rice Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Díky důležitosti rýže jako hlavního zdroje obživy většiny asijského kontinentu, poměrně malé velikosti genomu (cca 430 milionů bp) a díky známé nukíWeotidové sekvenci genomu, je tato rostlina velmi častým organismem pro genetické n manipulace. Transgenoze umožňuje oproti klasickému šlechtění cíleně vytvářet nové - lepší odrůdy kulturních rostlin. Tento souhrnný článek podává přehled různých odrůd geneticky modifikované rýže a jejich využití jak k ochraně rostlin samotných (rezistence vůči herbicidu, virům, bakteriím), tak i k ochraně zdraví člověka (zlatá rýže, produkce vakcín).
Due to the importance of rice as a main source of food of almost whole Asian continent, relatively small size of genome (430 millions bp) and due to the known nucleotide sequence of genome - this plant is very frequently used for gene manipulation. In contrast to classical breeding, the transgenose makes possible to create new and better cultivars of plants. This article gives overview of variety of cultivars of genetically modified rice and theirs usage for protection of own plants (herbicide resistance, virus and bacterial resistance), as well as for the protection of human health (golden rice, production of vaccines).
- Klíčová slova
- transgenní rýže,
- MeSH
- anemie z nedostatku železa dietoterapie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- biofarmacie trendy MeSH
- geneticky modifikované potraviny MeSH
- geneticky modifikované rostliny genetika imunologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nedostatek vitaminu A dietoterapie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- nutriční hodnota MeSH
- rýže (rod) genetika imunologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Inorganic arsenic intake is likely to affect long-term health. High concentrations are found in some rice-based foods and drinks widely used in infants and young children. In order to reduce exposure, we recommend avoidance of rice drinks for infants and young children. For all of the rice products, strict regulation should be enforced regarding arsenic content. Moreover, infants and young children should consume a balanced diet including a variety of grains as carbohydrate sources. Although rice protein-based infant formulas are an option for infants with cows' milk protein allergy, the inorganic arsenic content should be declared and the potential risks should be considered when using these products.
- MeSH
- arsen analýza toxicita MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu analýza toxicita MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- karcinogeny životního prostředí analýza toxicita MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- kontaminace potravin * MeSH
- látky znečišťující půdu analýza toxicita MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- označování potravin MeSH
- podpora zdraví MeSH
- rýže (rod) chemie růst a vývoj MeSH
- semena rostlinná chemie růst a vývoj MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Dry matter, ash, fat, starch and crude proteins as well as digestibility in vitro and crude fibre were determined. While the best digestibility was assessed in basmati and Lila rice, the poorest digestibility was found in Khaw Dam black and red rice. These results correspond well to a high level of crude fibre and to a lower starch level. The highest amount of crude fibre was detected in red and Khaw dam black rice.
Hybrid seed production in rice relies on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) induced by specific mitochondrial proteins, whose deleterious effects are suppressed by nuclear Restorer of Fertility (RF) genes. The majority of RF proteins belong to a specific clade of the RNA-binding pentatricopeptide repeat protein family. We have characterised 'restorer-of-fertility-like' (RFL) sequences from 13 Oryza genomes and the Brachypodium distachyon genome. The majority of the RFL sequences are found in genomic clusters located at two or three chromosomal loci with only a minor proportion being present as isolated genes. The RFL genomic cluster located on Oryza chromosome 10, the location of almost all known active rice RF genes, shows extreme variation in structure and gene content between species. We show evidence for homologous recombination events as an efficient mechanism for generating the huge repertoire of RNA sequence recognition motifs within RFL proteins and a major driver of RFL sequence evolution. The RFL sequences identified here will improve our understanding of the molecular basis of CMS and fertility restoration in plants and will accelerate the development of new breeding strategies.
- MeSH
- reforma zdravotní péče MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH