First edition 32 stran : ilustrace ; 30 cm
The ISO 12913 series on soundscape was developed in order to enable a broad international consensus and to provide a foundation for communication across disciplines and professions with an interest in soundscape.
- Conspectus
- Mechanické kmity. Akustika
- NML Fields
- fyzika, biofyzika
Background: Australia is currently in the process of deploying a national personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR). This is being built using a combination of international standards and profiles as well as Australian Standards and with specifications developed by the National eHealth Transition Authority (NeHTA). Objective: There exists a poor appreciation of how the complex construction of the overall system is supported and protected by multiple international standards. These fundamental underpinnings have been sourced from international standards groups such as Health Level Seven (HL7) and Integrating the Health Enterprise (IHE) as well as developed locally. In addition, other services underlie this infrastructure such as secure messaging, the national Health Identification Service and the National Authentication Service for Health (NASH). Methods: An analysis of the national e-health system demonstrates how this model of standards and service integration results in a complex service oriented architecture. Results: The expected benefits from the integrated yet highly dependent nature of the national ehealth system are improved patient outcomes and significant cost savings. These are grounded and balanced by the current and future challenges that include incorporating the PCEHR into clincial workfiows and ensuring relevant, timely, detailed clinical data as well as consistent security policy issues and unquantified security threats. Conclusions: Ultimately, Australia has designed an ambitious yet diverse and integrated architecture. What remains to be seen is if the challenges that the medical software industry and clinical community face in leveraging the political process in order to encourage provider and public participation in ehealth, can be achieved despite the sound underpinnings of international standards.
- MeSH
- Information Systems MeSH
- Medical Informatics * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Reference Standards * MeSH
- Health Services Administration MeSH
- Records MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Geographicals
- Australia MeSH
Harmonizace výsledků měření v klinických laboratořích je zcela nezbytná k dosažení klinické efektivity laboratorního vyšetřování, jeho finanční efektivity a k redukci rizika pacientů v diagnostických a terapeutických procesech, způsobeného chybami měření. Podstatou harmonizace je dosažení hodnot referenčních intervalů a rozhodovacích diagnostických limitů, nezávislých na použité metodě měření a na laboratoři měření provádějící. Nástrojem harmonizace výsledků je standardizace metod měření, realizovaná návazností rutinních metod na referenční postupy a materiály. Data, popisující realizaci a možnosti harmonizace jsou uvedena zejména na obecně přístupných stránkách IFCC, JCTLM, NIST, IRMM. Je pojednáno o Stockholmské deklaraci kvality standardizačních procesů, o nevhodně malé šíři standardizace, o nedostatečné úrovni její dokumentace ze strany výrobců.
Harmonization of laboratory results is necessary for approaching the clinical and economical effectiveness in laboratory examinations and also to reduction of patients risk in diagnostic and therapeutic processess due to measurement errors. Harmonization of results in clinical laboratories is based on the standardization of measurement methods and standardization is realized by traceability chains from reference procedures and certified reference materials to calibration of routine methods. The main goal of harmonization is establishment of commonly valid values of reference intervals and/or diagnostic decision limit, values independent on the used measurement nethods and location of laboratories. Communication introduces describing data on the harmonization, produced namely by IFCC, JCTLM, NIST, IRMM-EU. We also deal with Stockholm quality declaration, with the narrow spectrum of harmonized methods, and with the lack of suitable level of working documentation provided by producers of diagnostics.
- MeSH
- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures * MeSH
- Diagnostic Equipment standards MeSH
- Clinical Laboratory Techniques * methods standards MeSH
- Total Quality Management MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Decision Support Techniques MeSH
- Specimen Handling methods standards MeSH
- Reference Values MeSH
- Reference Standards MeSH
- Quality Control MeSH
- Laboratory Proficiency Testing MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
V souvislosti s narůstajícím objemem dostupných klinických dat dochází ke stále častějším aplikacím metod tzv. dolování dat („data-mining“) v klinickém výzkumu a praxi. Celý proces data-miningu lze rozdělit na řadu samostatných a poměrně snadno uchopitelných kroků od uložení dat a jejich přípravy, přes pochopení datové struktury souboru až po modelování a extrakci využitelných poznatků. Ve vytvořeném e-kurzu přinášíme kromě teoretického popisu metod i řadu řešených případových studií, např. při mapování genové exprese nebo při modelování strukturovaných dat z klinické praxe.
Data mining has become a standard approach in many fields of clinical research. The whole data-mining process can be divided into sets of simple logical steps from the data preparation and validation, through definition of data structure and statistical description, up to data modelling and mining. The newly developed e-learning course addresses all the main steps of the data mining together with case studies of microarrays data analysis.
- Keywords
- CRISP-DM, microarrays,
- MeSH
- Data Mining * MeSH
- Multimedia utilization MeSH
- Computer-Assisted Instruction * MeSH
- Education, Professional methods MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Objectives: Aiming to strengthen EU citizens' fundamental privacy rights in the digital age the new European General Data Protection Regulation shall apply from May 25th 2018. It will require companies processing personal data to implement a set of organizational and technical controls for ensuring proper handling of these data. Obviously this applies for companies providing eHealth services. As HL7 offers a lot of material to support security and privacy for handling personal healthcare data, this paper aims at showing which HL7 standards and components can be used to support the implementation of GDPR related controls. Methods: The paper shows some key facts of the European GDPR as well as analyzes HL7 standards and components in the security and privacy domain to provide a basic mapping. Results: As a result the paper provides a table mapping HL7 artifacts to GDPR requirements. Conclusion: The paper shows, that consequently using HL7 security and privacy standards and components e fficiently helps to implement GDPR requirements.