- MeSH
- Goiter, Endemic MeSH
- Thyroid Hormones deficiency toxicity MeSH
- Iodine deficiency supply & distribution MeSH
- Congenital Hypothyroidism drug therapy metabolism MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Thyroid Neoplasms surgery diagnosis blood MeSH
- Thyroid Gland * abnormalities cytology diagnostic imaging MeSH
- Goiter diagnostic imaging diagnosis drug therapy blood physiopathology prevention & control MeSH
- Thyroiditis MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Keywords
- rychlost růstu, porodní délka, objem štítné žlázy, steroidogeneze,
- MeSH
- Thyroiditis, Autoimmune diagnosis etiology drug therapy MeSH
- Cholecalciferol administration & dosage MeSH
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 drug therapy therapy MeSH
- Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis drug therapy physiopathology therapy MeSH
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis diagnosis physiopathology therapy MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Pheochromocytoma diagnosis MeSH
- Graves Disease diagnosis drug therapy pathology MeSH
- Hypoglycemia etiology MeSH
- Hyponatremia etiology MeSH
- Hypopituitarism etiology MeSH
- Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital diagnosis drug therapy physiopathology MeSH
- Congenital Hypothyroidism diagnosis etiology drug therapy prevention & control MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Dipyrone administration & dosage MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Adrenal Gland Neoplasms diagnosis MeSH
- Endocrine System Diseases * diagnosis etiology drug therapy classification physiopathology pathology therapy MeSH
- Pituitary Diseases etiology drug therapy classification pathology MeSH
- Adrenal Gland Diseases diagnosis etiology drug therapy classification MeSH
- Thyroid Diseases diagnostic imaging classification physiopathology MeSH
- Pediatric Obesity diagnosis etiology complications physiopathology therapy MeSH
- Puberty, Delayed diagnosis etiology drug therapy pathology MeSH
- Birth Weight MeSH
- Glucose Intolerance MeSH
- Growth Disorders diagnosis etiology classification MeSH
- Disorders of Sex Development diagnosis etiology drug therapy classification pathology MeSH
- Puberty, Precocious etiology drug therapy classification pathology MeSH
- Prognosis MeSH
- Rickets diagnosis etiology drug therapy classification blood MeSH
- Sexual Development physiology MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities MeSH
- Inappropriate ADH Syndrome diagnosis etiology therapy MeSH
- Body Height MeSH
- Thyrotropin analysis MeSH
- Thyroxine analysis administration & dosage MeSH
- Age Factors MeSH
- Virilism pathology MeSH
- Vitamin D administration & dosage MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
Linguální ektopická štítná žláza reprezentuje poruchu sestupu základu štítné žlázy z oblasti foramen caecumkořene jazyka do místa definitivního uložení na krku. Je nejčastější tyreoidální ektopií s incidencí až 90 % případů. Kazuistika se zaměřuje na šedesátiletého muže, který byl doporučen k ORL vyšetření pro progresi dysfagie a hypotyreózu kompenzovanou levothyroxinem. Epifaryngoskopie, počítačová tomografie (CT) a scintigrafie izotopem technecia (99mTc-pertechnetát) detekovaly heterotopickou tyreoidální tkáň (31×31×27 mm) v kořeni jazyka s vyklenutím do pravé valekuly a nepřítomnost tyreoidální tkáně na přední straně krku. Pro velikost lokálního nálezu byl zvolen zevní přístup – transhyoidní faryngotomie a dočasná tracheostomie. Operace byla provedena harmonickým skalpelem. Nekomplikovaný pooperační průběh byl zajišťován čtyřicetiosmihodinovou kanylací trachey a alimentační nazogastrickou sondou zavedenou na deset dní. Stehy z klidné rány byly odstraněny sedmý pooperační den. Pooperační histologie prokázala ektopickou tkáň štítné žlázy, bez typického pouzdra, vrůstající do okolní příčně-pruhované svaloviny a tuku, byla bez maligních struktur. Pacient je nadále sledován chirurgem i endokrinologem. Linguální ektopie štítné žlázy je vzácná anomálie, na kterou je ale třeba myslet v rámci diferenciální diagnostiky dysfagie, dysfonie či pocitu cizího tělesa v krku. Velikost linguální tyreoidální heterotopie a klinická symptomatologie jsou nejdůležitějšími faktory při volbě chirurgického přístupu.
The ectopic lingual thyroid gland represents the impaired descent of the base of thyroid gland from the area of foramen caecum in a tongue root to its definitive position in the neck. This is the most common thyroidal ectopy with the incidence of up to 90% of cases. The case report deals with a 60-year-old man who was referred to the ONT specialist for a progressive dysphagia and hypothyroidism treated with levothyroxine. Epipharyngoscopy, computed tomography (CT scan) and technetium isotope scinti - graphy (99mTc-pertechnetate) detected heterotopic thyroid tissue (31×31×27 mm) in a tongue root protruding to the right vallecula and the absence of thyroidal tissue in the anterior part of the neck. Due to a large local mass the external approach – trans - hyoidal pharyngotomy and temporary tracheostomy – was chosen. The surgery was performed with harmonic scalpel. The prevention of complications was supported by the insertion of tracheal cannula for 48 hours and the insertion of alimentary nasogastric probe for 10 days. The wound healed well and sutures were removed 7 days after the surgery. The post operative histology confirmed the ectopic thyroid tissue without its typical sheath that invaded to the surrounding transversely striated muscles and fat. There weren’t any malignant structures detected. The patient is still followed up by his surgeon and endocrinologist. Lingual thyroid ectopy is a rare anomaly that must be taken in mind in a process of differential diagnosis in dysphagia, dysphonia or when “alien body” is felt in a throat. The extent of lingual thyroid heterotopy and its clinical presentation are the most important factors when selecting the optimal surgical approach.
- Keywords
- transhyoidní faryngotomie,
- MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Hypothyroidism etiology drug therapy MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lingual Thyroid * diagnosis surgery pathology MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities physiopathology pathology MeSH
- Tracheostomy MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- MeSH
- Respiratory System Abnormalities MeSH
- Mouth Abnormalities MeSH
- Bronchogenic Cyst MeSH
- Vascular Malformations MeSH
- Choanal Atresia surgery diagnosis MeSH
- Cysts surgery diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Pharynx * abnormalities MeSH
- Neck abnormalities MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Fistula surgery diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Hypothyroidism * diagnosis drug therapy physiopathology prevention & control MeSH
- Iodine * administration & dosage deficiency therapeutic use MeSH
- Iodide Peroxidase * diagnostic use physiology immunology secretion adverse effects MeSH
- Pregnancy Complications * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thyroid Diseases * MeSH
- Pilot Projects MeSH
- Mass Screening economics methods standards organization & administration trends utilization MeSH
- Thyroid Gland * abnormalities anatomy & histology physiology physiopathology secretion ultrasonography MeSH
- Pregnancy * MeSH
- Thyroid Function Tests * MeSH
- Thyrotropin * physiology deficiency secretion adverse effects MeSH
- Thyroxine * physiology deficiency secretion adverse effects MeSH
- Fetal Development * MeSH
- Developmental Disabilities * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Pregnancy * MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Newspaper Article MeSH
- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Endocrinology MeSH
- Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity etiology MeSH
- Intelligence Tests standards statistics & numerical data MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thyroid Diseases diagnosis prevention & control therapy MeSH
- Fetus MeSH
- Mass Screening MeSH
- Psychomotor Disorders etiology MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities physiology physiopathology secretion MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Fetal Development MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Newspaper Article MeSH
- Keywords
- Euthyrox,
- MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Endocrinology methods MeSH
- Iodine administration & dosage deficiency MeSH
- Pregnancy Complications * diagnosis drug therapy prevention & control MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thyroid Diseases * diagnosis drug therapy classification complications blood prevention & control MeSH
- Mass Screening methods trends MeSH
- Risk Factors MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities physiology physiopathology pathology drug effects MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Thyroxine administration & dosage pharmacology adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Female MeSH
Autoři popisují vzácný případ obstrukce horních polykacích a dýchacích cest ve spojení s ektopickou linguálně uloženou štítnou žlázou. Vedle etiopatogenetického rozboru a symptomatologie se článek zabývá diagnostikou a terapií tohoto onemocnění.
The authors describe the unusual case of the obstruction of the upper swallowing and breathing pathways associated with the ectopic, lingually situated thyroid gland. Additionally to the etiopatogenic analyze and sings and symptoms of this condition, the diagnosis and therapy are also discussed in this article.
- MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lingual Goiter epidemiology complications MeSH
- Airway Obstruction etiology MeSH
- Deglutition Disorders etiology physiopathology MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
We report a case of an incidental finding of the right accessory inferior thyroid artery, emerging from the thyrocervical trunk together with a typical inferior thyroid artery, present in a normal position. On the left side, only single inferior thyroid artery was present. Only one inferior thyroid vein was found on each side. The accessory inferior thyroid artery entered the thyroid gland approximately 1 cm above the normal inferior thyroid, above the superior parathyroid gland. Although accessory vessels of thyroid gland are present in about 5% of cases, the accessory inferior thyroid artery, emerging from subclavian artery and located above the normal inferior thyroid artery, is very rare.
- MeSH
- Arteries abnormalities anatomy & histology MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities anatomy & histology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- MeSH
- Cytological Techniques standards MeSH
- Research Support as Topic MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thyroid Neoplasms diagnosis epidemiology MeSH
- Radionuclide Imaging economics trends utilization MeSH
- Thyroid Gland abnormalities pathology ultrasonography MeSH
- Biopsy, Fine-Needle utilization MeSH
- Thyrotropin diagnostic use MeSH
- Goiter, Nodular diagnosis pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH