Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand how healthcare practitioners experience organisational boundaries and silos in day-to-day operations. Based on a multi-dimensional scale of organisational boundaries, the study examines how organisational demarcation lines enable and constrain daily work tasks in the healthcare sector.Research design: The study is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of survey responses from 895 healthcare practitioners in Denmark.Results: The results indicate that tendencies toward organisational silos relate to systems and hierarchies (management-staff) rather than professions and departments. Moreover, the study identifies resource scarcity as an important undercurrent in the understanding of the respondents' perceptions of boundaries and silos.Conclusion: The study contributes to existing research by documenting the coordination and collaboration challenges linked to the multitude of demarcation lines in complex health organisations.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- kooperační chování MeSH
- kvalitativní výzkum MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- postoj zdravotnického personálu MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- sektor zdravotní péče * organizace a řízení MeSH
- zdravotnický personál psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Dánsko MeSH
Zip ; svazek 92
První vydání v českém jazyce 251 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm
Publikace se zaměřuje na epidemické šíření virů a informací a dezinformací. Určeno široké veřejnosti.
This study investigated the impact of Hofstede cultural dimensions on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediating role of entrepreneurial innovativeness among Malays, Malaysian Chinese, and Malaysian Indian entrepreneurs in the retail industry. This study involved a quantitative approach with standardized questionnaires distributed among target respondents through non-probability sampling techniques, including snowball sampling, quota sampling, and convenience sampling. The data were collected in a cross-sectional setting from Malaysian retail ethnic entrepreneurs. AMOS-SEM and SPSS were used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed a positive and significant influence of indulgence, long-term orientation, masculinity, and low power distance on sustainable competitive advantage among Chinese, Malay, and Indian entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the direct effect of entrepreneurial innovativeness was also positive and significant in terms of sustainable competitive advantage among Chinese, Malay, and Indian entrepreneurs. Finally, the indirect effects of collectivism, indulgence, low uncertainty avoidance, low power distance, masculinity, and long-term orientation on sustainable competitive advantage through mediator entrepreneurial innovativeness were positive and significant among Malaysian Chinese. However, in Malay (indulgence) and India (collectivism, low uncertainty avoidance, and low power distance), these were not significant. Our results suggest that academics and businesses should consider how cultural norms of masculinity, long-term orientation, and uncertainty avoidance impact sustainable competitive advantage activities. Rewards encouraging sustainable competitive advantage in one subculture may not promote it in another. Subcultural norms influence entrepreneurs' decisions, expectations, and incentives in a culturally diverse community.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- etnicita psychologie MeSH
- kompetitivní chování MeSH
- kreativita MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužskost MeSH
- podnikání * MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Malajsie MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) witnessed an increase of 7% in bullying prevalence since 2005. This review aimed to map antibullying interventions in the UAE. METHODS: A systematic search was performed in five electronic databases (EMBASE, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus and Eric) using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Review. Studies addressing antibullying interventions and grey literature in the UAE from 2010 to 2021 were included. Interventions were mapped using distribution across key sectors, public health practice levels, and organisation types. RESULTS: Of the 2122 identified papers, only 2 were included. Both articles were published in 2019 and used qualitative methods. From the search of governmental and non-governmental websites, 22 multilevel interventions were included and presented on the three levels of public health practice across the different sectors and target stakeholders. Eight interventions were at the federal level, and six were by private stakeholders. The government funded 59% of all interventions. Four interventions addressed cyberbullying, and three used multisectoral collaboration. CONCLUSIONS: Although the UAE is building capacity for bullying prevention, we found limited knowledge of antibullying prevention efforts. Further studies are needed to assess current interventions, strategies and policies.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- šikana * statistika a číselné údaje prevence a kontrola MeSH
- školní zdravotnické služby MeSH
- školy * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- systematický přehled MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Spojené arabské emiráty MeSH
Stereotypie jsou opakující se, rytmické, zdánlivě neúčelné pohybové vzorce. Primární stereotypie jsou typicky popisovány u zdravých dětí s normálním vývojem, stereotypie se spouštěčem v dospělosti jsou výrazně vzácnější. Prevalence primárních stereotypií se udává mezi 3 až 8 %. Sekundární stereotypie se objevují buď v důsledku senzorické deprivace, sociální izolace, nebo jako součást širší symptomatiky u mnoha, především neurovývojových, onemocnění, u psychiatrických onemocnění nebo jako součást polékových syndromů. V genezi stereotypií se zvažují jak neurobiologické mechanismy včetně genetické dispozice, tak vlivy zevního prostředí a sociálních interakcí. Základním terapeutickým postupem je edukace a behaviorální terapie, u farmakologických postupů bohužel scházejí randomizované, dvojitě zaslepené studie.
Stereotypies are repetitive, rhythmic, seemingly purposeless movement patterns. Primary stereotypies are typically described in healthy children with normal development, stereotypies with a trigger in adulthood are significantly rarer. The prevalence of primary stereotypies is reported between 3 and 8 %. Secondary stereotypies appear either as a result of sensory deprivation, social isolation or as part of broader syndroms in many, especially neurodevelopmental diseases, in psychiatric diseases or drug-induced syndromes. In the genesis of stereotypies, both neurobiological mechanisms, including genetic disposition, and the effects of the external environment and social interactions are considered. The basic therapeutic procedure are education and behavioral therapy, unfortunately there are no randomized, double-blind studies for pharmacological procedures.
Vydání první 318 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm
Publikace se zaměřuje na fyzickou antropologii a evoluci člověka co se týče biologie a společnosti a na vzájemné souvislosti. Určeno široké veřejnosti.
- MeSH
- antropologie fyzická MeSH
- biologická evoluce MeSH
- civilizace MeSH
- dějiny MeSH
- genetika člověka MeSH
- kulturní evoluce MeSH
- lidské tělo MeSH
- sociální evoluce MeSH
- Publikační typ
- monografie MeSH
- populární práce MeSH
- Konspekt
- Fyzická antropologie
- NLK Obory
- antropologie
- biologie
OBJECTIVES: Patients are the most common source of violence against EMS personnel. This study aims at elucidating specific clinical features in patients with mental alteration and aggressive behaviour increasing risk of violence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This consecutive cross-sectional retrospective study analysed consecutive patients treated for prespecified list of primary diagnoses by one EMS provider in the Czech Republic between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023. The effect of individual features of medical history and present symptoms on the occurrence of violence, need for the Police assistance and use of restraints was evaluated, using linear regression model. RESULTS: 410 patients were evaluated. Verbal and brachial violence was present in 21.5 and 12.9 %, respectively. Police assistance was needed in 48.3 %, restraints were used in 4.6 %. The most significant predictor for violence, need for Police or restraints was agitation (OR 7.02, CI 4.14 - 11.90; OR 2.60, CI 1.60 - 4.24, OR 11.02, CI 3.49 - 34.80 respectively). Other predictors of violence included history of acute psychotic attacks and psychotic disorders, or outpatient psychiatry care. Among other predictors for Police assistance was presence of delusions, paranoia and history of outpatient psychiatry care. CONCLUSION: Prehospital care for patients with mental status alteration and aggressive behaviour is complex. Some clinical features seem to increase the risk of violence. Future research in the evaluation of agitated and violent patients is warranted to find strategies of risk mitigation for EMS personnel.
- MeSH
- agrese * psychologie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- duševní poruchy epidemiologie terapie MeSH
- fyzické omezení statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- násilí statistika a číselné údaje psychologie MeSH
- policie MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- urgentní zdravotnické služby * statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
BACKGROUND: Despite the implementation of antibullying policies, schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) witnessed an increase in bullying prevalence. The aim of our study was to assess bullying victimization in schools in the UAE, types of bullying, and factors and outcomes related to bullying behavior. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in randomly selected private and public schools in Al Ain City. A structured, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from students in grades 6-8 (Ages 10-15). We adapted the US CDC 'Bully Survey' for cultural relevance in the UAE through feedback from focus group meetings with teachers. Data analysis, conducted using R software, involved stratified analysis by school type and utilized Chi-Squared and Fisher's exact tests to identify factors associated with school bullying. RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 723 students of whom 68% were males, and 58% were Emirati nationals. The overall prevalence of bullying victimization in schools was 37%, with 40% in private schools and 35% in public schools. Cyberbullying was more prevalent in private schools (37%). Physical bullying was reported by 20% and verbal bullying by 12%, with a higher prevalence of physical bullying in private schools (24%) and among males (23%). The study's findings showed significant emotional and academic impacts of bullying, including feelings of sadness and learning difficulties, contributing to a rise in school absenteeism. CONCLUSIONS: The study reveals widespread bullying victimization in UAE schools, mainly in classrooms, with group exclusion and verbal abuse as key forms. It underscores bullying's psychological impact and the greater awareness of parents compared to teachers. The effective intervention strategies should not only involve students, teachers, and school staff, but also actively engage parents by fostering stronger communication channels between schools and families, and providing parents with resources and training to recognize and address bullying. These strategies should aim to create a cohesive network involving the entire school community, thus fostering a safer and more inclusive environment for students. The findings stress the need for inclusive antibullying programs involving the entire school community to foster a safer environment.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- oběti zločinu * statistika a číselné údaje psychologie MeSH
- prevalence MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- šikana * statistika a číselné údaje psychologie MeSH
- školy * MeSH
- studenti psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Spojené arabské emiráty MeSH
- MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy MeSH
- komodifikace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- sociální práce * ekonomika trendy MeSH
- účast komunity MeSH
- veřejná politika MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
- MeSH
- empowerment MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- menšiny MeSH
- sociální marginalizace MeSH
- sociální práce * metody trendy MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH