Background: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI) is a complex, often post-traumatically developing impairment of the hip joint. It is characterized by ambiguous symptomatology, which makes early diagnosis difficult. Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of a triaxial gyroscopic sensor in routine practice as an additional indication criterion for operative versus conservative treatment procedures. Methods: Ninety-two patients were included in the experimental retrospective study and 62 completed the examination. All patients signed informed consent. A gyroscopic sensor was placed on the right side of the pelvis above the hip joint and patients walked approximately 15 steps. Data were also evaluated while the patients climbed stairs. A complete clinical examination of the dynamics and physiological movements in the joint was performed. The data measured by the gyroscopic sensor were processed using differential geometry methods and subsequently evaluated using spectral analysis and neural networks. Results: FAI diagnosis using gyroscopic measurement is fast and easy to implement. Our approach to processing the gyroscopic signals used to detect the stage of osteoarthritis and post-traumatic FAI could lead to more accurate detection and capture early in FAI development. Conclusions: The obtained data are easily evaluated, interpretable, and beneficial in the diagnosis of the early stages of FAI. The results of the study show that this approach can lead to more accurate and early detection of osteoarthritis and post-traumatic FAI.
- MeSH
- analýza chůze metody MeSH
- biomechanika * MeSH
- femoroacetabulární impingement * chirurgie diagnóza patofyziologie MeSH
- kyčelní kloub patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nositelná elektronika * MeSH
- osteoartróza diagnóza patofyziologie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- telemedicína metody MeSH
- umělá inteligence MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
BACKGROUND: Understanding environmental correlates of sedentary behaviour (SB) among young people is important as such data can identify approaches to limit sedentary time. This paper estimates associations of parent-reported neighbourhood and adolescent-reported home environments with SB among adolescents aged 11-19 years from 14 countries. METHODS: In the International Physical activity and the Environment Network (IPEN) Adolescent Study (an observational, cross-sectional multi-country study), adolescents wore a triaxial accelerometer for seven days that assessed sedentary time (ST). Adolescents completed survey measures of sedentary behaviour (SB) related to recreational screen time and sitting time in motor vehicles. Parents and adolescents completed surveys assessing neighbourhood and home environments. Accelerometer based ST was available in 3,982 adolescents while survey data were available for 6,302 dyads. We estimated the total and direct effects of each environmental attribute on ST and SB. Sex of the adolescent and city/country were examined as moderators. RESULTS: The average ST in adolescents from 14 countries ranged from 7.8 to 10.5 h/day. Personal social media was the only significant correlate of total ST across both sexes. With respect to self-reported SB, adolescents accumulated an average of 3.8 h of non-school screen time per day and nearly 40 min of transport-related sitting time. Screen time was associated with all home environment variables, including social media account, as well as land use mix-diversity, traffic safety, and crime safety. Transport-related sitting time was related to land use mix-diversity, recreation facilities, walking facilities, and pedestrian infrastructure, but no home environment variables. City/country and sex were significant moderators of several associations. CONCLUSIONS: Both home and neighbourhood environment features were related to ST and SB. Having social media accounts emerged as a major contributor towards sedentarism in adolescents.
- MeSH
- akcelerometrie MeSH
- čas strávený před obrazovkou MeSH
- charakteristiky bydlení * MeSH
- chování mladistvých MeSH
- cvičení MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- rodiče MeSH
- sedavý životní styl * MeSH
- sociální média MeSH
- životní prostředí - projekt MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- pozorovací studie MeSH
Článek popisuje, jak se v odpověď na celosvětovou epidemii obezity vyvíjela v posledních 40 letech obezitologie jako nový medicínský obor. Tato originální medicínská specializace odráží pokroky v pochopení interakce hereditárních a environmentálních faktorů v patogenezi obezity jako i stěžejní úlohy adipokinů a viscerální tukové tkáně při rozvoji kardiometabolických onemocnění a některých nádorů. Obezitologické společnosti, které vznikly v mnoha zemích po celém světě, pořádaly národní a mezinárodní obezitologické kongresy, připravily doporučené postupy pro léčbu a prevenci obezity a přispěly k vydávání specializovaných obezitologických časopisů. Aby se zlepšily znalosti v obezitologii u poskytovatelů zdravotní péče, byla publikována řada českých i mezinárodních učebnic o obezitě. Česká republika sehrává významnou úlohu v začlenění obezitologických center a redukčních klubů do sítě komplexní léčby obezity. Obezitologie je výjimečná v tom, že vyžaduje sjednocující přístup, který integruje znalosti různých lékařských oborů, například vnitřního a dětského lékařství, endokrinologie, diabetologie, výživy a dietologie, fyziatrie a fyziologie cvičení, psychiatrie, psychologie, bariatrické chirurgie, genetiky, kardiologie, revmatologie a dalších.
The paper describes how obesity medicine has developed as a new medical discipline in response to the global obesity epidemic over the last forty years. This novel medical discipline reflects advances in understanding the interaction between hereditary and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of obesity as well as the crucial role of adipokines and visceral adipose tissue in the development of cardiometabolic diseases and certain cancers. Obesity associations established in many countries across the world have organized national and international congresses on obesity, prepared guidelines on obesity management and prevention, and contributed to the publication of journals focused on obesity. Many Czech and international textbooks on obesity have been published to improve knowledge about obesity among health care providers. The Czech Republic has played an important role in the implementation of obesity management centres and weight reduction clubs into the network of comprehensive obesity management. Obesity medicine is unique in that the required holistic approach integrates knowledge from different medical disciplines such as internal medicine and pediatrics, endocrinology, diabetology, nutrition and dietetics, physiatrics and exercise physiology, psychiatry, psychology, bariatric surgery, genetics, cardiology, rheumatology and more.
- Klíčová slova
- obezitologie,
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- obezita * dějiny prevence a kontrola terapie MeSH
- periodika jako téma MeSH
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi jako téma MeSH
- společnosti lékařské MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Klíčová slova
- Mediately,
- MeSH
- digitální zdraví * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mobilní aplikace MeSH
- nádory prsu diagnóza MeSH
- nádory terapie MeSH
- protinádorové látky imunologicky aktivní aplikace a dávkování škodlivé účinky MeSH
- telemedicína MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- rozhovory MeSH
- MeSH
- diabetes mellitus * terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- telemedicína MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- rozhovory MeSH
- O autorovi
- Szabó, Marcela, 1967- Autorita
BACKGROUND: Proposed in the early 1980s as a solution for managing complications of portal hypertension, the percutaneous creation of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt has consistently gained a central role. Increasingly lower complication rates have been observed thanks to improvements in both technologies and the skills of interventional radiologists. PURPOSE: This document is aimed at interventional radiologists and provides best practice recommendations for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt creation, describing patient selection, intraprocedural management and follow-up, in addition to recommendations in paediatric settings. METHODS: The CIRSE Standards of Practice Committee established a writing group consisting of seven European clinicians with recognised expertise in the creation of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The writing group reviewed the existing literature performing a pragmatic evidence search using PubMed to select relevant publications in the English language and involving human subjects, preferably published from 2009 to 2024. The final recommendations were developed by consensus. RESULTS: TIPS creation has an established role in the successful management of portal hypertension and its complications. This Standards of Practice document provides up-to-date recommendations for patient selection, materials, its safe performance, and follow-up with complications management.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- intervenční radiologie * normy MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- portální hypertenze * chirurgie MeSH
- přehledová literatura jako téma MeSH
- transjugulární intrahepatální portosystémový zkrat * normy MeSH
- výběr pacientů MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi MeSH
BACKGROUND: Telerehabilitation is a practical option for individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) to engage in sustained physical activity without -visiting a rehabilitation facility. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, safety, and adherence of exercise-based telerehabilitation as compared with usual care for MS patients. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search adhering to PRISMA guidelines was conducted, focusing on studies published in English since 2000. The systematic review protocol was registered in PROSPERO. The selection process involved strict criteria, including studies focusing on people with MS, telerehabilitation centred on regular exercise, a control group receiving usual care, valid exercise testing, and adherence to randomized controlled trial principles. Methodological quality was assessed using the TESTEX tool, ensuring rigour in study design and reporting. RESULTS: Among the 281 records screened, 10 studies met the criteria. Telerehabilitation interventions varied in format and outcomes were assessed using diverse exercise tests and questionnaires. Despite variations, the studies collectively demonstrated promising feasibility and safety, with minimal withdrawals and minor adverse events. Effectiveness varied, with 5 out of 10 studies showing significant improvements in the intervention group. Adherence rates ranged from 38% to 100%. CONCLUSION: In most of the assessed aspects, telerehabilitation is comparable to regular centre-based rehabilitation.
- MeSH
- adherence pacienta MeSH
- cvičení * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- roztroušená skleróza * rehabilitace MeSH
- telerehabilitace * MeSH
- terapie cvičením * metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- systematický přehled MeSH
[Scleral Grafts in Ophthalmic Surgery. A Review]
Cíle: Shrnout historii i současné trendy ve využití sklérálních štěpů v oftalmologii. Materiál a metody: Provedli jsme analýzu literatury prostřednictvím databází MEDLINE a Cochrane Library. Hledaná hesla byla “sclera”, “graft”, “surgery”. Výsledkem vyhledávání bylo 1596 článků, z nichž jsme 192 vyhodnotili jako relevantní. Relevantní články byly seřazeny chronologicky a dle způsobu využití sklerálních štěpu, což umožnilo vypracování přehledového článku. Výsledky: Skléra se v oftalmologii rutinně používá od padesátých let dvacátého století, a to v mnoha různých indikacích. Některé z nich se časem staly prakticky obsoletními (například využití při operačním řešení amoce sítnice), ale velká část nachází uplatnění dodnes (zejména využití v glaukomové či okuloplastické chirurgii, případně jako záplata při defektu skléry nebo rohovky). Závěr: I přesto, že je v současné době alogenní skléra oproti jiným produktům tkáňového bankovnictví v oftalmologii využívána spíše méně často a okruh jejích indikací se částečně zúžil, zůstává vzhledem ke své dostupnosti a vlastnostem užitečným a perspektivním materiálem.
Aim: To summarize the history and current trends in the use of scleral grafts in ophthalmology. Materials and methods: We conducted a review of the literature through the MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The search terms were "sclera", "graft", and "surgery". The search resulted in 1596 articles, of which we evaluated 192 as relevant. The relevant articles were sorted chronologically and according to the method of using scleral grafts, which enabled the development of a review article. Results: The sclera has been routinely used in ophthalmology since the 1950s in many different indications. Some of these indications have become practically obsolete over time (for example, use in the surgical management of retinal detachment), but a large number still find application today (especially use in glaucoma or oculoplastic surgery, or as a patch for a defect in the sclera or cornea). Conclusion: Even though allogeneic sclera is currently used less frequently in ophthalmology compared to other tissue banking products and the range of its indications has partially narrowed, it remains a useful material due to its availability and properties.
- MeSH
- alografty * klasifikace MeSH
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- oftalmologické chirurgické výkony dějiny klasifikace metody MeSH
- přehledová literatura jako téma MeSH
- skléra * chirurgie MeSH
- skleroplastika dějiny klasifikace metody MeSH
- transplantáty dějiny klasifikace MeSH
- vitreoretinální chirurgie dějiny klasifikace metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH