f-statistics have emerged as a first line of analysis for making inferences about demographic history from genome-wide data. Not only are they guaranteed to allow robust tests of the fits of proposed models of population history to data when analyzing full genome sequencing data-that is, all single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the individuals being analyzed-but they are also guaranteed to allow robust tests of models for SNPs ascertained as polymorphic in a population that is an outgroup in a phylogenetic sense to all groups being analyzed. True "outgroup ascertainment" is in practice impossible in humans because our species has arisen from a substructured ancestral population that does not descend from a homogeneous ancestral population going back many hundreds of thousands of years into the past. However, initial studies suggested that non-outgroup-ascertainment schemes might produce robust enough results using f-statistics, and that motivated widespread fitting of models to data using non-outgroup-ascertained SNP panels such as the "Affymetrix Human Origins array" which has been genotyped on thousands of modern individuals from hundreds of populations, or the "1240k" in-solution enrichment reagent which has been the source of about 70% of published genome-wide data for ancient humans. In this study, we show that while analyses of population history using such panels work well for studies of relationships among non-African populations and one African outgroup, when co-modeling more than one sub-Saharan African and/or archaic human groups (Neanderthals and Denisovans), fitting of f-statistics to such SNP sets is expected to frequently lead to false rejection of true demographic histories, and failure to reject incorrect models. Analyzing panels of SNPs polymorphic in archaic humans, which has been suggested as a solution for the ascertainment problem, has limited statistical power and retains important biases. However, by carrying out simulations of diverse demographic histories, we show that bias in inferences based on f-statistics can be minimized by ascertaining on variants common in a union of diverse African groups; such ascertainment retains high statistical power while allowing co-analysis of archaic and modern groups.
- MeSH
- African People * genetics MeSH
- Biological Variation, Population genetics MeSH
- Black People genetics MeSH
- Demography * history MeSH
- Phylogeny * MeSH
- Genotype MeSH
- Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide * genetics MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Chromosome Mapping MeSH
- Neanderthals genetics MeSH
- Models, Statistical MeSH
- Bias MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural MeSH
- MeSH
- Double-Blind Method MeSH
- Glaucoma, Open-Angle * drug therapy MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Intraocular Pressure drug effects MeSH
- Ocular Hypertension * drug therapy MeSH
- Prostaglandins F, Synthetic * adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Cieľ: Zhrnutie výsledkov experimentov na očiach králikov, zameraných na ovplyvnenie fyziologického vnútroočného tlaku (VOT) po aplikácii in vitro pripravenou zmesou vzniknutej interakciou vybraných aminokyselín v antiglaukomatikách. Materiál a metóda: Série experimentov boli uskutočnené vždy u 5 dospelých samíc králikov plemena Novozélandský biely, chovaných v štandardných podmienkach. Aplikovaný bol 10 % roztok aminokyseliny (L-lyzín.2HCl.2H2O, L-arginín.HCl alebo L-glycín.HCl) v antiglaukomatikach 0,5 % Timolol (Timoptol) alebo 0,005 % Latanoprost (Xalatan). Roztoky boli pripravené tak, aby výsledkom (po prepočítaní koncentrácií) bola 10% aminokyselina v antiglaukomatiku s pôvodnou koncentráciou a pH. Do spojovkového vaku ľavého oka bola aplikovaná táto zmes, pravé oko bolo kontrolné. Meranie VOT a priemeru zrenice sa uskutočnilo pred kvapnutím a v 15., 30., 60., 180., 240. minúte, resp. 24 h po aplikácii roztokov. Výsledky: Funkčná bioaktivita použitých antiglaukomatík pri znížení VOT sa zvyšuje po ich interagovaní s príslušnou špecifickou aminokyselinou. Najvyšší účinok priemerného zníženia VOT králikov mal glycín v Timolole (pokles VOT o -5,5 torr) a arginín v Timolole (pokles VOT o -3,3 torr). Priemerný pokles VOT po inej kombinácii aminokyselín a antiglaukomatík bol nižší, resp. nesignifikantný. Závery: Interakciou medzi voľnými aminokyselinami a lokálne instilovaným antiglaukomatikom vzniká už v spojovkovom vaku nová, biologicky aktívna látka (metabolit). In vitro pripravená zmes vhodnej aminokyseliny v určitom antiglaukomatiku poskytuje už hotový metabolit („bioantiglaukomatikum“), ktorý v experimentálnych podmienkach mal silnejší a časovo dlhší účinok na zníženie VOT ako samotné antiglaukomatikum alebo samotná voľná aminokyselina.
Objective: To summarise of experimental results performed on rabbit eyes focused to influence the physiological intraocular pressure (IOP) after application of some amino acids mixture with some regularly used antiglaucomatics. Material and methods: The experiments were performed on adult rabbits (female of the New Zealand White species). The applicated substances were: 10 % solution of amino acids (L-lysin.2HCl.2H2O, L-arginine.HCL or L-glycine.HCL) in antiglau-comatics 0.5 % timolol (Timoptol) or 0.005 % latanoprost (Xalatan). This mixture was applicated to the left eye; right eye was used as control. The measurement of IOP and pupil diameter was performed before instillation, in 15th, 30th, 60th, 180th, 240th minute and 24 hours after application. Results: Functional bioactivity of the used antiglaucomatics in case of decreased IOP is rising after interaction with the relevant specific amino acid. Glycine in timolol showed the highest effect on average decrease of the IOP physiological values (IOP decrease reached – 5,5 torr) followed by arginine in timolol (IOP decrease reached – 3,3 torr). The IOP decrease after other combinations of amino acids and antiglaucomatics was in average lower or nonsignificant. Conclusions: Through interaction between in vitro prepared mixture free amino acids and antiglaucomatics a new, biologically active substance (metabolite) is created. After instillation in experimental condition achieving stronger and longer decrease of the IOP compared with a single antiglaucomatic or amino acid.
- MeSH
- Amino Acids therapeutic use drug effects MeSH
- Arginine therapeutic use drug effects MeSH
- Animal Experimentation MeSH
- Drug Combinations MeSH
- Glycine therapeutic use drug effects MeSH
- Rabbits MeSH
- Lysine therapeutic use drug effects MeSH
- Intraocular Pressure drug effects MeSH
- Prostaglandins F, Synthetic therapeutic use MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Timolol therapeutic use MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rabbits MeSH
- Animals MeSH
Cieľ: Porovnať výsledky niekoľkých štúdií účinnosti interakciou in vitro pripravenej zmesi aminokyseliny L-arginínu.HCl so zvolenými antiglaukómovými liekmi pri ovplyvnení fyziologického vnútroočného tlaku (VOT) králikov v experimente. Metódy: Experimentálne práce sa realizovali na samiciach 5 králikoch plemena New Zealand White. Do ľavého spojovkového vaku boli o 8,00 hod instilované 2 kvapky 10% roztoku L-arginin.HCl vo zvolenom antiglaukomatiku samotnom (0,5% Timoptol, 0,005% Xalatan, resp. 2% Trusopt) alebo v dvojkombinácii antiglaukomatík (0,5% Timoptol + 0,005% Xalatan, 2% Trusopt + 0,005% Xalatan, resp. fixná kombinácia 0,5% Timolol + 2% Dorzolamid (COSOPT). VOT bol meraný pred experimentom a v odstupe 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 min a 24 hod po kvapnutí. Pravé oko bolo kontrolné. Výsledky: Samotná aminokyselina L.arginin.HCl v 10% koncentrácii u králikov znížila VOT v porovnaní s kontrolou v priemere o -2,9 torr. Antiglaukomatiká samotné v priemere oproti kontrole znížili fyziologický VOT: 0,5% Timoptol len o -0,69 torr; 0,005% Xalatan o -2,1 torr; 2% Trusopt o -2,45 torr. Zmes 10% L-argininu.HCl v monokombinácii s antiglaukomatikmi znížila v priemere fyziologický VOT oproti kontrole: s 0,5% Timoptolom o -3.32 torr, s 2% Trusoptom o -4,45 torr, s 0,005% Xalatanom len o -2,1 torr. 10% L-arginin.HCl s dvojkombináciou antiglaukomatík znížila fyziologický VOT: s 0,5% Timoptolom + 0,005% Xalatanom o -2,95 torr; 2% Trusoptom + 0,005% Xalatanom o -4,2 torr a s fixnou dvojkombináciou 0,5% Timolol + 2% Dorzolamid (COSOPT) len o -1,8% . Závery: Interakciou špecifickej aminokyseliny s príslušným antiglaukomatikom vzniká nová bioaktívna substancia, ktorá má väčší účinok na zníženie fyziologickej hladiny VOT u králikov, ako samostane aplikované antiglaukomatiká. Je to podmienené lepším prestupom ku receptorom vo vráskovci. V experimentoch v zmesi aminokyseliny L-arginínu.HCl s antiglaukomami sa do spojovkového vaku oka aplikuje za in vitro podmienok pripravený (už hotový) metabolit (označený ako „bio antiglaukomatikum“). Pritom aminokyselina L-arginín.HCl kombinovaná s antiglaukomatikmi Timoptolom alebo Trusoptom v monoaplikácii, resp. s dvojkombináciou Timoptol a Xalatan alebo Trusopt a Xalatan má na VOT králikov v porovnaní s kontrolou až dvojnásobne vyšší účinok.
Purpose: In this work the effect by interaction in vitro free amino acid L-arginine.HCl and selected antiglaucomatic drugs prepared mixtures on the physiological IOP values in rabbits is compare. Methods: The experimental works were performed on 5 female rabbits of the New Zealand White species. After instillation 2 drops of in vitro prepared 10% solution of the amino acid L-arginine.HCl with antiglacoma drugs (0.5% Timoptol, 0.005% Xalatan or 2% Trusopt) alone or in double combination mixtures at 8,00 am. into the left conjunctival sac the IOP was measured before and in 15th, 30th, 60th, 120th, 180th, 240th min. and 24 hours after instillation. The right eye was used as control. Results: The amino acid 10% L-arginine.HCl solution separately decrease the physiologic IOP in rabbit’s in confrontation with control eyes -2.9 torr. After antiglaucomatics separetly the decrease of the IOP were constated -0.69 torr by 0.5% Timoptol, -2.1 torr by 0.005% Xalatan, resp. -2.45 torr by 2% Trusopt. 10% L-arginine.HCl with combination of mono antiglaucomatics mixture decrease the physiologic IOP by 0.5% Timoptol -3.32 torr, by 2% Trusopt -4.45 torr, by 0,005% Xalatan only 2.91 torr. Application of 10% L-arginine-HCl in double combination of antiglaumatics decrease the physiologic IOP by 0.5% Timoptol & 0.005% Xalatan -2.96 torr, by 2% Trusopt & 0.005% Xalatan -4,32 torr and COSOPT (fixed combination of 0.5% Timolol maleat & 2% Dorsolamide.HCl) only -1.8 torr. Conclusions: We assume that the mentioned mixtures were able to decrease the physiologic IOP in rabbits through their better penetration to the receptors of the ciliary body. The mixture of the L-arginine.HCl with antiglaucomaticum Timoptol or Trusopt, resp. double combination of Timoptol & Xalatan or Trusopt & Xalatan was twice as effective as any of the mentioned antiglaucomatic drugs used separately. We conclude that the increased effectivity of the mixtures compared with the separate components is related to the instillation of the by now ready „bioantiglaucomatic”.
- Keywords
- Timoptol, Xalatan, Trusopt,
- MeSH
- Amino Acids administration & dosage MeSH
- Antihypertensive Agents administration & dosage MeSH
- Arginine administration & dosage MeSH
- Drug Combinations MeSH
- Glaucoma drug therapy prevention & control MeSH
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors administration & dosage therapeutic use MeSH
- Rabbits MeSH
- Models, Animal MeSH
- Intraocular Pressure physiology drug effects MeSH
- Ophthalmic Solutions administration & dosage pharmacology therapeutic use MeSH
- Prostaglandins F, Synthetic administration & dosage MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Sulfonamides administration & dosage MeSH
- Thiophenes administration & dosage MeSH
- Timolol administration & dosage MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rabbits MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Comparative Study MeSH
Cílem naší studie bylo analyzovat individualizovaný vzorec mozkového metabolizmu u nikdy neléčených pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie. Metodika: Vyšetřili jsme 8 pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie, kteří nikdy neužívali antipsychotika a byli praváky. Kontrolní skupinu tvořilo 22 duševně zdravých osob. Regionální metabolizmus glukózy byl vyšetřován pomocí 18FDG PET. K vyhodnocení bylo použito oboustranného t-testu a statistického parametrického mapování (SPM99) k porovnání skupin pacientů a kontrol a dále jednotlivých pacientů vůči kontrolnímu souboru. Výsledky: Skupinová analýza ukázala zvýšení metabolizmu v levém i pravém posteriorním mozečku, levém středním temporálním gyru (BA 21), levém fussiformním/parahippokampalním g. (BA 19), levém dolním frontálním g. (BA 45) a levém postcentrálním gyru (BA 1) (korigované p<0.05) u pacientů. Nenašli jsme oblasti s významným snížením mozkového metabolizmu. U čtyř pacientů jsme nalezli zvýšenou aktivitu v post. mozečku, BA 13, BA 40 a u tří pacientů zvýšení v BA 7, BA 19, BA 21, BA 28 a BA 44 (nekorigované p < 0,001) při použití individualizované SPM analýzy. Současné zvýšení metabolizmu v oblasti BA 44 a mozečku, BA 21 a mozečku či BA 13 a BA 40 bylo detekováno 3krát. Závěr: Skupinová analýza detekovala klidový fronto-temporo-cerebellární hypermetabolizmus u antipsychotiky nikdy neléčených pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie. Podobný vzorec hypermetabolizmu jsme detekovali při použití individualizované SPM analýzy u 4 z 8 pacientů.
Aim of our study was to analyse the individualised resting brain metabolic pattern in antipsychotic-naive patients with a first episode of schizophrenia. Methods: We assessed 8 antipsychotic-naive, right handed patients with a first episode of schizophrenia diagnosed according to ICD-10 and the control group of 22 mentally healthy controls. The regional glucose uptake was investigated by the use of 18FDG PET. Image analysis was performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM99). The two sample t-test was used to determine the differences between two groups and between individual patients and control group. Results: Comparisons of glucose brain metabolism between patients with schizophrenia and control group showed a significantly increased metabolism in the left and right posterior cerebellum, the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), the left fussiformis gyrus/parahippocampal g. (BA 19), the left inf. frontal g. (BA 45) and left postcentral g. (BA 1) (p < 0.05, corrected). We did not find any significant decrease of 18FDG uptake in patients group. Using individualised SPM analyses we detected in four cases increased activity in posterior cerebellum, BA 13, BA 40 and in three cases increased activity in BA 7, BA 19, BA 21, BA 28 and BA 44 (p < 0.001, uncorrected). We found coexistent increasing activity in BA 44 and cerebellum, BA 21 and cerebellum and BA 13 and BA 40 three times. Conclusions: Group analyses detected resting fronto-temporo-cerebellar hypermetabolism in antipsychotic naive patients with first episode of schizophrenia. We detected similar pattern of hypermetabolism in four out of eight patients using individualised SPM analysis.
- MeSH
- Acidosis, Lactic MeSH
- Biochemistry MeSH
- Chemistry Techniques, Analytical MeSH
- Electrophoresis MeSH
- Infant MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- DNA, Mitochondrial MeSH
- Mitochondrial Diseases MeSH
- Mitochondrial Proton-Translocating ATPases MeSH
- Mutation genetics MeSH
- Infant, Newborn MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Check Tag
- Infant MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Infant, Newborn MeSH
- Child, Preschool MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
Program epidemiologickej bdelosti zameraný na hemofilové infekcie na Slovensku bol koncipovaný ako pomerne rozsiahla selektívna surveillance, ktorá mala poskytnúť relevantné informácie o výskyte inváznych hemofilových infekcií na Slovensku s konečným cieľom ich kontroly zavedením celoplošného očkovania v rámci imunizačného programu. Surveillance v priebehu 15 rokov trvania prešla vývojom podľa toho, ako bolo potrebné riešiť aktuálne vzniknuté problémy a reagovať na podnety z terénu. Autori poskytujú informácie o výskyte ochorení, diagnostických postupoch a sérologických prehľadoch uskutočnených v rámci multidisciplinárneho prístupu. Po zavedení očkovania bol prístup rozšírený o sledovanie možného replacementu sérotypov, zmeny stavu rezistencie, nosičstva a o sledovanie možného výskytu autoimunitných ochorení súvisiacich s očkovaním proti Hib.
The epidemiological survey programme focused on Haemophilus infections in Slovakia was a broad selective surveillance the purpose of which was to provide relevant information about invasive Haemophilus diseases. The aim was to incorporate the conjugated Hib vaccine to the regular immunisation schedule. 15 years of surveillance revealed several problems and questions that had to be solved. The authors present their experience from the process of collecting and analysing information about the incidence of Hib diseases, the diagnostic algorithm, and the serological survey carried out using a multidisciplinary approach. After the successful implementation of vaccination, its impact was analysed and new questions had to be followed-up, serotype replacement and Hib vaccination related autoimmunity issues being the most acute ones.
- Keywords
- hemofilové invázne ochorenia, surveillance, očkovanie, konjugovaná vakcína, Hib,
- MeSH
- Autoimmunity MeSH
- Autoimmune Diseases complications MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Haemophilus influenzae type b MeSH
- Haemophilus Infections diagnosis prevention & control MeSH
- Haemophilus Vaccines therapeutic use MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Meningitis, Haemophilus diagnosis complications MeSH
- Interdisciplinary Communication MeSH
- Mass Screening MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Vaccination adverse effects MeSH
- Vaccines, Conjugate therapeutic use MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH
Resistance to anthelmintic medication of equid strongyles is a worldwide phenomenon and for this reason systematic investigations of resistant parasite populations are necessary. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence and distribution of equid strongyles resistant to the anthelmintics used in Romania, as well as the pre-treatment and post-treatment prevalence of species of strongylid nematodes. The Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test was performed between 2010 and 2013 on a total number of 588 horses and 23 donkeys from 26 locations (subgroups). Animals of the first group (I) consisting of subgroups no. 1-11 were treated with Albendazole (ABZ), those of the second group (II) consisting of subgroups no. 12-23 with Fenbendazole (FBZ), while Ivermectin (IVM) was used on animals of the third group (III) consisting of subgroups no. 24-26. Resistant strongyles have been found in 82% (average lower limit of the 95% confidence interval, LCL95%, was 65) of the total equids from the group treated with ABZ. In the group of horses treated with FBZ, resistant strongyles were identified in 75% of the subgroups (LCL95% = 44). No resistant strongyles have been identified in IVM-treated horse groups (LCL95% = 98). The pre-treatment prevalence of the species of the Strongylinae Müller, 1780 was 22%, whereas that with nematodes of the subfamily Cyathostominae Molin, 1861 78%. Post-treatment reduction of strongyline nematodes was observed (5%), which demonstrates the sensitivity of large strongyles to common anthelmintics. The post-treatment prevalence of cyathostomes was of 95%, which proves their resistance, especially to ABZ- and FBZ-based anthelmintics.
- MeSH
- Albendazole therapeutic use MeSH
- Equidae parasitology MeSH
- Feces parasitology MeSH
- Fenbendazole therapeutic use MeSH
- Strongylida Infections drug therapy immunology MeSH
- Ivermectin therapeutic use MeSH
- Drug Resistance * MeSH
- Parasite Load MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Strongyloidea * immunology classification MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Romania MeSH
- Keywords
- umělé podmíněné řečové spoje,
- MeSH
- Human Experimentation MeSH
- Phenmetrazine administration & dosage adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Drug Evaluation * MeSH
- Imipramine administration & dosage adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Central Nervous System Agents * adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Meprobamate administration & dosage adverse effects therapeutic use MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Placebos administration & dosage MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
Cíl: V souboru pacientů s neseminomových germinálním tumorem (NSGT) po orchiektomii a platinové chemoterapii jsme hodnotili přínos FDG-PET před resekci reziduálních post-chemoterapeutických ložisek. Metody: Retrospektivně jsme identifikovali 30 nemocných s NSGT, kteří podstoupili resekci rezidua a měli v předoperačním období provedeno FDG-PET/CT. Byla hodnocena specificita, senzitivita, pozitivní a negativní prediktivní hodnota FDG-PET pro odlišení lézí obsahujících nezralé nádorové elementy, zralý teratom a ložiska bez nádorových buněk. Výsledky: Jedenáct (37%) nemocných mělo v předoperačním období FDG-PET hodnocený jako negativní, 17 (57%) jako pozitivní a u dvou (7%) nebylo jednoznačné hodnocení možné. Ve vzorcích z následně provedené resekce reziduálních ložisek byly nezralé nádorové elementy nalezeny u 12 (40%) a zralý teratom u 11 (37%) pacientů, u 7 (23%) nemocných nebyly přítomné nádorové struktury. FDG-PET správně identifikovalo jen 50% lézí s nezralými nádorovými elementy. Na druhou stranu bylo negativní u 13/21 (62%) pacientů s nezralými elementy nebo ložisky zralého teratomu v reziduu, což jsou nálezy vyžadující resekci z důvodu vysokého rizika relapsu. Závěry: Senzitivita, specificita, PPV i NPV vyšetřeni FDG-PET je nedostatečná pro charakterizaci reziduálních ložisek po chemoterapii pro NSGCT. Tato ložiska by měla být pokud možno resekována, a to bez ohledu na výsledek FDG-PET.
Aim: The value of using fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) before residual mass resection was studied in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCTs) after orchiectomy and platinum-based chemotherapy. Methods: Thirty patients with NSGCTs who had been investigated with FDG-PET in the preoperative period were evaluated retrospectively. We have calculated specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of FDG-PET to correctly predict the presence of viable carcinoma, mature teratoma, and necrotic/scar tissue in postchemotherapy residual masses. Results: FDG-PET was evaluated as negative, positive, or inconclusive in 11 (37%), 17 (57%) and 2 (7%) patients, respectively. Histological examination of the resected residual masses showed immature tumour elements, mature teratoma, and no tumour structures in 12 (40%), 11 (37%), and 7 (23%) patients, respectively. FDG-PET correctly identified only 50% of lesions with immature tumour elements. FDG-PET was negative in 13/21 (62%) patients with immature elements and/or mature teratoma - histologies that require surgical resection because of high risk of relapse. Conclusions: Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of FDG-PET were insufficient for characterisation of postchemotherapy residual lesions in NSGCT patients. These residual masses should be resected if technically possible regardless of the FDG-PET result.
- Keywords
- nádory varlat,
- MeSH
- Chemotherapy, Adjuvant MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 diagnostic use MeSH
- Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal MeSH
- Data Interpretation, Statistical MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Multimodal Imaging MeSH
- Positron-Emission Tomography MeSH
- Predictive Value of Tests MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Sensitivity and Specificity MeSH
- Statistics as Topic MeSH
- Therapeutics MeSH
- Testicular Neoplasms diagnosis surgery MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH