Nádory gastroesophageální junkce (GEJ) a žaludku vzhledem k vysoké incidenci globálně představují závažný medicínský problém. Převážná část těchto onemocnění je diagnostikována v lokoregionálně pokročilém a/nebo metastatickém stadiu, které vyžaduje komplexní multidisciplinární přístup. Základem léčby lokoregionálně pokročilých stadií je systémová perioperační terapie, která prokazatelně zlepšuje prognózu pacientů. S cílem dalšího zlepšení je standardní perioperační chemoterapie kombinována s imunoterapií. Cílem tohoto sdělení je podat přehled současných doporučení a nových směrů léčby lokoregionálně pokročilých stadií nádorů GEJ a žaludku.
Given the high incidence of gastroesophageal junction (OGJ) and gastric tumours globally, they represent a major medical problem. The majority of these diseases are diagnosed at a locoregionally advanced and/or metastatic stage, which requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach. The mainstay of treatment of locoregionally advanced stages is systemic perioperative therapy, which has been shown to improve patient prognosis. With the aim of further improvement, standard perioperative chemotherapy is combined with immunotherapy. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of current recommendations and new treatment guidelines for locoregionally advanced stages of OGJ and gastric cancer.
- MeSH
- antitumorózní látky * aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- chemoradioterapie MeSH
- farmakoterapie metody MeSH
- gastroezofageální junkce patologie MeSH
- gastrointestinální nádory * chirurgie farmakoterapie terapie MeSH
- imunoterapie metody MeSH
- klinická studie jako téma MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze II jako téma MeSH
- kombinovaná farmakoterapie metody MeSH
- kombinovaná terapie metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory žaludku chirurgie farmakoterapie terapie MeSH
- neoadjuvantní terapie MeSH
- perioperační péče metody MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie jako téma MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Úvod: Endoskopická vakuová terapie (EVT) se stala důležitým nástrojem v léčbě defektů jícnu, jako jsou dehiscence anastomóz, píštěle a perforace. Studie prezentuje první zkušenosti s EVT v Ústřední vojenské nemocnici v Praze. Metody: Byla provedena retrospektivní analýza dat pacientů léčených EVT pro defekty jícnu v období od května 2020 do května 2024. Zahrnuti byli pacienti s dokončenou léčbou a 30denním sledováním. EVT byla zahájena v kombinaci s jinou endoskopickou/chirurgickou metodou, nebo bez nich. Primárním cílem byla úspěšnost uzávěru defektu, sekundárními cíli byly délka a charakteristika léčby, 30denní letalita a komplikace. Výsledky: Z celkem dvanácti léčených pacientů dokončilo deset pacientů (osm mužů, průměrný věk 65,2 let) 30denní sledování. V devíti z deseti případů byla příčinou defektu jícnu dehiscence po operaci jícnu, jeden pacient měl spontánní perforaci jícnu. Úspěšný uzávěr s použitím, nebo bez použití dalších endoskopických či chirurgických léčebných metod byl dosažen u osmi z deseti pacientů (80 %). Průměrná délka léčby byla 18,9 ± 11,1 dne a průměrný početEso-SPONGE na pacienta byl 5,1 ± 3,4. Léčbu pouze pomocí EVT měli dva pacienti z deseti, osm z deseti mělo kombinaci s jinou modalitou. Celková hospitalizační letalita byla 30 %, 30denní letalita 20 %. U dvou pacientů (20 %) se rozvinula stenóza v místě anastomózy a původního defektu, jiné komplikace léčby nebyly zaznamenány. Závěr: EVT se prokázala jako efektivní a bezpečná metoda v léčbě defektů jícnu, avšak její úspěšnost je často dosažena v kombinaci s jinými léčebnými modalitami, zejm. s chirurgickou přídatnou drenáží. Léčba je založena na multioborové spolupráci. Většina pacientů vyžadovala kombinovaný léčebný přístup.
Introduction: Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) has become an important tool in the treatment of esophageal defects such as anastomotic leaks, fistulas and perforations. The study presents the first experience with EVT at the Military University Hospital in Prague. Methods: A retrospective analysis of data from patients treated for esophageal defects using EVT from May 2020 to May 2024 was performed. Patients with completed treatment and 30-day fol low-up were included. EVT was initiated without or in combination with another endoscopic/surgical method. The primary endpoint of the analysis was the success rate of defect closure, the secondary objectives were the duration and characteristics of treatment, 30-day lethality and complications of EVT. Results: Overall, 12 patients have been treated during the study period, of which10 patients (8 men, mean age 65.2 years) completed a 30-day fol low-up and were included into the analysis. In 9/10 cases, the cause of the esophageal defect was anastomotic leak after esophageal surgery, 1 patient had spontaneous esophageal perforation. Successful closure with or without the use of other endoscopic or surgical treatment methods was achieved in 8/10 patients (80%). The mean duration of treatment was 18.9 ± 11.1 days, and the mean number of Eso-SPONGEs used per patient was 5.1 ± 3.4. Two patients (2/10) were treated with EVT alone, 8/10 in combination with another modality. The overall hospitalization lethality was 30%, the 30-day lethality was 20%. Two patients (20%) developed stricture at the site of anastomotic defect, but we have not experienced any ther complications of EVT treatment. Conclusion: EVT has proven to be an effective and safe method for the treatment of esophageal defects, but its success is often achieved in combination with other treatment modalities, especially surgical adjunctive drainage.The treatment is based on multidisciplinary approach and most patients required combination of treatment modalitites.
- Klíčová slova
- endoskopická vakuová terapie,
- MeSH
- dehiscence operační rány terapie MeSH
- ezofágus * patologie MeSH
- gastroskopie * metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- perforace jícnu terapie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
BACKGROUND: Dupilumab is a human monoclonal antibody that blocks interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 pathways and has shown efficacy in five different atopic diseases marked by type 2 inflammation, including eosinophilic esophagitis in adults and adolescents. METHODS: In this phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned, in a 2:2:1:1 ratio, patients 1 to 11 years of age with active eosinophilic esophagitis who had had no response to proton-pump inhibitors to 16 weeks of a higher-exposure or lower-exposure subcutaneous dupilumab regimen or to placebo (two groups) (Part A). At the end of Part A, eligible patients in each dupilumab group continued the same regimen and those in the placebo groups were assigned to higher-exposure or lower-exposure dupilumab for 36 weeks (Part B). At each level of exposure, dupilumab was administered in one of four doses tiered according to baseline body weight. The primary end point was histologic remission (peak esophageal intraepithelial eosinophil count, ≤6 per high-power field) at week 16. Key secondary end points were tested hierarchically. RESULTS: In Part A, histologic remission occurred in 25 of the 37 patients (68%) in the higher-exposure group, in 18 of the 31 patients (58%) in the lower-exposure group, and in 1 of the 34 patients (3%) in the placebo group (difference between the higher-exposure regimen and placebo, 65 percentage points [95% confidence interval {CI}, 48 to 81; P<0.001]; difference between the lower-exposure regimen and placebo, 55 percentage points [95% CI, 37 to 73; P<0.001]). The higher-exposure dupilumab regimen led to significant improvements in histologic, endoscopic, and transcriptomic measures as compared with placebo. The improvements in histologic, endoscopic, and transcriptomic measures between baseline and week 52 in all the patients were generally similar to the improvements between baseline and week 16 in the patients who received dupilumab in Part A. In Part A, the incidence of coronavirus disease 2019, nausea, injection-site pain, and headache was at least 10 percentage points higher among the patients who received dupilumab (at either dose) than among those who received placebo. Serious adverse events were reported in 3 patients who received dupilumab during Part A and in 6 patients overall during Part B. CONCLUSIONS: Dupilumab resulted in histologic remission in a significantly higher percentage of children with eosinophilic esophagitis than placebo. The higher-exposure dupilumab regimen also led to improvements in measures of key secondary end points as compared with placebo. (Funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; EoE KIDS ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04394351.).
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- dvojitá slepá metoda MeSH
- eozinofilní ezofagitida * farmakoterapie MeSH
- eozinofily účinky léků MeSH
- ezofágus patologie MeSH
- humanizované monoklonální protilátky * terapeutické užití škodlivé účinky MeSH
- indukce remise MeSH
- injekce subkutánní MeSH
- interleukin-13 antagonisté a inhibitory MeSH
- interleukin-4 antagonisté a inhibitory MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- vztah mezi dávkou a účinkem léčiva MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- kojenec MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- předškolní dítě MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze III MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
Introduction: Na experimentálnu verifikáciu vitality žalúdočného tubulu pred ezofagektómiou je nevyhnutná existencia jednoduchého modelu. Ischémia je hlavná príčina dehiscencie ezofagogastrickej anastomózy a následného leaku anastomózy. Ischemická príprava žalúdočného tubulu pred ezofagektómiou je potencionálna možnosť ako zamedziť rozvoju nežiaducich komplikácií. Avšak technika ako aj optimálne načasovanie ischemizácie ostávajú nejasné. Metody: Samce potkanov plemena Sprague-Dawley (n=24) boli náhodne rozdelené do štyroch skupín: ischemická skupina s odberom vzoriek po 1 hodine od ischémie (I1H), ischemická skupina s odberom vzoriek 1 deň od ischémie (I1D), ischemická skupina s odberom vzoriek 7 dní od ischémie (I7D) a kontrolná skupina (C). Ischémia bola navodená ligáciou a. gastrica sinistra a aa. gastricae breves. Vzorky boli histologicky a makroskopicky verifikované a stanovený bol počet a percentuálne zastúpenie jednotlivých imunokompetentných buniek. Výsledky: V skupine I1H bola pozorovaná ischemická denudácia s mukozálnymi eróziami a celkový počet eozinofilov bol signifikantne vyšší (p<0.05) v tejto skupine v porovnaní so skupinami I1D a I7D. V skupine I1D bola pozorovaná redukcia zápalu a parciálna regenerácia žalúdočnej mukózy. V skupine I7D bola pozorovaná takmer kompletná architektonická regenerácia žalúdočného epitelu a počet polymorfonukleárov bol signifikantne nižší (p<0,05) ako v skupine I1D. Záver: Ischemické poškodenie ligáciou žalúdočných tepien bolo predominantne pozorované v skupinách I1H a I1D avšak nie v skupine I7D. Táto práca prezentuje jednoduchú metódu verifikácie ischemických zmien žalúdočného tubulu.
Introduction: A reproducible and simple model is essential for verifying gastric conduit vitality before esophagectomy. Ischemia is a major cause of esophagogastric anastomotic dehiscence and leakage. Ischemic conditioning of the stomach prior to esophageal surgery has been shown to lower the incidence of postoperative complications, including anastomotic leakage. However, the optimal timing and technique of ischemization remain uncertain. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=24) were randomly divided into four groups: ischemic group – samples collected 1 hour after ischemia (I1H), ischemic group – samples collected 1 day after ischemia (I1D), ischemic group – samples collected 7 days after ischemia (I7D), and control group (C). Ischemia was induced by ligation of the left gastric (LGA) and short gastric arteries (SGA). The samples were verified using histological and macroscopic analysis, and the number and percentage of immunocompetent cells were determined. Results: One hour after ischemization (I1H), ischemic denudation with mucosal erosion was observed, and the total number of eosinophils was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the I1H group compared to the I1D and I7D groups. One day after ischemia (I1D), there was a reduction in the inflammatory response with partial regeneration of gastric mucosa. In the I7D group, nearly complete architectural regeneration of mucosal epithelium was documented. The total count of polymorphonuclears was significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to the I1D group. Conclusion: Ischemic mucosal injury after LGA and SGA ligation was observed dominantly in the I1H and I1D groups, but not in I7D group. In conclusion, this study presents a simple method for verifying gastric ischemic changes.
- MeSH
- anastomóza chirurgická * MeSH
- ezofagektomie metody MeSH
- ezofágus chirurgie krevní zásobení patologie MeSH
- ischemický postconditioning metody MeSH
- krysa rodu rattus MeSH
- netěsnost anastomózy etiologie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- potkani Sprague-Dawley MeSH
- žaludek chirurgie krevní zásobení patologie MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- krysa rodu rattus MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Long-term outcome data are limited for non-achalasia esophageal motility disorders treated by peroral endoscopy myotomy (POEM) as a separate group. We investigated a subset of symptomatic patients with hypercontractile esophagus (Jackhammer esophagus). METHODS: Forty two patients (mean age 60.9 years; 57% female, mean Eckardt score 6.2 ± 2.1) treated by primary peroral myotomy for symptomatic Jackhammer esophagus 2012-2018 in seven European centers were retrospectively analyzed; myotomy included the lower esophageal sphincter but did not extend more than 1 cm into the cardia in contrast to POEM for achalasia. Manometry data were re-reviewed by an independent expert. The main outcome was the failure rate defined by retreatment or an Eckardt score >3 after at least two years following POEM. RESULTS: Despite 100% technical success (mean intervention time 107 ± 48.9 min, mean myotomy length 16.2 ± 3.7 cm), the 2-year success rate was 64.3% in the entire group. In a subgroup analysis, POEM failure rates were significantly different between Jackhammer-patients without (n = 22), and with esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction (EGJOO, n = 20) (13.6% % vs. 60%, p = 0.003) at a follow-up of 46.5 ± 19.0 months. Adverse events occurred in nine cases (21.4%). 14 (33.3%) patients were retreated, two with surgical fundoplication due to reflux. Including retreatments, an improvement in symptom severity was found in 33 (78.6%) at the end of follow-up (Eckardt score ≤3, mean Eckardt change 4.34, p < 0.001). EGJOO (p = 0.01) and frequency of hypercontractile swallows (p = 0.02) were predictors of POEM failure. The development of a pseudodiverticulum was observed in four cases within the subgroup of EGJOO. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with symptomatic Jackhammer without EGJOO benefit from POEM in long-term follow-up. Treatment of Jackhammer with EGJOO, however, remains challenging and probably requires full sphincter myotomy and future studies which should address the pathogenesis of this variant and alternative strategies.
- MeSH
- achalázie jícnu chirurgie diagnóza patofyziologie MeSH
- dolní jícnový svěrač chirurgie patofyziologie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- endoskopické operace přirozenými otvory metody škodlivé účinky MeSH
- ezofágoskopie metody MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- manometrie * metody MeSH
- myotomie * metody MeSH
- následné studie MeSH
- poruchy motility jícnu * chirurgie diagnóza etiologie MeSH
- retrospektivní studie MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
PURPOSE: Open-label phase II study (RELATIVITY-060) to investigate the efficacy and safety of first-line nivolumab, a PD-1-blocking antibody, plus relatlimab, a lymphocyte-activation gene 3 (LAG-3)-blocking antibody, plus chemotherapy in patients with previously untreated advanced gastric cancer (GC) or gastroesophageal junction cancer (GEJC). METHODS: Patients with unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic GC/GEJC were randomly assigned 1:1 to nivolumab + relatlimab (fixed-dose combination) + chemotherapy or nivolumab + chemotherapy. The primary end point was objective response rate (ORR; per RECIST v1.1 by blinded independent central review [BICR]) in patients whose tumors had LAG-3 expression ≥1%. RESULTS: Of 274 patients, 138 were randomly assigned to nivolumab + relatlimab + chemotherapy and 136 to nivolumab + chemotherapy. Median follow-up was 11.9 months. In patients with LAG-3 expression ≥1%, BICR-assessed ORR (95% CI) was 48% (38 to 59) in the nivolumab + relatlimab + chemotherapy arm and 61% (51 to 71) in the nivolumab + chemotherapy arm; median progression-free survival (95% CI) by BICR was 7.0 months (5.8 to 8.4) versus 8.3 months (6.9 to 12.1; hazard ratio [HR], 1.41 [95% CI, 0.97 to 2.05]), and median overall survival (95% CI) was 13.5 months (11.9 to 19.1) versus 16.0 months (10.9 to not estimable; HR, 1.04 [95% CI, 0.70 to 1.54]), respectively. Grade 3 or 4 treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) occurred in 69% and 61% of all treated patients, and 42% and 36% of patients discontinued because of any-grade TRAEs in the nivolumab + relatlimab + chemotherapy and nivolumab + chemotherapy arms, respectively. CONCLUSION: RELATIVITY-060 did not meet its primary end point of improved ORR in patients with LAG-3 expression ≥1% when relatlimab was added to nivolumab + chemotherapy compared with nivolumab + chemotherapy. Further studies are needed to address whether adding anti-LAG-3 to anti-PD-1 plus chemotherapy can benefit specific GC/GEJC patient subgroups.
- MeSH
- adenokarcinom * farmakoterapie patologie mortalita MeSH
- doba přežití bez progrese choroby MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- gastroezofageální junkce * patologie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory jícnu * farmakoterapie patologie mortalita MeSH
- nádory žaludku * farmakoterapie patologie mortalita MeSH
- nivolumab * terapeutické užití aplikace a dávkování škodlivé účinky MeSH
- protein genu 3 aktivace lymfocytů * MeSH
- protokoly antitumorózní kombinované chemoterapie * terapeutické užití škodlivé účinky MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze II MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
- MeSH
- gastroezofageální junkce patologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- metastázy nádorů MeSH
- nádory jícnu * terapie MeSH
- nádory mozku chirurgie radioterapie sekundární MeSH
- paclitaxel farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- protokoly antitumorózní kombinované chemoterapie MeSH
- ramucirumab farmakologie terapeutické užití MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
- MeSH
- chirurgie plic dějiny metody přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- ezofágus chirurgie MeSH
- hrudní chirurgie * dějiny metody přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- miniinvazivní chirurgické výkony dějiny metody MeSH
- trachea chirurgie MeSH
- transplantace plic dějiny MeSH
- Check Tag
- dějiny 20. století MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- historické články MeSH
OBJECTIVE: To compare changes in oesophageal (T-Oeso) and rectal (T-Rec) temperature in dogs during general anaesthesia and premedicated with fentanyl, medetomidine-fentanyl or acepromazine-fentanyl. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, blind clinical study. ANIMALS: A total of 120 healthy dogs, aged 2-10 years and weighing 5-20 kg. METHODS: Dogs were randomly allocated to one of three groups. Animals of F group were premedicated with fentanyl (0.01 mg kg-1), MF group with medetomidine (0.005 mg kg-1) and fentanyl (0.01 mg kg-1) and AF group with acepromazine (0.01 mg kg-1) and fentanyl (0.01 mg kg-1). Anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen-air mixture. Fentanyl was administered continuously (0.01 mg kg-1 hour-1). The T-Oeso, T-Rec and ambient temperatures were recorded after induction (T0) and subsequently at 10 minute intervals for 60 minutes (T10-T60). Data were analysed using anova or their non-parametric equivalents (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Median T-Oeso was significantly higher in MF group between T0-T20 compared with other groups. Median T-Oeso significantly decreased in F group from 38.0 °C (T0) to 37.4 °C (T30), 37.1 °C (T40), 36.9 °C (T50) and 36.6 °C (T60), in MF group from 38.3 °C (T0) to 37.7 °C (T30), 37.5 °C (T40), 37.2 °C (T50) and 37.1 °C (T60) and in AF group from 37.7 °C (T0) to 37.3 °C (T40), 37.2 °C (T50) and 37.1 °C (T60). The T-Rec significantly decreased in F group from 38.0 °C (T0) to 37.4 °C (T40), 37.2 °C (T50) and 36.9 °C (T60), in MF group from 38.3 °C (T0) to 37.5 °C (T50) and 37.4 °C (T60) and in AF group from 38.2 °C (T0) to 37.6 °C (T40), 37.5 °C (T50) and 37.4 °C (T60). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Premedication with fentanyl, medetomidine-fentanyl or acepromazine-fentanyl in the doses used decreased the T-Oeso and T-Rec. The T-Oeso at the beginning of anaesthesia was higher after premedication with medetomidine-fentanyl. However, this difference was not clinically significant.
- MeSH
- acepromazin * farmakologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- anestetika intravenózní farmakologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- celková anestezie veterinární MeSH
- ezofágus účinky léků MeSH
- fentanyl * farmakologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- kombinace anestetik aplikace a dávkování farmakologie MeSH
- medetomidin * farmakologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- premedikace anestezie veterinární MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- psi MeSH
- rektum MeSH
- tělesná teplota * účinky léků MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- psi MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie veterinární MeSH
BACKGROUND: Both anastomotic leak (AL) and conduit necrosis (CN) after oesophagectomy are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the identification of preoperative, modifiable risk factors is desirable. The aim of this study was to generate a risk scoring model for AL and CN after oesophagectomy. METHODS: Patients undergoing curative resection for oesophageal cancer were identified from the international Oesophagogastric Anastomosis Audit (OGAA) from April 2018-December 2018. Definitions for AL and CN were those set out by the Oesophageal Complications Consensus Group. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify risk factors for both AL and CN. A risk score was then produced for both AL and CN using the derivation set, then internally validated using the validation set. RESULTS: This study included 2247 oesophagectomies across 137 hospitals in 41 countries. The AL rate was 14.2% and CN rate was 2.7%. Preoperative factors that were independent predictors of AL were cardiovascular comorbidity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The risk scoring model showed insufficient predictive ability in internal validation (area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve [AUROC] = 0.618). Preoperative factors that were independent predictors of CN were: body mass index, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, previous myocardial infarction and smoking history. These were converted into a risk-scoring model and internally validated using the validation set with an AUROC of 0.775. CONCLUSION: Despite a large dataset, AL proves difficult to predict using preoperative factors. The risk-scoring model for CN provides an internally validated tool to estimate a patient's risk preoperatively.
- MeSH
- anastomóza chirurgická * MeSH
- chronická obstrukční plicní nemoc MeSH
- ezofagektomie * MeSH
- ezofágus chirurgie patologie MeSH
- hodnocení rizik MeSH
- index tělesné hmotnosti MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory jícnu * chirurgie patologie MeSH
- nekróza * MeSH
- netěsnost anastomózy * epidemiologie etiologie MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- ROC křivka MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- žaludek chirurgie patologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH