diagnosis of PSVD. The patient did not have any identifiable associated conditions and was not taking any medications known to pose a risk. Therefore, treatment was focused solely on managing the complications of portal hypertension. Outpatient follow-up included the eradication of esophageal varices. Treatment with oral iron supplements led to the normalization of hemoglobin levels, which remained stable for months after the discontinuation of therapy, and liver function tests continued to be normal.
- MeSH
- antihypertenziva terapeutické užití MeSH
- hypochromní anemie diagnóza farmakoterapie MeSH
- jaterní žilní okluze * diagnóza terapie MeSH
- karvedilol terapeutické užití MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- portální hypertenze * diagnóza farmakoterapie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- splenomegalie MeSH
- železo terapeutické užití MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) with concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) represents a distinct disease entity (PSC-UC). Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES) is a standard tool for assessing disease activity in UC but its relevance in PSC-UC remains unclear. AIM: To assess the accuracy of MES in UC and PSC-UC patients, we performed histological scoring using Nancy histological index (NHI). METHODS: MES was assessed in 30 PSC-UC and 29 UC adult patients during endoscopy. NHI and inflammation were evaluated in biopsies from the cecum, rectum, and terminal ileum. In addition, perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, fecal calprotectin, body mass index, and other relevant clinical characteristics were collected. RESULTS: The median MES and NHI were similar for UC patients (MES grade 2 and NHI grade 2 in the rectum) but were different for PSC-UC patients (MES grade 0 and NHI grade 2 in the cecum). There was a correlation between MES and NHI for UC patients (Spearman's r = 0.40, P = 0.029) but not for PSC-UC patients. Histopathological examination revealed persistent microscopic inflammation in 88% of PSC-UC patients with MES grade 0 (46% of all PSC-UC patients). Moreover, MES overestimated the severity of active inflammation in an additional 11% of PSC-UC patients. CONCLUSION: MES insufficiently identifies microscopic inflammation in PSC-UC. This indicates that histological evaluation should become a routine procedure of the diagnostic and grading system in both PSC-UC and PSC.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
MEDNIK syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, peripheral neuropathy, ichthyosis, and keratoderma, and caused by variants in the adaptor-related protein complex 1 subunit sigma 1 (AP1S1) gene. This gene encodes the σ1A protein, which is a subunit of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1), a key component of the intracellular protein trafficking machinery. Previous work identified three AP1S1 nonsense, frameshift and splice-site variants in MEDNIK patients predicted to encode truncated σ1A proteins, with consequent AP-1 dysfunction. However, two AP1S1 missense variants (c.269 T > C and c.346G > A) were recently reported in patients who presented with severe enteropathy but no additional symptoms of MEDNIK. This condition was described as a novel non-syndromic form of congenital diarrhea caused specifically by the AP1S1 missense variants. In this study, we report two patients with the same c.269 T > C variant, who, contrary to the previous cases, presented as complete MEDNIK syndrome. These data substantially revise the presentation of disorders associated with AP1S1 gene variants and indicate that all the identified pathogenic AP1S1 variants result in MEDNIK syndrome. We also provide a series of functional analyses that elucidate the impact of the c.269 T > C variant on σ1A function, contributing to a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of MEDNIK syndrome. KEY MESSAGES: A missense AP1S1 c.269 T > C (σ1A L90P) variant causes full MEDNIK syndrome. The σ1A L90P variant is largely unable to assemble into the AP-1 complex. The σ1A L90P variant fails to bind [DE]XXXL[LI] sorting motifs. The σ1A L90P variant results in loss-of-function of the protein.
- MeSH
- adaptorový proteinový komplex - sigma-podjednotky * genetika MeSH
- adaptorový proteinový komplex 1 * genetika MeSH
- genetická predispozice k nemoci MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mentální retardace genetika MeSH
- missense mutace * MeSH
- průjem genetika MeSH
- syndrom MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- kazuistiky MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural MeSH
BACKGROUND: Autologous vein grafts are widely used for bypass procedures in cardiovascular surgery. However, these grafts are susceptible to failure due to vein graft disease. Our study aimed to evaluate the impact of the latest-generation FRAME external support on vein graft remodeling in a preclinical model. METHODS: We performed autologous internal jugular vein interposition grafting in porcine carotid arteries for one month. Four grafts were supported with a FRAME mesh, while seven unsupported grafts served as controls. The conduits were examined through flowmetry, angiography, macroscopy, and microscopy. RESULTS: The one-month patency rate of FRAME-supported grafts was 100% (4/4), whereas that of unsupported controls was 43% (3/7, Log-rank p = 0.071). On explant angiography, FRAME grafts exhibited significantly more areas with no or mild stenosis (9/12) compared to control grafts (3/21, p = 0.0009). Blood flow at explantation was higher in the FRAME grafts (145 ± 51 mL/min) than in the controls (46 ± 85 mL/min, p = 0.066). Area and thickness of neo-intimal hyperplasia (NIH) at proximal anastomoses were similar for the FRAME and the control groups: 5.79 ± 1.38 versus 6.94 ± 1.10 mm2, respectively (p = 0.558) and 480 ± 95 vs. 587 ± 52 μm2/μm, respectively (p = 0.401). However, in the midgraft portions, the NIH area and thickness were significantly lower in the FRAME group than in the control group: 3.73 ± 0.64 vs. 6.27 ± 0.64 mm2, respectively (p = 0.022) and 258 ± 49 vs. 518 ± 36 μm2/μm, respectively (p = 0.0002). CONCLUSIONS: In our porcine model, the external mesh FRAME improved the patency of vein-to-carotid artery grafts and protected them from stenosis, particularly in the mid regions. The midgraft neo-intimal hyperplasia was two-fold thinner in the meshed grafts than in the controls.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Reconstruction of right ventricular outflow tract in patients with congenital heart disease in various age groups remains a controversial issue. Currently, a little is known about the fate of secondary and subsequent conduit. The aim of the study was to determine risk factors of conduit failure, evaluate long-term conduit survival, find out which type of conduit should be preferred in case of reoperations. We performed a retrospective analysis of a total of 249 records of valved conduit secondary and subsequent replacement in right ventricular outflow tract in 197 patients. Median follow-up was 5.7 years. The study endpoints were defined as conduit explants; balloon dilatation of the graft (excluding balloon dilatation of left/right pulmonary artery), transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation; heart transplantation or death of the patient. There were total of 21 deaths (11% mortality) among 197 patients during the follow-up, 2 patients underwent heart transplant, in 23 implanted conduits pulmonary angioplasty or/including transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation was afterwards performed due to graft failure, conduit had to be explanted in 46 cases. After 28 years follow-up, freedom from graft failure after 5 years was 77%, 48% after 10 years and 21% after 15 years. Reoperative right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction demonstrates good mid-term and acceptable long-term outcomes regardless of the type of conduit implanted. Worse long-term graft survival of secondary and further conduits is associated with younger age of the recipient at implantation, small size of the conduit, younger age of donor and male donor in case of allograft implantation.
In the field of heart transplantation, the ability to accurately and promptly diagnose cardiac allograft rejection is crucial. This comprehensive review explores the transformative role of digital pathology and computational pathology, especially through machine learning, in this critical domain. These methodologies harness large datasets to extract subtle patterns and valuable information that extend beyond human perceptual capabilities, potentially enhancing diagnostic outcomes. Current research indicates that these computer-based systems could offer accuracy and performance matching, or even exceeding, that of expert pathologists, thereby introducing more objectivity and reducing observer variability. Despite promising results, several challenges such as limited sample sizes, diverse data sources, and the absence of standardized protocols pose significant barriers to the widespread adoption of these techniques. The future of digital pathology in heart transplantation diagnostics depends on utilizing larger, more diverse patient cohorts, standardizing data collection, processing, and evaluation protocols, and fostering collaborative research efforts. The integration of various data types, including clinical, demographic, and imaging information, could further refine diagnostic precision. As researchers address these challenges and promote collaborative efforts, digital pathology has the potential to become an integral part of clinical practice, ultimately improving patient care in heart transplantation.
- MeSH
- algoritmy * MeSH
- biopsie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- patologové MeSH
- transplantace srdce * škodlivé účinky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- Publikační typ
- úvodní články MeSH