BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gastric restriction techniques have recently emerged as minimally invasive bariatric procedures. Endoscopic sutured gastroplasty (ESG) with the Endomina (Endo Tools Therapeutics, Gosselies, Belgium) triangulation platform proved to be safe and effective for the treatment of class I and II obesity in prospective studies. In this registry, we aimed to further assess on a larger scale the safety and efficacy of the procedure in routine practice with a dedicated device. METHODS: This was a multicenter, observational, prospective post-market study including patients with obesity undergoing Endomina ESG. The primary safety outcome was the occurrence of serious adverse device effects (SADEs) at 12 months. The primary efficacy outcome was the technical success defined by completing the procedure without premature abortion owing to technical issues. The rates of procedure-related adverse events, weight loss outcomes, and quality of life changes were collected. RESULTS: A total of 142 patients underwent ESG in 3 centers from July 2020 to March 2023. Of these, 67 (mean body mass index, 38.5 ± 6.3 kg/m2) reached at least 12 months of follow-up up to October 2022. Technical success was 100%. No SADEs occurred. Seven mild procedure-related adverse events were reported overall. Mean percentage of excess weight loss and total body weight loss at 12 months' follow-up were 48.5% ± 38.6 and 15.3% ± 10.6, respectively (n = 67). Improved quality of life was observed following ESG. CONCLUSIONS: ESG is safe and effective, thus offering a satisfactory therapeutic option for a wide range of obese patients on a large scale.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- gastroplastika * metody škodlivé účinky MeSH
- gastroskopie metody MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- morbidní obezita chirurgie MeSH
- obezita chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- pooperační komplikace MeSH
- postmarketingový dozor * MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- multicentrická studie MeSH
- pozorovací studie MeSH
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) has recognized the need to formalize and enhance training in diagnostic endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). This manuscript represents the outcome of a formal Delphi process resulting in an official Position Statement of the ESGE and provides a framework to develop and maintain skills in diagnostic EUS. This curriculum is set out in terms of the prerequisites prior to training; the recommended steps of training to a defined syllabus; the quality of training; and how competence should be defined and evidenced before independent practice. 1: Trainees should have achieved competence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy before training in diagnostic EUS. 2: The development of diagnostic EUS skills by methods that do not involve patients is advisable, but not mandatory, prior to commencing formal training in diagnostic EUS. 3: A trainee's principal trainer should be performing adequate volumes of diagnostic EUSs to demonstrate maintenance of their own competence. 4: Training centers for diagnostic EUS should offer expertise, as well as a high volume of procedures per year, to ensure an optimal level of quality for training. Under these conditions, training centers should be able to provide trainees with a sufficient wealth of experience in diagnostic EUS for at least 12 months. 5: Trainees should engage in formal training and supplement this with a range of learning resources for diagnostic EUS, including EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration and biopsy (FNA/FNB). 6: EUS training should follow a structured syllabus to guide the learning program. 7: A minimum procedure volume should be offered to trainees during diagnostic EUS training to ensure that they have the opportunity to achieve competence in the technique. To evaluate competence in diagnostic EUS, trainees should have completed a minimum of 250 supervised EUS procedures: 80 for luminal tumors, 20 for subepithelial lesions, and 150 for pancreaticobiliary lesions. At least 75 EUS-FNA/FNBs should be performed, including mostly pancreaticobiliary lesions. 8: Competence assessment in diagnostic EUS should take into consideration not only technical skills, but also cognitive and integrative skills. A reliable valid assessment tool should be used regularly during diagnostic EUS training to track the acquisition of competence and to support trainee feedback. 9: A period of supervised practice should follow the start of independent activity. Supervision can be delivered either on site if other colleagues are already practicing EUS or by maintaining contacts with the training center and/or other EUS experts. 10: Key performance measures including the annual number of procedures, frequency of obtaining a diagnostic sample during EUS-FNA/FNB, and adverse events should be recorded within an electronic documentation system and evaluated.
- MeSH
- biopsie tenkou jehlou pod endosonografickou kontrolou MeSH
- endosonografie metody MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie * výchova MeSH
- kurikulum * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
BACKGROUND: STARDUST, a phase 3b randomised trial, compared ustekinumab therapeutic strategies in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) using early endoscopic assessment and treat-to-target (T2T) versus standard of care (SoC). AIM: To assess the efficacy of ustekinumab extended treatment in a long-term extension (LTE) of up to 104 weeks with dosing adapted according to clinical, biomarker and endoscopy outcomes. METHODS: Adults with moderately-to-severely active CD received intravenous ustekinumab approximating 6 mg/kg at Week 0 and subcutaneous ustekinumab 90 mg at Week 8. At Week 16, 440 ≥70-point responders were randomised to T2T or SoC and 323 entered the LTE. At Week 48, a unified, protocol-defined ustekinumab dose frequency escalation/de-escalation was applied based on achieving endoscopic remission and corticosteroid-free clinical remission. Achieving corticosteroid-free clinical remission and biomarker remission at consecutive visits determined ustekinumab dosing frequency. Dichotomous variables were analysed using non-responder imputation. RESULTS: Among patients who entered the LTE, 7.7%, 48.6% and 43.7% received doses every 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. Ustekinumab dose frequency was escalated in 23.5% and de-escalated in 19.7%. Endoscopic response and remission rates were 28.9% and 10.73% (all randomised) and 39.3% and 14.6% (patients entering the LTE), respectively, at Week 104. Clinical remissiona rates at week 104 were 50.2% (all randomised) and 68.4% (patients entering the LTE). There were no new safety signals. CONCLUSION: STARDUST LTE is the first interventional ustekinumab efficacy study to show a favourable benefit-risk profile with preservation of clinical and endoscopic outcomes through Week 104 using flexible, algorithm-driven dose adjustment including de-escalation.
- MeSH
- biologické markery analýza MeSH
- Crohnova nemoc * farmakoterapie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie MeSH
- indukce remise MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ustekinumab * terapeutické užití MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- klinické zkoušky, fáze III MeSH
Národní program screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu (KRK) probíhá v České republice od roku 2000 a je příkladem mezioborové spolupráce. Podílí se na něm specialisté z oboru gastroenterologie, praktického lékařství, gynekologie a klinické biochemie. Program je založen na dvou základních metodách – screeningovém imunochemickém testu na okultní krvácení do stolice (iTOKS, FIT) a preventivní koloskopii (TOKS-pozitivní a screeningová koloskopie). O jeho efektivitě vypovídají vysoké počty zachycených kolorektálních prekancerózních a maligních lézí. V letech 2006–2023 bylo v rámci programu provedeno 531 362 preventivních koloskopií, diagnostikováno 202 575 pacientů s adenomy (38,1 %) a 14 473 s karcinomy (2,7 %). Kvalita programu je monitorována na základě indikátorů kvality, které jsou zaměřeny na organizaci (pokrytí cílové populace) i jednotlivé metody. Pokrytí screeningovými testy ve standardním dvouletém sledování se dlouhodobě pohybuje okolo 30 %, v roce 2023 činilo 30,0 % (s výjimkou let 2020 a 2021, kdy došlo k přechodnému poklesu pokrytí na 27 % z důvodu pandemie onemocnění covidem-19). Epidemiologické ukazatele ovlivňují i nescreeningové testy, pokrytí všemi relevantními metodami ve dvouletém intervalu činilo 37,5 % v roce 2023. Koloskopie je hodnocena šesti parametry (počet vyšetření, střevní očista, totální koloskopie, záchyt adenomů celkově, u žen a u mužů). Všechny tyto indikátory splňovalo v roce 2023 celkem 72 % center pro screeningovou koloskopii. Přístroje analyzující TOKS musejí nově procházet pravidelným externím hodnocením kvality (EHK). To by mělo vést také k optimalizaci pozitivity testů, která v roce 2023 dosahovala hodnoty 9,1 %. I díky programu screeningu KRK lze pozorovat příznivé epidemiologické trendy KRK, kdy v letech 2000–2022 došlo k poklesu incidence o 32,3 % a mortality o 47,8 %. Budoucnost programu spočívá v jeho dalším zefektivňování. Cílem je navýšení pokrytí cílové populace při udržení a dalším zvyšování kvality tak, aby byl program realizovatelný a průchodný.
The National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program has been conducted in the Czech Republic since 2000 and serves as an example of interdisciplinary collaboration. Specialists from gastroenterology, general practice, gynecology, and clinical biochemistry are involved in the program. It is based on two primary methods: the screening fecal immunochemical test for occult bleeding (iFOBT, FIT) and preventive colonoscopy (FOBT-positive colonoscopy and screening colonoscopy). The program‘s effectiveness is evidenced by the high number of detected colorectal precancerous and malignant lesions. Between 2006 and 2023, a total of 531,362 preventive colonoscopies were performed, diagnosing 202,575 patients with adenomas (38.1%) and 14,473 patients with cancers (2.7%). Program quality is monitored by indicators focused on both organization (target population coverage) and screening methods. Coverage with screening tests in a 2-year interval has consistently ranged around 30%, except between 2020 and 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic (27%), reaching 30.0% in 2023. Non-screening tests also affect epidemiological indicators, with total coverage by all relevant methods in a 2-year interval in 2023 amounting to 37.5%. Colonoscopies are evaluated using six parameters (number of examinations, bowel preparation quality, total colonoscopies, and adenoma detection rate in total, in both women and men). In 2023, 72% of screening colonoscopy centers met all of these indicators. FOBT analyzers now must have the regular external quality assessment (EQA), which should help stabilize test positivity, standing at 9.1% in 2023. Thanks to the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, favorable epidemiological trends have been observed, with a 32.3% decrease in incidence and a 47.8% decrease in mortality between 2000 and 2022. The future of the program lies in its further optimization, with a goal of both increasing coverage of the target population by examination and quality improvement, ensuring the program’s feasibility and efficiency.
- MeSH
- incidence MeSH
- kolonoskopie MeSH
- kolorektální nádory * diagnóza mortalita prevence a kontrola MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- okultní krev MeSH
- plošný screening metody MeSH
- primární prevence MeSH
- řízení kvality MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Heterotopický pankreas (HP) je vrozená anomálie charakterizovaná přítomností pankreatické tkáně, která je anatomicky oddělena od hlavní pankreatické žlázy bez kontinuity vývodného systému a vaskularity. Nejčastější místa pro tento posun jsou v horní části gastrointestinálního traktu, zejména v žaludku, duodenu a proximálním jejunu. Mezi další méně obvyklá místa patří jícen, ileum, Meckelův divertikl, žlučový strom, mezenterium a slezina. Nekomplikovaný heterotopický pankreas obvykle nevykazuje příznaky a léze je často objevena náhodně během nesouvisejících operací, zobrazovacích vyšetření nebo pitvy. Tato zpráva popisuje 35letého muže s anamnézou požití žíraviny, který vykazoval dysfagii. Během chirurgického výkonu byla přibližně 40 cm od DJ flexury v jejunu pozorována tkáň o rozměrech 0,7 × 0,5 cm. Identifikovaná tkáň byla vyříznuta a odeslána na histopatologické vyšetření (HPE). Závěrem doporučujeme excizi ektopické tkáně a doporučujeme HPE, protože diagnózu HP nelze potvrdit bez důkladného histopatologického vyšetření. I přes svou vzácnost by měl být heterotopický pankreas zahrnut do diferenciální diagnózy při hodnocení gastrointestinálních stromálních tumorů.
Heterotopic pancreas (HP) is a congenital anomaly characterized by the presence of pancreatic tissue that is anatomically separate from the main pancreatic gland without continuity of the duct system and vascularity. The most frequent locations for this displacement are within the upper gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum. Other less common sites include the esophagus, ileum, Meckel diverticulum, biliary tree, mesentery, and spleen. Typically, uncomplicated heterotopic pancreas does not exhibit symptoms, and the lesion is often discovered incidentally during unrelated surgeries, imaging examinations, or autopsy. This report describes a 35-year-old male with a history of corrosive ingestion who presented with dysphagia. During surgical exploration, a tissue measuring 0.7 × 0.5 cm was observed approximately 40 cm from the DJ flexure in the jejunum. The identified tissue was excised and sent in for histopathological examination (HPE). In conclusion, we advise the excision of the ectopic tissue and recommend HPE because the diagnosis of HP cannot be confirmed without a thorough histopathological examination. Despite its rarity, heterotopic pancreas should be included in the differential diagnosis when evaluating gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
- Klíčová slova
- heterotopický pankreas,
- MeSH
- choristom chirurgie diagnóza komplikace MeSH
- chronická pankreatitida * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- endoskopie trávicího systému MeSH
- jejunum abnormality chirurgie MeSH
- kaustika otrava MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pankreas abnormality anatomie a histologie MeSH
- poruchy polykání * chirurgie etiologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
BACKGROUND: Glomus tumors (GTs) are mesenchymal neoplasms that are typically benign. Gastric GTs are uncommon and occur mainly in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Malignant gastric GTs are extremely rare, constituting less than 1% of gastric tumors. Because their features are similar to those of other tumors found in the same gastrointestinal region, such as stromal tumors, leiomyomas, lymphomas, and lipomas, the diagnosis is challenging. CASE PRESENTATION: A 52-year-old male patient presented with fatigue and melena. The initial endoscopic examination did not locate any source of bleeding. Six months later, pan-gastroscopy, performed due to progressive microcytic anemia, revealed a 40 × 30 mm polypoid lesion with deep ulcerations; histopathological analysis confirmed that it was a gastric GT with expression of alpha-actin and cadherin 17 and a Ki-67 index of 20%. The patient delayed surgical therapy until his symptoms worsened. Laparoscopic sleeve resection revealed a 65 × 45 × 25 mm tumor, and secondary immunohistochemical analysis revealed extensive spread into the mucosa and subserosa. Focally, the tumor bulged into some large veins. Genetic examination with RNA isolation further supported the histopathological diagnosis of gastric GT with uncertain malignant potential. CONCLUSIONS: This case underscores the diagnostic challenges posed by gastric GTs because they are rare and their clinical features are similar to those of other gastric tumors. Thorough histopathological and molecular analysis is essential for an accurate diagnosis. Surgical intervention remains the primary therapeutic approach. This case also emphasizes the need for long-term follow-up due to the potential for recurrence and malignancy.
- MeSH
- gastrointestinální krvácení * etiologie chirurgie patologie MeSH
- gastroskopie MeSH
- glomangiom * patologie chirurgie komplikace diagnóza MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nádory žaludku * patologie komplikace chirurgie MeSH
- prognóza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- kazuistiky MeSH
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to gather an international consensus group to propose a global definition and diagnostic approach of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) to guide primary care and specialist physicians in the management of LPR. METHODS: Forty-eight international experts (otolaryngologists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, and physiologists) were included in a modified Delphi process to revise 48 statements about definition, clinical presentation, and diagnostic approaches to LPR. Three voting rounds determined a consensus statement to be acceptable when 80% of experts agreed with a rating of at least 8/10. Votes were anonymous and the analyses of voting rounds were performed by an independent statistician. RESULTS: After the third round, 79.2% of statements (N = 38/48) were approved. LPR was defined as a disease of the upper aerodigestive tract resulting from the direct and/or indirect effects of gastroduodenal content reflux, inducing morphological and/or neurological changes in the upper aerodigestive tract. LPR is associated with recognized non-specific laryngeal and extra-laryngeal symptoms and signs that can be evaluated with validated patient-reported outcome questionnaires and clinical instruments. The hypopharyngeal-esophageal multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH testing can suggest the diagnosis of LPR when there is >1 acid, weakly acid or nonacid hypopharyngeal reflux event in 24 h. CONCLUSION: A global consensus definition for LPR is presented to improve detection and diagnosis of the disease for otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, and primary care practitioners. The approved statements are offered to improve collaborative research by adopting common and validated diagnostic approaches to LPR. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 5 Laryngoscope, 134:1614-1624, 2024.
- MeSH
- elektrická impedance MeSH
- laryngofaryngeální reflux * diagnóza MeSH
- larynx * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- monitorování jícnového pH MeSH
- otorinolaryngologové MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Obezita je celosvětovým problémem s rostoucí prevalencí, což má vážné důsledky nejen pro zdraví jednotlivců, ale i pro společnost. Zvýšený výskyt nadváhy a obezity vede k vyšším nákladům na zdravotní péči a omezuje pracovní příležitosti jednotlivců, což má vliv na jejich kvalitu života. Léčba obezity zahrnuje různé přístupy, vč. diety, cvičení, farmakoterapie a chirurgických bariatrických zákroků. Mezi nové a slibné metody léčby patří endoskopická sleeve gastroplastika (ESG). ESG nabízí bezpečnou, minimálně invazivní metodu, která vede k redukci objemu žaludku a má dlouhodobé výsledky stran redukce hmotnosti. Díky značnému pokroku na poli endoskopie a endoskopické sutury lze očekávat nová zařízení, pomocí nichž ESG bude ještě bezpečnější, méně expert dependentní a její výsledky se budou významně přibližovat výsledkům bariatrické chirurgie.
Obesity is a global problem with a rising prevalence, which has serious implications not only for individuals‘ health but also for society as a whole. The increased incidence of overweight and obesity leads to higher healthcare costs and limits the employment opportunities of individuals, affecting their quality of life. The treatment of obesity encompasses various approaches, including diet, exercise, pharmacotherapy, and surgical bariatric procedures. New and promising methods of treatment include endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). ESG offers a safe, minimally invasive method that reduces the volume of the stomach and has long-term results in terms of weight reduction. Thanks to significant advances in the field of endoscopy and endoscopic suturing, we can expect new and improved devices to be used in ESG. This will make ESG even safer, less dependent on the expertise of physicians, and its outcomes will significantly approach those of traditional bariatric surgery.
Bariatrická a metabolická chirurgie je nejinvazivnější, ale také nejúčinnější léčbou těžké obezity a asociovaných komorbidit. Nejčastěji se provádí laparoskopická sleeve gastrektomie a Roux-Y gastrický bypass. Pooperační komplikace se vyskytují v 4–10 % případů. Většina z nich je lehkých a jsou léčeny konzervativně. Komplexní řešení vážných komplikací často zahrnuje chirurgickou reintervenci, která je zatížena vysokou morbiditou. Technologický pokrok v terapeutické endoskopii rozšiřuje možnosti minimálně invazivní léčby těchto komplikací a ve vybraných případech může být i metodou první volby v jejich managementu. Autoři prezentují souhrn aktuálních endoskopických postupů při řešení ulcerací, leaku, fistul, stenóz a dalších komplikací. Na vlastním souboru 45 pacientů léčených v průběhu 10 let (11/2013–11/2023) v okresní nemocnici Jablonec nad Nisou je uveden přehled použitých endoskopických metod, počty procedur, délka a výsledky vlastní endoskopické léčby. Autorský komentář popisuje trendy vedoucí k dalšímu zlepšení výsledků endoskopické léčby.
Bariatric and metabolic surgery is the most invasive but also the most effective treatment for severe obesity and associated comorbidities. The most common procedures performed are laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-Y gastric bypass. Postoperative complications occur in 4–10% cases. The majority of them are mild and are treated conservatively. Complex management of severe complications often involves surgical re-intervention, which is associated with high morbidity. Technological advancements in therapeutic endoscopy expand the options for minimally invasive treatment of these complications and, in selected cases, may even be the method of choice in their management. The authors present a summary of current endoscopic procedures for managing ulcerations, leaks, fistulas, strictures, and other complications. Based on a cohort of 45 patients treated over a period of 10 years (11/2013–11/2023) at the district hospital in Jablonec nad Nisou, an overview of the endoscopic methods used, procedure numbers, duration, and outcomes of endoscopic treatment is provided. The author’s commentary describes trends leading to further improvement in the outcomes of endoscopic treatment.
Obezita se stala celosvětovým problémem s rostoucí incidencí představující riziko pro zdraví, zejména pro kardiovaskulární onemocnění, diabetes, některé typy nádorových onemocnění, depresivní syndrom a další. Metody léčby obezity se stále rozšiřují, kromě dietních a pohybových opatření je možná farmakologická, endoskopická a chirurgická léčba. Jednou z často prováděných bariatrických chirurgických operací je Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, který kombinuje restriktivní a malabsorpční účinky. V rámci rozvoje nových metod se začal provádět banded gastric bypass s využitím Fobi ringu. Jeho výhodou je vyšší účinnost při snižování a udržování hmotnosti. Jednou z popsaných komplikací je migrace Fobi ringu, kterou lze dnes řešit endoskopicky.
Obesity has become a worldwide problem with a growing incidence, posing a risk to health, especially for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, depressive syndrome, and others. The methods of obesity treatment are still expanding, in addition to diet and exercise measures, pharmacological, endoscopic and surgical treatment is possible. One of the commonly performed bariatric surgical procedures is the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which combines restrictive and malabsorptive effects. As part of the development of new methods, the banded gastric bypass using the Fobi ring has been introduced. Its advantage is greater efficiency in reducing and maintaining weight. One of the described complications is the migration of the Fobi ring, which can be addressed endoscopically today.
- Klíčová slova
- Fobi ring,
- MeSH
- gastrointestinální endoskopie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- migrace cizích těles * diagnostické zobrazování terapie MeSH
- morbidní obezita chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- Rouxova Y-anastomóza MeSH
- žaludeční bypass * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH